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1、VOA 慢速英語詞彙掌故第 1 課英语听力原文:Now, the VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories.Every people has its own way of saying things, its own special expressions. Some of these expressions are easy to understand. The words create a picture in your mind.“As easy as falling off a log“ is one such expre

2、ssion. It describes a job that does not take much effort.If you ever tried to walk on a fallen tree log, you understand what the expression means. It is easier to fall off the log than to stay on it.The expression is often used today. For example, you might hear a student say to her friend that her

3、spelling test was “as easy as falling off a log.“There are several other expressions that mean the same thing. And their meaning is as easy to understand as “falling off a log.“ One is, “easy as pie“. Nothing is easier than eating a piece of sweet, juicy pie. Unless it is a “piece of cake.“Piece of

4、cake“ is another expression that means something is extremely easy to do. A friend might tell you that his new job was a “piece of cake.“Another expression is “as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.“It is hard to imagine why anyone would want to shoot fish in a barrel. But, clearly, fish in a barrel

5、would be much easier to shoot than fish in a stream. In fact, it would be as easy as “falling off a log“.Sometimes, things that come to us easily, also leave us just as easily. In fact, there is an expression “easy come, easy go“ that recognizes this. You may win a lot of money in a lottery, then sp

6、end it all in a few days. Easy come, easy go.When life itself is easy, when you have no cares or problems, you are on “Easy Street.“ Everyone wants to live on that imaginary street.Another “easy“ expression is to “go easy on a person“. It means to treat a person kindly or gently, especially in a sit

7、uation where you might be expected to be angry with him. A wife might urge her husband to “go easy on“ their son, because the boy did not mean to wreck the car.If it is necessary to borrow some money to fix the car, you should look for a friend who is an “easy touch“. An “easy touch“ or a “soft touc

8、h“ is someone who is kind and helpful. He would easily agree to lend you the money.And one last expression, one that means do not worry or work too hard. Try to keep away from difficult situations. “Take it easy“ until we meet again.英語翻議講解:每個人都有表達事情的不同方式,獨特的表達方式。有一些表達方式很容易理解,這些詞語在你的腦海裡描繪了一幅圖畫。“像滾圓木一

9、樣容易” 就是這樣一個表達方式。描述了一種不用費甚麼力氣的工作。如果你曾經試圖在倒著的原木上行走,你會理解這個表達方式是什麼意思。從上面掉下來比站在上面容易的多。這個短語在今天經常被使用。比如,你可能聽到一個學生對她的朋友說,她的拼寫測試“as easy as falling off a log”(非常容易) 。還有另外幾個短語表達同樣的意思。而且他們的意思也像“falling off a log” 那樣容易理解。其中一個就是, “easy as pie”. 沒有什麼比吃掉一塊甜點那麼容易了。除非是“piece of cake.”“Piece of cake”是另外一個用來表達某事很容易做到的

10、短語。一個朋友可能會告訴你,他的新工作是“piece of cake” 。另外一個短語是“as easy as shooting fish in a barrel”。很難想像,為什麼有人會想在桶裡叉魚。但是,很明顯,在桶裡叉魚比在河裡容易多了。實際上,簡直就像“falling off a log”那樣容易。有些東西來的容易,去的也容易。實際上,有一個短語來描述這一點“easy come, easy go”。你可能買彩票時賺了很多錢,然後幾天之內就花光了。來的容易,去的也容易。如果生活本身非常容易,沒有什麼好擔心的,也沒有什麼問題,你就是走在“Easy Street”,安樂富足。每個人都想生活在

11、這種想像的街道上。另外一個表示簡單的短語是“go easy on a person”。意思是對某人非常溫和,溫柔,尤其是在你本應對他生氣的情況下。妻子可能會勸丈夫“go easy on”他們的兒子(對他們的兒子寬容) ,因為孩子不是有意弄壞汽車的。借錢來修車是必須的,你必須找一個“easy touch”(有求必應)的朋友。 “easy touch”“soft touch”描述的都是善良,樂於助人的人。他會很輕易地答應藉錢給你。最後一個表示不用擔心或者不用費力的表達方式。試著遠離困難的境地。 “Take it easy”(別著急) ,直到我們下次再見。VOA 慢速英語詞彙掌故第 2 課英语听力原

12、文:Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.Today we explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rock-and-roll music. That saying is a rolling stone gathers no moss. It has several meanings. One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not b

13、e successful. Another is that someone who is always moving, with no roots in one place, avoids responsibilities.This proverb was said to be first used in the fifteen hundreds. But in the nineteen sixties, the expression rolling stone became famous in the world of rock-and-roll music. It became the n

