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1、holiday, pension and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural bed and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agricultural comparative advantage into full play, especially the exclusive advantages of climate, mountains and sea resources, to

2、 create a group of the city, the provinces “called“ XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in entrepreneurship, promoting large-scale projects such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breeding

3、base construction. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and operation of large-scale, p

4、rofessional level. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attention to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprises in circulation. Spare no effo

5、rt to promote the provinces “Trinity“ farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds of business entities, cl

6、osely linked to the all aspects of production and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions together, strengthening the construction of rural eco-environment, create the beautiful countryside construction upgrades, ma

7、king rural areas more livable, suitable for industry, and travel. A focus on rural environment improvement. As far as the rural, the most basic is to make the environment clean and orderly. Pollution to extensively mobilize the masses continue to carry water, clear rivers, down violations, treatment

8、 of bleaching, such as waste reduction, flowering tree “big six“, vigorously carry out waste reduction, resource recovery, improve the cleaning mechanism, enhance the level of meticulous management of the village. Second, we must pay special attention to the beautiful residential building. Adhere to

9、 the “planning ahead, because village system, combination classification implementation, demolition, alteration simultaneously“ policy, vigorously implement the “five hundred“ beautiful countryside construction, actively promote “beautiful house“ pilot expansion. Around 104 national road, Ling Road,

10、 longjindadao, sea road, Ju XI Liao road to catch the five sides of the main roads in about 200 villages, beautiful countryside features boutique village created, good job on planning, environmental protection, cultural heritage, industrial development, crafting lines to create the beautiful rural s

11、cenery, boutique village breed characteristics. No matter whichas long as they caught up peach Lake and village after eight acres to create a standard, even if the County financial to be nervous, the County Government will fulfil their commitments, and 3 million Yuan/village of subsidies. Third, we

12、must pay special attention to development of beauty industry. Construction and traditional villages and beautiful countryside protection of history and culture village, rural tourism, bed and breakfast in combining economic, on rural tourism development in precise and accurate positioning, precision

13、 marketing, supply, and vigorously promote the beautiful rural landscape of rural tourism complex, line, fashion boutique farm village construction and strive to build a group of XX feature quality boutique accommodation project. (C) efforts to get farmers to become even richer. “Off not well-off, t

14、he key to fellow“, the “three agriculture“, final destination was improving farmers welfare, improving farmers living standards. Focus on three aspects: one is “increasing income-generating“ efforts. Actively developing the characteristic agriculture, processing, e-commerce, farm and bed and breakfa

15、st in economy, ensure a stable operating income growth. Deepen the “three rights“ rights empowering the reform, promoting the property income growth. Strengthening of farmers skills training, increase employment levels, promoting sustained growth in wage income. Guide enterprises to strengthen socia

16、l responsibility, equality and mutual benefit, and signed a contract of purchase and sale of agricultural products for farmers, cooperatives and farmers are encouraged “guaranteed earnings + share“ distribution system, sharing the value-added benefits of industrial development. Second in the growing

17、 collective efforts. City has developed the implementation of village-level collective economy three years cultivating meter, Requires three years of hard work and largely kongkecun, the majority of villages have operating income. Against this target, we have to be based on local conditions, use you

18、r head, and actively explore and find ways, and ensure completion of tasks in the city. Third, work on strengthened safeguards. Advancing precision of poverty, improve the low-income household tracking, dynamic management mechanism, especially for “unemployed can hold, unable to get out of poverty“

19、of poverty, further strengthening the fallback of subsistence allowances and social assistance, and address the basic needs of poor people. Deepening the reform of public services in rural areas, focus on resolving prominent weakness of rural public service and peoples livelihood facilities, such as

20、 through the teaching, medical and other ways to improve educational levels, improving health conditions in rural areas. By encouraging the Central village to set up day care centres to promote old-age home, rural elderly pension problems. Third, firmly grasp and continued to play well “five water t

21、reatment of“ winning the war on February 29 this year, the provinces “five water treatment试题库及相应标准答案: 试题库 一、填空题: 1、有关历史运动的历史观点有: 、 规律论等。 2、有关历史动力的历史观点有: 、 、 地理环境论等。 3、有关史学功能的历史观点有: 、 、经世史观等。 4、历史文献学包含有 、 辨伪学等。 5、历史学以历史资料为研究对象的分支学科有 、 、 、训诂学、辨伪学等。 6、当代史学的主要趋势 的作者是英国著名史学家 。 7、意大利史学家 的代表作是历史学的理论和实际 。 8

