1、拖延症患者的 30个症状30 Signs Youre Actually A Procrastinator拖延症患者的 30个症状Im a master procrastinator, a couch lover and a guy who has been nicknamed “the last minute man” (kids have batman and superman, why cant I get a name?). Nobody can tell you more about procrastination than I.我是拖延症方面的专家,而且超级迷恋沙发,别人给我起了个外
2、号叫“最后一秒男”(小孩子都有蝙蝠侠,有超人,为什么我不能有个酷帅的名字?)没有人比我更了解拖延症。Below I listed 30 habits of procrastinators. If you find yourself having more than seven then a procrastinator is who you are (and thats not flattering, you gotta do something about it asap!).下面我列举了拖延症患者的 30个习惯。如果你发现自己有 7条以上都符合的话,那你绝对有拖延症(这不是一件好事,你应该
3、尽快做点什么来改掉这个毛病!)1.You get up late起床晚You try to be an all-nighter and you delay your important tasks to the early AMs. Finally you end the night with a series of “energizing naps” which stop when you suddenly realize that its already the next afternoon and youre not finished.你已经做好了开夜车的准备,所以你把所有重要的工作都推
4、到半夜去做。但到了后半夜你就一直不停地打盹,清醒后你才意识到已经是第二天下午了,而且任务还没有完成。2.Everytime is your bed time任何时间都可以睡觉Like I just stated, you dont know when to sleep or when you wake up. So you simply sleep when you want to procrastinate. You dont have a certain time to start working which makes it hard to get anything done.就像我上面
5、说的,你不知道什么时候该睡觉或者什么时候该起床。所以当你拖着一件事不想做的时候,你就选择睡觉。而且你也不确定什么时候开始工作,所以想完成一件事就变得很难。3.You are getting addictive你对某事开始上瘾Eating, drinking or nail biting calms you down for a while when you are nervous and stressed. But you just do it to get away from the boring to do list that you have on your shoulder.当你紧张和
6、压力大的时候,暴饮暴食或者咬指甲可以让你平静一会儿。但是这么做,只能让你暂时逃离本就该自己完成的事情。4.When its too hard, you give up当一件事太难的时候,你就会放弃Youre in love with new beginnings, a new movie to watch, or a new piece of cake to eat. Youre just so stressed that the only way to get out of it is to give up.你喜欢新的开始,喜欢看新的电影,喜欢吃新的蛋糕。你之所以会这样,是因为当你很有压力的
7、时候,所能想到的唯一解决方法就是放弃。5.You no longer trust yourself你不再信任自己You never keep a promise, especially to yourself. You know that promises are stronger than you and that you cant get out of it, so you just stop making them.你从不信守诺言,尤其不履行对自己的承诺。你知道承诺超出了自己的能力,你也知道一旦许下诺言就无法摆脱它,所以你就不再对人许诺。6.You envy hard workers你很
8、羡慕努力工作的人You admire how organized hard workers are. You really admire them and you want to be the same but deep inside you believe that you cant。 Thats why the more you procrastinate the more you admire hard workers.你很佩服他们做事有条有理。你是真的很佩服他们,所以你也想像他们一样,但你内心深处却认为自己做不到。这就是为什么拖延症越严重的人越容易佩服努力工作的人。7.Your lif
9、e is in a predictable loop你的生活处在一个可预见的循环中Procrastination became a rooted habit and you can predict your day before it even begins. You know what you can and what you cant and overcoming your habits is just impossible.拖延症已经成了你的一个根深蒂固的习惯,你在一天还没开始的时候就可以预料到这一天是什么样的。你知道自己能做什么,不能做什么,而改变这些习惯几乎是不可能的。8.The L
10、ast time you hit the gym was 2 decades ago你上一次去健身房是 20年前With a bad sleeping habit and an addictive/bad eating behavior, getting fit is just a dream.Youre good at setting diet plans, but you never implement them.在睡眠习惯不好、饮食不规律的情况下,想要保持身体健康就是个白日梦。你很擅长制定节食计划,但从来没有实施过。9.Your friends always complain你的朋友总是
11、抱怨你Youre always late for an appointment, you simply dont get along with the idea of being on time.约会的时候你总是迟到,你就是没办法做到准时。10.You are always in a hurry你总是急急忙忙的Because to be early is boring as hell. And hard too.因为对你来说,早作准备是件非常无聊的事情,而且也很难做到。11.You have a messy room/workplace你的房间或者工作的地方很乱You only clean w
12、hen you have an even more boring task to do.你只有在需要做一件更无聊的事情的时候,才会想到去把它们打扫干净。12.You are easily stressed你很容易感到有压力Someone with a messy life must get easily stressed, especially when the idea of not being able to get things done fast become a fundamental belief.生活混乱的人一定很容易感到有压力,尤其当“我无法快速做完事情”已经成为了他的基本信念
13、后。13.You think “meditation” is a new shampoo你认为“沉思”是一种新的洗发露Youre so stressed that you cant imagine life without it, relaxation is just an illusion.在压力很大的情况下,你无法想象没有压力的生活,放松对你来说只是一种幻想。14.Planning is something you can only find in Game Of Thrones对你来说,计划是某种只存在于权力的游戏中的东西The number of the uncompleted pla
