1、1老挝驻华大使维吉欣他翁的发言(摘录)老挝毕竟是个小国家,人口只有 560万,经济总量也不大GDP总量只有 23亿美元,人均 GDP为 400美元外贸总额仅为 9.35亿美元,其中进口为 5.61亿美元有 40%人口仍生活在贫困线以下与东盟其他国家和中国相比,老挝显然在经济上是最薄弱的老挝至今还是世界上最贫困的国家之一 然而,老挝经济有很大的发展潜力 首先,老挝自然资源相对丰富:包括水资源热带森林和矿产资源,且大都尚未开发 第二,老挝地理地形和气候条件适于发展农业和农产品加工 第三,老挝旅游业发展潜力巨大 此外,老挝政局稳定,有和平的环境我们与邻国和地区其他国家保持了和平友好的关系 缺少资金,
2、现代技术和先进的管理经验是制约经济发展的主要原因但在过去几年中,由于老挝政府引进了市场经济机制,进行了改革,老挝经济保持了稳定持续的发展在这个新政策的支持下,老挝经济得以与地区和世界其他经济实现融合目前,老挝与近 70个国家和地区建立了贸易往来,吸引近 40个国家和地区达 80亿美元直接投资 2自老挝加入东盟及东盟自由贸易区以来,其投资和贸易都有显著增长其他有利因素包括:欧盟给予老挝服装产品特惠地位,老挝产品可以自由进入澳大利亚市场以及最近美国给予老挝的正常贸易关系地位这些因素帮助老挝不断与地区和世界其他国家融合从这点我们可以看出,像老挝这样经济力量薄弱的小国家,只有走出去,与世界融合才能生存
3、 因此,对老挝来讲,中国-东盟自由贸易区和东盟自由贸易区一样重要在我们看来: 加入中国-东盟自由贸易区将利于老挝融入地区和世界经济发展中国-东盟贸易区将有利于老挝加强其产品在世界市场的竞争力中国-东盟贸易区将帮助老挝与周边国家一样形成自己的市场,从而创造更好的环境,吸引外国投资 中国-东盟贸易区将促进老中贸易和投资的发展 老中两国山水相连,友谊源远流长近些年,两国经济合作取得了很好的成果去年,双边贸易总额达 1.1亿美元,首次突破 1亿美元大关两国贸易额有望在今年攀升至 2亿美元中国对老投资也是非常重要的截至去年,中国在老挝累计投资达3.42亿美元,共计 142个项目这些数字现在看来还很小,但
4、双方都有潜力,且随着自贸区的建设,我相信这些数字在不远的将来会不断增加 3老挝人民民主共和国驻北京大使馆愿意为有合作意向的中方企业和老挝企业牵线搭桥大使馆的商贸咨询处愿意提供相关信息并随时与您交流 Laos, after all, is a small country with a small population of 5.6 million. Like its population, its economy size is also tiny. The nominal GDP is about US$2.3 billion. Per capita GDP is just around US
5、$ 400. Foreign trade is only at US$ 935 million, of which import stands at US$ 561 million. Out of total population, nearly 40% remain living under poverty line. Compared with other ASEAN countries and China, it is obviously seen that Laos economy is the weakest. Yet, this country still belong to th
6、e group of poorest countries of the world. However, Laos has a great potential for the development of its economy. - First of all, it has a relatively abundant natural resources: water resource, tropical forestry resource and mineral resource mostly remain untapped. - Its geo-topographic and climati
7、c conditions are favourable for developing agriculture and agro-product processing industry. 4- It possesses good potential for developing tourism. - Moreover, Laos is enjoying peace and political stability. It is also enjoying peaceful and friendly relationship with surrounding neighbours and count
8、ries in the region. Lacking of capital, modern technology and advanced management are main factors for retardation of economic growth. Nevertheless, during the last many years Laos economy has maintained steady and continuous growth thanks to the governments policy of renovation by which mechanism o
9、f market economy was used. With this new policy, Laos has been able to integrate gradually its economy into the economy of the region and even of the world. At present, Laos is having trade relations with nearly 70 countries and regions and having FDI of US$ 8 billion from almost 40 countries and re
10、gions. There has been a significant increase in investment and trade since Laos joined ASEAN and AFTA. Other factors for the increase are the GSP status given many years ago by EU to Lao garment products, the free access of Lao products to Australian market approved few years ago and, most recently,
11、 the Normal Trade Relations Status with USA. These factors have put Laos on 5the process to continuously integrate with the region and the world. From this point, we can see that one country, especially a small country with weak economy like Laos, should look outward and try to integrate itself to t
12、he world, otherwise it will be hard to survive. Therefore, to Laos CAFTA is just as important as AFTA. From our perspective: - Joining CAFTA will help Laos economy to integrate into the economies of the region and the world. - CAFTA will help Laos to strengthen competitive power of its products in t
13、he world market. - CAFTA will help Laos to emerge its market with those around it, hence creating more attractive conditions for foreign investors. - CAFTA will encourage more exchanges in trade and investment between Laos and China. As immediate neighbours, Laos and China share a long history of go
14、od ties of friendship. Recently, a good record has been made in the economic cooperation between the two countries. The two-way trade volume of last year was about US$110 million. 6That was the first time it broke US$100 million record. The trade volume is expected to climb to US$200 million this ye
15、ar. Chinas investment in Laos is also significant. Up to last year, Chinese investment accumulated to about US$ 342 million, with 142 projects. Looking at these figures, we may find that they are very small. But, with a great potential that both countries have and with CAFTA in process, I believe th
16、at the figures will be much higher in a not very far future. Of course, to this end, more efforts from both sides would be needed. For example, more Chinese enterprises should be brave to go to Laos and explore what they can do in that country; enterprises from both countries should meet more often
17、to discuss on what they can cooperate for their mutual benefit. At the same time, Laos should keep improving itself in terms of investment environment and in terms of production efficiency, including quality and price management in order to ensure competitiveness of its products. The Embassy of Lao PDR in Beijing is willing and ready to act as bridge for Chinese enterprises who are interested in doing business with their Lao counterparts. The embassys office of Trade and Commercial Counsellor is willing to provide 7relevant information and to discuss with you any time.
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