22、、史的初意是 9、孟子说“其事则齐桓晋文,其文则史”,这里的 “史” 是 的意思。 10、历史的基本属性是 11、 史学的代表人物是孔德。 12、意大利史学家克罗齐认为历史即哲学,他奠定了 的基础。 13、历史学是 的科学。 14、历史是 的过程。 15、历史学的学科结构可分为以客观历史为研究对象的分支学科、 分支学科和 的分支学科。 16、版本指 、印本也兼及写本。 17、刻本按刊刻者又可分为殿本书、 、 、私家自刻。 18、我国古代的正统史观有 、 、圣人史观。 19、中国资产阶级史学的倡导是以 写的新史学为标志的。 20、王国维 “二重证据法”指的是以 补正 21、史学理论包括史学本体论

23、、 、 三个部分。 22、以历史学本身为研究对象的历史学分支学科指的是 和 。 23、现在知道的最早的刻本书是公元 年中国唐朝刊刻的 卷子。 24、陈垣的古教四考是 、 、 和摩尼教入中国考。 25、陈垣在元史研究方面的著作有 、 和元秘史意音用字考。 26、顾颉刚在 中提出了“层累地造成的中国古史”观。 27、公元五世纪 之后西方史学成了一门独立的学问,他也因此获得了西方“史学之父”的殊荣。 28、西方古典的世俗的历史学特点是 29、希腊最早的史迹,是靠荷马史诗流传下来的,它由 和 两部分组成。 30、古罗马最杰出的史学家是 和 ,而 的史学理论标志着古代欧洲史学理论发展的最高水平。 31、

24、中世纪的史观主要是 32、神学家奥古斯丁的 奠定了中世纪西欧基督教神学历史思想基础。 33、14-16 世纪文艺复兴中产生了人文主义史学以 与 为主题。 34、18 世纪启蒙运动中理性主义史学以 和 为主题。 35、十九世纪被称为历史学的世纪,在前期的西方史坛占据主导地位的是 ,中后期是 ,下半叶是 。 36、1845-1846 年,马恩合著 标志着唯物史观的正式创立。 37、中国马克思主义史学的开创者是 。 38、 1927-1937 年发生了有关中国社会性质、 和 的三大论战。 39、美国 布莱克的现代化的动力 、 是“迄今为止用比较史学进行社会科学研究的holiday, pension

25、and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural bed and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agricultural comparative advantage into full play, especially the exclusive advantages of climate, mountains and sea resources, to create a group o

26、f the city, the provinces “called“ XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in entrepreneurship, promoting large-scale projects such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breeding base construction

27、. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and operation of large-scale, professional level

28、. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attention to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprises in circulation. Spare no effort to promote the

29、 provinces “Trinity“ farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds of business entities, closely linked to t

30、he all aspects of production and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions together, strengthening the construction of rural eco-environment, create the beautiful countryside construction upgrades, making rural areas

31、more livable, suitable for industry, and travel. A focus on rural environment improvement. As far as the rural, the most basic is to make the environment clean and orderly. Pollution to extensively mobilize the masses continue to carry water, clear rivers, down violations, treatment of bleaching, su

32、ch as waste reduction, flowering tree “big six“, vigorously carry out waste reduction, resource recovery, improve the cleaning mechanism, enhance the level of meticulous management of the village. Second, we must pay special attention to the beautiful residential building. Adhere to the “planning ah

33、ead, because village system, combination classification implementation, demolition, alteration simultaneously“ policy, vigorously implement the “five hundred“ beautiful countryside construction, actively promote “beautiful house“ pilot expansion. Around 104 national road, Ling Road, longjindadao, se

34、a road, Ju XI Liao road to catch the five sides of the main roads in about 200 villages, beautiful countryside features boutique village created, good job on planning, environmental protection, cultural heritage, industrial development, crafting lines to create the beautiful rural scenery, boutique

35、village breed characteristics. No matter whichas long as they caught up peach Lake and village after eight acres to create a standard, even if the County financial to be nervous, the County Government will fulfil their commitments, and 3 million Yuan/village of subsidies. Third, we must pay special

