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1、智能照明控制系统智能照明控制系统是利用先进电磁调压及电子感应技术,对供电进行实时监控与跟踪,自动平滑地调节电路的电压和电流幅度,改善照明电路中不平衡负荷所带来的额外功耗,提高功率因素,降低灯具和线路的工作温度,达到优化供电目的照明控制系统。智能照明控制系统在确保灯具能够正常工作的条件下,给灯具输出一个最佳的照明功率,既可减少由于过压所造成的照明眩光,使灯光所发出的光线更加柔和,照明分布更加均匀,又可大幅度节省电能,智能照明控制系统节电率可达 20%-40%。智能照明控制系统它可在照明及混合电路中使用,适应性强,能在各种恶劣的电网环境和复杂的负载情况下连续稳定地工作,同时还将有效地延长灯具寿命和


3、观。利用照明智能化控制可以根据环境变化、客观要求、用户预定需求等条件而自动采集照明系统中的各种信息,并对所采集的信息进行相应的逻辑分析、推理、判断、并对分析结果按要求的形式存储、显示、传输,进行相应的工作状态信息反馈控制,以达到预期的控制效果。智能化照明控制系统具有以下特点: 系统集成性。是集计算机技术、计算机网络通信技术、自动控制技术、微电子技术、数据库技术和系统集成技术于一体的现代控制系统。 智能化。具有信息采集、传输、逻辑分析、智能分析推理及反馈控制等智能特征的控制系统。 网络化。传统的照明控制系统大都是独立的、本地的、局部的系统,不需要利用专门的网络进行连接,而智能照明控制系统可以是大

4、范围的控制系统,需要包括硬件技术和软件技术的计算机网络通信技术支持,以进行必要的控制信息交换和通信。 使用方便。由于各种控制信息可以以图形化的形式显示,所以控制方便,显示直观,并可以利用编程的方法灵活改变照明效果。2、照明控制系统的基本类型按照控制系统的控制功能和作用范围,照明控制系统可以分为以下几类。(1)点(灯)控制型点(灯)控制就是指可以直接对某盏灯进行控制的系统或设备,早期的照明控制系统和家庭照明控制系统及普通的室内照明控制系统基本上都采用点(灯)控制方式,这种控制方式具有简单,仅使用一些电器开关、导线及组合就可以完成灯的控制功能,是目前使用最为广泛和最基本的照明控制系统,是照明控制系

5、统的基本单元。(2 区域控制型区域控制型照明控制系统,是指能在某个区域范围内完成照明控制的照明控制系统,特点是可以对整个控制区域范围内的所有灯具按不同的功能要求进行直接或间接的控制。由于照明控制系统在设计时基本上是按回路容量进行的,即按照每回路进行分别控制的,所以又叫做路(线)控型照明控制系统。分页一般而言,路(线)控型照明控制系统由控制主机、控制信号输入单元、控制信号输出单元和通信控制单元等组成。主要用于道理照明控制、广场及公共场所照明、大型建筑物、城市标志性建筑物、公共活动场所和桥梁照明控制等应用场合。(3 )网络控制型网络控制型照明控制系统通过计算机网络技术将许多局部小区域内的照明设备进

6、行联网,从而由一个控制中心进行统一控制的照明控制系统,在照明控制中心内,由计算机控制系统对控制区域内的照明设备进行统一的控制管理,网络控制型照明系统一般由以下几部分组成。1) 控制系统中心一般由服务器、计算机工作站、网络控制交换设备等组成的计算机硬件控制系统和由数据库、控制应用软件等组成的照明控制软件等两大部分组成,采用网络型照明控制系统主要有以下优点。 便于系统管理,提高系统管理效率。 提高系统控制水平。 提高系统维护效率。 减少系统运营、维护成本。 可以进行照明设备的编程控制,产生各种所需要的照明效果。 便于采用各种节能措施,实现照明系统的节能控制。2) 控制信号人民传输系统通过控制信号传

7、输系统完成照明网络控制系统中有关控制信号和反馈信号的传输,从而完成对控制区域内的照明设备进行控制。3) 区域照明控制网络照明控制系统实际上是对一定控制区域的若干小区域的照明控制系统(设备)进行联网控制,区域照明控制系统(设备)是整个联网控制系统的一个子系统,它既可以作为一个独立的控制系统使用,也可以作为联网控制系统的终端设备使用。4) 灯控设备通过整个照明控制系统要完成对每盏灯的控制,灯控设备安装在每盏灯上,并可以通过远程控制信号传输单元与照明控制中心通信,从而完成对每盏灯的有关控制(如开/关、调光控制),并可以通过照明控制中心对每盏灯的工作状态进行有关监控,从而完成对每盏灯的控制。分页 (4

