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1、1虚拟语气的用法及专项练习题虚拟语气表示一种假设的情况,或一种主观的愿望,即动词所表示的动作或状态并非事实,或不可能实现。英语虚拟语气的形式有下列几种: 一、与现在事实相反 连接词 条件从句 结果从句 If 1.动词过去式(或 were) 2.助动词(过去式)+动词原形 Should Would+动词原形 could might Ifhadthetime,JohnwouldmakeatriptoChinatoseetheGreatWall. IfIwereyou,Iwouldgiveupdrinkingimmediately. 二. 与将来事实相反 连接词 条件从句 结果从句 If 1.sho

2、uld+动词原形 2.动词过去式 3、wereto+动词原形 Should Would+动词原形 could might Ifyoushouldlose,whatwouldyoudo? 2IfIweretoseehertomorrow,Iwouldtellherthetruth. Ifyouwenttherenexttime,youwouldseewhatImean. 三、与过去事实相反 连接词 条件从句 结果从句 If had+过去分词 Should Would+have+过去分词 could might IfIddnownthatitwasgoingtorain,Iwouldneverha

3、vegoneforawalkinthecountry. 四、虚拟语气的几种特殊用法 省掉 if 的条件从句结构: Had you asked me, I would have told you.(=If you had asked me,) 2.有时虚拟条件不用条件从句而用不定式、分词、介词、名词、连接词或定语从句来表示,如:A true friend would not do such a thing. (=If he were a true friend, he.) (=If there were no water,) 3(=If you hadn t helped me,) 3.有时条件

4、从句中的动作和结果从句中的动作发生的时间不一致,如: If he had followed the doctors advice, he would be quite all right now. If I were you ,I would have gone home. 五、虚拟语气的其他用法 1、Suggest,advise 等动词之后宾语从句须用虚拟语气,其句子结构如下: suggest, advise ,recommend ,demand, require, insist, urge, request, order, +that(should)+动词原形 devide , ask m

5、ove, propose 等 注意:在此结构中 that 不可省略;should 省不省均可。 He suggested that they(should) stop smoking. 上述动词的名词形式出现时,that 引导的从句仍用虚拟语气。 He made are quest that they (should)stop smoking. 如果 that 引导的从句所表达的内容是事实,也可用陈述语气。 Heinsiststhatheisright. 2、Itis(was)+necessary,apity 等+that 引导的从句须用虚拟语气,其句子结构如下: 4imperative,ad

6、visable,动词完成式 Itis(was)+important,natural,necessary,+that(should)+ essential,strange,等动词原形 Itisimportantthatyou(should)followthedoctorsorders. Itisrightthatyoushouldhavedoneyourhomework. 3、wish 的用法 动词过去式或 were与现在事实相反 主语+wish(that)+主语+动词过去完成式 与过去事实相反 助动词过去试+动词原形与将来事实相反 IwishIwereapopsinger.(=Iamsorry

7、Iamnotapopsinger.) IwishIhadneverstoppedteaching.(=IamsorryIstoppedteaching.) Iwishtheydletusgetsomesleep. 注意:wish 与 hope 接宾语从句的区别在于:hope 表示一般可以实现的希望,宾语从句用陈述语气。wish 表示很难或不大可能实现的希望, 宾语从句用虚拟语气。试比较: (1)Wehopetheywillcome,(Wedontknowiftheycancome.) (2)Wewishtheycouldcome,(Weknowtheyarenotcoming.) 54、asi

8、f,asthough,would(had)rather(that)引导的从句须用虚拟语气,如: Heactsasifnothinghadhappened. Iwouldratheryoudidnttellhim. 5、Its(high)timethat+动词过去式或 should+动词原形,如: Itstime(that)youhadahaircut. Itshightime(that)wetooksomeaction. 6倒装句讲解与练习英语的基本句型是主语 + 谓语。如果将主语与谓语调换, 称倒装句。装句分全倒装句和半倒装句。一、 全倒装: 主语与谓语交换位置不需任何助 动词, 叫全倒装。

9、全倒装有以下三种情况:1、当 here, there, out, in, up, down 等副词放在句首时, 句子需全倒装:There goes the bell! 铃响了! There lived an old man. Here comes the bus.注意: 在这种情况下倒装仅限于不及物动词或 be 动词, 像 go, come,等。 主语如果是代词时不需倒装如 Away he went. 他走远了。2、方位状语在句首, 如:In front of the house stopped a police car.Nearby were two canoes in which they

