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1、1写作材料(一):作文常用语型和词汇1段落开头结尾常用词语As far as. is concerned 就而言,就 而论 When it comes to 谈到 As regards 至于关于 With regard to 至于 关于 With respect to 至于 关于 As the proverb goes 有句谚语说道 It is commonly believed that 人们普遍认为 Generally speaking 一般来说 So far 迄今为止 First of all 首先 In the beginning 首先 In the first place 首先To

2、Begin with 首先 To start with 首先 Secondly 其次 At first glance 乍看起来 According to. 据Last but not the least 最后一点,也是非常重要的点 It can be argued that 也许有人会说 It goes without saying that 不言而喻 It is no doubt that 毫无疑问 Until recently 直到最近 It has been found that.已经发现 It has been proved that.已经证明It is evident that. 显

3、而易见 It cant be denied that. 无可否认It is possible that. 有可能 It is estimated that. 据估计 It is generally agreed/believed that 人们普遍认为 It is claimed that. 有人声称 It is expected that. 有人希望盼望It is predicted that. 据估计预测 It is no secret that. 无庸讳言It is proposed that. 有人建议 So long as/As long as. 只要 It is well-know

4、n that. 众所周知 In addition to. 除了还有It must be pointed out that. 必须指出的是 It must be admitted that. 必须承认 It stands to reason that. 是有道理的 Now that we know that. 现在既然我们知道 We are all aware that. 我们都认识到 What calls for special attention is that.值得引起特别注意的是 While. 虽然In spite of. 虽然 As. so. 正如也It is hardly an ac

5、cident that. 不是偶然的 写作中常用的句型2。文章开头常用句型Recently is increasing number Currently there has been a(n) growing percentage of peopleIn the past 5 years amazing population students whoFor year unbelievable proportion womenimprovement education peopledevelopment economy hasWith the progress of industry women

6、s role have growth science and technology great changes occurincrease population many problems2When it comes to most say Faced with the majority of people would argue that.When asked about quite a few claimRecently the issue problem of.has become the focus of.conflict been brought to the public atte

7、ntionrecent studentAccording to a(n) new poll sharp riseofficial report there has been a(n) sudden fall inanalysis dramatic increase3文章结尾常用句型necessary special urgent immediate attention paidessential that adequate measures (should) be taken to stop It is important effective actions called prevent th

8、eimperative serious introduced fightpollution (situation; phenomenon; brain drain; corruption)Considering all these factors draw All the evidences taking into account we may (safely) come to the conclusion that. From what has been discussed above reacharrived atwe put and end to trend It is high tim

9、e that the government looked into the phenomenonthe whole society stopped tendencybelieved greatstrongly recommended that persistent efforts It is firmly hoped continuous endeavors (should) be generally suggested sustained measurescheckmade promote the taken to controlApparently easy solution found

10、tackle Obvious no quick remedy can (be) assured to resolveSurely instant method guaranteed solvethe problem, but4 表达相似性(Similarity)3 A is to B what/as C is to D (A 之于 B 犹如 C 之于 D) physical disease is to an individual body as moral correction is to the State. Just as,so (正如。 。 。 ,则。 。 。) Just as wood

11、s are indispensable to birds, so is the earth to human beings. A and B have common (A 和 B 有共同之处) As far as personality is concerned, they have almost everything in common. A is similar to B (A 与 B 相似)*My hobby is similar to his in that we both like collecting records, foreign and domestic. Th

12、e same is true of, The same can be said of (.也是如此)*As the economies of all countries are closely interrelated can develop in self-seclusion. The same is true of like manner 类似地 likewise 和相似,similarly 与之相似地, just as. so. 正如,也5 相异性( Difference) A is just the opposite (to B) (A 与 B 正相反) Bejing

13、 is populous and crowed, while Canbera is the opposite. A is differs from B in that ( A 不同于 B 在于。 。 。) Chinas condition differs from ours in that China has the largest population in the not the same (是不同的) While it may be true that basketball share certain features, the excitement each arou

14、ses in the spectators is not the same.6 权衡 (Weighing) The advantages outweigh the disadvantages (利大于弊) It seems safe to say that the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages of divorce.Nothing can rival.(。 。 。是无与伦比的) Perhaps nothing can rival the pleasure from reading. has drawbacks as well

15、 as merits.( . 既有优点也有不足) There could be no doubt that job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits. A is superior to B (A 优于 B) Men may be superior to women in physical affairs. Yet, there is no difference in intelligence. varies from person to person (是因人而异的) Peoples attitude towards drugs varie

16、s from person to person.7. 分类 ( classification)classified severaldivided into a number of.A may be put main.categorized general.8. 举例 (example )for instance 例如 for example 例如A case in point is. 一个典型的例子就是 An interesting example is that. 一个有趣的例子是 As is shown by the case of. 正如同的例子说明, 4Let me cite an e

17、xample of. 请允许我举一个的例子 There are many examples to show that.One example is, another example is.still another example is thatillustrated examplesA can be shown by the following instances9. 空间顺序 (space order)To the left (right) stands.When you arrive at / in., you can see.;A is situated / located at /

18、in.10. 原因、结果 (cause- effect) Among the most convincing reasons given by people for, one should be mentionedOne may think of the trend as the fact that There are several causes for this significant growth in .First.,Second.,Finally.A number of factors could account for the development in.Why are/do?