14、ame of a rock group, a song and a magazine.Experts say it all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters. He was one of the countrys top blues musicians until his death in nineteen eighty-three. His music influenced singers like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. In nineteen-fif

15、ty, Muddy Waters recorded a song called “Rollin Stone.“(MUSIC)A British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters song. The Rolling Stones performed for the first time in nineteen sixty-two. The groups members called themselves “the worlds greatest rock and roll band.“In nineteen s

16、ixty-five, Bob Dylan released his song “Like a Rolling Stone.“ It is one of his best known and most influential works.Bob Dylan first wrote the words as a short story before he developed it as a song. “Like a Rolling Stone“ is more than six minutes long. It is an angry song about a woman who was onc

17、e rich and successful. But now she is on her own, “with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone.“In nineteen sixty-seven, a young man named Jann (yon) Wenner started a magazine he named “Rolling Stone.“ The magazine reported on rock music and the popular culture that the mus

18、ic created. By nineteen seventy-one, “Rolling Stone“ had become the leading rock music and counterculture publication. It is still popular today.This VOA Special English program was written by Shelley Gollust. Im Faith Lapidus. You can find more proverbs and other WORDS AND THEIR STORIES at our Web

19、site, .英語翻議講解:Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.這裡是美國之音慢速英語詞彙掌故。Today we explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rock-and-roll music. That saying is a rolling stone gathers no moss.It has several meanings. One meaning is that a person who never settles do

20、wn in one place will not be successful. Another is that someone who is always moving, with no roots in one place, avoids responsibilities.今天我們來解釋一個對搖滾音樂有著深遠影響的古老諺語,它就是 a rolling stone gathers no moss(滾石不生苔) 。它包含了數種含義,其中一種含義是,不安定下來的人是不會成功的,另一種含義是說某些人四處漂泊,居無定所,逃避責任。This proverb was said to be first us

21、ed in the fifteen hundreds. But in the nineteen sixties, the expression rolling stone became famous in the world of rock-and-roll music. It became the name of a rock group, a song and a magazine .據說這個諺語第一次被用到是在 16 世紀。但是在 20 世紀 60 年代,rolling stone 這個短語在搖滾音樂界變得知名起來,它成為了一支搖滾樂隊,一首歌和一本雜誌的名字。Experts say i

22、t all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters. He was one of the countrys top blues musicians until his death in nineteen eighty-three. His music influenced singers like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. In nineteen-fifty , Muddy Waters recorded a song called “Rollin Stone.“

23、專家稱,這一切始於美國歌手兼吉他手馬迪沃特斯(Muddy Waters)的一首歌。直到1983 年去世前,沃特斯一直都是美國頂尖的布魯斯(blues,又譯為藍調) 音樂家之一。他的音樂影響了像艾爾維斯普萊斯利/貓王(Elvis Presley)和鮑勃 迪倫(Bob Dylan)等一些歌手。 1950 年,沃特斯錄了一首名為 Rollin Stone 的歌。(MUSIC)(音樂)A British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters song. The Rolling Stones performed for t

24、he first time in nineteen sixty-two. The groups members called themselves “the worlds greatest rock and roll band.“據說,一個英國搖滾組合取名就源自沃特斯的這首歌。滾石樂隊的第一次演出是在1962 年,該樂隊的成員稱他們是“世界上最優秀的搖滾樂隊” 。In nineteen sixty-five, Bob Dylan released his song “Like a Rolling Stone.“ It is one of his best known and most infl

25、uential works.1965 年,迪倫發行了歌曲 Like a Rolling Stone,這是他最知名且最有影響力的作品之一。It is an angry song about a woman who was once rich and successful. But now she is on her own, “with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone.“這是關於一個曾經富有、成功的女人的一首冤曲。但是現在,她獨自一人, “沒有回家的方向,孤零零,像一個滾石。 ”(MUSIC)(音樂

26、)In nineteen sixty-seven, a young man named Jann Wenner started a magazine he named “Rolling Stone.“ The magazine reported on rock music and the popular culture that the music created. By nineteen seventy-one, “Rolling Stone“ had become the leading rock music and counterculture publication. It is st

27、ill popular today.1967 年,一個叫做簡溫納(Jann Wenner )的年輕人創辦了一本名為 Rolling Stone 的雜誌,該雜誌報導了搖滾音樂以及該類音樂產生的流行文化。 1971 年,該雜誌已經成為搖滾音樂和反傳統文化的重要出版物,至今仍然很流行。 (rrting.COM 對本文翻譯享有全部權利,未經授權請勿轉載,違者必究!)1.avoid vt.避免 , 防止, 撤消例句:If you want to avoid being charged for late baggage, checking in half an hour earlier is good o

