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1、This is a very thought-provoking picture. :tprvukia. 令人深思的,发人深省的In the picture, a man has just bumped into the wall and wounded his nose. 1.bmpt n. 撞击,肿块 vt. 碰撞 vi. 撞, 颠簸而行 时 态:bumped,bumping,bumps2、wall w:l n. 背景墙 n. 墙,墙壁,垣,内壁, 分界物,屏障 a. 墙的 vt. 禁闭,围住时 态:walled,walling ,walls 形容词:wallless3、waundid a

2、. 受伤的 时 态:wounded ,wounding,wounds 副 词:woundinglywound wu:nd n. 创伤, 伤口,伤疤,伤害,痛苦 vt. 伤害,损害,使受伤 vi. 打伤However, he seems puzzled by what had happened, and has not figured the way out. 1、puzzled pzld v. 困惑 vbl. 困惑 时 态:puzzled,puzzling,puzzles 名 词:puzzlerpuzzle pzl n. 难题,迷惑 vt. 使困惑, 使为难,苦思而得 vi. 迷惑, 苦思时

3、态:puzzled,puzzling,puzzles 名 词:puzzlerfigured figd 有形状的, 用图画表现的figure fig n. 体形, 外形 ;数字;图形,插图;人物 vt. 计算 ;估计,揣测 vi. 计算, 估计时 态:figured, figuring,figures 名 词:figurerway wei n. 路,路线,路途,方法 ,道路,方向,情形,规模,习惯,行业, 方面 ad. 非常Clearly, if he does not learn a lesson from his bumping,the next time hit will definite

4、ly be harder.definitely definitli 一定地,肯定地;明确地, 确切地名 词:definiteness 副 词: definitelydefinite definit a. 明确的,肯定的 名 词:definiteness 副 词:definitelyharder h:d v. 更辛苦地 比较级:harder,hardesthard h:d a. 难的,艰苦的,坚硬的,硬的,坚固的, 猛烈的,艰难的,结实的,困难的 We can deduce from this cartoon that the drawer wants to remind us of an im

5、portant lesson of a life philosophy:deduce didju:sv. 推论,推断,推理, 演绎 时态:deduced ,deducing,deduces 形容词:deducibledrawer dr: 抽屉 ,橱柜;衬裤;绘图员,开票员draw dr: vi. 拉,拖,拔剑 vt. 拖拉,挨近,领取,打成平局,引来, 抽签决定,画, 描写,制订 n.平局(体育) 吸引力的事物或人物 时 态:drew,drawn,drawing, drawsremind rimaind v. 使想起, 使记起,提醒 时态: reminded,reminding,reminds

6、 名词:reminderphilosophy filsfi n. 哲学,人生观,原理 复 数:philosophieswe should draw a lesson from past mistakes,otherwise we will meet more failures, even bigger ones. mistake misteik n. 错误,误会 vi. 犯错,误认 vt. 误解, 弄错时 态:mistook,mistaken, mistaking,mistakes 名 词:mistakerotherwise waiz ad. 另外,用别的方法;在其他方面;要不然,否则fail

7、ure feili n. U 失败,不及格;C 失败者,失败的事;失灵,故障;未能; 破产In other words, a failure is only an opportunity for us to restart more intelligently. opportunity ptju:niti n. 机会,机遇,凑巧,方便 复 数: opportunitiesrestart ri:st:t v. 重新启动 vi. 重新开始时 态:restarted ,restarting,restarts 名 词:restart 形容词:restartableintelligent intelid

8、nt intelligently intelidntli ad. 聪明地a. 聪明的,伶俐的, 有才智的 形容词: intelligential 副 词:intelligentlyIn the face of failures and mistakes,we should study them carefully and seriously for their hidden assets.carefully kfuli ad. 仔细地 ,小心地 名 词:carefulness 副 词:carefullyseriously sirisli ad. 严肃地, 认真地 名 词:seriousness

9、 副 词:seriouslyserious siris a. 严肃的;严重的,危急的; 认真的 名 词:seriousness 副 词:seriouslyassets set(s) n. 资产, 财产The invention of toilet paper is a good example to illustrate the above point of view. invention invenn n. 发明,创作能力,虚构的故事 形容词:inventionalinvent invent vt. 发明,创造;捏造,虚构时 态:invented, inventing,invents 名 词

10、:inventor 形容词:inventibletoilet tilit n. 梳妆,打扮;盥洗室 vi. 梳妆,打扮;上盥洗室 vt. 给穿衣;照料上厕所illustrate ilstreit vt. 举例说明,作图解,阐明 vi. 举例时 态:illustrated,illustrating,illustrates 名 词:illustrator 形容词:illustratablepoint pint n. 点,小数点,标点,地点,一点, 要点 ,细目, 特点,尖端,分数,得分,穴位 vt. 弄尖 ; (它是指正式 BBS 站的延伸,它的地位附属于每个正式节点站之下) 以尖状物抵住某人或某

11、事物 n.圆规 时 态:pointed, pointing,pointsA worker in a Germany paper factory got fired when the paper he made was of poor quality because he followed a wrong production procedure. Germany d:mni n. 德国 factory fktri n. 工厂,代理店 复 数:factoriesfired pp. 开除fire fai n. 火,火灾,闪光, 炮火,热情 vt. 点燃, 烧制 ,使发光,激动,放枪,解雇 vi.

12、开枪时 态:fired,firing,fires 名 词:firer 形容词:fireablequality kwliti n. 品质,特质 ,才能;followed 跟随 ,遵照follow flu vt. 跟随,接着;领会,听得懂; 沿着前进;遵循,仿效 vi. 跟随,接着;结果是时 态:followed,following, followsproduction prdkn n. U 生产;U 产量;C 产品,作品 形容词:productionalproduct prdkt n. 产品, 成果,成品,作品procedure prsi:d n. 程序,步骤,手续As he was very

13、sad, one of his friends suggested that he should examine his paper to find something useful.suggested sdstid 暗示的 时 态:suggested,suggesting,suggests 名 词:suggestersuggest sdest v. 提议,建议,促成;examine igzmin vt. 检查,细查;对 进行考试 vi. 检查, 细查,调查时 态:examined ,examining,examines 名 词:examiner 形容词:examinableFollowing

14、 his friends advice,he soon found that although his paper was not good for writing,advice dvais v. 劝告,忠告,指教,建议,意见 although :lu conj. 尽管, 虽然it was soft and could be used for other purposes. Then,purpose p:ps n. 目的,意向,决心,效果,意义,论题 vt. 意欲,企图, 计划he decided to modify the production procedure and manufactu

15、red the first batch of toilet paper, decided disaidid a. 决定了的 ,坚决的;明显的,明确的时 态:decided ,deciding,decides 名 词:decider 形容词:decidablemanufactured mnjufktd pp. 已制成的 时 态:manufactured ,manufacturing,manufactures名 词:manufacturing 形容词: manufacturalmanufacture mnjufkt vt. 制造,加工 n. U 制造 ,制造业;产品batch bt n. 一次所烘

16、的面包, 一次所制之量,一组,批,成批, 分批 n. 批, 成批,分批时 态:bached,batched, baching,batching,baches,batcheswhich finally earned him a big sum of money.earned :nd a. 挣得的 时 态:earned ,earning,earns 名 词:earnerearn :n v. 赚得,获得,博得 ;It is clear from this example that the mistake is sometimes a reminder that there is another way to learn how to do something right.

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