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教案Unit 10.doc

1、教案设计 王向东 Apr. 21st, 2008 课题:北京版教材 第 14 册 Unit 10 LABOR DAY Part II 教学目标认知目标 学生能掌握本课出现的新单词:,desire, purpose, mean, wonder, mention, national, mark等 12 个单词,理解 quote, parade等 8 个单词。能力目标 1. 培养学生通过 skimming 了解文章大意,通过 scanning 掌握文章细节。3. 学生能运用本课所学知识描述 Labor Day。情感目标 通过本课学习,使学生知道美国劳动节的由来。教学重点和难点教学重点 1. 对学生进

2、行 skimming、scanning 等阅读技巧训练。2. over, pass 等 知识点的掌握。 教学难点 通过 skimming、scanning 从文章中找出问题答案的出处,教授学生形成自己的阅读策略。初步运用本课所学语言描述 Labor Day。教学资源多媒体课件,录音材料教学过程教学步骤教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 时间安排Step 1Warm upT: First lets match the pictures with the right festivals. Tell your group what you know about these festivals.First

3、match the pictures and then talk about the festivals.通过讨论节日为本课书的学习作铺垫。5 分钟Step 2Lead inTalk about the “quote”:1. First ask one of the students to read it: “You can have anything you wantif you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out(开始) to accomplish(实现) if

4、you hold to(坚持) that desire(希望) with singleness of purpose(目的).”2. Do you know what Abraham Lincoln meant? Read the text and try to answer it.(Paragraph 2)3. What holiday does it refer to? How do you know? (Paragraph 3)First read the quote and then read the text and try to answer the questions. Then

5、 discuss the two questions in pairs.通过讨论介绍Abraham Lincoln 和他的引用语导入新课,自然流畅,水到渠成,学生易于接受。在讨论过程中引出本课新词汇,为学生阅读新课文扫清了一部分障碍。54Discuss the two questions: 1. What does Labor Day celebrate?2. How do the Chinese celebrate Labor Day?Step 3Reading1. Task 1Read the text in two minutes and answer the two questions

6、:1. What is the day of the Labor Day in the US?2. How long is the history of the American Labor Day?2. Task 2Read the text in seven minutes and try to answer the two questions: How did Labor Day become a national holiday in America? What does Labor day mean for most children in America?3. Task 3Read

7、 the text again and try to choose T or F.1. Both Americans and Chinese celebrate the contributions of workers.2. Labor Day in China is the first Monday in September.3. In 1882, people had a parade in London in order to help the working class.4. Task 4. Listen to the tape and read the text. 1. Read t

8、he text and answer the two questions.2. Read the text again and answer the two questions.3. Read the text and choose T or F.4. Listen to the tape and read the text.讨论引出本课话题。训练学生 Skimming能力训练学生 Scanning 技能朗读课文熟悉课文。20Step 4Practice Language points: over, pass Learn the words and make a new sentence.巩固

9、本课语言点。 5Step 6Writing Ask students to discuss in groups: 1. What is the day of the Labor Day in the US? 2. How long is the history of the American Labor Day?3. How did Labor Day become a national holiday in America?4. What does Labor Day mean for most children in America? Then write down the summary

10、 Ask students to discuss in groups and then write down the summary writing.读和写是相辅相成、互相促进的,教师给学生提供发挥的空间,让学生在理解课文的基础上运用所学词、句描述美国劳动节的由来,进行语言输出。10writing.Step 7Homework 1、熟读课文。2、作文:李雷是一个好孩子,他的父亲是个律师,他的母亲是个医生,在五一”劳动节那天,李雷很早就起了床,他lawyer, doctor, Labor Day, get up, buy, clean, cook, have a good time尊重学生个体差异,因材施教,对于基础较差的同学,给他们充裕的时间,而对于能力强的同学提高更高的要求。

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