1、风雨哈佛路 by 赤色土星- 1 -风雨哈佛路主要人物关系:Liz, Lisa are sisters, they have a mother who is a drug-addictive and their father has AIDS.I love my mother so much, she was a drug-addicted, she was nearly blind, she got a kind of fretic, but I never forget that she loved me, even if she did, all the time, all the ti
2、me, all the time.Lizs mother: give me the mother, its mine. (Lizs father is sitting in the coach and watch the TV program)Lisa: God, its my stake. You kids are eating on. Lizs mother: Where is it?Lisa: give it to me.Lisas mother: give a hundred to you. I just came, and I give a hundred to you, to on
3、e of you.Lisa: No, its for us to live on. Evay month, its the same dame thing. So you put in your arm, so we can stop. Lisas mother: its mine. Lisa: I didnt take it. Lisas mother: Give it to me.(to Liz). Its mine. Its mine. Lisa: we are hungry.Liz: I cant. We need food, mother. Lisa mother: Thats yo
4、u have ever do for me, un? I give you life, do you want me to get you on the street so mine so forth? Did you want me to do that? I know I do that sometimes, right?Lisas father: Geny, what, what are you saying? You neednt do that. Lisas mother: I need it. I need it. I need it. I want that smile, Oh,
5、 God, I want that smile so much,I was perfectic Liz: Dont take the aqueduct. Mommy. Daddy? She is taking the aqueduct.Liz: what the hell does the differences it make?Lisa: Who care?Liz: you will have to get mommy. She cant see in the mud. Dad: only its drug addiction. See, she is fixing the life for
6、 a change again. Lisa: she is even break anything. Dad: No, no, she is OK, she sees water runs down the hill.Lisa: Whats the water?Dad: dont you know what the aqueduct is? The aqueduct carry water over the city, like the hundred years, they did that. Then then cosy it down now, the ghost water, he c
7、arries your mother along.my father, you could sit down on a coach and talking to my father, he just can talk for long.Dad: Hey, Geny! He means so much, he get all the answers right on Jeopardize. He was a genius. All the answers, all the time. Thats the thing, your parents are always your Gods, and
8、look them as examples everywhere in the world. They paid so little attention to my needs, but it makes me feel that their need are so powerful that it didnt make me feel sad of angry. They didnt look into me. Because this is OK for me so, because it must the human conditions to be so.and then the wo
9、rld came in.Lisas mother: you took your husband everywhere, ELizbeth. Liz: no mummy.Lisa mother: I will kill you, Im not your mother. Did you fever, should you have true.Lisa: Lisa, oh, clean up this, they see this, they will take us, too.(Cops come into the house, and they will take Lisas mother aw
10、ay.)Lisas mother: No, No. Dont take me. Cops: why not take your medication. Cops: she just takes enough other things.Cops: this is a mess. Lisas father: Geny, put that knife down.Cops: OK.Cops: where is the phone?风雨哈佛路 by 赤色土星- 2 -Liz: we dont have one.Cops: this is unfit. You girls have a choice, c
11、lean this place up, help your mother.Liz: how about my father.Dad: Ignore her, she is a feminist. Cop: I did see any chance that it will be right. You have to go to school, you cant keep living in like the animals. Hey where are you going. Here come back, you have a home, and your work is there, tak
12、e everything away, you cant have anything. You have to clean the bathroom, your work is here.Aunt: back up!Lisa: mommy, I can see it, anyone can see it. She was in so much pain, the struggle was so much on the surface, so if there is anyone to look, it was like she was running away from being a good
13、 mother to be somebody else, she just doesnt have any more to give. (in the school.)Child: oh, something steaky.Child #2: what is that. I was always the smelly kids in class. Lisa doesnt stand under the bath to shower, but she has marry a doctor and she had so many expectations. I didnt have any exp
14、ectations, so therefor I guess I stunk. And each from twice, I burns between my legs, my teachers always telling me not to peach it, but my underwear, I didnt what to do about my underwear. I just worried and fall apart.Teachers #1: all right, keep up and sit down, thank you!my teethached, I was hun
15、gry,Teachers # 1: thats all Thank you.what the teacher says seems never reach me. Her word seems just fall on the floor. Teacher #1: what sense does it took?Liz: No, I will take it. Teachers #1: what your attendence this month, three times?Liz: No, I will take it, does it do any hurt?Teachers #1: Oh
16、, Liz, stay here. You do smell you know, isnt your mother tell you about it?Liz: No, its my fault. I just forget. Teacher #1: will you have a shower tonight? And wash your back here? Ah, I have save up something for you. And here, how did you do that(Liz just get a full mark on the test.) You never
