1、加强科技创新引领畜牧未来Strengthen the Innovation of Science and Technology Drive the prosperous future of Animal Science时建忠中国农业科学院畜牧研究所Jianzhong ShiDirector of Institute of Animal Science Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Beijing 100094, China,目 录,中国畜牧科技现状畜牧科技面临的挑战和任务畜牧科技发展方向和重点,ContentsCurrent situatio
2、n of animal science and technology in ChinaChallenge and responsibility of animal science and technologyFuture direction and priority of animal science and technology,畜牧业在中国有悠久的历史,早在新石器时代,人们就开始驯养猪、鸡、狗,但发展一直很慢。1949年后,特别是改革开放20多年来,中国畜牧业快速发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就。1980年以来,世界肉类增量的50%,禽蛋增量的70%来自中国。2005年中国畜牧业总产值达到130
3、00亿元,占农业总产值的35%,农民增收的40%来自畜牧业的收入。畜牧业已成为 国民经济的重要组成部分。History of Chinas animal husbandry Began with the Neolithic Age with low growth rate Experienced a rapid development since 1949, especially through year 1978 to 1998. Becoming an independent industry and an important sector in the national economy.
4、 By 2005, the animal husbandry value accounted for 35% of gross agricultural value.,“科学技术是第一生产力”。中国畜牧业的快速发展,科学技术发挥了重要的作用,“畜禽水产养殖技术” 被中国工程院评为20世纪最伟大的科技成果之一,与两弹一星相提并论。技术进步对中国畜牧业经济增长的贡献率50% 。 Science and technology take great role in the rapid development of Chinas animal husbandry. Science and Technol
5、ogy Progress contributes 50% to the animal husbandry economic growth. Animal husbandry techniques including were highlighted as one of the greatest Sci-tech achievements of 1990s .,1 中国畜牧科技现状1.1 建立了一支适应畜牧生产需要,中央、地方并举,科 研、教学、企业结合的科技队伍和科研机构 畜牧科技工作随畜牧业的发展而发展,畜牧科技史就是畜牧业的发展史。1Situation of animal science
6、and technology in China1.1 Powerful Institution and Research staff for Animal husbandryCentral governmentLocal governmentScientific researchEducationindustry,Integration,历史回顾1904:成立北洋马医学堂,改良马和培养兽医1906:成立中央农事实验场,开展畜牧科研工作1912:设立第一、二、三种畜饲养场,开展种畜改良工作。1931:成立中央农业实验所畜牧兽医系1933:中央种畜场1934: 中央农业实验所,设兽医系1941:中
7、央畜牧实验所1948:东北行政委员会农林处家畜防疫所 1957:中国农业科学院畜牧研究所Historical review1904:Viceroys Horse Hospital Medical School 1906:National central Agricultural Farm1912:The first three Breeding Stock Farm1931:Department of animal and veterinary science of the general institute of China Agricultural Research1933:The gen
8、eral breeding farm1941: The general institute of animal Science 1957:Institute of Animal Science, CAAS,1.1.1机构与人员中国畜牧科研资源集中分布于各类研究与开发机构、企业和高等院校。2001年全国地市级以上(含地市级)具有法人地位的国有独立的畜牧科研机构125个,其中部(局)属9个,省属60个,地(市属)56个。从业人员8145人。全国各类大专院校有畜牧科研机构70个,人员1226人,是畜牧科研又一支主要力量。1.1.1 Organization and staff members 125
9、 regional and provincial independent institutes of animal science and 8145 staff 70 research departments within universities and colleges and 1226 staff,1.1.2. 经费经费主要来源于政府财政拨款和非财政拨款 。 2001年科技经费投入4.89亿元,其中政府拨款3.06亿元,占总经费的62.46%。1.1.2 Funding SupportGovernment support and non- Government source In 200
10、1, 489 million yuan(RMB) was input to Sci-Tch research, among which there are 62.46% came from government side,1.1.3. 科技计划畜牧科技计划有20多个,涉及科技部、农业部、财政部、发展计划与改革委员会、教育部、国家自然基金委员会等国家多个部委。地方政府也设立了多项科技计划.主要科技计划有:“973”、“863”、”948”、 “国家自然科学基金”、 “社会公益性研究”、“科技攻关”、“国家科技资源平台建设”、“科技成果转化”、 “跨越计划”、“结构调整专项”、“农业高新技术示范工
