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Module 5 Unit 1随堂练习 听力材料、参考答案及部分解析.doc

1、14-15 学年上学期 高二牛津(HNX)JX01Module 5 Unit 1 随堂练习听力材料、参考答案及部分解析听力材料SECTION AConversation 1M: What a beautiful day for playing golf! Excuse me, how much is it to get in?W: Its 5 dollars for you and 3 dollars for kids between 7 and 12. We let them in for free if they are 6 or younger.M: OK then, I guess t

2、hat will come to 8 dollars because my little lawyer here is 3 and my little doctor is 7.W: Dont you mean that your older son is 6?M: I mean what I said. Hes 7.Conversation 2M: Good afternoon, maam. Is anyone taking care of you?W: Not yet. Could you show me one of those coats over there?M: Sure. What

3、 color would you like, black, red or grey?W: I dont like black or grey.M: OK. Do you want to try this red on?W: Sure . I think it fits quite well. Is it 100% wool?M: Yes, its 100% new wool. It was originally 100 dollars, but its available for 20% off today.W: Thats great. Ill take it.Conversation 3W

4、: You look blue. Whats the matter?M: Im just no longer interested in studying medicine. I want to change my major. But my parents wont support me. They really want me to become a doctor one day.W: What do you want to become?M: I want to be a writer. Ive always loved writing.W: Well, you know very fe

5、w writers become successful.M: Thats what my parents told me. But I think we should do what we really love, and I believe I will become successful one day if I keep trying.W: I guess youre right. I have the same problem. I really want to go into singing, but my parents want me to be an engineer. M:

6、Why not tell them what you really like?W: I will. Conversation 4M: Hi. My name is Mike Adams. I have a reservation here tonight. I just want to check in.W: Okay. Let me check here. Well, heres your key. Youre in room 360. Just walk down this hall and youll see the elevators on your right.M: What tim

7、e is the restaurant open for breakfast?W: It serves breakfast from 6:30 am to 9:30 am.M: Wheres the exercise room? Id like to run a couple of miles before going to bed tonight.W: Its on the second floor, and its open from 3 pm till 10 tonight.M: And one final question. Do you have wifi in the rooms?

8、W: We do, for $7.95 a night.M: And every room has a refrigerator, right?W: Well, we can have one put in your room for an additional ten dollars a night.M: I thought something like that would be included in the price of the room.W: Sorry, sir.Conversation 5M: Hello. This is David. May I speak to Lisa

9、, please?W: Yes, speaking.M: Hi, Lisa. Im a friend of Mark. He invited me to join you and him for dinner at the French restaurant near your house. He just phoned me to say hell be a little late, so he asked if we could go there first and wait for him.W: OK. How will I recognize you? What are you wea

10、ring?M: Im wearing jeans and a grey jacket. I have blond hair.W: OK, hopefully Ill find you.M: Oh, and I wear glasses. W: I think I should be able to recognize you. When will you get there?M: Ill set off in about ten minutes so I should get there at about 6:30. It should take me only half an hour to

11、 drive there.W: OK. Ill be waiting for you in the restaurant. Im wearing a white dress, and I have long black hair.M: It should be easy to find you. See you around 6:30. Conversation 6W: Hi, Dad. Do we have a map at home?M: Yeah. Why?W: Theres a party at a house in Hill Peak on Friday. Its in a rura

12、l area, so I need to look at a map.M: A party? What party?W: Its a goodbye party for Jenny. You know shes moving to Newcastle next week.M: Oh, thats nice! How do you plan to go there?W: I dont know. I was wondering if I could take the subway.M: I think the subway doesnt go there. The bus does, thoug

13、h.W: Oh, good. Do you know where I should get off?M: At the Central Park station.W: Do you know how long it will take?M: Oh, probably more than three hours by bus. Why dont you drive your new car?W: Well, Dad, you know I just got my license, and I dont know how to get there.M: Come on, sweetheart. H

14、ave a little more confidence in yourself, OK? Heres the map. W: OK, Ill do it. By the way, what kind of gift do you think I should get for her?M: Im not sure. Maybe an ice cream cake or some flowers?W: Well, Id really like to get her something special, something that will last.M: Oh, I remember you

15、both like teddy bears, right?W: Good idea. How could I forget that! Thank you, Dad.M: Youre welcome. Take care and have a good time.SECTION BHello, everyone. At the beginning of todays class, Id like to tell you what to prepare for an earthquake.First, you should prepare enough water. Water is very

16、important after an earthquake. Usually you should prepare enough water to drink and use for three days after an earthquake.Second, you should prepare enough food to eat for three days after an earthquake. You should prepare food that doesnt go bad easily. Youd better prepare such food items as canne

17、d foods, nuts, cookies and dried fruit.Its quite likely that you will get injured during an earthquake. So you should prepare medicine and first aid supplies.After an earthquake, you may not be able to go back to your house at once. So you should prepare a tent. You should also prepare hard shoes, a

18、 fire lighter, candles, extra clothes, toilet tissue, cash and a radio in case you cannot go back immediately after an earthquake.Thats all. Now lets begin our class.参考答案1-5 ACACB 6-10 CBABB 11-15 ACAAC 16. water 17. three/3 18. medicine19. tent 20. toilet tissue21-25 ACBAD 26-30 ADBDC 31-32 DC33. t

19、hem 34. like 35. also 36. a 37. from 38. to 39. that 40. When41. create family customs42. a date night43. family relationships44. Take pictures / photos45. together 46. your kids47. exercise 48. Sort out49. favorite photos 50. easy and enjoyable51. To earn pocket money to buy something he needed.52.