17、in school.Liz: I read a lot. Teacher #1: Yeah, what you read?Liz: The encyclopedia. The .there, Eva, she found them downstair, the whole set, except from L to S, if you asked me about L to S, I would get them wrong. And its just like it. Teacher #1: Do you have to come to school. Liz: Yeah.Teacher #
18、1: No, I mean it, your isnt much here, how is that, why dont you come?Liz:will.how could I tell here that school make me sad. I didnt know how to talk about it. I didnt know how to talk to anyone. My house wasnt you can come out of it, the normal.Teacher #1: you have to come, everyday! If you dont,
19、I will have to call the children affairs, its not a threat, its a promise. (then Liz gets home and she showed her papers to Eva.)Liz: Eva, what have I got?Eva: A hundred. Liz: it owns to your encyclopedia.Eva: Your have to make good mark, you dont want to be a idiot, and you keep up now, did you hea
20、r me. Now your mother is back.Liz: my mother is back. Eva: Yeah, we had a quiet, a couple of month, didnt we.the only good thing my mother was taking away from the house was that when she is backing again, she is my mother again. She cooked and cleaned, when she even try to be a course of photograph
21、. I mean that was quiet of couple of month. Then it goes.(Lisa gets into the house, and she finds out 风雨哈佛路 by 赤色土星- 3 -that her mother was sitting in the coach, smoking!)Liz: mommy, are you OK?Lizs mother: Im OK. OK, you look good. Liz: welcome home, mommy. Lizs mother: but it suck a little. Im too
22、 glad. Liz: there are bars on the legs.Lizs mother: Im sorry, you have seen that. Liz: now Im glad you are home.Lookl, I got a hundred.No, No, a hundred is good, a hundred is perfect, didnt you ever get a hundred. Lizs mother: I didnt go to school. I ran away too young, dont you ever want to run awa
23、y? Im home. Liz: I wont.Lizs mother: Liz, look, I will always be here for you. Liz:I know, mommy.Mother: I Will always be here, always. Liz: I know, mommy. Mother: Im sick, Im sick, Im sick, as I have AIDS. Liz: No, No. Mother: they say, dont be afraid, they say I might, I could live for ever, OK? D
24、ont be afraid of. I can go home.Liz: this is home. Mother: No, home of my pops. I will kill myself. Liz: No, No. You have to stay here. Mother: I have to stop the drugs. And I cant do it anywhere.Liz: I will help you along.Mother: Liz, you just have to pack up your things, and lets go.Liz: cause you
25、 said pops beats you. You said he raped you sister. Mother: this is where I have to be now. Liz: No, stay here.Stay mommy.Mother: I cant. everything was falling apart, I thought if I stayed it, I could have stop it. My father wasnt at stay, so everything somehow, stayed the same. Cops: Just open the
26、 door, its no use, I know you are in there. (Liz opens the door, and there comes in the cops.) where is you mother and sister? Liz:They gone.Cops: where is your father?Liz: he is out to get some food, and he will be right back.Cops: your teacher call. You still arent going to school. You never in sc
27、hool. We have to do something about this. Mr. .I warns you, I want you ever take as long as it take. This is gonna for years, now clean up this place, and go to school. Clean up and go to school. And you havent got either one of you you, ELizbeth, have you?Liz: no.Cops: so what we have got to do?Liz
28、: I dont know.Cops: I do tell you, youre going to the system. Im taking her.Liz: but things are better now, my daddy buys me big potatoes everyday. Cops:(to Lizs father) you arent going to pay the rent, you are not going to school. Daddy: I told her to go to school, she got a mind of her own, she is
29、 a feminist. Cops: this is not a joking matter. Pack her suit case. N-O-W!Liz: No. No! I will go to school, please.Cops: this is not work, you need to have adults responsible.Liz: My grandpa is responsible, My grandpa will take me, my sister is there. Cops: your sister didnt go to school.Liz: I will
30、 go to school please. Cops: dont make a fist. I will talk to him, if he will take you, you will be out in 24 hours.Daddy: Sorry.Cops: and if he wont?Cops: you will have time to figure out how do want to live out your life. 风雨哈佛路 by 赤色土星- 4 -Figure out my life, did they will really do that, can you h
31、ave the feeling of falling down a dark hole. Boston, locked in. Its like visiting my mother, but now Im in the crazy house right now. I didnt get out in 24 hours, and I didnt get out in 24 days, no one want me, they just left me their. Cops #2: why dont you go to school? Thats the big problem here.