36、attention to development of beauty industry. Construction and traditional villages and beautiful countryside protection of history and culture village, rural tourism, bed and breakfast in combining economic, on rural tourism development in precise and accurate positioning, precision marketing, suppl

37、y, and vigorously promote the beautiful rural landscape of rural tourism complex, line, fashion boutique farm village construction and strive to build a group of XX feature quality boutique accommodation project. (C) efforts to get farmers to become even richer. “Off not well-off, the key to fellow“

38、, the “three agriculture“, final destination was improving farmers welfare, improving farmers living standards. Focus on three aspects: one is “increasing income-generating“ efforts. Actively developing the characteristic agriculture, processing, e-commerce, farm and bed and breakfast in economy, en

39、sure a stable operating income growth. Deepen the “three rights“ rights empowering the reform, promoting the property income growth. Strengthening of farmers skills training, increase employment levels, promoting sustained growth in wage income. Guide enterprises to strengthen social responsibility,

40、 equality and mutual benefit, and signed a contract of purchase and sale of agricultural products for farmers, cooperatives and farmers are encouraged “guaranteed earnings + share“ distribution system, sharing the value-added benefits of industrial development. Second in the growing collective effor

41、ts. City has developed the implementation of village-level collective economy three years cultivating meter, Requires three years of hard work and largely kongkecun, the majority of villages have operating income. Against this target, we have to be based on local conditions, use your head, and activ

42、ely explore and find ways, and ensure completion of tasks in the city. Third, work on strengthened safeguards. Advancing precision of poverty, improve the low-income household tracking, dynamic management mechanism, especially for “unemployed can hold, unable to get out of poverty“ of poverty, furth

43、er strengthening the fallback of subsistence allowances and social assistance, and address the basic needs of poor people. Deepening the reform of public services in rural areas, focus on resolving prominent weakness of rural public service and peoples livelihood facilities, such as through the teac

44、hing, medical and other ways to improve educational levels, improving health conditions in rural areas. By encouraging the Central village to set up day care centres to promote old-age home, rural elderly pension problems. Third, firmly grasp and continued to play well “five water treatment of“ winn

45、ing the war on February 29 this year, the provinces “five water treatment最成功的范例。” 40、提倡总体史学,从下往上看是学,问题史学的史学流派是 。 41、当代西方新史学各流派大多是在 学派影响下发展起来的。 42、汤因比认为 是文明起源的规律。 43、斯宾格勒的代表作是 。 44、西方心理史学主要有三个研究方向,即 、 、 。 45、我国现存最早关于农业的专论是 之上农、任地、辨土、审时 46、我国现存的最早的农学专著是 。 47、 被称为现代中国考古学之父。 48、傅衣凌先生是中国 学派的代表人物。 49、 是史学

46、著作的写作方式 ; 是著者对所掌握材料进行叙述的组织布局;语言是表述历史内容的工具。 50、 是中国最古老的史书体裁。 51、史书的体例包括史书序言的设置、标题的设计、引文、附录、 的编纂方式和 的惯例等在内。52、中国古代纪年法有 、 和 ,今人编纂史书多用 纪年法。 53、年号纪年开始于 使用年号后。 54、我国古代史书中的传、数、训、 、 、等都属于注释。 55、中国古代三大史书体裁是 ,而近代以来史书体裁的主流是 。 56、历史认识的客体是 57、历史认识的真理就是 。 二、简答题: 1、历史观点大致可分为哪三个方面的内容?试就每一方面列举三个具体观点。 2、什么是历史?什么是历史学? 3、历史与历史著述的区别与联系 4、实证主义史学局限性 5、为什么说历史学是科学而非艺术 6、简述历史学的学科结构: 7、列举历代管理档案的机构(4 个): 8、简述梁启超的史学成就。 9、列举十部梁启超在五四以后文化学术史方面的专著。 10、简述王国维的史学成就。 11、简述陈寅恪的史学成就 12、简述陈垣的史学成就 13、列举陈垣的“ 古教四考”与“宗教三书 ” 14、列举陈垣在历史文献学方面的成就 15、简述唯物史观基本原理: 16、马克思主义对当代整个西方历史学家的思想

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