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商英精读 词汇辨析搭配.doc

1、risk 基本用法1) n. danger; possibility that something harmful or undesirable may happen.危险;风险risk + of:e.g. the risk of infectionrisk + that:e.g. There is a real risk that the wheat crop may be risk: 有危险e.g. Millions of lives are at risk because of food at the risk of sth.: 有的危险e.g.

2、Evidence shows that the spotted owl is at the risk of extinction.takerun risksa risk: 冒险e.g. You have to takerun a lot of risks if you want to succeed in the risk of doing sth.: 冒的风险e.g. I dont want to run the risk of meeting George, so Ill stay here.Anyone travelling without a passport

3、 runs the risk of being ones own risk: 自担风险e.g. Danger enter at your own risk.2) vt. to put in danger; to take a chance of (a possible unpleasant result). 冒险;担的风险e.g. Youre risking your health by smoking.By criticizing the boss he risked losing his job.Jim risked his life to help save hi

4、s partner.The senators are willing to risk their careers on a matter of principle.相关搭配share risks: 共同承担风险risk fundscapital: 风险资金资本risk factors: 风险因素risk transfer: 风险转移risk moneypremium: 风险补贴perform 基本用法1) vt. to do; carry out, esp. according to a usual or established method.履行;实行;完成e.g. Rubin says h

5、e will resign when he is no longer able to perform his duties.You cant expect me to perform miracles (=do things that seem impossible).2) vt. vi. to give, act or show, esp. in the presence of the public.表演;演奏e.g. The magician performed some astonishing tricks.He will be performing on the clarinet(单簧

6、管) at the piano.3) vi. (of a machine) to work (in the proper or intended way).运行;表现e.g. This car performs badlypoorly on hills.All systems on the space shuttle appear to be performing well.The electronics industry continues to perform well.相关词performance n. 性能;功绩;运行;表演;成绩performer n. 演员相关搭配performin

7、g arts: 表演艺术high performance car: 性能良好的汽车put ongivestage a performance: 表演节目disappointing performance in an exam: 令人失望的考试成绩star performer: 明星演员replace 基本用法1) vt. (with sth.) to take the place of.取代;替换e.g. Weve replaced the old computer withby a new one.George has replaced Edward as captain of the te

8、am.Ive replaced the batteries in your Walkman.2) vt. to put something back in the right place.把放回原处e.g. He replaced the book on the shelf.Please replace your tray and return your seat to an upright position for landing.相关词replacement n. 替换;取代物;代替者相关搭配personnel replacement charts: 人事调配图replacement co

9、st: 重置成本find a replacement for: 找到接替者limit 基本用法1) vt. to keep within a certain size, amount, number, area, or place; restrict.限制;限度e.g. We must limit our spending.He limited himself to one cake each hour.A lack of formal education will limit your job opportunities.2) n. the farthest point or edge, w

10、hich cannot or must not be passed. 界限;限度( 最高或者最低的)限额to reach the limit of ones patience: 忍耐已到了极限set a limit on: 限制e.g. My wife and I set a limit on how much we spend on clothes.There is ano limit to (sth.): 有无限度e.g. Ill help as much as I can, but theres a limit to what I can do.There is no limit to

11、what you can do if you try.within limits: 在一定范围限制限度之内e.g. You can do what you like within limits (to): 禁止入内e.g. The town is off limits to military personnel.The basement is always off limits to us kids.相关词limitation n. 限制;缺陷;局限性相关搭配know ones limits: 了解自己( 的能力擅长等)e.g. I know my limits, and

12、 Im not a great runner.Her ambition knows no limits. 她野心极大。the upperlower limit: 上下限a limited liability company (LTD): 有限责任公司time limit: 时间限制;限期be belowover the limit: ( 司机)饮酒未过量过量share 基本用法1) n. the part belonging to, owed to, or done by a particular person.一份;份额e.g. I wrote a check for my share of

13、 the phone bill.A large share of their income goes toward rent.Dont you pay for all this lets go shares.2) n. any of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company can be divided, which are offered for sale to the public.股;股票;股份shares in Simens 在西门子公司的股票stocks and shares 股票e.g. He recently so

14、ld his share in the restaurant for 500,000.3) vt. to have, use, pay, or take part in (something) with others or among a group, rather than singly.共有;公用;均摊e.g. We shared the cost of the meal.We all share the responsibility for these terrible events.Its always better to share your worries and problems

15、.At his death his property was shared between his children.Do you mind sharing a room with Jenny?相关词shareholder n. 持股人;股东相关搭配the lions share of (sth.): 最大的份额share price: 股价share-holding system: 股份制go shares: 均摊market share:市场份额 1. maintain 基本用法1 ) vt. to continue to have; keep in existence, or not a

16、llow to become less.维持;保持e.g. I hope you will maintain your recent improvement.Part of her job is to maintain good relations with our suppliers.2 ) vt. to keep (a road, machine, building, etc.) in good condition.维修;保养e.g. A large country house costs a lot to maintain.The roads around the town have b

17、een very poorly maintained.3 ) vt. to express firmly your belief that something is true. 坚决主张e.g. Some people still maintain that the Earth is flat.4 ) vt. to provide (someone) with food and whatever is necessary for them to live on.赡养e.g. They barely earn enough to maintain themselves and their fou

