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1、一.本课要点及示例在这一课里, 我们学习用简短的反问句,比方用在陈述句后面的 “是吗?“ Is it?,“不是吗?“ Isnt it? 等等. 现在我们来听这一课的对话. 这段对话的内容是说鲍勃和珍妮暑假过后回到学校, 在校园里谈到假期里作了什么事, 明年暑假预备作什么等等. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调. F: Hello, Bob. How was your summer? You studied Chinese this summer, didnt you? M: Yes, Jenny. I finished my summer school class. F: Well, how

2、 was the course? Chinese is pretty difficult, isnt it? M: It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier. F: Ill bet you were the best in the class, werent you? M: Well, I did get an A. But how about you? You were going to travel, werent you? F: Not this summer. I worked to save mon

3、ey. Im going to Europe next summer. M: Im going to China. I guess well have lots to talk about next year, wont we? 现在我们听老师用慢速度把对话再念一遍, 请你注意听. F: Hello, Bob. How was your summer? You studied Chinese this summer, didnt you? M: Yes, Jenny. I finished my summer school class. F: Well, how was the course?

4、 Chinese is pretty difficult, isnt it? M: It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier. F: Ill bet you were the best in the class, werent you? M: Well, I did get an A. But how about you? You were going to travel, werent you? F: Not this summer. I worked to save money. Im going to

5、Europe next summer. M: Im going to China. I guess well have lots to talk about next year, wont we? 下面我们再听老师把对话里有简短反问句的句子念一遍. F: You studied Chinese this summer, didnt you? F: Chinese is pretty difficult, isnt it? F: You were the best in the class, werent you? M: You were going to travel, werent you?

6、 M: Well have lots to talk about next year,wont we? 二.简短反问句听了上面的句子, 你对简短反问句的用法或许已经有些概念 . 简单地说这种反问句有三个规则, 第一点就是当前面的陈述句是肯定的时候, 反问句就是否定的; 而前面的陈述句是否定的时候, 反问句就是肯定的; 第二点就是这种简短反问句是用两个字构成的 , 第一个字一定是在前面陈述句里出现的动词或是助动词; 第二个字一定是代名词而且指的就是陈述句里的主语; 第三点就是反问句和前面陈述句的时态必须一致. 好了, 现在我们按照规则作练习, 第一组练习是用 is 或是 are 作否定的简短反问

7、句, 请你注意在否定反问句里动词或是助动词一定要跟 not 连起来说, 比方 is not 说成 isnt, were not 说成 werent 等等. 现在请你注意听男老师念一些跟刚才那段对话有关系的句子, 然后跟着女老师把句子重复一遍. M: Bob is a university student, isnt he? F: Bob is a university student, isnt he? M: Jenny is in the same university, isnt she? F: Jenny is in the same university, isnt she? M: T

8、hey are talking on the campus, arent they? F: They are talking on the campus, arent they? M: The campus is big, isnt it? F: The campus is big, isnt it? M: They are talking about traveling, arent they? F: They are talking about traveling, arent they? 下面我们用代换方式练习用 will not 也就是 wont 作简短反问句, 练习的内容是说到鲍勃要

9、到中国去旅行的事情, 比方他要坐飞机去, 要带旅游指南去等等. 老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作. M: Bob will fly to China, wont he? M: take a guide book with him F: Bob will take a guide book with him, wont he? M: take a Chinese dictionary with him F: Bob will take a Chinese dictionary with him,wont he? 下面老师换了

10、一个句子, 练习用 should not 也就是 shouldnt 作反问句, 说明鲍勃去中国应该有护照和旅游签证等等. 请你跟刚才一样作练习. M: Bob should have a passport, shouldnt he? M: have a tourist visa F: Bob should have a tourist visa, shouldnt he? M: take enough money with him F: Bob should take enough money with him, shouldnt he? 下面老师又换了一个句子, 练习用 cannot 也就是