14、ns you commit yourself to is bigger than the number of episodes of your favorite show. Planning is something that only happens in movies or in GOT.你应完成而未完成的计划数量比你最爱看的电视节目的集数要多。对你来说,只有在电影或者权力的游戏中才有计划。15.And youre waking up when it comes to deadlines到截止日你才能振奋起来The inner voice only screams when youre r
15、unning out of time. You only take action when youre threatened with a “Must do”.在时间不够的情况下,你内心的小宇宙才会爆发。你只有在“非做不可”的威迫下才会采取行动。16.Because it never seems to be late因为似乎一切都不会太迟You always have enough time. At least thats what you keep telling yourself.你总是有足够的时间。至少你是一直这么告诉自己的。17.And youre one of Bill Gates
16、favorites你是比尔盖茨的最爱之一Youve always find yourself in this quote:“I will always chose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because, he will find an easy way to do it” Bill Gates你总是能在下面这段话中看到自己的影子:“我总是会选择一个懒人来做一件难办的事情,因为他可以找到一个简单的方法来完成它。”比尔盖茨18.You enjoy dreaming about the future你喜欢畅想未来When you dont know
17、 how to motivate yourself to work, your day dreaming becomes an addiction.当你不知道怎么激发工作斗志时,你就会开始做白日梦成瘾。19.It always seems very easy until you do it在你做之前你总会觉得每件事都很简单You see people making it and it looks easy but when you try it its not. This goes from a body transformation to a business plan. Youre eas
18、ily excited but never get along with the hard work.你看到别人成功了而且看起来很简单,但轮到你自己做的时候就不是一回事了。这一现象存在于从塑形到经营方案等一系列事情中。你很容易蠢蠢欲动,但总是没办法办好苦差事。20.The most boring tasks become sexy最无聊的事情也变得很有吸引力From grabbing something from supermarket to paying your phone bills, every boring task become enjoyable except the task
19、you procrastinate. Remember your school days.从去超市买东西到交话费,除了你拖着不办的事情外,其余每件无聊的事情都让你乐在其中。想一想你在学校的日子。21.While facebook is your best friend脸书是你最好的朋友The place where all the fun begins, is where you check your “seven-years-havent-seen” friends status, and the never-ending notifications from people liking y
20、our latest post. You spend more time on facebook than the time you spend to get things done.脸书是你所有乐趣的根源,你可以在这儿看到七年未见的朋友的状态,还能收到赞了你新帖子的朋友的留言。与完成任务相比,你会把更多的时间花在脸书上。22.As are excuses找借口You simply believe you cant, which is the biggest excuse someone can give.你就是觉得自己做不到,这也是一个最大的借口。23.Your kitchen is whe
21、re you grab motivation厨房是你可以找到动力的地方You simply can get your butt off to work and you hope food can do it for you. Its just another excuse to keep away from what scares you or what makes you feel helpless.你终于想开始工作了,而且你希望食物可以给你一些动力。其实这只是给了你自己另一个借口来逃避让你害怕或者无能为力的事情。24.You have no weekends你没有周末Because you
22、 dont know when to rest, your nights and days are the same. Weekends are when you work and midweeks is when you rest. Youre far from being organized.因为你不知道什么时候要休息,白天和晚上对你来说是一样的。周末是你的工作日,而一周中间的日子则是你的休息日。你完全不是一个有条理的人。25.Waking up from “why are you late?” phone calls happens too often常常在一通问你为什么迟到的电话中醒来
23、How many times has your boss called you up for being late and you were sleeping? You know better.有多少次你还在呼呼大睡的时候,老板打电话过来质问为什么迟到?只有你自己清楚。26.You become a Pepsi man你成为了百事超人Except for Redbull, coffee and tea.除了红牛、咖啡和茶以外。27.When you love full hours你喜欢整点Youre in love with full hours. When its 7:51 you prom
24、ise youll start at 8:00 and when its 8:32 you set the alarm for 9:00.你超爱整点。7:51 的时候你保证 8:00开始工作,8:32 的时候你会把闹钟设在9:00。28.Youre a “desktop games” fan你是桌面游戏迷Spider solitaire, Sodoku, bubble shooter, and Packman, all are on your phone or laptop. Theyre your work buddies.蜘蛛纸牌、数独、泡泡龙和吃豆豆都是你的手机或者笔记本电脑上的必备游戏
25、。它们是你的工作小伙伴。29.If you have a single wish, it is to have more self-discipline.如果你只能许一个愿的话,你希望自己能有更强的自制力You really believe in that.你真的相信这一点。30.You are the best at giving advice you never listen to你最擅长给出一些自己从不会采纳的建议You tell people what to do, because youre a master of research for better ways to get things done, but you never tried them yourself.你告诉别人应该做什么,因为你在研究完成任务的更好办法,但你从不会去亲身尝试。
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