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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1011Anne: Your dad went back to the office. He dropped your sister at a friends house to do homework. It just seems like a lot of hours to be spending marching around with a French horn going nowhere.Amy: Nowhere? We could end up at state championships.Anne: By t

2、he time you get home, you barely have time to eat and do your homework, let alone have any fun. Youre only young once. You should be having a little fun.Ricky: So, when are you gonna quit teasing me, Adrian?Adrain: Well, I told you, I dont do it on the first date.Ricky: Weve been out on more than a

3、couple of dates.Adrain: Just dropping by my house when my mothers not home is not a date.Adrain: Can we help you with something?Grace: Oh, Im sorry. I shouldnt have interrupted. I saw you and thought maybe you were going to the game together. I wanted to invite you both to our church for a post-game

4、 celebration. With the gym being repaired, theres nothing at school, so we thought wed try to invite everyone to our church. There wont be a sermon, I promise. Just music, dancing, and we always have really good food, and its free.Grace: She didnt mean that. She was just trying to shock me, and it w

5、orked. But, really, could you come? You and Adrian could bring anyone you want, as many people as you want.Ben: Look at him. Now hes hitting on her.Alice: Why are you so obsessed with Grace Bowman?Ben: All right, well, Ive gotta start somewhere. Where do you think I should start?Alice: Maybe there.

6、Shes in the band. Shes smart, shes nice. She might be desperate enough to go out with you.Henry: No ones that desperate.Ben: You wanna bet?Alice: Why does it have to be a bet? Henry: Why not?Alice: Cause, one, you always lose, and, two, it objectifies Amy, whos a person, not a horse. Three, because

7、winning is an obsession with Ben, and he will stop at nothing.Amy: I didnt exactly realize what was happening until after two seconds, and then it was over. It wasnt fun and definitely not like what you see in the movies. You know, all romantic and stuff?Lauren: Maybe it wasnt sex. Maybe you just ha

8、d, like, a 你爸爸回办公室了,他把你妹妹带到某个朋友家做作业去了。就是感觉你总是拿着法国号练习着走来走去,到头来什么都没得到。怎么会呢?我们可能会夺得州锦标赛呢。等你到家的时候,你几乎都没时间吃饭,没时间做作业,更别说玩的时间了。你只会年轻一次,你应该稍微玩玩。别再挑逗我了!告诉过你了,第一次约会我不会跟别人做的。我们都约会很多次了。趁我妈妈不在的时候,偷偷溜去我家,这不叫约会。有什么我们可以帮得上忙的么?抱歉,我不该打扰你们。我刚看到你们俩,就想起你们可能会一起去比赛。所以我想邀请你们俩到我们的教堂参加赛后庆典。因为体育馆正在装修,所以学校里就没有地方办庆典,所以我们想干脆请大家到

9、我们的教堂来。我保证不会给你们布道的。只是音乐、跳舞,还有好吃的食物,而且免费。我肯定她只是说着玩的,她只是想吓吓我,我也确实被吓到了。但说真的,你能来么?你和 Adrian 想带谁就带谁,想带几个就带几个。你看,现在他又开始纠缠她了。你干嘛对 Grace 那么痴迷?好吧,我总得从什么地方开始。你觉得我应该从哪儿开始?也许那儿吧,她是乐队的,聪明,善良,她有可能绝望到要跟你出去。没有人会那么绝望的。你想打赌么?为什么要赌这个?为什么不呢?因为,首先,你总是输,其次 这关系到艾米,她是个人,而不是匹马。再次,因为本很想赢,所以他会想尽一切办法。我一开始并没有意识到发生了什么,直到两秒之后才有感觉

10、,然后就完了,一点都不好玩,也跟电影里看到的完全不一样。就是那The Secret Life of American Teenager 1019really bad dream, and you just think you had sex? Amy: Im in enough trouble as it is without skipping class.Grace: Im happy youre so interested in the Youth Fellowship programs, but Im afraid youve made me late for class. So you

11、 owe me. Im expecting to see you and Adrian both there tomorrow night with all of your friends.Grace: Hi. I was just wondering if you were going to the game. Were having a party at our church after, and I would love if you could come.Ricky: Im just messing with you, kid. You dont think I could ever

12、forget the night we spent together at band camp, do ya?Madison: I ran all the way to the grocery store and back in 15 minutes, and that is counting the weird, awkward stare I got from the old lady that rung all that stuff up. I hope you drank enough water. Dont use it all on the first one. We wanna

