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1、1Unit 1Sample iBT Question (Track 1-01)All right, are we ready to begin? Good. Last class we left off with, um, an introduction concerning the dolphins ability to communicate with one another. As you know, dolphins are often regarded as one of the most intelligent animal species on earth, but it is

2、hared to say just how intelligent dolphins are. This is because of, um, this mammals ability to communicate by using a variety of clicks, whistles and other vocalizations. Now lets talk about the different ways dolphins communicate. OK, the first of these communication methods includes a form of ech

3、olocation; where dolphins locate an object by producing sounds and then listening for the echo. It works like this: um, broadband clicking sounds are emitted in a focused beam towards the front of a target. As the object of interest is approached, the echo grows, um, louder; and the dolphins adjust

4、by decreasing the intensity of the inter-click interval and their emitted sounds.Basic DrillA Listen to part of a conversation, and answer the question. ( 1. A 2. C 3. A)1. What is the conversation mostly about? (Track 1-02)Script:W1: Wow, its getting late. Weve been studying in the library for a lo

5、ng time now.W2: Youre right. Its already dark outside. Im kind of nervous about walking back to the dorm in the dark. W1: Oh, well thats not a problem. We can call campus security to walk us back. Hey, they might even drive us.W2: Really? I didnt know they did that.W1: Yeah, its a really great servi

6、ce. Hey, with the tuition were paying, we should get walked back in the dark.W2: Hey, Im okay with paying tuition if it means safer campuses. This campus security thing is great!Listen again, and circle the words or phrases you hear.library long time campus security back to the roombooks dark outsid

7、e crime getting lateback to the dorm street lights safety tuition2. What is the conversation mostly about? (Track 1-03)Script:W: All right, the first thing you need to do is register for your meal plan.M: Where do I do that?W: Theres an office at the main dining hall on campus. Take your student ide

8、ntification card and a credit card. The meal plans are expensive!M: but what if I really dont eat that much food?W: That doesnt matter. All first year students are required to get a plan for at least two meals a day. So it would be a really good idea if you ate at the dining hall for at least two me

9、als a day. That way, you would actually get your moneys worth.M: So how much is this meal plan going to cost me?W: Im not sure because it changes from semester to semester. Theyll have a pricing guide at the dining hall office.2Listening again, and circle the words or phrases you hear.making plans m

10、eal plan price guide requiredregister main dining hall expensive two meals a dayexpense getting full two meals per day pricing guide3. What is the conversation mostly about? (Track 4)M: Oh man, Im running so late! I have to be at the Biology Building in five minutes!W: Oh, well you had better hurry

11、then. You cant take the usual path from here you know. You have to detour. M: Detour? Why would I do that?W: Dont you remember? Theyre building a new wing on the Chemistry Building. The path is going to be closed due to construction all semester. You have to go around the astronomy lab to get to the

12、 Biology Building.M: Oh thats right! I completely forgot. Okay, I really have to run then. Ill see you later!Listening again, and circle the words or phrases you hear.running so late detour closed due to construction determinerunning so slow Chemistry Building closed owing to constructionBiology Bui

13、lding Geology Building around the astronomy labB. Listen to part of a lecture, and answer the question. (1. C 2. D 3. B)1. Which natural disaster does this passage detail? (Track 1-05)The earth has many natural disasters. Natural disasters are acts of nature that create havoc among the planets creat

14、ures. One kind of natural disaster is a tsunami. A tsunami is a giant tidal wave that starts in the ocean. It causes major flooding where it hits. It can even sink entire islands so that they no longer can be seen from the surface of the water. One reason why a tsunami happens is underwater earthqua

15、kes. These quakes create a disturbance in the water and cause a large swell. This swell creates a wave, which moves until it hits land.Listening again, and circle the words or phrases you hear.natural disasters create chaos major flooding underwater earthquakescontinents tsunami underwater volcanoes

16、 disturbance in the watercreate havoc sea floor natural resources large wave 2. What is the main idea of this passage? (Track 1-06) Women worldwide had to fight for the right to vote. Most government thought that women couldnt make decision about politics. In the 1800s, women started to fight agains

