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1、College English Achievement Testfor College English (New Edition) 大 学 英 语 ( 全 新 版 ) 大 学 英 语 ( 全 新 版 ) 2 级 学 业 测 试 题Band 2Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press上海外语教育出版社使用说明1. 本试卷根据大学英语(全新版)第二册所学命题,供使用本教材的学校参考使用。2. 本套考题的使用时间为 120 分钟。试卷内容分为:听力:20 题(20%)阅读:40 题(30%)词汇与结构:30 题(15%)完形填空:10 题(5%)或(10%)

2、汉译英:一段话(15%)或(10%)命题写作:1 题(15%)3. 完形填空和汉译英两部分的得分亦可根据汉译英篇幅的长短分别改为完形填空(10% )和汉译英(10%)。4. 汉译英和作文范文仅供参考。命题作文中所给提示可供学生选择使用。SFLEP College English (New Edition) Achievement Test (Band 2) 1IListening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of

3、 each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the

4、 corresponding letter with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Grey?W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think its necessary.Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?You will read: A) At the office.B) In t

5、he waiting room.C) At the airport.D) In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) “At the office” is the best answer. You should choose A and mark it wit

6、h a single line through the center.1. A. Johns cottage is as old as Pauls. B. Johns cottage is much newer than Pauls.C. Johns cottage is much older than Pauls. D. Johns cottage is similar to Pauls.2. A. 55 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 40 minutes. D. 35 minutes.3. A. Eat in a restaurant and then see a

7、movie. B. Watch TV at home.C. She hasnt decided yet. D. Prepare for tomorrows exam.4. A. An air stewardess. B. A post office clerk. C. A waitress. D. A shop assistant.5. A. Going to the museum. B. Going to the wedding party.C. Going to Arizona. D. Going to New Mexico.6. A. A repairman. B. A salesman

8、. C. A doctor. D. A postman.7. A. At a reception desk. B. In a hotel. C. At a supermarket. D. At a tailors shop.8. A. The train will not arrive. B. The train was caught in an accident.C. The train may arrive at 9:15. D. The woman isnt sure when the train will arrive.9. A. Study late again. B. Go to

9、bed early. C. Change his mind. D. Get up late in the morning.10. A. He can speak French and English. B. He can speak only English.C. He can speak only French. D. He can speak several languages.Section BDirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You will hear the passage read tw

10、ice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.No matter what type of holiday you are looking for, you will find the 11 in Switzerland. There is really no other country quite like it, for there you have some of the 12 and most 外教社 大学英语(全新版)2 级学业测试2beautiful scenery in the whol

11、e of Europe together with an attractive 13 , hotels and the friendliest people you could wish to meet.Think of the variety of 14 . You may seek outdoor sporting 15 . Walking, swimming, riding, sailing and fishing are just a few of the many 16 for enjoying your holidays. Then there is an infinite 17

12、of excursions by coach or railway, free afternoons on a lake steamer, visits to 18 cities, these are just a few more of the variety of 19 for your holiday in Switzerland. In the evening music fills the air, 20 it is the local village band or an all-star variety show.IIReading Comprehension (30%)Pass

13、age OneI dont often lose things and Im especially careful with money, so I was quite surprised when I reached for my wallet and it wasnt there. At first, I thought it was possible that I could have left it at home. Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi, so I knew I had it with me just

14、before I walked into the restaurant. I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped out of my pocket while I was eating dinner. Thinking about that possibility, I turned and walked back to the table where I had been sitting. Unfortunately, there were several people sitting at the table at

15、the time, so I called a waiter and explained to him that my wallet had fallen out of my pocket while I was sitting at the table a few minutes earlier. I had the waiter go over to the table to see if my wallet was on the floor. While the waiter was looking for it, the manager of the restaurant came u

16、p to me and asked me if anything was wrong. I didnt want to get a lot of people involved in the problem, but I knew I had to get the wallet back. I told the manager what had happened. He had me describe the wallet to him, and then he insisted that I report the missing wallet to the police. I told hi

17、m that I didnt particularly want to get the police involved in it; besides, I was in a hurry because I had an appointment with my doctor in just a few minutes. I explained to him that my biggest worry at the moment was how I was going to pay the check. He told me not to worry about that. He had me w

18、rite down my name and address, and he said he would send me a bill.21. Why was the writer so sure he had brought his wallet with him?A. He remembered that he didnt leave it at home.B. He always felt his pocket for the wallet before he left home.C. He believed his own memory.D. He had taken it out to

19、 pay the taxi-driver.22. According to the passage, the writer most probably lost his wallet when _.A. he took it out to pay for the taxi B. he walked into the restaurantC. he was eating dinner D. he was ordering his dish23. Why did the writer walk back to the table where he had been sitting?A. He wa

20、s sure his wallet was still there.B. It was possible that he could find his wallet there.C. He could ask someone there about his wallet.D. He saw the wallet lying on the floor near the table.24. As the writer didnt want to get a lot of people involved in the problem, _.SFLEP College English (New Edi

21、tion) Achievement Test (Band 2) 3A. he only told the manager what had happenedB. he didnt tell the manage anythingC. he reported to the police immediatelyD. he only told the story to the manager and the waiter25. Why did the manager tell the writer not to worry about paying the check?A. He was going

22、 to report the incident to the police.B. He could pay the doctor for the writer.C. He would send the writer a bill later for his meal.D. He was sure the missing wallet would soon be recovered.Passage TwoCathy and Wayne are in their late 20s, have been married five years, and are childless. The last