11、程”等。1.1.3 Sci-Tech Plans More than 20 specific Animal Sci-Tech Plans, sponsored made by MOST, MOA, MOF, NDRF, MOE, NNSFC, etc Major Sci-Tech Plans are 973, 863, 948, NNSF, Public benefit and service, National Sci-Tech project, etc,1.2 取得了大批科技成果,展现中国畜牧科技实力,1949年以来,全国累计取得畜牧类重要科技成果2000 多项,其中获省部级以上奖励的重大
12、科技成果1100余项。中国美利奴羊、瘦肉型猪品种的培育,马传贫、猪瘟、口蹄疫、禽流感等疫苗的研制和动物血吸虫病的控制,畜禽饲料营养价值评定和饲养标准的建立等方面成绩显著。1.2 Fruitful animal Sci-Tech achievementsMore than 2000 items of animal Sci-Tech achievements throughout China since 1949, among which 1100 items were awarded at ministry level.China has the priority in the followin
13、g areas: Fine breeds ,like China Merino Sheep and lean-type pig breeds Effective animal epidemic disease Control System Feed and Feeing standard and evaluation system,1.2.1畜禽遗传资源, 资源调查 50年代:开始畜禽品种资源调查。 1976年:开展全国大规模畜禽品种资源调查,历时九年。基本摸请了全国大部地区的品种资源状况,出版了中国猪、牛、羊、家禽、马驴五部品种志,各省还分别编辑出版了地方品种志 。 1995年
14、:对西南、西北部的偏远地区进行了畜禽品种资源补充调查,历时4年,发现了79个新遗传资源群体。1.2.1 Animal genetic resources1.2.1.1 Identification and investigation1950s, small scale investigation of animal breeds1976-1985, finished editing China swine, bovine, sheep, poultry and horse breeds based on the national scale investigation of animal br
15、eeds 1995-1999, 79 new genetic accessions were discovered in south-west and north-west area.,根据历次品种资源调查及 “国家畜禽品种审定委员会”的审核,到 2001年中国畜禽遗传资源有20个物种,576个品种和类群,其中地方品种(类群)为426个,培育品种有73个,引进品种有77个By 2001, China has:More than 20 domestic animal species and 576 cultivars426 Local breeds 73 cultivate breeds77 i
16、mported breeds, 保护和利用开展了畜禽遗传资源保护方法与技术的研究,建立了活体(原地和异地)、胚胎、细胞、基因保存多种形式并存的较为完善的保存体系。微卫星等分子遗传标记的应用为猪、鸡、牛、羊等品种的起源与进化研究及遗传多样性的保护提供了重要依据。畜禽遗传资源平台的建设也取得了重大进展,畜禽种质资源的分类标准、收集标准、描述标准、数据整理标准和质量管理规范等已经制订完成。 resources preservation and utilizationEstablished efficient genetic resources conserv
17、ation system, including by using living animals , embryo, cell and gene Application of Microsatellite DNA as Molecular Genetic Marker studies on the origin, evolution and genetic diversity of animal species.Great progress has been made in the construction of platform for animal genetic resources, su
18、ch as the established standards for classification, collection, inventory, data collection and quality management.,1.2.2 畜禽新品种培育和良种繁殖, 新品种培育选育出了以“中国美利奴羊” 、“中国瘦肉型猪新品系”、 “中国荷斯坦牛”、“瘦肉型北京鸭”、“黄羽肉鸡新品系”、“节粮型小型蛋鸡”、“中国西门塔尔牛”等为代表的一批优良畜禽新品种(系 )。目前,中国猪、奶牛的良种覆盖率分别达到97%、73%,蛋鸡和白羽肉鸡基本实现良种化。 1.2.2 Animal bre
19、eding and reproduction new breed cultivation China Merino Sheep China Holstein cow Lean type beijing duckYellow-feather ChickenChinese Simmental CattleOf all the pig and cattle, fine breed pig and cattle accounts for 97% and 73% respectively. Egg-laying poultry and broiler are nearly all fin
20、e breed., 育种技术与理论分子标记和标记辅助育种方面,已筛选到猪和羊多胎基因、猪和鸡肉品质相关基因、猪和奶牛抗病基因许多重要性状基因的分子标记,定位了一些与生长、产肉、产奶性状相关的QTL。目前猪的氟烷敏感基因分子诊断方法已被应用于种猪选育与生产,鸡的矮小基因已在配套系选育中发挥作用,猪的高繁主基因,猪、鸡肉质性状相关基因或其分子标记也已被应用于动物育种之中,标志着中国分子育种技术水平进入了一个新阶段。 Breeding theories and technologyBy using molecular marker and marker-assisted
