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1、Semantic Structureabashed be abashed at/by sth abandon abandon oneself to sth abbreviate abbreviate A to Babeam A is abeam of B abhorrant sth is abhorrant to sbabreast A is abreast of B absent absent A from Babsolve absolve sb from sth abstain sb abstains from sthabstinence abstinence from sthabunda

2、nt be abundant in sthabut A abuts on/against Bacceptable/accessible be acceptable to sbacclimatize/accustom acclimatize sb to sth accountable A is accountable to B for sthaccredit accredit sth to sb/ accredit sb with sthaccuse accuse sb of sth acquaint acquaint sb with sth acquiesce acquiesce in sth

3、 acquit acquit sb of sth adapt adapt sb for sth adept adept in sth/ at (in) doing sthadequate be adequate for/to sthadmission admission to/into somewhereadmonish admonish sb for sthaffiliate affiliate A to Baffinity 1. similarity affinity with sb/sth 2. liking affinity to/for sb/sth 3. relation affi

4、nity with sbaghast be aghast at sthagonize agonize over/about sth agreeable be agreeable to sth ahead be ahead of sb/sth= in front of sb/sthaim ergative verb 1. vi aim at sb/sth 2.vt sb aims A at B= sb makes A aim at Bakin/similar be akin to sb/sth alert a causative verb alert sb to sth= make sb awa

5、re of sth alienate alienate sb from sb/sthalign =affiliate align A with B = bind A with B /bind A and Ballude allude to sth= mention sthally ally A with/to B= make A and B become alliesalternate 1. vi A alternates with B 2. vt sb alternates A with Bangry be angry with sb / at (about) sthanimadvert a

6、nimadvert on sb/sthannex/append/attach annex A to Bantilpathy antipathy to/towards/against sth/sbanxious be anxious for/about sthapologetic be apologetic fo/about sthapposite be apposite to sthappreciative be appreciative of sth/sbapprehensive be apprehensive of /about sthapprise/inform apprise sb o

7、f sth argue argue sb out of /into doing sthascribe/attribute ascribe A to B aspire aspire after/to sth assault an assault on sbassent assent to sth assist 1. assist sb in/with sth 2. assist sb in doing sthassure assure sb of sthatone atone for sthattune attune A to Bavail avail oneself of sthavenge

8、avenge oneself on sb/sthavid be avid for sth/sbback A backs on/onto Bban/prevent ban sb from doing sthbargain bargain with sb for/about/over sthbarter barter A for B with sbbase base A on Bbatten batten on sbbattle battle with/against sb/sthbearing bearing on sthbelong 1. stay together with belong w

9、ith sb /sthbereave bereave sb of sb elsebeware be beware of sb/sthbias 1. bias towards/in favor of sb/sth 2. bias against sb/sthblanch/blush sb blanches at sthboggle boggle at sthborder A borders on Bbrim sth brims with sth capitalize capitalize on sthcare n. care for sb / care over sth /care in doi

10、ng sthcare v. care for sb/ care about sthcarp carp at/about sthcash cash in thcater cater for sb/sthcaution caution sb against sthcavil cavil at sthchamp 1. chew noisily champt sth 2. bite at sth nervously champ on/at sth 3. be impatient to do sth champ at sthchoke sb chokes on sthcleanse cleanse sb

11、/sth of sthclear 1. clear A with B 2. clear B from A cling cling to sthcommiserate commiserate with sb /on(over) sthcompete compete with/against sthcomplacent be complacent about sthconcede concede sth to sbconduce sth conduces to sbconfer confer with sb on sthconsequent A is consequent on Bconspira

12、cy conspiracy to sth / to do sthconsultant an consultant on sthcontent be content with sthcontroversy a controversy about/over sthconvict convict sb of sthcorrespond 1.agree correspond with sth similar correspond to sthcounter be counter to sth crab crab about sthcringe cringe at/from sthcuriou

13、s be curious about sthdawn sth dawns on sbbebouch sth debouches into sthdecision a decision on/against sthdefer defer to sb= obey sbdeficient be deficient in sthdefray defray sth= pay for sthdeft be deft at sth/doing sthdelegate delegate sth to sbdemur demur at sth = disagree to sthdenude denude sb

14、of sthdeprive deprive sb of sthdeprecate deprecate sth=demur at sthdeputize deputize for shtderive derive from sth= originate from sthderogate/detract derogate from sthdeserving be deserving of sthdesirous be desirous of sthdevoid be devoid of sthdine dine on sthdip/dunk dip A into B= put A into Bdi

15、sabuse t disabuse sb of sthdisagree disagree with sb/ on (about) sth disapprove disapprove of sthdisconnect disconnect A from B discriminate (!) see a difference discriminate A from B/discriminate between A and B (2) treat inequablely discriminate against/ in favor of sb/sthdisengage 1. disengage A