13、make absolutely sure.Lauren: I think the only way to be absolutely sure is if you go see a doctor.Amy: I dont have that kind of doctor.Grace: My parents and I had a long talk about you and me.Jack: But I thought your parents were happy we were dating. I thought they trusted me. Im a Christian. Im ju

14、st as committed to abstinence as you are. If we do get married, and someday I do hope to marry you, in case I never said that. I do hope to marry you, you know, someday. Grace: Well, Im 15, youre 16. I think its gonna be a while. Ive got high school and college and I hope medical school.Jack: How lo

15、ng is medical school, exactly?Grace: What difference does it make? True love waits.Jack: But you dont have to be out of medical school before you get married, right? I mean, you can get married before medical school, before college, even.Grace: Jack, weve talked about this before, lots of times. I w

16、anna be out of medical school before I get married. My dad waited till he was out of medical school, and my mom waited with him.Jack: Excuse me if this sounds vulgar, but we have the relationship where I respect you, you respect me. We can tell each other anything, right?Grace: Right, so just say wh

17、at you wanna say.Jack: It made me think about things. And you know when you tell yourself not to think about something, and you just cannot stop thinking about that something?些浪漫的场景?可能那根本就不是做爱,可能你只是做了噩梦,然后你以为你做了。我不跷课就已经有够多麻烦了。我很高兴你对青年协会这么有兴趣,但恐怕我已经迟到了。所以你答应我咯,我希望明天晚上能看到,你和 Adrian 带着你们的朋友们出席。我想知道你会不会

18、去看比赛,因为赛后我们会在教堂青年协会庆祝,我非常希望你也能来。我是开玩笑的。你不认为我会忘记我们在乐队集训时共度的那个晚上吧?我在 15 分钟内往返了杂货店,而且还包括那个关门的老太用奇怪眼神打量我的时间。我希望你喝了足够的水,别第一次就用完了,我们要百分百肯定。我觉得唯一能百分百确定的方法,就是你去看医生。我没有那样的医生。我父母好好地跟我谈了我们俩的事情。我以为你父母很高兴我们在约会,我以为他们相信我,我是个基督徒。我跟你一样遵守禁欲。如果我们会结婚,我真的希望能跟你结婚,如果我之前没有告诉你。我真的希望有一天能跟你结婚。我觉得还要一段时间吧。我还要上高中还有大学,如果可以的话我还想去学

19、医。上医学院要几年?有什么差别?真爱值得等待。但是你不用等医学院毕业之后才结婚吧?我的意思是你可以学医之前就结婚,如果你愿意甚至大学之前也行。Jack 我们之前就说过这个问题了,而且说了很多次了,我想医学院毕业之后再结婚。我爸爸就是等到医学院毕业之后才结婚的,我妈妈也等他了。原谅我,如果这听上去很低俗,但我觉得我们的关系是建立在你尊敬我,我也尊敬你的基础上的。我们可以无话不谈是吧?对啊,你想说什么直说吧。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1011Adrain: Are you done here? I need a place to sit.Grace:

20、 Oh, sure. Please, sit down. We were just leaving.Jack: I think Im just gonna stay here for a minute.Adrain: I overheard a little of that.Ben: Who came up with those?Counselor: Youre not trying to get out of gym, are you?Ben: Gym? I would get of gym if I joined the band? What does one have to do wit

21、h the other? Well, I know some students in the band who are engaging in a lot of physical activity. Just sign me up.Counselor: You know, Ben, I think its very admirable that youd like to learn to play a musical instrument. However, I think youre lying about your motive. I think you want in the band

22、for some other reason than your love of music.Ben: Mark, weve gotta talk. Youre the counselor. Youre new here, and obviously youre new at the job. Am I right? Counselor: According to my records, youre new here, too. Youre a freshman, right?Ben: Good research. Youre absolutely correct.Counselor: Just

23、 tell me why you want in the band.Ben: Ive decided that Im in love with her and cannot live without her. Ergo, I must take up an instrument and join the band. So what do ya say? Not that I dont relish the opportunity to climb the ropes and jump over the horses in gym, but love calls, and I must answ

24、er.Counselor: So this whole thing is motivated by rejection?Ben: To be perfectly honest, Mark, its all motivated by the fact that Im 15, Im a virgin, and if I ever want to have a sex life, Ive gotta start somewhere. And my advisors have advised that I start with this band chick.Counselor: So if Amy,

