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1、UNIT3 party happy describe black raincoat fur lining hood appreciate right great BBAAC UNIT4 Dc CBCACB BBB BBBBB hungry fast sit-down good Mexican chicken seafood Chinese dish beef BCEDA BAABAA BBACA ABBBA BBACAA UNIT5 BC BABACA CAC BCCABA busy get up work breakfast fix off lunch pick up dinner bedt

2、ime ACEBD BABB ABABA BAABC UNIT6 CD BAB BCCBA buy expensive accessories for things afford save finance take deal ECBDA CBABB ABCBA BBAAA ABABBB UNIT7 BC ABBBAB CCB ABBA eat lunch hungry time important papers hour myself company enjoy CAEBD ABAC ABB BABAA UNIT8 8/12 BBACBA 11/12 BBB BCAA tried sing f

3、un frienly have along drink show talk great BACED ABAC AABA ABAAC UNIT9 8/12 BBACBA 11/12 BBB BCAA tried sing fun frienly have along drink show talk great BACED ABAC AABA ABAAC 测试 1.what was the most likely. ABD 2.A parents 1 wonderful and great B brather 2 . answer:ADEBCF 3.You know,we are a little

4、. CADABAACB 4.You dont look very well. (1)tight schedule (2)swamped (3)off (4)get a life (5)relaxing (6)get together (7)chit-chat (8)surround sound (9)warranty (10)appliance 5.9am-12pm have class 12pm eat lunch 1pm-6pm work 6-9pm go to class 9pm-1am make dinner,drive back. 6.A:Im going to get a new.

5、 couch beautiful red couch three thousand pay for financing interest for a year on a credit card paty the interest scary two hundred dollars a month cool couch 7.there are, who, how are,what are,there,there is (1)how are (2)where (3)there is 8.are,go,like,come,am liking.are taking,take (1)are (2)lik

6、e (3)go (4)come (5)take 9.before,offten,usually,around,untle. on, in,never (1)at (2)on (3)always (4)usually (5)until (6)never (7)sometimes (8)often 10.when,are,what,year,was,why,there are,there. (1)who (2)why (3)when (4)there are (5)are 11.when,where,what,how often,why,how much,how. (1)what (2)when

7、(3)where (7)how much 12.NO,thanks not mine. AABBA 13.Which question ACB 14.One hundred nintu-nine dollars AAA unit10 BA ABAABB CCB BABAA red-faced embarrassing campus conference restaurant entrance table party uncomfortable tears BDEAC CBCA AABBA BCABA unit11 BD ACCACC ACC CAAAB applied teacher job

8、interviews questions background nervous hired excited opportunity DCBEA ACBC ABAA BABBA unit12 CB CACACAB BBC AACAC living student job work traveling pleasure often recently trip enjoyable CDEAB ABACC BABB ABCAAA unit13 CC BBACBAA BAC BBAAA excuse soccer think yourself college teacher teach music ol

9、der working EBDAC BCBA BAAB BCBBA 测试 1.Joseph is going. 2.(共九个挑 6 个排序) 1 7 3 6 8 5 3.Im hungry. (1)go get fast food (2)hamburgers and French fries (3)Id rather sit down some place (4)in the mall (5)kind of lousy (6)in the mood for (7)feel like Mexican (8)Chinese sounds good (9)get some vegetales (10

10、)in the mood for hot tea 4.T,F,T,F,F 5.How does Kate give her name?.(BBABC) 6.What was NOT the correct.between Rick and Abby?.(ACDB) 7.Can you tell me.(排序)1 5 2 9 6 12 10 3 8 7 4 11 8.Oo,jen an i are. gonna go to the Karaoke bar sing come watch make a fool of themselves Karaoke bar listening like a

11、duet go up there all by youself kind of tired kind of get up early in the morning cover charge just this once 9. How does the announcer begin the phone.(BABBCABA) 10.what was most likely the relationship.(ACBA) 11.What was the possible relationship.(DBCBC) 12.Hi,Angie. (1)happened to (2)party (3)on

12、Friday night (4)in formal dresses (5)dressed up (6)stains all over (7)funny (8)come up (9)acts really polite (10)pretty much (11)right out of (12)embarrassing 13.Modern trains have.(BACDACDAC) 14.Nancy:Hey,Robert!Hows your weekend. (1)between jobs (2)part time (3)position (4)put (5)resume (6)fancy (

13、7)atmosphere (8)live band (9)messed up 15.did,ate,Was,had,like have,liked,do,Watched(选词填空) (1)did (2)Watched (3)Was (4)like (5)had (6)ate 16.At the school office. (1)are (2)have (3)I am (4)Im studying (5)Will be (6)Was 17.Emily:HELLO. (1)Is this Emily Collins? (2)This is Hobert,Hobert Smith (3)Oh,my

14、 .Of course 18.Wont,shouldnt,cant,have to,can,should,didnt,must(选词填空) (1)cant (2)have to (3)should (4)can (5)must 19.Its easy(NO,YES) 20.How are you(NO,Yes) 21.Nice to meeting you?(NO,YES) 22.Jif:can you hand me that.(ABACBC) 23.I_a ticket for you (ADBABCDA)24.Mr.Richards(1)this is(2)a student(3)nice to meet you(4)a secretary(5)where are you from(6)Im(7)Thats

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