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1、创新驱动,全力构筑智慧之城贵阳市智慧城市建设,刘玉海 贵阳市副市长,创新驱动,全力构筑智慧之城 贵阳市智慧城市建设Innovation-Driven & Smart City Constructionof Guiyang,闫宏强 贵阳市市长助理Yan Hongqiang, Mayor assistant,生态.智慧 Ecological City & Smart City,2012年贵阳市获批为首个国家级生态文明示范城市2012, Guiyang was awarded as one of the first national demostration Eco-city.,2013年贵阳市被住

2、建部列入年度国家智慧城市试点2013, Guiyang was listed by the MOHURD as annual pilot smart city.,贵阳市的基本情况,贵阳市情况介绍About Guiyang,贵阳是贵州省省会,辖六区一市三县,一个国家级经济技术开发区,一个国家级高新技术产业开发区,一个国家级综合保税区。夏季平均气温24度,全年空气质量优良天数超过95%,森林覆盖率达43.2%,是世界上喀斯特地区植被保持最好的中心城市;平均海拔1100米,是世界上紫外线辐射最低的城市之一。自然资源丰富,交通便利,是大西南重要的出海通道交汇点。As the capital city

3、of Guizhou province, Guiyang administrativly covers one city, three counties, one national economic and technological development zone, and one comprehensive bonded zone. The average tempereture in summer season is 24C, and the days with good air quality account for more than 95% through out the yea

4、r. 43.2% of forest coverage rate makes Guiyang the best central city with good vegetation in castor region, and 1100ms average elevation makes it one of the cities with lowest ultraviolet radiation in the world. Guiyang also boasts for her abundant natural resources and convenient transportation, sh

5、e is a very important transportation hub in the Southwest of China.,贵阳市情况介绍城市荣誉Honors:,2011年获得“国家节水型城市”称号2011, natioanl water-saving city, 2012年 首个国家生态文明示范城市2012, the first Eco-civilization demonstration city, 2012年 首批“国家服务业综合改革试点城市”2012, one of the first natioanl pilot city on comprehensive reform

6、of service industries,首个国家森林城市The first national forest city,首个国家循环经济试点城市The first national circular economy pilot city,首批国家节能减排财政政策综合示范城市One of the first conprehensive demonstration city with energy saving & emission reduction fiscal policy,中国避暑之都Best summer resort in China,全国十大低碳城市Top 10 low-carbo

7、n city in China,国家园林城市National Garden City,国家信息化试点城市National pilot city on informatization,全国文明城市National civilized city,国家卫生城市State Sanitation City,全国首批农村信息化服务试点城市One of the first national pilot city on informationalized service for rural areas,贵阳市情况介绍 Technology Exchange & Cooperation,中关村贵阳科技园揭牌仪式

8、Opening ceremony of Zhongguancun Guiyang science park,贵阳市与北京科委“一站一台”科技合作揭牌仪式Opening ceremony on technology cooperation between Guiyang and Beijing science and technology commission,2013年9月以来,贵阳市加强了与北京科技资源的交流,在高新技术产业、战略性新兴产业领域开展全面合作Since September 2013, Guiyang has strengthened technology exchange wi

9、th Beijing, and conducted all-round cooperation on high-tech industry and strategic emerging industry.,贵阳市智慧城市建设 Smart City Construction of Guiyang,发展思路 Our Ideas建设目标 Our targets顶层设计 Our Plannings,发展思路Our Ideas,创新驱动为引领Making inovation-driven as the guide,一方面立足于解决城市发展的问题和瓶颈问题Sovling problems, especia

10、lly bottleneck problems that emerge during urban development,另一方面立足于形成新的经济驱动引擎Forming a new economic engine,建设目标Our targets,信息基础设施完善A basic information infrustructure should be completed.智慧应用全面 Preliminary effects of smart city can be obtained.城市管理运行高效 High efficent city management,宽带基础设施 Broadband

11、Infrustructure,基础网络建设Construction of basic comprehensive network,IPV6的下一代互联网示范城市建设Construction of pilot city on IPV6-based Internet network,广播建设网取得重大进展Great progress should be made on broadcasting networks,农村家庭宽带接入能力达到4MbpsBroadband access for rural families should reach 4Mbps,宽带用户20M通达率95%以上proport

12、ion of 20M broadband users should reach 95%,国家三网融合试点基本完成Gennaral integration of three networks(telecommunication, Internet and broadcasting networks should be completed,信息基础保障和安全防护能力全面提升Abliity on information assurance and safety protection should be comprehensively improved,城市公共管理 Urban Public Mana

13、gement,一个公共平台One public platform,一个管理中心One management center,九大示范运用Nine demostrative application,产业支撑能力增强形成五大智慧产业集群Five smart industrial clusters,电子元器件及信息材料Electronic components & information materials,软件及服务外包Software & Service Out-sourcing,新兴应用电子Emerging applied electronics,移动互联网五大智慧产业集群Five mobile internet industrial clusters,智能装备及智能家居Smart equipments & Smart home,Guiyang Zhucheng Square,Guiyang Guanshanhu Park,Guiyang Huaguoyuan Eco-residential Quarter,Guiyang Confucius museum,爽爽的贵阳欢迎您 谢谢大家!Thank you and welcome to the Cool Guiyang,

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