28、therwise.不能及時領取行李時,若不想交納保管費,最好提前半個小時確認一下。If you want to lose weight just try to avoid food high in animal fat.如果你想減肥,就不要吃富含動物脂肪的食物。2.proverb n.諺語, 格言, 箴言例句:In this connection I remember a proverb.在這一方面我記得有一句諺語。His ignorance is a proverb.他的無知已成笑柄。3.releasevt.釋放, 解除, 放鬆 , 豁免, 免除, 發布, 放棄, 讓與例句:They wil

29、l talk to an intermediate before they release the results.他們在公佈結果前要先和中間人談談。n.釋放, 發洩, 豁免, 發行, 釋放證書例句:A week after release they will be going cheap in the online store.上市一周後,網上商店就會降價出售。1.Today we explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rock-and-roll music.have influence on 對有影響例句:Irr

30、esistible fashion trends dont seem to have any influence on him, he still keeps his simple style.勢不可擋的時尚風潮對他好像毫無影響,他依然保持著自己樸素的特點。2.A British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters song.可以改寫成:It is said that a British rock group has taken its name,這樣的話後面that 引導的句子就是真正的主語,而 it 是形式

31、主語。3. But now she is on her own, “with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone.”on her own 獨自一人例句:The girl does her homework on her own initiative.這女孩兒做作業挺自覺。馬迪沃特斯( Muddy Waters , 1915 1983 )馬迪 沃特斯,1915 年出生於密西比的羅林福克,原名麥金利摩根菲爾德(McKinley Morganfield) ,他是一位介於查理 帕頓與 BB金( BB King

32、 )之間最偉大的布魯斯音樂家之一。由於他曾經常在泥水中玩耍,因此得到了“Muddy“ (泥水佬)這個綽號。馬迪沃特斯 13 歲學習口琴,17 歲學習吉他,1943 去芝加哥並成為那裡的滑棒吉他大師。 1944 年他開始演奏電吉他,晚上在俱樂部演出,白天在造紙廠幹活,後來又當過卡車司機。 1946 年到 1954 年期間他錄製了一批反映極強的熱門歌曲,並對節奏布魯斯(R B)產生了深遠的影響。從 1950 年起,幾乎所有的芝加哥布魯斯明星都參加過他的樂隊。 60 年代以後,他的音樂變得更加成熟和專業,加進了大量的鋼琴、口琴以及架子鼓,使布魯斯被更多的黑人和白人所接受。 1971 年推出的他們叫我

33、馬迪沃特斯 ( They Call Me Muddy Waters )為他贏得了第一個格萊美獎(該獎開創於 1958 年,每年頒發一次,是美國音樂界最高獎項) 。他在去世之前一直沒有停止過唱片的錄製,為布魯斯音樂留下了大量的寶貴資料。美國滾石雜誌於 1967 年由 Jann Wenner 和樂評人 Ralph J. Gleason 創辦,每兩週發行一期。創始人 Jann Wenner 對這本雜誌的定義是: “ 不僅僅只是報導音樂,還有那些其他一切為音樂所接納的事物和觀點。 ” 因此, 滾石雜誌除了對搖滾音樂和流行文化的報導之外,還經常刊登一些政治領域的深度報導,倍受爭議的名記者 Hunter

34、S. Thompson 就曾為滾石 雜誌多次撰寫政治評論。 滾石雜誌無疑是音樂界的權威和指向標,對流行文化的走向有著非同一般的影響力,還層出現過類似 The Cover Of The Rolling Stone 這樣專門針對該雜誌所創作的歌曲。而由 滾石雜誌評選出的一系列諸如“ 史上最偉大的五百張專輯” 、 “ 史上最偉大的五百首歌曲” 、 “ 史上最偉大的百位吉他手” 等等,都對衡量一支樂隊和藝人有著重要的指導。VOA 慢速英語詞彙掌故第 3 課英語聽力原文:VOICE:Now the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

35、 Im Rich Kleinfeldt. Today we tell about the word “fireworks.“The expression “fireworks“ gets its meaning from the fireworks that people shoot into the sky when they are celebrating a great event. Rockets explode to fill the dark, night sky with bright reds and blues, with yellows and greens and whi

36、tes.The expression also means a great show of noisy anger, or something exciting. For example, a defense lawyer in a court trial may become very emotional in arguing with the government lawyer about evidence affecting the accused. The judge finally stops the loud argument and calls the two lawyers f

37、orward. He tells them, “I want no more of these fireworks in my courtroom.“Another kind of fireworks can be any event or activity that is especially exciting. One such event is falling in love. If anything can produce fireworks, it is a sweethearts kiss or the touch of a lovers hand. Often movie or