10、 had come to the island.Under the tree sat a boy.3 、直接引语在句首, 这种情况可倒装也可不倒装 “What does it mean?“ asked the boy 或 the boy asked.二、半倒装: 主语与谓语的助动词交换位置称半倒装 , 有以下数种情况:1,否定意义的词在句首, 句子半倒装, 例如: little, never, not, no, hardly, rarely,seldomNever shall I forget you. At no time was the man aware of what was happ

11、ening.Little did I understand what he said to me at that time.2、 几对并列连词如 not onlybut also, hardly when 等连接两个并列句, 连词在句首, 前句半倒装, 后句不倒装:7Not only was everything he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship was taken away.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.注意: not on

12、lybut also 连接两个并列主语时不需倒装, 如:Not only you but also I like playing chess.neithernor 在句首时, 前后两句都需倒装,Neither do I have a sister nor does my husband.3、only 在句首强调状语, 主句半倒装:Only then did I realize that I was wrong.Only in this way can I learn from my fault.Only when the war was over in 1918, was he able to

13、 get back to work.注意: only 强调主语不倒装:Only the teachers can use the room.4、sothat 句型, so 在句首时, 主句倒装, that 从句不倒装:So easy is it that a clild can learn it.So hard did he work that he finally won the fame.I saw the film, so did he.5.省略了 if 的虚拟条件句Had I been informed earlier, I could have done something.Were

14、 she here, she would support the motion.81.His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV,but .A.a little did he hear B.little did he hear C.little heard he D.a little heard he2. Hello,Zhu Hua.Ill have to return to Canada because Ive worked here for a year. !A.What tim?flies

15、B.How time flies C.What does time fly D.How does time fly3.During the war, but also he lost his wife and his child.A.not was his job in the lab taken away B.not only was his job in the lab taken awayC.not merely his job in the lab was taken away D.not just was taken away his job in the lab4. We have

16、 to stop talking here outside.Listen,! Hurry up, or well be late.A.There goes the bell B.There does the bell go C.There the bell goes D.Goes the bell there5.I think this is the first time that we have met.anywhere.A.Before have we never seen each other B.Never before we have seen each otherC.Each ot

17、her have we seen never before D.Never before have we seen each other6.! You should take this chance to attend it.A.How important conference is it B.How an important conference it isC.What an important conference is it D.What an important conference it is97.She didnt come to the party last Sunday.,sh

18、e must have made the party more exciting.A.If she came B.Would she come C.Had she come D.Did she come8.They finally managed to climb to the top,but then.A.went the children down the hill B.down the hill did the children goC.down the hill went the children D.down the hill the children went9.I receive

19、d his mothers telephone call at eleven.that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.A.Then did I know B.Only then I knew C.Only then did I know D.Only then knew I10. What sport do you like best? Springboard diving(跳板跳水). to dive into water from high board!A.What a fun is it B.How fun it is C.How

20、a fun is it D.What fun it is11. The old man wouldnt stay at home for a rest even if it rained. .He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.A.So would my grandpa B.So wouldnt my grandpaC.Neither would my grandpa D.Nor wouldnt my grandpa12.for us to surf(冲浪) on the sea in summer!A.What exciting

21、is it B.How exciting is it C.What exciting it is D.How exciting it is13.By no means to our plan for the trip.A.will she agree B.she will agree C.agrees she D.will agree she14.The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走) quietly to the bird.into the forest when he was about to catch it.A.Flew it away B.Away flew it C.Aw

22、ay it flew D.Flew away it15.Little Tom is an orphan.,he has to make a living by himself.10A.A child as he is B.Child as he is C.Child as is he D.A child though he is16.he gave that we should take more exercise in our spare time!A.What a good advice B.How a good advice C.What good advice D.How good a

23、dvice17.Hardly had she walked out of the woods she heard the strange scream coming from behind a tree.A.than B.until C.since D.when18.that we couldnt catch up with him.A.So fast he ran B.So fast did he run C.So fast ran he D.Such fast did he run19.We have been on duty for four hours and comes your turn does your turn come your turn comes D.comes now your turn20.We havent seen each other for many months.!A.What I missed you B.What did I miss you C.How I missed you D.How did I miss you

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