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1、名人名言 初学英语的名言警句带翻译 Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself: “Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.“ (Lillian Carter)有的时候,看着孩子们,我对自己说:“丽莲,你真该一直当姑娘。 ”(丽莲卡特,美国前总统卡特之母)The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray. (Oscor UJilde) 情感的益处在于将我们引入歧途。 (王尔德)The average husband k

2、nows where and when he got married. What escapes him is why. (flnon.)一般丈夫都知道自己于何时何地结婚。他说不出的是原因。 (佚名)The best way to see if the charming woman loves you is to place a stray bit of white cotton on your coat sleeve. If she loves you she will pick it off.(Arthur Pcndcngs)试探一位美女是否爱你,最好的办法是在衣袖上粘一小绺棉丝。她如果爱

3、你就 会摘掉它。 (彭德尼斯)The best way to turn a womans head is to tell her she has a nice profile.(Martin Block)使女人转动头部的最好办法,是对她说她的侧面轮廓很美。 (布洛克)The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to bear them, and sometimes three. (Alexandre Dumas)婚姻之链是如此沉重,以致得有两个人,有时还得三个人承担。 (大仲马)The chief difference betwe

4、en the movies and real life is that in the movies, they are married at the end of their difficulty, (flnon.)电影与现实生活的主要差别是,在电影里,历尽波折的人们终成眷属。 (佚名)The easiest thing of all is to deceive ones self; for what a man wishes he generally believes to be true. (Demosthenes)天下最容易的事就是欺骗自己,因为人们通常相信他所期望的就是真实的。 (狄摩

5、西尼)The Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not be found out.第十一诫:汝不可令人发现。The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne. (Somuel Johnson)友谊给人的感觉有如饱餐烤牛肉的舒适,爱情则像香槟酒带来的快活。(约翰逊)The first part of our marriage was very happy. But

6、then, on the way back from the ceremony. (htenny Vbungmon)我们结婚之初是非常快活的,可是后来,在从婚礼回家的路上(扬曼)The first sign of love is the last of wisdom. (Antoine Bert)恋爱的头一个迹象也是明智最后的迹象。 (伯特) tt 娱乐城 88娱乐城博彩通香港六和彩 股票 t+0股票 t+03d 开奖结果百家乐香港马报开奖结果liuhecai 六和彩开奖结果The honeymoon is over when he phones that hell be late for s

7、upper- and she has already left a note that its in the refrigerator. (Bill Loiurence)在他打电话说晚上得迟些回家吃饭-而她已经留条子说饭在冰箱里时,蜜月就过去了。 (劳伦斯)The husband is the last to know the dishonor of his house. (Juvenol)丈夫是最后知道家丑的人。 (尤维纳利斯)The husband who desires to surprise is often very much surprised himself. (Voltoire

8、)想让别人吃惊的丈夫常常是自己大吃一惊。 (伏尔泰)The ladies looked one another over with microscopic carelessness. (Arthur女士们以显微镜般的漫不经心彼此打了一番。 (贝尔)The love game is never called off on account of darkness. (Thomos Mosson)爱的游戏从不由于天黑而取消。 (马森)The most effective form of birth control I know is spending the day with my kids. (J

9、ill Bcnslcy)我所知道的最有效的避孕方式是跟孩子们待上一天。 (本斯利)英语的名言警句The most effective water power in the world-womens tears. (UJilson Mizner)世界上最有效的水力-女人的眼泪。 (米兹纳)The most interesting and pardonable of human weaknesses - love(Chorlcs Dickens)爱情-人性最有趣和最值得谅解的弱点。 (狄更斯)The only way to understand any woman is to love her.

10、and then it isnt necessary to understand her. (Svdney J. Harris)名人名言 理解任何女人的方法都是爱她而这时理解她也没什么必要了。 (哈里斯)The reason women do not love one another is-men. (Jeon de Lo Bruirc)女人不能相爱的原因是-男人。 (拉布吕耶尔)The surest way to hit womans heart is to take aim kneeling. (Douglos Jerrold)要射中女人的心,最可靠的方式是跪下来瞄准。 (杰罗尔德)The

11、 trouble with life is that there are so many beautiful women and so little time. (John Borrmore)人生的问题在于漂亮的女子这么多而时间又这么少。 (巴里穆尔)The woman was happily showing off her new mink coat. “It was nice of your husband to buy you that fur coat,“ said a friend. “He had to, ? explained the woman. “I caught him k

12、issing the maid. “ “Oh, how dreadful. replied the friend, sympathetically. “Well, did you fire her? “ “Certainly not! I still need a new hat! ? (Anon.)一个女人喜滋滋地展示着新买的貂皮外套。 “你丈夫给你买了这件毛皮外套,对你真好。 ” 一个朋友说。 “他不敢不买,”女人解释说, “我逮住他亲女佣 了” “噢,多可怕”朋友同情地答道, “那么,你解雇她了? ” “当然没 有!我还缺顶新帽子呢! ”(佚名)There are several goo

13、d protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. (Morh Tiuoin)抗拒诱惑有几个很好的办法,不过最可靠的是胆怯。 (马克吐温)There are so many women in the army now that when a soldier sees a uniform coming down the street he has to wait till it gets within twenty feet before he knows whether to salute or whistle. (B

14、ob Hope)现在军队里有这么多妇女,以致当兵的在街上看见有穿军服的人走来时,他不 得不一直等到对方离自己不足二十英尺时才知道是该敬礼还是吹口哨。 (霍普)There are terrible temptations which it requires strength and courage to yield to. (Oscor LUildc)有些可怕的诱惑需要力緻与勇气来向它们屈服。 (王尔德)There certainly are not so many men of large fortune in the world as there are pretty women to de

15、serve them. (Jone Austen)与理当嫁给大财主的漂亮女人相比,世上肯定没有那么多腰缠万贯的男人。(奥斯汀)Theres nothing like a dish towel for wiping that contented look off a married mans face. (Glen Preston Burns)没有什么能像擦碟巾这样抹去婚后男子脸上的满意神情。 (伯恩斯Theres only one way to handle a woman, but no one knows what it is.(Rnon.)控制女人只有一种办法,不过没人知道它是什么。 (佚名)本文来自励志学习网 http:/

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