11、 cant 作反问句说明鲍勃到中国去能作什么. 请你跟刚才一样作练习. M: Bob can go sightseeing, cant he? M: take pictures F: Bob can take pictures, cant he? M: chat with Chinese F: Bob can chat with Chinese, cant he? 下面我们练习在现在完成式句子后面用 hasnt 或是 havent 加上主语代名词作否定反问句. 练习里的句子有些谈到珍妮决定到欧洲的事情,有的谈到珍妮和鲍勃在大学里的生活. 练习的作法是由老师念一个陈述句,学生就把句子重复一遍,

12、并且在句尾加上适当的反问句. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作. M: Jenny has decided to go to Europe. F: Jenny has decided to go to Europe, hasnt she? M: Jenny has saved some money for the trip. F: Jenny has saved some money for the trip, hasnt she? M: Jenny and Bob have taken many interesting courses. F: Jenny and Bob have taken

13、many interesting courses, havent they? M: Jenny and Bob have learned a lot. F: Jenny and Bob have learned a lot, havent they? 一般现在式句子的否定句是在动词前面加上 dont 或是 doesnt. 所以一般现在式句子的否定反问句就是在句尾用 dont 或是 doesnt 加上主语代名词. 现在我们来作代换练习 ,学学这种说法.请你在学生作代换练习的时候也一起作. M: Bob and Jenny need education, dont they? M: knowled

14、ge F: Bob and Jenny need knowledge, dont they? M: advice F: Bob and Jenny need advice, dont they? M: skills F: Bob and Jenny need skills, dont they? 下面老师换了一个句子作代换练习, 内容是说鲍勃在开学之前需要作些什么. 现在请你跟学生一起作练习. M: Bob needs to get a school catalogue, doesnt he? M: register F: Bob needs to register, doesnt he? M

15、: pay tuition F: Bob needs to pay tuition, doesnt he? 现在我们再来学习作简短的反问句. 用 There is 或是 There are 开头的句子在句尾加上否定反问句的时候必须用 isnt there 或是 arent there. 现在我们来作一组练习 , 谈谈美国教育. 练习的作法是先由老师念一个句子,学生重复一遍,并且在句尾加适当的反问句. 请你还是跟学生一起作练习. M: There are a lot of universities and community colleges in the United States. F: T

16、here are a lot of universities and community colleges in the United States, arent there? M: There are adult education programs as well. F: There are adult education programs as well, arent there? M: There are a lot of foreign students in American universities. F: There are a lot of foreign students

17、in American universities, arent there? 刚才我们作的练习都是在肯定的陈述句的句尾加上否定的反问句, 下面我们要练习在否定的陈述句后面加上肯定的反问句. 下面这组练习的内容都是有关鲍勃到中国去的事情. 练习的作法还是由老师念一个句子. 学生在重复句子的时候在句尾加上适当的反问句, 在学生作练习的时候还是请你一起作. M: Bob hasnt been to China yet. F: Bob hasnt been to China yet, has he? M: He wont go by boat. F: He wont go by boat, will

18、he? M: He cannot get there by train. F: He cannot get there by train, can he? M: It isnt dangerous to fly. F: It isnt dangerous to fly, is it? M: He shouldnt worry about flying. F: He shouldnt worry about flying, should he? M: Bob doesnt plan to stop over in Hong Kong. F: Bob doesnt plan to stop ove

19、r in Hong Kong, does he? 下面一组练习是把被动语态跟反问句配合起来.练习的做法是老师念一个被动语态否定句, 学生跟着重复一遍, 并且在句尾加上适当的肯定反问句.这些句子都是说到游客到中国旅行应该注意的事情, 比方他们不应该用美元, 不应该跟私人换货币, 有些历史古迹还不开放等等. 请你跟学生一起作练习. M: U.S. dollars arent used in China. F: U.S. dollars arent used in China, are they? M: English isnt commonly spoken. F: English isnt co

20、mmonly spoken, is it? M: Dollars cannot be exchanged with private citizens. F: Dollars cannot be exchanged with private citizens, can they? M: Some Chinese historical sites havent been opened to the public. F: Some Chinese historical sites havent been opened to the public, have they? M: Pictures sho