38、television cartoons show fireworks to represent the excitement of a kiss.People use the expression “fireworks“ throughout the year. But if you live in the United States and want to see real fireworks, the best time of the year is about now. The Fourth of July is Independence Day in the United States

39、. Americans traditionally celebrate their nations freedom with giant public parties and fireworks at night.In Washington, for example, large crowds gather near the Washington Monument to listen to music and watch a huge fireworks show. In other cities and smaller towns, local people listen to band c

40、oncerts and watch fireworks explode in a dark sky.Many other countries around the world also enjoy the tradition of exploding fireworks on special days. In Australia, the city of Sydney begins each new year with a fireworks show at midnight. China is the birthplace of fireworks. Large fireworks show

41、s were held often during earlier times in China. Now, people use small fireworks to help celebrate weddings and birthdays.France also has a great fireworks tradition. A large fireworks show always takes place on Bastille day which celebrates the beginning of the French Revolution. The French city of

42、 Cannes holds an international fireworks competition each year in July and August.In India, people have been using fireworks for more than five-hundred years. A great Indian fireworks show takes place during the religious celebration of Diwali, every autumn.Fireworks shows are popular around the wor

43、ld. But if I do not end this program right now, there will be fireworks from my producer.(MUSIC)This VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES, was written by David Jarmul. Im Rich Kleinfeldt.現在是 voa 慢速英語欄目- 詞語典故。我是 Rich Kleinfeldt。今天我們講解 fireworks這個詞。Fireworks 這個詞語來自人們慶祝盛事時向空中放的煙花。火箭式煙火色

44、彩斑斕,有紅色,藍色,黃色,綠色和白色等點亮了黑色的夜空。 。這個詞語也表示憤怒或熱情的表現。例如,在法庭審判過程中,辯護律師會情緒激動地和公職律師爭論對被告有影響的證據。法官最後會制止他們的大聲爭辯,並讓雙方上前。他會告訴他們“我不想我的法庭上再出現爭吵。 ”另一種 Fireworks 可以表示任何一種令人激動的事件或活動。墜入愛河就是其中之一。到能夠產生火花的東西就是愛人和親吻或撫摸愛人的手。在電影,電視動畫片里通常用燃放煙火渲染接吻時的激動之情。人們一年到頭使用詞語 fireworks。但如果你住在美國,觀看煙花的最佳時間是現在 7月 4 是美國獨立日。按照傳統,美國將在晚上舉行盛大聚會

45、,燃放煙花來慶祝國家的獨立自由。例如,在華盛頓,一大群人聚在華盛頓紀念碑附近,聽音樂,觀看大型的煙花展。其他城市或較小的城鎮裡,當地居民聽樂隊音樂會,觀看煙花在黑暗的天空裡綻放。世界上許多其他國家也有在特殊的日子放煙花的傳統。在澳大利亞,悉尼市每年都以午夜一場大型的煙花展開始新的一年。中國是煙火的發源地。中國早期常舉行大型的煙火展。現在人們用小規模的煙花來慶祝婚禮和生日。法國也燃放煙花的傳統。巴士底日那一天,人們會舉行大型的煙花展來慶祝法國大革命的開始。法國城市戛納每年 7 月和 8 月舉行世界煙火比賽。在印度,人們燃放煙花已有 500 多年的歷史了。每個秋天,印度宗教儀式 Diwail 期間

46、會舉行大型的煙花展。煙花展在全世界都很流行。但如果我不結束節目,製作人會非常憤怒的。1.defense n.防衛, 防衛物例句:In his defense he alleged temporary insanity.在答辯中,他提出短暫的精神錯亂為藉口。2.explode v.爆炸, 爆發, 激增例句:When they were landing, a mine explode across the field.他們登陸時,一顆水雷在附近區域爆炸了。3.He tells them, “I want no more of these fireworks in my courtroom.”no

47、more 不再例句:No more bandits and victims.沒有什麼匪徒和受害人了。VOA 慢速英語詞彙掌故第 4 課英语听力原文:Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.Today, we tell about “horse“ expressions. In the past, many people depended on horses for transportation, farming and other kinds of work. A lot of people still lik

48、e to ride horses. And, horse racing is also popular. So it is not surprising that Americans still use expressions about the animals.Long ago, people who were rich or important rode horses that were very tall. Today, if a girl acts like she is better than everyone else, you might say she should get o

49、ff her high horse.Yesterday my children wanted me to take them to the playground. But I had to finish my work, so I told them to hold your horses. Wait until I finish what I am doing. My two boys like to compete against each other and play in a violent way. I always tell them to stop horsing around or someone could get hurt.We live in a small town. It does not have any exciting activities to offer visitors. My children call it at a one-horse town.Last night, I got a telephone call while I was watchi

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