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1、万事开头难。一篇好的文章应该从一开始就抓住读者的注意力,让读者有兴趣读下去,同时,还应该在一定程度上提示主题。为了能更好地开好篇头,就要掌握几种开篇的技巧。以下是几种常见的几篇的技巧。1)主题句法这种方法是在文章的一开头就点明全文的主题思想,然后围绕主题思想展开发挥。使用这种方法可以紧扣文章的中心,不易跑题,所以在作文中比较常用。Differences between Men and WomenMen and women will have a better relationship if they understand the real differences between them.In

2、 terms of stamina, physical condition , and resistance, men are inferior to women. More male embryos are lost in miscarriages. More male infants die than female. Men are less resistant to cold and illness than women . On the average, women have more fat and less muscle tissue than men. This accounts

3、 for the fact that many women outrun men in marathon races and can remain active longer than men. It also accounts for the fact that although women cannot lift objects as heavy as those lifted by men, they do possess strength in the form of endurance.Women perceive the world differently in the ways

4、they think. This is partly because their brains develop somewhat differently and they use their brains differently. Girls verbal skills develop earlier than boys . But the opposite is true of their visual skills. This is why boys can figure out how to put up with each other eventually , but it is a

5、fact that girls get a verbal head start and boys a visual-spatial head start.The most important differences between mens and womens brains, however, is the way they function. Woman seem to think more intuitively, because they use both sides of their brains at the same time. Men usually use one hemis

6、phere at a time when they approach a problem. This means that men are usually more literal in their approach.The differences between the sexes are created in large part by biology. But if sexes knew and understood the importance of these differences and how they were caused, there would be more unde

7、rstanding and better relationships between men and women.2)引语法指在文章的开头引用一些与中心思想相关的名人名言、成语、谚语、格言或俗语。使用此方法时注意引语要与整篇文章的风格相适应。Constant Dropping Wears the StoneThe proverb “constant dropping wears the stone“ is well known to every one of us. It tells one truth that success is coupled with failures and dif

8、ficulties, and only the ones who have perseverance can overcome formidable difficulties in his pursuit.To a large extent, success is destined to belong to those who are never afraid of trying again. A well-known farm chemical is a case in point. The name of the chemical originated from the times its

9、 inventor had taken different ways to develop his invention. It seemed to be incredible to succeed in most peoples eyes. Yet, the inventor kept experimenting. Had he given up at the 1058th time, there would be no “1059 in the world.“You see ,the final success may be achieved through a long and hard

10、process. Perseverance is very important for us to get through such difficulties.Giving up means losing everything while keeping on may bring you a golden harvest.文章的开头一句用谚语引出主题,显出作者的独具匠心,不仅使文章有一个新颖的开头,而且直接引出文章主题,就此展开讨论。3)定义法定义法指对文章的主题下一个定义,然后再展开论述。定义法多用于说明文和议论文中。PatriotismPatriotism means loving one

11、s country . It makes one ready to do many other deeds which can bring benefits to people; to sacrifice ones own life for ones country. Its effect is very great when it is exercised by all the people of a country. It make a country strong, and her history glorious.To love our country , we should work

12、 hard so as to make her strong and rich. We should support her government , obey her laws, and pay fair taxes into her treasury. We should treat our fellow-citi- zens as we wish to be treated ourselves this is to be a real Chinese patriot.If the people of a country are not patriotic , the country mu

13、st be very weak. History tells us how countries of ancient times were, owing to a lack of patriotism conquered by people of other nations and how the people of the conquered countries were made slaves under the yoke of their victorious masters.给文章下定义是作文中常用的方法之一,这种方法可以使文章的主题明确,同时也限制了主题的范围,以便在文章的下文进行讨

14、论。4)数字统计法指使用具体的数字开头引出文章的主题,使读者对文章的主题有一个初步的感性认识。Look at your watch for just one minute . During that time, the population of the world increased by eight-five people. Perhaps you think that isnt too much. I n the next hour , more than 5,000 additional people will be living on this planet. So it goes,

15、 hour after hour. In one day , there are about 120,000 additional mouths to feed. Multiply this by 365. What will happen in a hundred years?5)提问法在起始段提出与主题相关的一个或几个问题,可以引起读者的注意力和兴趣。Should men and women be equal? This is much-talked about question nowadays.Some hold that men are superior to women in ma

16、ny ways. For one thing , many jobs which can easily be done by men, can hardly be done by women. And of another, most of the world famous people are found to be dominated by men only. Hence, men should enjoy more rights than women.Other people , however, maintain that both men and women are born equ

17、al. Women are certainly as intelligent as men if they are given equal opportunities of education. It is a well-known fact that many women have been working side by side with men in many fields in China . Besides, there are many women ,such as Madame Currie and Margaret Thatcher, to name only a few,

18、in history who work as scientists and politicians. So men and women should be equal in every respect.Personally ,I firmly believe that women should be given the same rights as men, because they are equally important in all human activities. Our human society would definitely have stopped to exist wi

19、thout either of the sexes. Is there any reason that men and women should be treated differently?设问句的使用不仅可以引出文章要讨论的主题,而且可以使读者进行自问,思考这个问题,从而吸引读者看下去。6)惊语法采用令人惊奇的语句开头往往能制造出离奇、引人入胜的效果。A Thirsty World The world is not only hungry, but is also thirsty. This may sound strange, since nearly seventy percent o

20、f the earths surface is covered with water. But about ninety percent of this is sea water. Man and most of the animals can only drink and use the remaining percent of water-fresh water.The need for water is increasing day by day. Only if steps are taken to deal with this problem immediately can we a

21、void a severe world-wide water shortage later on. One of the first steps is to develop ways to reuse water.Experiments have already been carried out in this field. If used water has been pumped to a water-purifying plant, it can be separated from waste matter and treated with chemicals so that it ca

22、n be used again , just as if it were fresh water from a spring.人会口渴,怎么世界也会口渴?用这样一个奇怪的问题来开头,立即引起了读者的兴趣,引导读者读下去。7)背景法介绍事件发生的时间、地点、人物等背景情况,为事件的发展创造条件,使后文的发展顺其自然。I was spending the night in my aunts house one summer. That night, being hot, prevented me from sleeping. I slipped out of bed and want into t

23、he garden. My cousin Peter was already there, and we soon fell into a conversation in front of the fence. Suddenly, a strange noise coming from behind, made me turn round.To my surprise, there, creeping just behind our heels, was a snake of remarkable length!“Stand still, Peter!“ I ordered.The snake

24、 crept slowly under our feet. Our hearts were beating fast, and our brows were covered with sweat. My hair stood on end when the snake crept over my shoes. I thought that my last moment bad come.But the snake soon crept away without noticing us.After the danger had passed, I turn to Peter and said, “Let“s go.“ But this was easier said than done, for it was almost impossible for us to move our legs. They were like stone.背景法多用在记叙文中,用来介绍事情发生的背景情况,从而为事件的发展创造条件,使读者对事情发生的其他一系列情况有一个大致的了解。

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