21、selection (MAS) breeding technology, several genes have been selected, such as in reproduction and meat quality research., 繁殖技术 胚胎移植、体外授精、牛羊胚胎性别鉴定、核移植、显微授精、单克隆抗体和核酸探针、胚胎细胞克隆、体细胞克隆等高技术研究达到了较高水平,为加快制种速度、加大供种力度提供了技术支撑。特别是人工授精、胚胎移植技术的推广应用,为品种改良发挥了重要作用。 Reproduction technology Modern reprod
22、uction techniques, such as embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, cattle and sheep embryo identification, nuclear transfer, micro-fertilization, monoclonal antibody technology, nucleic acid probe, embryo cell cloning, somatic cell cloning, have prompted the domestic animal reproduction progress.Es
23、pecially the application and extension of artificial insemination and embryo transfer techniques has taken great role in livestock breed improvement.,1.2.3 动物营养与饲料, 饲养标准 1986-1987发布了猪、鸡、牛、羊国家饲养标准(后被调整为行业标准,“十五”期间又做了修订,为饲料工业的兴起及发展提供了技术支撑。1.2.3 Animal nutrition and feed science1.2.3.1 Feeding s
24、tandardsSince 1970s, the research of animal nutrient requirements has been focused on swine, chick, bovine and sheep nutrition, and the feeding standards were issued accordingly. Feeding standards offered the technical support and guidance for the rapid development of feed industry., 饲料营养价值评定
25、:1958年,制订了“暂行饲料分析法”。1959年,出版了中国饲料营养成分表 1984年,统一了猪、鸡、反刍动物饲料营养价值评定方法,完成了“中国饲料成分及营养价值表”,并研制了“中国饲料数据库“,在中国农业科学院畜牧研究所建立了“中国饲料数据库情报网中心”。 Feed nutrient evaluation1958: Temporary feed analysis method1959: Chinese feed nutrient composition table1984: Chinese feed database and information center in IAS
26、/CAAS, 饲料检测技术:已建立饲料原料、饲料产品和部分饲料添加剂的常规营养成分、微量营养成分、毒素和特殊成分的检测方法和检测技术,形成了覆盖全国的质量监测体系。转基因饲料的检验方法的研究,实现对转基因饲料的有效监控1.2.3.3 The technique of feed checking and analysis The methods and techniques has been set up for feed nutrient composition of raw feed materials, feed products and some feed additive
27、s . Inspection for gene-modified feed, 饲料添加剂研制与应用:10多年前中国绝大多数饲料添加剂产品几乎全部依赖进口。目前所有维生素产品都已国产化 ,而且部分产品大量出口。 有的生产技术如维生素 B2、植酸酶等处于国际领先水平。近年来新开发出益生素、寡糖、酶制剂、酸化剂、肽、免疫增强剂、植物提取物等添加剂。 Study on feed additive and its applicationChina imported most of the feed additives 10 years agoFeed vitamins pro
28、duced in China and export nowadaysNew feed additives have been developed in recent years, such as prebiotics, oligosaccharide ,enzymes, peptide, and plant extraction, etc,1.2.4 牧草品种选育及草地改良, 牧草品种选育通过不同的育种技术和方法,培育出一批适于中国不同生态地区种植的优良牧草品种,到2003年底,经国家牧草育种委员会审定的牧草和饲料作物新品种共有268个。其中,新育成的108个,地方品种40个,引
29、进品种76个,野生驯化28个。1.2.4 Pasture and feed crops1.2.4.1 forage breeding Cultivation of new fine breed grasses varieties, which are suitable for different ecosystem, by using different breeding techniques and methods.268 new cultivars have been examined and approved since 2003, among which 108 are newly c
30、ultivated, 40 are local breeds,76 are imported and 28 are trained breeds., 草地改良在退化沙化、碱化、草地改良,草地生态系统以及草地配套技术的研究方面均取得重大成果。应用遥感技术开展草地资源调查 、雪灾、火灾和草地资源动态监测。开展草原火发生规律和草原火管理方面的研究,发现了无树草原火周期研究方法, 解决了长期以来无树草原只能根据经验估测火周期的方法。 Grassland improvement Study for Complementary techniques in grassland