17、t this. They became active in fighting for womens suffrages. Oh, suffrage means the right to vote. The first country to grant women the right to vote was New Zealand. This happened in 1892. over the next hundred years, many more countries gave women voting rights. Many women around the world can now

18、 vote if they want to, but there are still countries that dont allow women to vote. Many battles in this fight have been won, but the fight for womens voting rights is not over.Listen again, and circle the words or phrases you hear.right to vote decisions about policy womens suffering not overin 182

19、9 womens suffrage not at all New Zealand3voting riots decisions about politics in 1892 New England3. What is the lecture mainly about? (Track 1-07)The digestive system is vital in keeping humans and other animals alive. It lets animals take in food and pull out the nutrients. These nutrients are imp

20、ortant to keeping an animal healthy. Humans, the digestive tract is made up of the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine. Food is broken down in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Nutrients are taken out of the food in the small intestine. Food waste then goe

21、s through the large intestine. Here, more nutrients are pulled out or extracted. Finally, waste is passed out of the body through the colon. This is the bottom part of the large intestine. Without the digestive system, we wouldnt be alive.Listen again, and circle the words or phrases you hear.respir

22、atory system nutrients waist digestive systemintestine internal organs belly esophagusnourishment waste stomach lungsPractice with ConversationA. Listen to part of a conversation, and answer the questions. (1. C 2. B) (Track 1-08)1. What is this conversation mostly about? 2. Why does his friend want

23、 the boy to talk to his roommate?3. Listen again, and fill in the blanks.Script:W: So how are things going with your roommate?M: Oh man, hes still really irritating me. I cant wait till the semester is over.W: But Bob, the semester wont be over for two and half months! You have to figure out how, yo

24、u know, how to work this stuff out. Yeah, you have to talk to him.M: Yeah, but I dont know what to say. I mean, I dont want to hurt his feelings or offend him or anything. But, seriously, if he doesnt get rid or those pizza boxes, I think Im going to go ballistic.W: See, this is why you have to talk

25、 to him. Because, youre obviously youre obviously frustrated. I mean, I dont think its unreasonable for you not to want empty food containers lying around the room. I mean, they could attract cockroaches. Thats so gross!M: And its not just the pizza boxes, which, believe me, are bad enough! His sock

26、s are everywhere, his papers are all over my desk, and his tube of toothpaste is oozing and seeping all over our bathroom sink. He wont even put a cap on it! I really think its unsanitary. I mean, I dont want to get sick.W: Oh, man! Thats really disgusting. You could definitely get sick from that. I

27、ts just so unhygienic. You just have to talk to him. Just be calm, and tell him that you dont appreciate his mess. Oh! You could even suggest that the two of you clean the room together once a week. If he has to clean up his own mess, maybe he wont make one!M: Yeah, I suppose I could give that a sho

28、t. I really appreciate the suggestions. I mean, I guessI really do have to figure something out because were not even halfway through the semester.W: Hey, dont mention it. And if you need a pep talk or anything, you can always ask. Im happy to be of assistance.44. Complete the following summary.Bob

29、is frustrated because his roommate is very messy. His roommate leaves food containers, socks, papers, and toothpaste lying around. Bob is concerned that because of the unhygienic room, he might get sick. The woman convinces Bob to talk to his roommate. She says it is important because Bob has to liv

30、e with his roommate for another two and a half months. The woman suggests that Bob and his roommate clean the room together once a week. Bob appreciates the womans help.B. Listen to part of a conversation, and answer the questions. (1. A 2. D) (Track1-0 9)1. What is this conversation mostly about?2.