19、For one thing ,For another,And the primary reason is.The reasons for.are complicated. And probably they are found in the fact.We may look into every possible reason except the real one.It is no simple task to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon which involves many factors.Sth. befor a nu

20、mber of reasons. First of all, . secondly,Finally,It follows that.; This explains why, will account for the.What probably contributes to the problem is thatis chiefly / partially responsible for the problem.Quiet a number of reasons lead to The result /effect/ consequence ;because(of)因为 Owing

21、to. 因为 Thanks to. 因为多亏Consequently,. 所以,结果,As a result ,. 结果 Therefore,. 所以 Thus,. 所以 Hence,. 所以For this reason,. 正因为如此 on account of 因为 in that 因为;就在于 lie in 在于result from 因为 而导致 result in 导致 lead to 导致 11. 表对比和转折 although. 尽管 while 虽然 otherwise 否则however 但是 yet 但是 except for 除了conversely 相反的是 on t

22、he contrary 恰恰相反in contrast 与之形成对比的是 by contrast 相对照 by comparison 相比较nonetheless 但是 nevertheless 但是despite 虽然 in spite of 虽然 instead,. 反之 unlike 不象on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面 still,. 可还是 whereas. 可是different from 和不同的是 distinguish from 与不同的是It doesnt follow that. 并不意味着12.表递进和补充 furth

23、ermore 还有 moreover 还有in addition 另外 whats more 另外5apart from 除了 besides 除了coupled with 加上 not only. but also 不仅而且13.表强调 Above all,. 特别是 indeed 确实 certainly 当然more importantly 更重要的是 undoubtedly 毫无疑问obviously 很明显 to be sure 当然14. 表结论 To conclude To sum up,. To summarize 总之In conclusion In summary In b

24、rief. In short 总之It can be concluded that A conclusion can be reached that可以得出结论All in all 总之 In a word 总之 To make (cut) a long story short,. 简而言之 Everything considered,. 总而言之 I will conclude by saying / citing 最后我要 Therefore,we have every reason to believe that 所以我们有理由相信15. 过渡性句型(承上起下,使新观点不致显得过于突兀,

25、武断) It is true that most job are a series of more or less unpleasant chores, but it doesnt follow that thats all they are. This is true , no doubt, but it is not the whole story by any means. It is fairly well known that Vitamin C is indispensable to health. But it is probably less well known that t

26、aking it excessively may do harm to the human body. This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself. It is one thing to be offered an opportunity; it is another thing to take it and use it well.16. 表示倍数与比例关系的句型近年来图表作文经常出现,考生需要熟悉和掌握一些常用的句型来解释图表,分析和表达数据间的倍数

27、和比例关系:Asia ranks first both in area and in population among the seven continents. Europe is second to Asia in population, but in area it is the last but one. We all hope that a countrys population should be in proportion to its area. Unfortunately, the reality often goes against our will. A is by fa

28、r the larger university, being over three times as big as B. And in August as many as 39 car accidents were reported, indicating an increase of about 79 percent as compared with the number of January.17引用图表时内容时的过度句型图表作文经常使用 as 从句作解释性描述的过度: This table provides several important points of comparison b

29、etween the tow universities. As can be indicated in the table, the housing space for the stall of A in 1995 was 34500 square meters, which nearly doubled the Bs corresponding figure. As we could find out later in this unit, his plan was not quit as he had expected. As is revealed in the graph. As th

30、e survey results show18. 描述曲线走势的常用句型曲线的走势可用上升,下降,保持平衡,有所波动等用语来描述: The population rose rapidly until it reached 600000 in 1990.Since 1990 the growth has continued but the population has risen relatively slowly.6 Before 1970 the birth rate remained level. Then in 1970 it reached 30 per thousand in 193

31、0. The birth rate in this region rocketed to the highest peak in 1963. After a steady decline for a whole decade the countrys fertility rate shows signs of leveling off. 19描述图表常用的概括性句型这种句子通常用于开篇和结尾:1) This table provides several important points of comparison between the tow key universities.2) The

32、two graphs depict the same thing seen in two different ways. 3) The first diagram simply records. 4) The second graph throws a new light on.5) The key findings taken from the surveys are as follows:.6) If the drivers continue to drive more carefully and further strengthen their sense of safety, the

33、rate of accidents can be expected to decline even more dramatically20.书信开头常用语Your kind letter gives me much pleasure.Im very glad to have received a letter from you.Im so glad to see your handwriting.With great delight I learn that.I have the pleasure to tell you that.Your letter of the 21st has bee

34、n received with thanks.It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your kind letter.Things have happened quickly since I last wrote you.Truth is such a rare thing, it is so delightful to tell it.My heart is singing for joy this morning!I shall not forget how good you were to take time t

35、o write to me!21.书信结束常用语Write to me as soon as you can. Awaiting the favor of your reply.Hoping to hear from you soon. Thank you in advance for your early reply.With the best wishes to you and your family. Remember me toGive my love to. Please give my best wishes /regards to22.书信结尾客套语1).私人信件Sincerel

36、y yours Yours very sincerely Yours cordially Yours affectionately Lovingly yours With love Your loving sisterAlways sincerely yours Faithfully yours Always affectionately yours 2).事物信件Sincerely yours Very truly Always sincerely yours YoursYours respectfully Cordially yours Faithfully yours Very cordially

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