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1、1.The mother was determined to devote all she had _ her son out of trouble.A. to help B.helped C.helping helping2.The result is not very important to us,but if we do win,then so much_A、the best B、best C、better D、the better3It is by no means clear_president can do to end the strike.A、how B、which

2、 C、that D、what.4 .The party will be held in the garden,weather _A permitting B to permit C permitted D permit5_ rapid progress has he made that we all admire him. A.Very B.So C.Such D.Too 6. The officials soon realized that, _, things would get worse.A. unless dealt with it properly B. if not proper

3、ly dealing with itC. unless properly dealt with D. if dealt not properly with7_ important decision more on emotion than on reason,oryou will regret it sooner or later. A.Based B.Basing C base D. to base 8. This restaurant wasnt _that other restaurant we went to.A. half as good as B. as half good as

4、C. as good as half C. good as half as 9.That evening, _I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late.A. that B. which C. what D. when10. We _to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.A. set about B. set up C. set out D . set down11. Sarah made _to the airpor

5、t just in time to catch her plane this morning .A. herself B. this C. that D. it12. Being able to afford _drink would be _comfort in those tough time.A. the;the B.a;a C.A; D. / ; a13. A number of high buildings have arisen _there was nothing a year ago but ruins. A. when B. where C. before D. until1

6、4. The Information Age, a time of discoveries and great changes, _a lot of surprises.A. bring about B. brings about C. brings up D. bring up15. I will not forget the time,_when I lived with my grandparentsA. which B. that C. one16. If you easily _to difficulties, you will never succeed. You should t

7、ry your best.A. give up B. give away C. give in D. give out17. The students disagree _themselves about where they should go to have a picnic. Now they are arguing with each other.A. with B. on C. to D. among18. Chengdu is a city _you hate to say goodbye once you have visited it .A. in which whi

8、ch which D. with which 19. I can not give you an answer right now. I would like _more time to consider my decision.A. still B. fairly C. quite D. a lot20. _, and the problem will be worked out.A. If you have a bit more effort B.Having a little effortC. A bit more effort D. There being a little

9、effort 21. The new research centre will be set up _was a wasteland 20 years ago.A . in what B. where C. in which D. there 22. He missed _gold in the high jump, but will get _second chance in the long jump.A. the;the B. ;a C. the ;a D. a; /23. Tony lent me the money,_that I would do so much for him.A

10、. hoping B. to hope C. hoped D. having hoped24. Next to biology, I like physics _A. better B. best C. the better D. very well25.The difficulty which we had _with the local people has now been removed.A. communication B. to communicate C. communicated D. communicating26. I feel very tired . Im planni

11、ng to have a holiday at the seaside when I _my work.A. will finish B. had finished C. have finished D. finished 27. A year is divided into four seasons, as we all know,_the first is spring.A. which B. of which C. of them D. when28. It is estimated that there were more than ten thousand people _part

12、in the celebration.A. took B. to take C. taking D. take 29. As _businessman, he is _success, but he is not rich in terms of happiness.A. a;/ B. /;a C. a;a D. /;/30. I think it is his ability to reason_helps him find out the truth finally. A. that B. What C. how D. as 31. _yourself up from where you

13、fell.A. pick B. give C. Put D. Bring32. Air travel has many advantages _rail travel, it can save much time and be more comfortable.A. to B. over C. of D. than33. This pair of shoes looks better than that one and it costs almost twice_A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many34. Mark didnt win the

14、award_I cant believe it ! I though for sure he would win.A. in case B. above all C. after all D. in turn 35. You wont find the book intereting until you _the first fifty pages.A. will cover B . are covering C. will be covering D. have covered 36. A well-written composition _good choice of words and

15、clear organization among other things. A. calls on B. calls for C. calls up D. calls in 37. Can those _at the back of the classroom hear me ?A. seat B. sit C. seated D. sat38. Do you have any problems if you _this job?-Well, I am thinking about the salary.A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. wil

16、l be offered 39. An investigtion group _three men and two women has been sent to the spot to look into the matter .A. consists of B . is consisted of C. consisting of D. consisted of 40. Tom pretended _it , but in fact , he knew it very well.A. not listen to B. not to hear about C. not to have heard

17、 about D. to be not listening to41. Dont forget to take the message to my teacher.- _A. Yes, I will B. No, I wont C. I dont think so D. Sorry, I dont42. Great efforts to increase grain production _if food shortages are to be avoided. A.could be made B. must be made C. might be made D. would be made4

18、3. _in diving suits, they walked into a magic world lighted by lamps on board.A . Dressing B. Wearing C. Worn D. Dressed44. Cathy was a teacher from New castle, _is almost as far north you can go .A. Who B. which C. that D.where 45. -_T-shirts sold in this shop are very cool!-Yes , arent they ? I ev

19、en bought _second one here yesterday.A. the; the B. /; a C. The ; a D. /;the 46. Something must be wrong with this machie, and it needs _without delay.A. repaired B. to repair C. repairing D. being repaired47. _is no use crying over the spilt milk, you have to go on to the last end.A. It B. Someone

20、C. That D. This 48. A trip to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan is a feast for the eyes. Few visitors leave there _disappointed.A. with feeling B. felt C. to feel D. feeling 49. _again and again but he didnt tell me the truth.A. Having been asked B. He was asked C. Having asked him D. Though he was asked50. Hel

21、lo! I_you _in London. How long have you been?A. dont know ;were B. hadnt known; are C. havent know; are D. didnt know;were 51.Most of the Cambodian women devoted a lot of time to _parts of this temple.A. reparing B being repairing C. be repaired D. repair52. I didnt mean _you, In fact, I had wanted

22、to help you .A. being hurt B. hurting C. to have hurt D. to hurt 53. Until youve finished your work, you_allowed to leave.A. will be B. will not be C. will have been D. are 54.” If I _hard before, I would be a college student now, he said regretfully.A . studied B. should study C. had studied D. stu

23、dy55. _ with so much trouble , we failed to complete the task on time.A Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face 56. After_seemed a long time , they finally arrived at the destination.A. What B. it C. that D. which 57. His opinion was such a good one _his family all agreed to accept.A. which B. and B. tha

24、t C. as 58. Tom had made up his mind to give it up, but on _second thought he determined to have _third try.A. a;a B. /;a C. / ;/ D. the; a 59. Living safe and sound is above all. Nothing makes _difference if at the cost of your life.A. some B. any C. that D. this 60Sarah looked at _finished painting with_satisfaction.A. /;A B. a; the C the; / D. the ;a

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