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1、“中华文明巡礼”活动申请表Application Form for “China Culture Tour”持正式邀请信的海外与会代表 Delegates from abroad who have received the official invitation姓 Family Name 名 Given Name性别 Gender 国籍 Nationality生日 Date of Birth 护照号码 Passport No.无需另占床位的随行 Family member, no additional room needed姓名 Name 名 Given Name性别 Gender 国籍 Na

2、tionality生日 Date of Birth 护照号码 Passport No.姓名 Name 名 Given Name性别 Gender 国籍 Nationality生日 Date of Birth 护照号码 Passport No.姓名 Name 名 Given Name性别 Gender 国籍 Nationality生日 Date of Birth 护照号码 Passport No.需另安排房间的随行 Family member, additional room needed姓名 Name 名 Given Name性别 Gender 国籍 Nationality生日 Date of

3、 Birth 护照号码 Passport No.姓名 Name 名 Given Name性别 Gender 国籍 Nationality生日 Date of Birth 护照号码 Passport No.姓名 Name 名 Given Name性别 Gender 国籍 Nationality生日 Date of Birth 护照号码 Passport No.1Delegates from abroad who have received the official invitation to attend the World Chinese Conference would need to pa

4、y $150 or 1250 RMB per person.2For family members, the payment would be $240 or 2000 RMB per person if there is no additional room required.3If additional room would be needed, the payment would be $300 or 2500 RMB per person.我自愿参加“中华文明巡礼”活动,并愿意为此支付费用 US$ 或人民币 元I want to participate in “Chinese Cult

5、ure Tour“ activity voluntarily, and I would like to pay related expense US$ or RMB.签字(Signature ):日期( Date):备注 Notes:“中华文明巡礼”活动结束后,如果参团代表无须返回北京,我们可协助预定机票(请您在此写下相关要求) ,所需费用自行承担。代表将无须缴纳山东北京的机票费用:每人 US$75 或人民币 680 元。If the participants want to go to other city instead of Beijing after the “China Culture Tour”, we can help to book the air ticket at the expense of the participants. In this case, the participants do not need to pay for their return air ticket from Jinan to Beijing (US$75 or 680 RMB per person). Please indicate your request below if applicable:

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