31、improvement Application of Remote Sensing Techniques in investigation and dynamic inspect of germplasm resources, natural disaster. Establishment and management of artificial pastures,1.3 科技创新,支撑了畜牧业高速发展1.3.1畜牧业持续增长,meat,egg,milk,1.3 Sci-Tech renovation supports a highly grow rate of animal husbandr
32、y1.3.1 Sustainable development of animal husbandry,Yield/year 10,000 tons,Aquatic products,Crop,Meat,Egg,Grow rate,1.3.2 畜牧业结构布局逐步优化,规模化水平有 所提高年出栏50头猪:34%年出栏2000只鸡:74.2%饲养5头奶牛: 55.2%规模化养殖小区:40000个1.3.2 Animal husbandry structure optimized gradually, and industrialization level improved steadily,Meat
33、 structure,%,chicken,Beef and mutton,pork,Proportion of Animal products produced in major areas,pork,beef,mutton,milk,chicken,eggs,1.3.3畜牧生产性能提高,增加了农民收入以饲料工业发展为例,推广一吨配合饲料,养殖业增收200元。2005年,生产1亿吨,增加收入200亿元1.3.3 Improved animal productivity and increased farms income,10年间猪鸡生产性能比较productivity Comparison
34、between pigs and chicken in the last 10 years,2 面临的挑战和任务,2.1中国畜牧业发展面临的主要问题市场相对饱和,产品结构性过剩产品科技含量低,市场竞争能力弱兽医保护薄弱,畜禽死亡率高饲料资源不足,利用效率不高加工基础薄弱,畜产品附加值低生态及生产环境恶化,可持续发展面临着挑战2 Challenge and responsibility 2.1 Problems in the development of Chinas animal husbandry Relative saturated market ,and surplus of low l
35、evel animal productsLow Sci-Tech products with a poor ability market competitivenessinsufficient veterinary protection system lead to a high animal death rate Insufficient feed resources and lower feed utilizationweak processing sector producing lower value-added products With the deterioration of e
36、cosystem and production environment, sustainable animal husbandry are facing challenge,2.2 国民经济发展对畜牧业提出新的要求 努力提高质量和安全,大力开发优质多样化畜产品积极推进产业化经营,带领小农户适应大市场努力降低生产成本,提高劳动生产效率提高产品科技含量,增强国际市场竞争能力合理利用资源,改善生态环境,实现可持续发展。2.2 New demand for animal husbandry according to the development of national economyEnhancin
37、g the food quality and safety, to develop the quality animal products Advancing the industrialized management, lead small farmers to adapt the global marketReducing the cost and increasing the productivityImproving the high Sci-Tech products to adapt the competitive marketUtilizing resources properl
38、y, improving the ecosystem so as to maintain a sustainable development,20102030年中国肉类、禽蛋和奶预计产量,单位:万吨,千克 Unit: 10,000 tons or kg,2.3高速发展的畜牧业,需要强大的科技支撑,2.3 Advanced animal husbandry needs stronger Sci-Tech support,3.1 畜牧科技发展目标适应中国畜牧业已经初步摆脱了畜产品严重短缺,畜牧业生产已由传统的只注重产量增长目标向质量和产量并重转变和向增加国际竞争能力、有效保护生态环境方面转变的需要
39、;针对当前中国畜牧业在安全、质量、资源、环境方面面临的重大挑战;为建设一个质量效益俱佳、生产加工并重、富有国际竞争力、现代化水平较高的新型畜牧业产业体系提供技术支撑。3 Future direction and priority of animal science and technology3.1 The goal of animal science and technologyto transform the way of economic growth from the traditional extensive animal husbandry to the modern intens
40、ive sustainable one to enhance the food safety and quality, sustainablely utilize the resources and consider the environmental implications to construct a newly supportive animal husbandry industry with emphasis on the balance of the quality, productivity, processing ,high Sci-Tech and value-added a