21、uldnt be taken in some museums. F: Pictures shouldnt be taken in some museums, should they? 刚才我说过反问句的时态必须跟前面的陈述句一致. 在下面一组练习里, 陈述句都是过去式句子, 所以句尾的反问句也必须是过去式的. 练习里的句子都是说到珍妮和鲍勃夏天里的活动, 有些句子是肯定的, 有些句子是否定的, 你听了老师念的句子之后请你把句子重复一遍, 并且在句尾加上适当的反问句. 每作一句就请你听老师念正确答案. M: Bob took Chinese in summer school. F: Bob to

22、ok Chinese in summer school, didnt he? M: He finished the course. F: He finished the course, didnt he? M: He was the best in his class. F: He was the best in his class, wasnt he? M: He didnt have much free time. F: He didnt have much free time, did he? M: Jenny worked in the summer. F: Jenny worked

23、in the summer, didnt she? M: She had a good time in summer. F: She had a good time in summer, hadnt she? M: She saved some money. F: She saved some money, didnt she? M: She wouldnt waste her money. F: She wouldnt waste her money, would she? M: She couldnt go traveling. F: She couldnt go traveling, c

24、ould she? 三.听短文回答问题我们今天要听的文章就是介绍什么是简短反问句. 文章里除了谈到人们在什么场合用反问句, 还详细说明了用这种反问句的几个规则. 这些规则我刚才已经用中文说明过了, 我们也按照规则作了不少练习,现在请你听听英文说明, 看看是不是听得懂. Tag questions are commonly used in conversations by American English speakers. Tag questions are short questions which are added to the end of statements. A person u

25、ses a tag question because he isnt sure of what he has said. He adds a tag question to his statement to make the listener talk. The listener may agree with the speaker or he may correct the speaker. Tag questions have two words. The first word is always a helping verb such as “is“ or “does“. The hel

26、ping verb of a tag question must be the same tense as the tense of the main statement. All helping verbs can be used in a tag question. They may be positive or they may be negative contractions with “nt“. The second word of a tag question is always a pronoun. The pronoun stands for the subject of th

27、e main statement. A name is never repeated in a tag question. Most languages have expressions like tag questions. But English tag questions are more difficult than those of other languages. Each tag question must agree in tense and subject with its preceding statement. However, when the statement is

28、 positive, the tag question must be negative; and when the statement is negative, the tag question must be positive. Tag questions in English are very difficult indeed. 刚才那篇文章你要是没有全听懂, 等一会儿还有机会听, 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题 . 第一个问题是: M: What are tag questions? 第二个问题是: M: Why do people use tag questions? 第三个问题是

29、: M: What are the two words of a tag question? 现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把文章念一遍. Tag questions are commonly used in conversations by American English speakers. Tag questions are short questions which are added to the end of statements. A person uses a tag question because he isnt sure of what he has said. He ad

30、ds a tag question to his statement to make the listener talk. The listener may agree with the speaker or he may correct the speaker. Tag questions have two words. The first word is always a helping verb such as “is“ or “does“. The helping verb of a tag question must be the same tense as the tense of

31、 the main statement. All helping verbs can be used in a tag question. They may be positive or they may be negative contractions with “nt“. The second word of a tag question is always a pronoun. The pronoun stands for the subject of the main statement. A name is never repeated in a tag question. Most

32、 languages have expressions like tag questions. But English tag questions are more difficult than those of other languages. Each tag question must agree in tense and subject with its preceding statement. However, when the statement is positive, the tag question must be negative; and when the stateme

33、nt is negative, the tag question must be positive. Tag questions in English are very difficult indeed. 现在请你回答下面三个问题, 每回答一句就请你听老师念正确答案. 第一个问题是: M: What are tag questions? F: Tag questions are short questions which are added to the end of statements. 第二个问题是: M: Why do people use tag questions? F: People use tag questions because they are not sure of what they have said. 第三个问题是: M: What are the two words of a tag question? F: The two words are a helping verb and a pronoun.

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