20、 To make her know why he wasnt in school.53. A big jar filled with dollar bills.54. When he got good marks in school.One possible version:Dear boys and girls,Id like to share with you my ideas on how to develop a pleasant relationship with others.According to Dale Carnegie, a famous American expert

21、on interpersonal relationships, ones success is 15% due to professional knowledge and 85% due to the ability to communicate with other people. Thats why we should learn to develop a pleasant relationship with the people around us. But what shall we do to achieve this goal?First of all, be friendly a

22、nd helpful to the people around us, showing them we are ready to lend a helping hand when necessary.Second, be honest with others so that they can depend on us when they need help. Third, be a good listener. To develop a deep friendship with someone, we should be prepared to listen to and support th

23、em just as we would want them to listen to and support us. Finally, be forgiving. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. When theres a problem, we should try to overcome it and move on.If you follow the advice, I am sure you will soon be on the way to success.Thats all. Thank you.部分解析完形填空 1:本文是

24、记叙文。作者通过一个小故事告诉我们应该多向他人微笑。21. A。由下文交通管理员的故事可知, “我”对微笑有了新的看法微笑可以“改变(change ) ”“我”和“我”周围的人们。22. C。由下文的 The more I drove 可知, “我”成了“我”儿子学校里的一名“司机(driver) ”。23. B。由下文的 long lines of heavy traffic 可知,司机们会对此“抱怨(complain) ”。24. A。由上文的 a new crossing guard 可知,此人管制着交通以便车辆能够“快速(quickly ) ”安全地进出校区。25. D。由上文的 Th

25、e guard . seemed unsure when he made a decision 可知,这位管理员在指挥交通时犹豫不定,所以经常“造成(caused) ”交通堵塞。26. A。由上文的 Most days he looked worried 和下文的 He smiled back at me 可知, “我”想做点什么让这位管理员“感到放松(relaxed) ”。27. D。这位交通管理员给了 “我”一个“手势(sign) ”,让“我”驶入学校。28. B。由下文的 as I continued my turn 可知,这里是说“我”在“转弯(turn) ”之前。29. D。 “我”

26、通过微笑使这位管理员的心态发生了改变。make a difference 意为“产生影响”,符合句意。30. C。这里前后句为转折关系,故填 even though。31. D。由上文的 I . smile toward people around me 可知,这里是说那些“收到(received) ”微笑的人们。32. C。由上文内容可知,微笑使“我”的生活更加“美好(brighter) ”、快乐。Module 5 Unit 1 综合检测听力材料、参考答案及部分解析听力材料SECTION AConversation 1W: You look familiar. Have we met bef

27、ore?M: No, but I recognize you from my physics class Professor Grayson, Thursdays at ten. So, do you like that class so far?W: Its interesting, but theres more maths than I expected. You know, my maths skills are kind of weak.M: Yeah, mine too. So, what are you studying?W: Biology.Conversation 2W: T

28、om, do you know who James Clerk Maxwell was?M: No. Who was he?W: A great scientist, ranked along with Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein for his contributions to science.M: Really? I cant believe Ive never heard of him. Can you tell me a little about him?W: Sure. He was born on June 13, 1831, and died

29、 on Nov. 5, 1879.M: Where was he educated?W: He graduated in 1854 with a degree in mathematics from Trinity College.M: What was his most famous scientific achievement?W: He did revolutionary work on a physical theory of gases.Conversation 3W: Why are you laughing so hard? M: Its something funny I ju

30、st read on this website. Look at this cat. Isnt she fat?W: Oh, wow. How much does she weigh?M: 30 pounds. She is the heaviest cat in England. Shes twice as heavy as the second heaviest cat in the country.W: Wow. Shes really fat. The cat needs to go on a diet.M: As a matter of fact, thats what she is

31、 doing now. Her owner is stopping her from eating too much.W: Did she eat anything special to make her so fat?M: No. Her owner said they didnt give her any special food. She ate the same food as her sister, who weighs only 10 pounds.Conversation 4W: Pardon me, officer. Could you tell me how to get t