8、)节能控制型照明系统的节能是全球普遍关注的问题,照明节能一般可以通过两条途径实现:一是使用高效的照明装置(例如光源、灯具和镇流器等);二是在需要照明时使用,不需要照明时关断,尽量减少不必要的开灯时间、开灯数量和过高照明亮度,这点需要通过照明控制来实现,它主要包含以下两方面的内容。1) 照明灯具的节能提高电光源的发光效率,实现低能耗,高效率照明是电光源发展的一个重要方向。2) 照明控制设备的节能采用适当的照明控制设备也可以很好地提高照明系统的工作效率,例如采用红外线运动检测技术、恒亮(照)度照明技术,在照明环境有人出现需要照明时,就通过照明控制系统接通照明光源,反之如果照明环境没有人,不需要照明

9、时,就关断照明光源。再如,如果室外自然光较强时,可以适当降低室内照明电光源的发光强度,而当室外自然光源较弱时,可以适当提高室内照明电光源的发光强度,从而实现照明环境的恒亮(照)度照明,达到照明节能的效果。3) 营造良好的照明环境人们对照明环境的要求与从事的活动密切相关,以满足不同使用功能的要求,具体体现如下。 可以通过控制照明环境来划分照明空间,当照明房间和隔断发生变化时,可以通过相应的控制使之随着灵活变化。 通过采用控制方法可以在同一房间中营造不同的气氛,通过不同的视觉感受,从生理上、心理上给人积极的影响。4) 节约能源将来人们对生活质量的要求不断提高,照明在整个建筑能耗中所占的比例日益增加

10、,据统计,在楼宇能量消耗中,仅照明就占 33%(空调占 50%,其他占 17%),照明节能日显重要,发达国家在 20 世纪 60 年代末、70 年代初已开始重视这方面的工作,特别是从保护环境的角度出发,世界各国都非常重视推行“绿色照明 ”计划,所以说对智能照明控制系统的研究是非常有意义的。随着科学技术水平的不断创新与完善,对于智能照明系统的不断研究使得智能照明系统的优势越来越多,有一大批智能照明的企业从中脱颖而出,智能照明除了方便了我们的生活,还给我们生活增添了无比多的快乐,让我们享受这个性时尚的新生活,在享乐的同时它也给予我们生活更多的安全感。相信智能照明代替传统照明灯具在各个领域的普及时间

11、将不会遥远。Intelligent lighting control systemIntelligent lighting control system is the use of advanced electromagnetic pressure regulator and electronic sensor technology to supply the additional power of real-time monitoring and tracking, automatic smoothing to adjust the circuits voltage and current

12、amplitude to improve the unbalanced load of the lighting circuits improve the power factor, reduce the operating temperature of the lighting and the lines, to optimize the power of purpose lighting control system.Intelligent lighting control system under conditions that ensure that the lighting to w

13、ork properly, the output to the lamp lighting power, can reduce lighting glare caused by overvoltage, so that the light emitted by the light softer, more evenly distributed lighting.can be significant savings in electrical energy, smart lighting control system saving rate of 20% -40%. Intelligent li

14、ghting control system, it can be used in lighting and hybrid circuits, adaptability, continuous and stable in all kinds of bad grid environment and complex load case work, and will also extend the lamp life and reduce maintenance costs.With computer technology, communications technology, automatic c

15、ontrol technology and bus technology, signal detection techniques and the rapid development of microelectronics technology and mutual penetration, lighting control technology has been greatly developed, the lighting into the era of intelligent control. The main purpose of the lighting control system

16、, intelligent two-fold: First, can improve the control and management of lighting systems, reducing the maintenance costs of the lighting system; can save energy, reduce operating costs of the lighting system.The basic concept of an intelligent lighting control systemWith the changing of the lightin

17、g system applications, the application of complex and colorful, simple switch alone can not complete the required control, so the lighting control should follow the development of and changes to meet the practical application of needs. In particular, computer technology, computer network technology,

18、 a variety of new bus technology and the development of automation technology, making the lighting control technology has been greatly improved.Lighting intelligent control based on environmental changes, the objective requirements, the user pre-demand conditions, such as automatically collect all k

19、inds of information in the lighting system, and the collection of information corresponding to the logical analysis, reasoning, judgment, and analysis requirements in the form of storage, display, transmission, and the corresponding state feedback control to achieve the desired control effect.Intell

20、igent lighting control system has the following characteristics: system integration. Computer technology, computer network communication technology, automatic control technology, microelectronic technology, database technology and system integration technology in one of modern control systems.The in

21、telligence. With information collection, transmission, logical analysis, intelligent analysis of reasoning and feedback control, intelligent control system characteristics.(3) network. Traditional lighting control systems are independent, local, local system does not require Using of a dedicated net

22、work connection and intelligent lighting control system can be a wide range of control system, computer network communications needs, including hardware and software technology technical support to carry out the necessary control information exchange and communication. easy to use. Due to a variety

23、of control information can be displayed in graphical form, so easy to control, display and intuitive, and can take advantage of the programming flexibility to change lighting effects.2, the basic types of lighting control systemControl functions and scope of the control system, lighting control syst

24、ems can be divided into the following categories.(1) (light) controlledPoint (light) control refers to a lamp control system or equipment, early lighting control systems and home lighting control systems and ordinary indoor lighting control system basically points (light) control mode, this The cont