18、r children.相关词maintenance n. 维持;维护;保养; (法院判定由丈夫付给前妻的 )赡养费相关搭配car maintenance: 汽车维修routine maintenance: 例行日常保养preventative maintenance: 预防性维修time-based maintenance: 定期保养2. launch基本用法1 ) vt. to begin (something such as a plan) or introduce (something new such as a product).创办;发动;出版;投放市场e.g. Although a

19、 job-sharing scheme was launched a year ago, very few people have shown any interest in it.A devastating attack was launched on the rebel stronghold, leaving many of them dead.Shes planning to launch a company to make electronic toys.They held a special party to launch the new book.2 ) vt. to send (

20、something) out, such as a new ship into water or a rocket into space. 发射; (船)下水e.g. A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.Before launching the missile, the pilot locks it onto the target.launch a missilerockettorpedo (鱼雷)satellite3 ) n. (船)下水;发射;

21、投放市场e.g. the launch of the space shuttleWere you at the launch of the new shipbook?相关搭配launch an assaultoffensive: 发动攻击进攻launch a campaign: 发起一场运动launch tower: 发射塔launcher: 发射架launch (ing) site: 发射场launch into: 开始e.g. He launched into a violent attack on my handling of the affair.launch out 开始;着手 (带

22、有危险的事 )e.g. He left his fathers shop and launched out into business for himself.3. project基本用法1 ) n. a piece of planned work or activity which is completed over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular aim.项目;工程;规划e.g. The new dam is a major construction project funded by the government

23、.This long-term project is to help the homeless.相关搭配Project Hope: 希望工程municipal project: 市政工程water conservancy project: 水利工程jerry-built project: 豆腐渣工程first-phase project: 一期工程irrigation project: 灌溉工程2 ) v. to cause (a film, image or light) to appear on a screen or other surface.投映e.g. We dont have a

24、 screen but we can project the slides onto the back wall.If you project your emotions onto someone else, you imagine that they are feeling the same way as you without understanding that this is what you are doing.e.g. He accuses me of being bored with the relationship when all hes doing is projectin

25、g his dissatisfaction onto me!3 ) v. to stick out over an edge.向外突出e.g. One of the features of the hotel is that its dining room projects (out) over the sea.4. fit基本用法1 ) vi.vt. to be suitable for.(使)适合e.g. This dress doesnt fit me.Will your key fit the lock?Some people think the punishment should a

26、lways fit the crime.2 ) vt. to put a piece of equipment into a place, or a new part onto a machine, so that it is ready to be used. 安装fit something onto etc. something elsee.g. I need to fit a lock on the bathroom door.3 ) adj. 适合的,恰当的e.g. I dont think he is fit for the job.Shes not fit to be in cha

27、rge of small children.4 ) adj. in good health, esp. as a result of exercise; strong.身体健康的,结实的e.g. be in a fit conditionShes very fit because she does a lot of ballet dancing.5 ) n. a short experience of a slight illness or an emotion. (一阵) 发作e.g. a fit of coughingI hit her in a fit of anger.相关词fitfu

28、l adj. 间歇的;一阵一阵的e.g. He slept fitfully. 他时睡时醒。fitness n. 身体健康e.g. Theyre doing exercises to improve their fitness.相关搭配Keep-fit class: 健身班as fit as a fiddleflea: 身体极好by fits and starts: 一阵一阵地;间歇地fit like a glove: 非常合身seethink fit (to do sth.): 认为恰当e.g. Its your responsibility you must do as you see f

29、 in: (使 )符合,适合,适应e.g. His ideas did not fit in with our aims.Ill try to fit my holidays in with up: 装备;装置e.g. We had to fit up one of the bedrooms as an office.5. range基本用法1 ) n. series of items from which the customer can choose. (商店内供出售的同类货品的)系列e.g. We offer a wide range of sizes a

30、nd range of styles.Try our new range of beauty products.There is a widebroad range of opinions on this issue.2 ) n. the levels or areas within or to which something is limited (变动范围,变化幅度)e.g. Several cars are available within this price range.Temperatures are expected to be in the range of 75 to 85

31、degrees.They said that particular issue had not been within the range of the research.3 ) v. (usually + adverb or preposition) to include a variety of different things or people (在某范围内变化) range from sth. to sth.e.g. The childrens ages range from 5 to 15.Their reactions range from anger to humiliatio

32、n. range between sth. and sth.e.g. The population of these cities ranges between 3 and 5 million inhabitants. range in agesizeprice .e.g. Her shoes range in price from 25 to 100.相关搭配medium-range weather forecast: 中期天气预报mountain range: 山脉come within range: 进入射程之内range of activities: 活动范围东北大学、信达科技有限公司

33、制作 高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社出版发行 adore基本用法1) vt. to like very much.非常喜欢e.g. As a child, I adore fairy tales.2) vt. to love deeply and respect highly.(无进行体)敬慕,爱慕e.g. He adores his elder brother.相关词adoration n. 敬慕;敬仰e.g. He looked at Julia in obvious adoration.adorable adj. 迷人的;可爱的e.g. What an adorable baby

34、!2. realize基本用法1) vt. to understand and believe (a fact); be or become conscious of. (不用于进行式)了解;领悟;认识到e.g. He didnt realize the risk he was taking.She spoke English so well that I never realized she was German.2) vt. to make (a hope, purpose, goal, etc.) real. 使(希望、目的、目标等)实现e.g. She realized her ambition of becoming an actress.

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