31、 What does the shopkeeper tell the student to do while he waits for his textbook?3. Listen again, and fill in the blanks.M1: Hey, hows it going? Welcome back to school. Can I help you with anything?M2: Yeah, actually, I hope so. I was looking for this book that I need for my, um, my research methods

32、 class. The professor really wants us to start reading this book now and going over material and stuff, and I cant seem to find it on the shelves.M1: All right, well let me see if I can help you with that, Whats the name of the book? Oh, and if you have the author, that would probably be really help

33、ful, too.M2: Okay, hold on. I have to find where I wrote it down. Okay, got it. The title of the book is Methods of Educational Research. And the author is, um, Wiersma.M1: All right, let me enter that information into the computer to see if we have any in stock. Um, Wiersma, did you say? And Method

34、s of Educational Research?M2: Yeah, that was it.M1: Wow, those disappeared quickly. We actually had a brand-new shipment come in yesterdayfifty textbooks and they were gone by this morning.M2: Oh, no! I knew I should have come by yesterday. I just got so carried away with school supply shopping. Are

35、 you expecting to get more in?M1: Hmm Yes, I think were going to get another shipment in, probably in about a week. But its going to be significantly smaller. I think just twenty books or so.M2: Oh, man! I need to have two chapters read by next week already. I dont know what Im going to do. What a h

36、orrible way to start out this semester!M1: Well, I have a suggestion. You could put your name down to reserve one of the copies thatll be in, and in the meantime, maybe you could check the library to see if they have a copy on reserve. But if youre going to do that, you should probably do it quickly

37、 because Im sure a lot more students are going to be in your position, you know.M2: Yeah, I guess Ill try that. Um, okay, so where do I reserve a copy of the textbook?M1: We can do that right here. But remember, you have to pick up the book within a week of delivery, or youll lose your reservation,

38、and itll go to someone else.M2: All right, thanks. Thanks for all your help.4. Complete the following summary.A student is looking for a book at the campus bookstore. The shopkeeper informs him that the textbook is out of stock. He says a new shipment will arrive in a week. The student panics becaus

39、e his professor has already assigned several chapters of reading from the book. The 5shopkeeper makes a suggestion. He thinks the student should see if the book is on reserve at the library. That way, the student can do his reading without getting behind while he waits for the new shipment of textbo

40、oks.C. Listen to part of a conversation, and answer the questions. (1. A 2. C) (Track 1-10)1. What is this conversation mostly about?2. Why is the student worried about losing his ID card?3. Listen again, and fill in the blanks.W: All first-year students are required to do a one-on-one orientation w

41、ith a librarian or a librarians aid their first semester. So welcome!M: Thank you.W: Okay, so the first thing Im going to do is walk you through how to borrow books from the library. Okay, so what you need to do first is make sure your identification card is registered at the front desk. The circula

42、tion desk officer will, um, scan your card, and then assign you a kind of, well, a barcode that will be swiped every time you borrow a book.M: But why is that attached to my student ID card? I mean, couldnt I get a separate library card? Thats how things were at my public library back home.W: Well n

43、o, its really important that your library card has a photograph of you on it for, um, identification purposes. See, only students and professors and people affiliated with the university are allowed to borrow books from this library. So by attaching a barcode to your student ID, were pretty much ens

44、uring that you belong to this university. Plus, since your ID already has your picture on it, we dont, um, we dont have to worry about anyone else using your ID and taking out books.M: Okay, I guess I can understand that. Its just a little weird to me to have one card for everything here. I mean, it

45、 already has my meal plan and a cash account on it, not to mention, it lets me back into my dorm.W: Well, thats kind of a good thing. You dont end up carrying around a lot of cards.M: Well, Its kind of bad, too. If I lose it, I cant do anything. I guess I have to be really careful.W: I guess you do.

46、 Its not so hard. Dont worry.M: Thanks. Okay, so the first thing I have to do before I can borrow books is, um, take my student ID to the circulation desk for a barcode?W: Thats right! Once you do that, you can start borrowing books!4. Complete the following summary. A librarian is orienting a stude

47、nt to the book borrowing process. She tells him the first step is to get a barcode attached to his student identification card. She says that it is important that he has photo identification when borrowing books because only people affiliated with the university are allowed to borrow books. The stud

48、ent worries about having another account attached to his ID card because it already holds his money accounts, meal plan, and dorm entrance. Hes afraid he will lose it. The librarian reassures him that he will be fine.D. Listen to part of a conversation, and answer the questions. (1. A 2. A) (Track 1-11)1. Wh

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