25、 the French horn player, is already in band, a change in your schedule is not gonna help you out.Ben: How hard can it be? Lets get that meeting scheduled as soon as possible.Counselor: Why do you even have to be in the band? Why cant you just call this woman up and ask her out?Ben: Because, as you m

26、entioned earlier, now I kill two birds with one stone. I get a shot at the chick, plus I get outta P.E. Hey, but if you can take a compliment, I think youre making progress. I like the suggestion just to call her. Now, Im not a phone guy, but I like that youd suggest something so practical and perso

27、nal. You might just do well here.Counselor: Ill find you after Ive set up the meeting.Ben: Ill look forward to it.看着它我就.你也知道你越告诉自己不能想,就越会去想。你们吃完了吗?我在找地方坐。当然,请坐,我们正要走了。我想我还要多待一会儿。我无意中听到一点。是谁想出来的?你不是在想逃出体育馆吧?体育馆?如果我能加入乐队就不用去体育馆了?这两者之间有联系吗?我知道一些乐队成员还参与很多项体力活动。只管帮我登记。你知道吗,我想你愿意学习乐器演奏是很值得赞赏的。然而,我想你在动机上撒谎

28、了,我想你加入乐队是为了别的原因,而不是因为你喜爱音乐。我们得谈谈,你是辅导员。你刚到任,而且很明显,你对这工作经验尚浅。我说的对吗?根据我的档案,你也是刚到这。你是高一新生,对吧?充足的资料搜集,你说得很对。只管告诉我为什么要加入乐队。我决定我要与她坠入爱河,而我不能没有她,于是我必须选一样乐器演奏,从而加入乐队。你的意见呢?我珍惜在体育馆攀绳,跳鞍马的机会,但当爱来敲门,我欲罢不能。所以整件事的动机只是因为被拒绝了?老实说吧,事实上是因为我今年 15 岁了,我还是个处男,如果我要有性生活的话,我得寻找起点。而我的意见团建议我该以这乐队小辣妹为起点。所以如果 Amy,法国号乐手,已经是乐队成

29、员的话,更改你的课程对你并没有帮助。能有多难?赶快搞定课程安排吧。为什么你要加入乐队?为什么你不能直接给她打电话,约她上街呢?因为,就如你之前所说的,我这是一石二鸟。我可以接近小辣妹,还可以不上体育课。如果你能表扬一下我,我想你是在不断进步。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1011Amy: Life stinks.Madison: Its kinda funny considering were in a bathroom.Lauren: What are we gonna do? Were in this with you. Were there f

30、or you, and anything you want us to do, well do it.Amy: I dont think theres anything anybody can do, Madison. Cant believe Im old enough to use the word “pregnant“ in a sentence, much less actually be pregnant.Lauren: Im just gonna say this one more time, and then Ill shut up. I think you should see

31、 a doctor, because thats what it says on all three tests - to see a doctor.Madison: Yeah, well, maybe doctors make them put that on the box so that they still get paid for an office visit.Lauren: Or maybe they put that on there so you can come in early enough, so that way you have options. Well, I m

32、ean, if you dont really wanna have a baby at 15.Madison: You better not be suggesting she get an abortion.Lauren: Im not suggesting anything. I just think you should see a doctor. And I would go to a doctor before you go to whoever this guy is. There may be something else wrong with you which is mak

33、ing you test positive for pregnancy even though youre not pregnant.Amy: That would be a relief.Lauren: Youre calling? Dont you think your mother should do that?Am: You dont think Im telling my mother about this, do you?Lauren: You have to. Either youre sick or youre pregnant, shes gonna find out soo

34、ner or later. Because, shell either die or have a baby. And I hate to point this out, but somebodys gotta get that doctor bill.Amy: No, theyll just bill it to the insurance.Lauren: Your parents will see the insurance.Madison: Wait. What if you tell your parents that you had to write a paper at schoo

35、l about some woman that you admire, and the only person you could think of was your pediatrician? Since she hadnt seen you in so long, she went ahead and gave you a checkup while you guys talked.Lauren: Its a good idea, except its a lie.Madison: OK, would you stop freaking her out, OK? Look, Ill go

36、with you. Well go right after school.Ashley: Why do these people think theres something wrong with a bellybutton? Its not like everyone doesnt have one. Personally, I dont see the big deal if it shows. Its not like anyone else is covering their buttons.Anne: Theyre supposed to. Its in the dress code

