1、 三阶段雅思口语分为 3 个阶段,每个阶段各有特色。第一阶段为 introduction,考官在确认考生的身份后会询问一些关于学习、工作、家乡、兴趣爱好等熟悉的话题,时间为 4-5分钟;第二阶段为 individual long turn,考官随机抽取一张题目卡(topic card) ,考生准备一分钟,然后就该题目进行 1-2 分钟的个人陈述;第 3 阶段为 two-way discussion,考官和考生围绕第二阶段的话题进行 4-5 分钟的交谈,但考官询问的问题在广度和深度上都有所增加。 从口试的形式可以看出,考官着重考察考生的交际能力。具体而言,考官将会在流利程度(fluency) 、
2、语法(grammar) 、词汇(vocabulary)和语音(pronunciation )四个方面对考生进行评估,四项比重相当,三个部分在总分中的比重也相同。 第一阶段:与考官聊天 备考第一阶段的关键在于熟练和自然,考生应尽量熟悉该阶段的话题,并能针对每个题目自然而流畅的进行回答。回答时切记不要只回答 yes 或者 no,或者很简短的答案,要主动的去提供附加信息,以表示自己愿意并且能够进行交流。第一阶段的话题和具体的题目可以在网上找到,建议两者结合使用,以求全面。整个第一阶段就像朋友间的聊天一样,考生可以利用这段时间去适应考官的口音和节奏,并放松自己,尽快进入状态。 第二阶段:精心准备话题
3、第二阶段的题目卡较多,内容较广泛。考生如果有足够的时间,可以在精心准备几个典型题目的同时,对其他题目也稍加准备,以免考试时遇到陌生题目手忙脚乱。由于第二阶段准备时间有限,只有 1 分钟,因此在拿到题目卡后应该在几秒钟内迅速做出决策,确定自己说什么,然后利用剩下的时间在考官提供的草稿纸上做点笔记。在做个人陈述时是可以参考笔记的。如果拿到的题目卡是事先准备过的,也要再仔细的分析一下其中的子话题,看跟自己准备的题目是否有出入,并在笔记上做点提纲,以避免给考官留下背诵文稿的印象。 第三阶段:提出观点并证明 第三阶段的题目总的来说是围绕第二阶段的话题来进行的,比如,如果第二部分要求考生描述喜欢的一个房间
4、或公寓,那第三部分问题会紧紧围绕住宿和生活方式这样的主题的。 由于问题有了广度和深度,回答起来也就不是那么容易,有些问题可能考生用中文都没有考虑过,更别说用英文来讨论了。在准备第三阶段时,有必要先了解问题的风格和类型。一般而言,第三阶段的题目通常包含描述变化(中国住房近 20 年的变化) 、做比较(大学生活和中学生活) 、做预测(将来交通方式会有何发展) 、提出解决方案(如何解决环保问题)以及陈述个人意见(网络对阅读习惯有何冲击)等。但不管类型如何,考生可先给出一个见解(opinion) ,然后进行证明,论证方法颇似写作。在词汇方面,由于该阶段属于formal discussion,因此措辞上
5、尽量正式点,在词汇和句型的选择上可以借鉴写作的做法。就话题而言,由于该阶段涵盖的多为 issue,如social change,family,tradition,culture ,environmental problems,media 等等,考生可在平时多阅读英文报纸或杂志,并不妨观看 CCTV9 的一些关于中国风土人情、传统历史的节目,这对备考第三阶段大有裨益。 最后谈一下口语中的四个评分标准,前 3 个在介绍 3 个阶段的备考是都有所提及,惟独语音没有涉及到。语音主要指发音和音调,并不涉及口音。考生不必担心自己口音偏向美音,因为美音也好,英音也好,都是英语的一种口音,不是考官考察的对象。
6、考生应该把注意力放到改善自己的发音上来,争取从语音,即元音、辅音练起,纠正单词的发音,并最终模仿标准的英美语调。 Clothing What sort of clothes do you like to wear? What is your favourite kind of clothes? Where do you usually buy clothes? What is the most important thing you consider when buying clothes? What kind of clothes dont you like? Why not? What i
7、s the difference between clothes that people wear on weekdays and weekends? What role do clothes play in peoples life? How do the old people look at young peoples fashion? What is the difference between the opinions of old and young people on clothes? Why do young people wear clothes and try to look
8、 different? What do you think of the fashion today ? Do you like fashionable clothes? Where do you get fashion information? Do you think the colour of peoples clothes tells anything about their personality? Travel Do you like travel? Why or why not? Where have you been? What place impressed you most
9、? 转贴于:雅思考试_考试大【责编:qinqin 纠错】 Eating What food do you like ? Why? What food do you dislike? Why not? Do you have any taboo food? If yes, what is it? Which do you prefer : eating in restaurants or eating at home? Do you eat out a lot? Why or why not? Do you like to have dinner by yourself or with othe
10、rs? Do people often eat out or do they cook at home in your town? Which are the best places to eat out? Do you cook at home? If not , who cooks then? Do you like cooking ? If yes, what do you usually cook? How do you make your favourite dish? What do you think are healthy food? What do you think abo
11、ut the fast food restaurant? Can you consider why fast food restaurants in your town are popular? Shopping Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? If not, who does most of the shopping in your family? How often do you go shopping? How much time do you spend shopping every week? What is your favourite
12、 shop and why do you like it? What are the shops like in your town? What problems are there with shopping in your area? Have you ever bought second-hand things? Why or why not? Have you ever done any online shopping? Why or why not ? Music Do you enjoying singing? Why or why not? Do you like music ?
13、 Why or why not? What sort of music do you like best? Why ? Is jazz music popular in your country? Do you prefer to listen to music alone or with other people? Are there any traditional arts or music you would recommend? Is it helpful to teach music courses in high school? What are the benefits of listening to music and playing musical instruments? Are there any negative effects if children are taught to play a musical instrument? What sorts of music do people play during festivals in your town? 转贴于:雅思考试_考试大【责编:qinqin 纠错】雅
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