32、o Guangming Park?M: OK. Guangming Park is about a mile and a half from here. The bus stop is on the other side of the street if you want to take a bus.W: Well, Id like to walk if its within walking distance.M: All right. We are now at the traffic lights. Go straight along this road for half a mile,

33、until you come to the first crossing.W: I see.M: Turn left at the first crossing and you will see the Agricultural Bank of China. Continue to walk another two blocks. Then youll come to Baiyun Road.W: Baiyun Road.M: Yes, and then turn right. Walk for a few minutes. The entrance to Guangming Park is

34、at the corner of Baiyun and Jianshe Roads. Its between a cinema and a supermarket.W: Thanks a lot.M: Youre welcome.Conversation 5W: Are you reading news online, David?M: No. Im looking for a good hotel in London. W: Are you going to take a business trip there?M: No. My friend Mark and I are going to

35、 spend a holiday there. W: How long will you stay there?M: Well stay there from July 15th to 21st. Well come back on 22nd.W: It looks like you found some good information about Londons hotels. What price are you looking for? M: Between 60 and 90 pounds a night. Ive found three hotels that charge bet

36、ween 60 and 90 pounds per night. See, right here.W: How about this one, Great Hotel? Its only 65 pounds per night. The Hoxton looks nice, too, and its not much more, only 69 pounds per night. M: Yeah, but I think they are both too small. I think well stay in the Rose Hotel. It charges just 80 pounds

37、 a night, and there is a beautiful English garden close to it. I love spending time in gardens.Conversation 6M: Alice, lets begin your road test.W: All right. Im ready. Ive been practicing in my driveway all week.M: Okay. As Im sure you are aware, you will not only be tested on your knowledge of the

38、 rules of the road, but on your behavior towards other drivers.W: Yeah, here we go.M: Oh, my! Take it easy. The speed limit in this business district is only 25 miles an hour. Now, turn right at the next corner. No, not there! Wow! You forgot to signal too! W: Gosh. I didnt see that one. M: Just for

39、get it keep driving.W: So, how am I doing? Can I just look at your notes? M: No! And, uh, watch out. Now youre too close to the truck in front of us. W: Oh, yeah. Im just so excited about getting my license today. M: Okay. Now carefully turn right here, and wait, wait, stop! You almost hit that old

40、man. How did you pass the written test anyway? You have to give way to anyone crossing the street, especially old people. W: Oh, I am sorry about that. It wont happen again. M: Whoa! Get out! Im driving us back to the office. W: Does this mean I didnt pass the test? M: Could you do me a favor? When

41、you come back to take the test again, please come on Friday. W: Again? Why? Is it less crowded that day?M: No. Its my day off.SECTION BWhat personal qualities should a teacher have? I think most people would agree with the following. First, a teacher should be attractive. That doesnt mean a teacher

42、has to be good-looking, but rather that he or she should be able to attract students attention. They shouldnt be boring. Second, the most basic skill for a teacher is to understand the minds and feelings of other people. Third, a teacher should be a bit of an actor. A teacher should be able to put o

43、n a performance to make his or her lessons interesting. Fourth, a teacher must be very patient. Teaching requires great effort and a teacher should have the patience needed to deal with problems that children often meet in their studies and in their lives. Finally, a teacher should have the kind of

44、mind which always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job which a teacher will never be perfect in. There is always something more to learn about the subject, about teaching methods and about the students learning methods. 参考答案1-5 CBBCB 6-10 ABACB 11-15 BCCAC 16. attractive 17. minds and feelings

45、 18. actor19. patient 20. learning21-25 BAACB 26-30 ADBCC 31-35 ABDAC 36-40 ABACD41-45 BCDBD 46-47 CA48. us 49. However 50. a 51. that52. up 53. and 54. if / when55. With 56-60 BDCAA 61-65 CDCAC 66-70 BDAAC71. Effects 72. Influence your thinking73. Ways / Tips 74. complaining75. proper points 76. ar

46、guing with them77. their negativity 78. Sow positivity79. influence negative people80. Conclusion81. By doing part-time jobs.82. Building a playground for some needy children at a workers camp.83. A place which can feed 60 needy people and allow them to take the rest home.84. Small things students d

47、o to make the world better.One possible version:As we all know, developing a pleasant relationship with others lays a good basis for our future careers in life. We all need some basic communication skills to get along with others. Here are some tips that may help you communicate effectively.First of

48、 all, we should always think carefully. It is important for us to have a clear idea of what we are going to say and how we should say it. Second, listening patiently allows you to understand what other people have in mind. You cant truly communicate with someone else if you dont understand their tho

49、ughts. The third communication skill that leads to effective communication is your selection of words and the voice tones that you use when you speak. Last but not least, nonverbal communication is of great importance too. We can use our eyes, facial expressions and body language to get our meaning across.部分解析单项填空:21. B。本题考查时态。句意:自去年九月以来, “土豪”一词已在社交媒体上被使用 1 亿多次。根据时间状语 since last September 可知,应用现在完成时。

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