16、from B 2. A disengages from B diverge A diverges from B disgruntled be disgruntled with sb/ at(about) sthdisgust disgust at sth/ for(with) sbdisgusted be disgusted at/by/with sb/sthdisinclination disinclination for sthdisport disport oneself dispossess disposess sb of sthdisqualify disqualify sb fro

17、m sthdissatisfied be dissatisfied with sb(sth)/ at doing sthdissent dissent from sthdissimilar be dissimilar from/to sb (sth)dissuade dissuade sb from sthdistance distance A from Bdivert divert A from Bdivest divest sb of sthdivorce divorce A from Bdoom doom sb to sthdote dote on sb/sthdoubtful/dubi

18、ous be doubtful about sth/ doing sthdrain 1. flow/ make sth flow 2. drain a place =let water flow flow from a placedredge 1. bring up dredge sth 2. clear dredge a place drool drool over sth/ sbdrudge drudge away at stheavesdrop eavesdrop on sb/stheconomize economize on sthelaborate elaborate on sthe

19、lated be elated at/about sthemboss/engrave/emboider emboss A with B / emboss B on Aemulate emulate sb at sthencroach encroach on/upon sthenforce/enjoin enforce sth on sbenlist enlist sb in/for sthensue A ensues from Benthuse enthuse about/over sthentrust entrust A to B /entrust B with A equate equat

20、e A with/to Bexpatiate expatiate on/upon sthexpert expert at/in/on sth( doing sth) expostulate expostulate with sb on/about sthexultant be exultant at sthfelicitate felicitate sb on sthfawn fawn on sbflick flick A with B = flick B on A forbear forbear from sthgad/gallivant gad/gallivant about gamble

21、 gamble on sthgarrison garrision somewhere with sb= garrison sb in somewhere gawk/gawp gawk at sth agape be agape at sb/sthgermane be germane to sthgibber/gibe gibber at sb/sthgloat gloat over/about sthglory glory in sthglue glue A to/onto B/gorge gorge oneself on/with sthhabituate habituate sb to s

22、thhack hack at sth=cut sthhaggle haggle with sb over/about sthhitch/hook hitch A on/onto/over/round B impale impale sb on sth impatient be impatient at sth / with sbimpinge impinge on sthimpose impose sb/sth on sbimpregnate impregnate A with B impress impress sb with sth= impress sth on sbincapacita

23、te incapacitate sb for sthincorporate incorporate A in/into Binculcate inculcate sb with sth = inculcate sth in/into sbincumbent sth is incumbent to sbinfiltrate 1. vi sth infiltrates 2. vt infiltrate A into B =infiltrate B with Ainform inform sb of sthingratiate ingratiate oneself with sbinscribe i

24、nscribe A on/in B = inscribe B with A insist insist on sth / doing sthintercede intercede with sb for/on behalf of sbinterfere interfere with sb/ in sthintimate intimate sth to sbinveigh inveigh against sth/sbjubilant be jubilant about/at/over sthmarvel marvel at sthe omatter its a matter of timemed

25、itate meditate on/upon sthmeticulous meticulous in sth/doing sthmile run a mile from sb/sthminded be minded to do sthmistaken be mistaken about sth (subjective)moor 1. sb moors 2. to moor sth mount mount (as) guard at/over sbnag nag at sbnestle 1. nestle up against sth 2. nestle sth against/on sthoa

26、k large oaks from little acorns growover get one over sbpack pack A in/into Bpercolate 1. percolate liquid through sth 2. sth percolatepersist 1. persist in sth = continue to do sth stubbornly2. persist with sth= continue doing sthpile pile on the agonypillar go from pillar to post pinch take sth wi

27、th a pinch of saltpoach poach on sth powers the powers that beprofile profile sth against sth pull take a long pull at a cigaretterain-check take a rain-check on sthrank the rank and fileread read between the linesrebel rebel against sb/sthreciprocate 1. return 2. exchangereconcile 1. reconcile sb w

28、ith sb (sth with sth) 2. reconcile sb to sth refer 1. take sth again 2. take sth backrefrain refrain from doing sth relate relate to sbremiss be remiss in sthremonstrate remonstrate with sb against sthrepent repent of sthrepine repine at/against sthresearch research on/into sth ( on sb)retaliate ret

29、aliate against sth/sbrife 1. sth is rife somewhere 2. somewhere is rife with sthroll rolling in the aislessend send for sbservice see serviceshare go shares with sbsheep make sheeps eyes at sbshy shy at sth silhouette silhouette sth against sthsit sit on sbskin be no skin off ones nose smack A smack

30、s of Bsnipe snipe at sbsnuggle snuggle up to sbspirit spirit off sbstub stub sth against sthstuff stuff sth into sthtear tear strip off sb= tear sb off a striptouch touch sb on the raw trawl trawl (through) sth for sthtreat treat sb to sthtrespass trespass on sth trifle trifle with sb/sthtrump turn up trumps turn turn to = begin to work hardup be on the up-and-upverge verge on sth wait wait on sb hand and foot wend wend ones way yen yen for sb/sth

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