23、time a member of Cathys family asked, “When are you going to start a family?” her answer was, “Were a family!”Cathy and Wayne belong to a growing number of young married couples who are deciding not to have children. A recent survey showed that in the last five years the percentage of wives aged 25

24、to 29 who did not want children had almost doubled. What lies behind this decision which seems to fly in the face of biology and society?Perhaps the most publicly outspoken childless couple are Ellen Peck and her husband William. They are not against parenthood but against the social pressures that

25、push people into parenthood whether it is what they really want or not.“Its a life-style choice,” Ellen says. “We chose freedom and spontaneity (自发性), privacy (清静 ) and leisure. Its also a question of where you want to give your efforts within your own family or in the larger community. This generat

26、ion faces serious questions about the continuity of life on earth as well as its quality. Our grandchildren may have to buy tickets to see the last redwoods (红杉) or line up to get their oxygen ration (氧气量). There are men who complain about being caught in a traffic jam for hours on their way home to

27、 their five kids but cant make the association between the children and the traffic jam. In a world seriously threatened by the consequences of overpopulation were concerned with making life without children acceptable and respectable. Too many children are born as a result of cultural pressure. And

28、 the results show up in the statistics on divorce and child-abuse.”26. What does the member of Cathys family mean by saying “When are you going to start a family?”A. When are you going to have children? B. When are you going to get married?C. When are you going to buy a house?D. When are you going t

29、o move to a new house?27. The number of childless young couples _.A. is decreasing B. is increasing C. has more than doubled D. remains unchanged外教社 大学英语(全新版)2 级学业测试428. “To fly in the face of” in the second paragraph means _.A. to run into B. to come across C. to follow D. to go against29. Which of

30、 the following statements is true of the Pecks?A. They propose that young couples have no children.B. They urge that family planning be made obligatory.C. They think that no pressure should be put on young couples who do not want children.D. They think that there would be no divorce or child-abuse i

31、f young couples are not pressured into parenthood.30. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of overpopulation mentioned in this passage?A. Traffic jam.B. The using up of precious natural resources.C. The lowering of the quality of life.D. War.Passage ThreeCars are important in the United State

32、s. Without a car most people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor he doesnt feel really poor when he has a car.Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbers. He probably didnt know how much the car was going to affect American culture. The car made the United

33、 States a nation on wheels. And it helped make the United States what it is today.There are three main reasons the car became so popular in the United States. First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of tr

34、ansportation. With a car people can go any place without spending a lot of money.The second reason cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United State

35、s as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air-service provided by planes. But it is too expensive to be used frequently.The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans dont like to

36、 wait for a bus or a train or even a plane. They dont like to have to follow an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time. And this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.The gas shortage has caused a big problem for Americans. But the answer will not be a bigg

37、er system of public transportation. The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much gas.31. When do most Americans feel they are poor?A. When they dont have a car. B. When they live in a huge country.C. When they dont use planes. D. When they have a car.32. What is

38、 the most important reason that cars become popular in the United States?A. Because the United States is huge.SFLEP College English (New Edition) Achievement Test (Band 2) 5B. Because public transportation is not so good.C. Because Americans like to be independent.D. Because Americans like to move a

39、round.33. What public transportation is good in the United States?A. Buses. B. Trains. C. Taxis. D. Planes.34. What has caused a big problem for Americans?A. A new kind of car. B. Public transportation.C. The gas shortage. D. Poor people.35. Which of the following is not mentioned according to this

40、passage?A. Cars have made the nation on wheels.B. Cars have made the United States have a gas shortage.C. Nearly 80% of the American people have cars.D. Cars have made American independent.Passage FourWe were late as usual. My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself, an

41、d when he discovered that he couldnt manage he had asked me for help at the last moment. So now we had an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, there were not many cars or buses on the road and we were able to get there just in time. We checked in and went straight to a big hall to wait for our fligh

42、t to be called. We waited and waited but no announcement was made. We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadnt even arrived yet. In the end there was another announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get a free meal voucher (凭单) and that the

43、plane hadnt left Spain for technical problems. We thought that meant that it wasnt safe for the plane to fly. We waited again for a long time until late evening when we were asked to report again. This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel.The next morning after a bad

44、 night because of all the planes taking off and landing, we reported back to the airport. Guess what had happened while we were asleep! Our plane had arrived and taken off again. All the other passengers had been woken up in the night to catch the plane, but for some reason or other we had been forg

45、otten. You can imagine how we felt!36. The plane the writer and her husband would take _.A. came from Spain B. passed by SpainC. was not to leave till the next morning D. was waiting for the passengers37. The plane was delayed _.A. by the bad weather B. by the passengersC. because of many cars on th

46、e roadD. because something was wrong with the machine38. The passengers were given a free meal because _.外教社 大学英语(全新版)2 级学业测试6A. they arrived at the airport early B. they hadnt had a meal yetC. they had no money with them D. the plane was delayed39. They were in a big hall, waiting for _.A. the girl

47、 to give them information B. their flight to be announcedC. the free meal voucher D. other passengers to arrive40. The plane took off again _.A. as soon as it had arrived B. after all the passengers were woken upC. while the couple were asleep D. early the next morningIIIVocabulary and Structure (15

48、%)41. He was hit by a bullet but luckily he was only _ wounded.A. barely B. hardly C. merely D. slightly42. Trying to _ wildlife is a job that concerns all of us.A. retain B. advance C. provide D. preserve43. What you have done is _ the doctors orders.A. resistant to B. attached to C. responsible to D. contract to44. Dont run so much. Youll _ yourself before the game begins.A. exhaust B. exaggerate C. consume D. constrain45. The management has authorized wage increase for all _. A. employers B. citizens C. employees D. re

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