32、Why dont you go? From what I can see, youve got a disappointed problem.Lizs Grandpa: Liz!Liz: Hi,pop! Its your mother. Geny, come out, he is there.Lisa: Liz, I will go to school but I want to see you first.Liz: Thanks Lisa, Lisa: dont scroll this out, and dont expect too much, she is dying. Mother:
33、Liz!Liz: Mom.When I think of my life, this is the time I want to think of, when I went back, my mothers mind was clear, there is no cocaine, so she strarting working and we go to the caffe, we sit and talk and eat hamburgers, we were together, even with her bad eyes, I think she could see me, while
34、I can see her mind. And for a while, I had my mother again. Liz: yeah, I remembered, in the .park. You and I slope down the park. Mother; you remember that. How about the .monster.Liz: we screamed about that one.Mother: yeah. I was a good Mom, wasnt I? Wasnt I.Liz: Yeah, mom, you are fine. Mother: I
35、 have that group together, you know, Liz: we have done without drugs, too. But would that be great? Maybe we could go to univeristy anniversary.Mother: your dad is in the shelter right now, Im afraid he lost himself now, can he afford the rents?Liz: then what about my stuff?Mother:All our now.Liz: a
36、ll out include my encyclopedia?Mother:Im sorry, they borrowed the whole place, there was nothing he could do, crap and hap, you know. Look, Ive got around the corner to see some friends, just for a few minute,OK? You finish your beger, and Ill be right back. Just be a minute. (Liz went back to the p
37、alce where he used to live, but when he got back, he found that everything there is gone.)So , that is that, I found no way get back, I havent kept anything together, I dont made things worse. I dont go to school if I dont need.,If I dont need. so that part of my life was over. I guess the new part
38、had began.Teacher #2: Elizebath, and you are her mother? I will late take you to the class now?Liz: are you going to get home, OK.Mother: hey.Im if I can take care of me. Liz: May be I should just come with you. Mother: youve got stay at school, or they will take your away. Go, Go.I wasnt he smelly
39、kid anymore, I have learn to shower everyday at the group home. And my close even they came from the .shop, all fit. But I still dont not how to be in school, I still dont know how to be normal. Teacher #2: people, could you please sit up,and Cheris,could you try diagram NO 12.Cheritst: NO.Teacher #
40、2: Bobby?Teacher #2: if it amuzing, Elezibeth?Liz: Please dont so call me that. Teacher #2: that your name according to the form.Liz: Lisa, or Liz. Teacher #2: Lisa or Liz is a nickname. Liz: are nicknames.Teacher #2: No, I;m afraid not. Cherist: Just call a girl she should be called. Teacher #2: El
41、izebeth is a fine name. Its a 风雨哈佛路 by 赤色土星- 5 -name of a Queen, it was a name since Shakespear! Whats your problem.Liz: My mother calls me Elizebeth when she was going to insane. Teacher #2: Liz, then. Boby the sentence. Liz: so, what did you get to the class.Chersit: I didnt. How did you come out
42、that?Liz: I was in a group home. Cherist: Is that Freaking?Liz: yeah!Cherist: but you are not freak?Liz: NO!Cherist: thats too bad. I am.Liz: Yeah, when.Cherist: you know, I have got my fathters to go. Im going to .school with nothing on.andStudent #1: this is a great place, I have never been to. Li
43、z: Oh, my pops wont get cranky. And we have to by safe by this way. Chris: Where is the phone, do you have another contest that is clean. Liz: hold the cord. Student #2: youll never go to win. Chris: Shut up! I have a few numbers to get it. Student #3: bobby the smart, test it. Students #4: hey, can
44、 I take that chicken?Liz: is this already?Student #3: 5:30.Student #3: Some drunk lady. Oh, so roge, she .at the door. Student #5: im going to the window. Mother: I dont feel really good. Can you help me, Please?Liz: Yeah, come on, what happened, come this way.Student #3: Oh, she actually.Liz:All ri
45、ght, up!Mother: I just want a hug. She could take .Why wouldnt I expect . Dying. Is dying a hardest anyone have done?Chris: Evayone is hard.Liz: except you.Chris: so where your will pop going to sleep?here, Liz? If he is his daughter.Liz: while I dont think like that.Chris: maybe you dont know.Liz:
46、he did it to her sister, when he was really younger? She told me that.Chris: why is her sister, not her?Liz: I figure he did it the most. Chris: so he is crazy to you?Liz: yeah! And my mother to. Thats why I didnt want to go here. Chris: you know, my mother is getting bad with my dad. Liz: I wish my
47、 mom wouldnt. Chris: he does stuff to my sister. Liz: you dont have a sister. Chris: like for her,Liz: did you tell your mother?Chris: I told her, when she left him, she .smelled, so she may call the cops, now she is getting back with them, you know I asked her how she could do that. She said she mi
48、ssed him. She missed him. I was seven when the stuff get in.Liz: Chris, dont. Moving with me. Chris: Lets stay here?Liz: Yeah! What your father gonna say. Liz: we worked so we never see you. I wont get up until he leave, he is like a robot, anyway. Lizs grandpa: Back at six. Out!Liz: Pop, she had no
49、 place to stay. Lizs grandpa: its not my problem. Liz: leave her alone. Lizs grandpa: your mother is dying. Your pits father work out and stucking a lot he is. Did I asked for my own age, do they. What are you doing. That suits me. You end up with trash anyway, just like your parents.风雨哈佛路 by 赤色土星- 6 -Liz: so I left. You want get a .stuff or you know, leave me out here, alone.
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