41、nimal products,3 科技发展方向和重点研究内容,3.2战略任务以畜牧科技原始创新和畜牧发展中的重大关键技术为重点,对传统养殖技术进行改造和升级,尽快建立优质高效集约化的现代养殖体系,提高重大动物疫病控制能力,促进传统养殖业向现代养殖业的快速转变,从根本上解决中国畜牧业发展面临的资源制约问题、质量安全问题、生态安全问题和动物疫病控制问题。3.2 Strategic responsibility Centering on the original innovation and key technology in animal husbandry Modifying and updat
42、ing the traditional feeding techniques Constructing the qualified effectively modern feeding system Enhancing the ability to control infectious disease Transforming from traditional animal industry to modern animal husbandry Solving the problems related to the limitations of resources for animal hus
43、bandry, food safety and quality, environmental safety and animal disease,3.3发展方向,3.3.1 畜禽育种3.3.1.1 方向系统性地在分子水平上开展畜禽遗传资源的鉴定评价和创新利用研究,重点发掘优异的新材料、新基因,走发掘与引进相结合的道路以畜禽生产能力的提高作为最基本的育种目标,通过不断提高品种生产力保障畜产品供给将优质、专用化新品种作为畜禽育种创新的重点 加强高新技术在育种技术中的应用研究,通过育种技术的升级,实现高新技术的实用化、高效化和安全化,大幅度地提高畜禽育种效率,增加畜禽品种的科技含量。3.3 Futu
44、re direction3.3.1 Breeding3.3.1.1 directionConducting the systematic study on the genetic resources identification and evaluation by using molecular technologyImproving the potential productivity through breedingDeveloping fine animal breed and specialized breed Integrating new technology into anima
45、l breeding techniques,畜禽育种技术将实现三个转变育种目标:高产高产+优质+专用 育种技术:常规育种常规育种+分子育种畜禽品种:高产型高产+优质+专用+资源高效型+环境友好型Great changes will take place in animal breeding :Breeding goals: high productivity + high qualified + specializedBreeding techniques: traditional techniques + molecular techniquesAnimal breeds: high pro
46、ductivity + high qualified + specialized + effectiveness + environmental friendly breeds, 重点内容畜禽优良种质资源的发掘与创新 畜禽种质资源的分子解析和精细评价核心种质的构建及优异功能基因的挖掘畜禽资源长期安全保存的技术研究畜禽种质重要性状鉴定测试技术和标准的研究畜禽种质资源信息管理系统的完善。, Major contentDeveloping and innovating of fine breed germplasm resourcesMolecular analysis
47、and evaluation of germplasm resourcesConstruction of key germplasmDeveloping fine functional gene(s)Study on long term and safe preservation of germplasm resourcesIdentification techniques and standards for the important properties Accomplish the germplasm resources information management system,畜禽育
48、种新技术研究畜禽快速、准确、高效的转基因技术研究分子标记辅助育种技术的研究畜禽抗病遗传规律及其鉴定技术的研究畜禽品质遗传规律和分析技术的研究畜禽诱变育种、细胞工程育种技术的研究。,Study on the new breeding technologyRapid , accurate and highly efficient gene transferMolecular marker breeding techniquesThe genetic rule of animal antidisease and identification techniquesThe genetic rule of
49、 quality and analysis techniquesInduced mutation breeding and cell technology breeding techniques,高产、优质、专用新品种(系)选育及配套系开发 在种质创新和育种技术升级的基础上,培育出一批畜禽新品种(系)选育及配套系,使中国猪、禽饲养基本实现良种化,猪、蛋鸡、奶牛的生产性能达到国际先进水平。,Cultivating and selecting the fine breeds with high productivity, high quality and specializationTo develop the fine breed breeding system based on the Innovation of animal germplasm and updating of breeding techniques,
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