37、.我喜欢打电话给她的建议,我不是爱打电话的人,但我喜欢你提出如此实用且私人的建议。你或许能胜任这工作。我安排好见面会找你。我很期待。生活糟透了。还挺有趣的,鉴于我们在正洗手间。那我们要干什么?我们在这陪你,我们支持你,无论你要我们为你做什么,我们都会做。我不认为我们可以做什么。真不敢相信我已经够年龄谈论“怀孕” ,而实际上已经怀孕。我说最后一遍我就闭嘴了,我想你该去看医生,就因为这三次测试的结果-去看医生吧。或许医生也是让她做同样的测试,而他们还会因为门诊而获得诊金。或许因为他们做了同样的测试,你可以尽早知道可有的选择。我是说,如果你不是真的想在 15 岁生小孩。你最好不要建议她去堕胎。我没有


39、你去,放学之后陪你去。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1011Ashley: Yes, Mother, but no one pays attention to the dress code. Not until today, when I get hauled into the principals office and asked to put on a sweatshirt. Why should I follow the rules if no one else does?George: Ill tell you why. Because I

40、dont wanna get another call from the principals office and neither does your mother. We dont like being embarrassed by our 13-year-old daughter who insists on dressing like a streetwalker when we take our hard-earned money to buy you decent clothes that meet the dress code requirement. Forget the sc

41、hool dress code. We have our own dress code. You didnt just break the schools rules, you broke our rules - rules of good taste. What are you trying to prove, that youre not 13? Youre 13. That youre sexy? Youre not sexy. Do you know what sexy means? It means youre ready to have sex, and you are not r

42、eady to have sex. Neither of my daughters are ready to have sex, and you two will not be ready to have sex for a long time. Anne: Hes right, although I doubt youll get your fathers permission even after youre married.Ashley: Right about what? Showing my bellybutton means I wanna have sex? Do you hav

43、e to be such a geek and ruin everything for me?George: Hey, your sisters not a geek, shes a nice girl, and you know what? Boys like nice girls, so why dont you start trying to look a little nicer and be a little nicer?Anne: Amy, are you feeling OK? You dont look well.Amy: Yeah. No, Im fine. Im just

44、a little tired.Grace: Bless this time we have together as a family and know we are grateful for each other. Thank you for your many blessings and let us always remember to share with others, giving the same love and respect to everyone that wed give to one another.Marshall: Howd it go at school toda

45、y, Grace? Youth fellowship party. Any takers?Gra: No one said theyll definitely come, but I think they will.Tom: Am I going to the party?Marshall: Your mom and I arent even invited to the party, Tom, so I tell you what were gonna do. Were gonna go to the game, stop by and rent a video, and then well

46、 hang out here all night tomorrow.Kathleen: Thats right. Well get some popcorn, maybe even Ill make your favorite brownies.Grace: The partys for everyone. You can ride over with Jack and me. Jack wont mind.Marshall: He might mind. Besides, I dont think wed display 为什么人们要对肚脐大惊小怪的?好像不是每个人都有似的。就我个人来说,我

47、不觉得露肚脐有什么大不了的。不见得每个人都要把它遮起来。他们理应这么做,那是衣着规则。是的,老妈,但是没人会注意衣着规则。直到今天,我被拉进校长办公室,并让我穿上运动衫。如果没人遵守那些规则,我为什么要遵守?我来告诉你为什么,因为我不要再接到校长办公室的电话,你妈妈也不想接到。我们不想因为我们 13 岁的女儿坚持穿的像妓女而尴尬。我们将拿出血汗钱给你买得体的衣服,以迎合衣着规则的要求。忘记学校那套衣着规则,我们有自己的衣着规则,你不仅违反学校的规定,你还违反了我们的规定,好品味的规定。你要试着证明什么?你不是 13 岁吗?你就是 13 岁。你性感吗?你不性感。你知道性感是什么意思吗?意味着你准


49、至没有被邀请参加,我告诉你The Secret Life of American Teenager 1011the trust we have in you if we make your older brother your chaperone for the evening.Tom: I do make a good chaperone.Marshall: Yes, but she does not need a chaperone. Your sister made a promise, and we know she intends to keep it.Tom: Why does she need a ring?Marshall: She needs a ring to remind other people that she made that promise. Its not about Jack. This is about all boys, including Jac

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