25、rol method is simple, just use some electrical switches, wire and combination lamp control functions can be completed, is the most widely used and the most basic lighting control system is the basic unit of the lighting control system.(2) a regional controlRegional control lighting control system is

26、 in an area within the lighting control, lighting control system, is characterized by direct or indirect control of all the lights in the entire control region within the different functional requirements. Lighting control system in the design is basically the circuit capacity, that is separately co

27、ntrolled, also known as the road (line) control lighting control system in accordance with every loop. Generally speaking, the road (line) control lighting control system by the composition of the control computer, a control signal input unit, the control signal output unit and a communication contr

28、ol unit. Mainly used in reason lighting control, the Square and the lighting of public places, large buildings, landmark buildings, public places and bridges, lighting control applications.(3) type of network controlNetwork-controlled lighting control system through the computer network technology,

29、the lighting of many local small area networking, unified control of the lighting control system from a control center in the lighting control center lighting, controlled by a computer system within the control area equipment for a unified control and management, network-controlled lighting system g

30、enerally consists of the following components.1) Control Systems CenterGeneral by the servers, computer workstations, network control switching equipment, and other components of computer hardware control system and the database, control of two major components of the application software and other

31、components of the lighting control software, network lighting control system mainly has the following advantages. easy system management, improve the efficiency of system management.(2) improve the level of system control.(3) improve the system maintenance efficiency.(4) to reduce system operation a

32、nd maintenance costs. programming control of the lighting equipment can produce various lighting effects.The easy using a variety of energy-saving measures to achieve energy-saving control of lighting systems.2) control signals peoples transmission systemControl signal transmission system to complet

33、e the transmission of control signals and feedback signals in the lighting network control system, thus completing the control of lighting within the control area.3) The lighting controlNetwork lighting control system is actually a certain control region of a small area lighting control system (equi

34、pment) for network control, regional lighting control system (equipment) is a subsystem of the entire networked control system, either as an independent The control system can also be used as a networked control system terminal equipment.4) lighting control equipmentThrough the entire lighting contr

35、ol system complete control of each lamp, lighting control equipment installed in each lamp, and can communicate through the remote control signal transmission unit and the lighting control center, thus completing the relevant control of each lamp (such as open on / off, dimmer control) and monitorin

36、g the working status of each lamp lighting control center, thus completing the control of each lamp.(4) energy-saving control.Global issues of common concern is the energy-saving lighting system, energy-saving lighting is generally either of two ways: First, the use of efficient lighting devices (su

37、ch as light fixtures and ballasts, etc.); the second is used when lighting is needed, do not need to shutdown to minimize unnecessary lights time lighting, turn on the lights quantity and excessive lighting levels, lighting control to achieve, it mainly consists of the following two aspects.1) energ

38、y-saving lightingTo improve the luminous efficiency of the electric light, low-power, high efficiency lighting is an important direction of development of the electric light.2) the lighting control equipment, energy-savingProper lighting control equipment to improve the work efficiency of the lighti

39、ng system, for example, infrared motion detection technology, constant light (photo) lighting technology, lighting environment was the need for lighting, lighting control system connected to lighting sources, and vice versa if the lighting conditions, no one does not need lighting, turn off the illu

40、mination source. Again, if the outdoor natural light, strong, can be appropriate to reduce the luminous intensity of interior lighting power source, an appropriate increase in the luminous intensity of interior lighting power source when the outdoor natural light is weak, in order to achieve the lig

41、hting environment of constant light (photo ) degree of illumination, and lighting energy saving effect.3) to create a good lighting environmentPeople engaged in activities closely related to the requirements of the lighting environment, to meet the requirements of the different functions, embodied a

42、s follows.(1) can control the lighting environment to divide the lighting space, when lighting the room and cut off changes to make it through the corresponding control with the flexible change. through the use of control methods in the same room to create a different atmosphere, different visual ex

43、perience from the physical, mental, gives a positive impact.4) energy conservationWith the development of social productivity, quality of life continue to improve, increasing the proportion of lighting throughout the building energy consumption, According to statistics, in the building energy consum

44、ption, lighting alone accounts for 33% (air conditioning accounts for 50% other 17 per cent), energy-saving lighting increasingly important to developed countries in the late 1960s and early 1970s have begun to attach importance to this area of work, especially from the perspective of protecting the

45、 environment, the world attach great importance to the implementation of “green Lighting plan, so intelligent lighting control system is very meaningful.With the continuous innovation and improvement of scientific and technological level, the ongoing research of the intelligent lighting system makes

46、 more and more the advantages of intelligent lighting systems, a large number of intelligent lighting companies stand out from the intelligent lighting in addition to the convenience of our lives back to usadd life incomparably more happy, let us enjoy the new life of sexual fashion, and pleasure at the same time, it also give more security in our life. I believe intelligent lighting to replace traditional lighting in all areas of the popularity of time will not be far away.

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