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1、第十讲 阅读理解题型及常规答题方法例 2 “people cheat on their sleep, and they dont even realize theyre doing it,“says Dr. David.“They think theyre okay because they can get by on 6.5 howler, when they really need 7.5 , eight or even more to feel ideally rigorous.“(见分册 P12 页例 3) Q: According to Dr. David, Americans _

2、. (A) are ideally vigorous even under the pressure of life. (B) Often neglect the consequences of sleep deficit. (C) Do not know how to relax themselves properly. (D) Can get by on 6.5 hoarse of sleep. ( 分析:选 B 项。属于归纳事实细节题。Dr. David 所说的话,描述的是一种事实现象,即美国人睡眠不足而误认为这不是什么大的事,还自我感觉良好。从事实中我们可以看出美国人经常忽视睡眠不足的

3、后果,即 B 项的内容。) 例 3. By the millions they are coming-no longer the tired, the poor, the wretched masses longing for a better living. These are the wealthy. “We dont have a budget,“says a biologist from Brazil. As she walks with two companions through New York litys South Street, “We juse use our credi

4、t cards.“ Q:From what the Brazilian biologist says, we know that tourist like her _ . (A) are reluctant to carry cash with them. (B) Simply dont care how much they spend. (C) Are not good at planning their expenditure. (D) Often spend more money that they can afford. ( 分析:选 B 项。属判断推理题。文章讲成千上万涌进美国的富有

5、者与那个巴西生物学家一样,他们在购物时只管刷卡(“just use our credit cards.“)而根本不做预算(“dont have a hudget“) ,可推断出他们这类人是“根本不管花多少钱的。“即 B 项内容。) 4、转折处与强对比处常考 一般而言,转折后的内容常常是语义的重点,命题者常对转折处的内容进行提问。转折一般通过 however, but, yet, in fact 等词或短语来引导。强对比常由 unlike, until, not so muchas 等词或短语引导。命题者常对用来对比的双方属性进行考查。 此类考点常出现在逻辑推理型题中,少数出现于其它题型中。 例

6、 1. Some observers say the fault is with the young people. But thats a condemnation of the students as a whole. Others blame the state of the world But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.(见分册P148 页例 4). Q:According to the

7、passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that _ . (A) society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates. (B) High school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education. (C) Too many students have to earn their own living. (D) College adminis

8、trators encourage students to drop out. (分析:选 A 项。考生阅读文章时,应注意到文中有两个 “but“的转折,特别是段末一转折句意即:但失望的毕业生了解到社会再也不能吸收大量的 23 岁的训练有素的大学生。这一转折后的内容正好是解答题干问题的依据,我们从这句话可以推断出大学考试之所以出了问题部分源于一个事实,即 A 项:社会不能为训练有素的大学生提供足够工作。此属逻辑推理题。) 例 2 Unlike other lawbreakers, who must leave the country, commits suicide, or go to jai

9、l, computer criminals sometimes escape punishment, demanding.(见分册 P161 页例 2) Q: It can be conduced from the passage that _ . (分析:这道题属逻辑推理题,命题者利用 unlike 进行强烈对比,要求考生推断出正确结论。具体分析见分册P165 页例 2 答案。) 例 3 Beauty has always been regard as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive more respect

10、able occupations. Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attentive defendants(被告)。But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability. Q:The author writes this passage to _ . (A) discuss the negative aspects of being attractive. (B) Give advic

11、e to job-seekers who are attractive. (C) Demand equal rights for women. (D) Emphasize the importance of appearance. (分析:选 A 项。属主旨大意类题型。前面都是讲美给人带来的种种好处,用 but 突然进行转折,考生即可推测出下面要讲美给人带来的不利方面了。) 例 4. The sensation of sound involves a verity of factors in addition to its peak level. In regular programming

12、the intensity of sound varies over a large rage. However, sound levels in commercials tend to stay at or near peak level.(见分册P14 例 8) Q: Commercials create the sensate at the highest sound level. (A)TV stations always operate at the highest sound level. (B)Their sound levels are kept around peak lev

13、el. (C)Their sound levels are kept in the middle frequency rarges. (D)Unlike regular programs their intensity of sound varies over a wide range. (分析:选 B 项,该题属阐述说明主旨大意的事实细节题。用 however 作转折,指出商业节目的音量是保持或接近峰值(peak levels) 。命题者给出的 B 答案中,只是对however 后原句进行了词语和句型的转换,详析见分册P16 页例 8 答案。) 5、复杂句常考 复杂句常是命题者出题之处,包括

14、同位语、插入语、定语、长句后半句,从句、不定式、副词等,命题者主要考查考生对句子之间指代关系。文章段落之间关系的理解,常以逻辑推理题型出现,包括少量其它题型。 例 1. As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informals flow of in formation is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be

15、 available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable(见分册P104页例 1). Q:The word “it“ most probably refers to _ . (A) the lack of stable communities. (B) The breakdown of informal imformation channels. (C) The increased mobility of families (D) The growing number of people moving from place to p

16、lace. (分析:选 B 项,本题属句际关系推理题型,要善于分析句子结构,As 引导的前半部分是状语从句,主句是“the informal flow of information is cut off“, with 引导的短语表伴随。详析见分册P110 页例 1 答案。) 例 2. The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by his package size to lower the quantity delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product

17、 into boxes, bags, and tins that will contain even 4-iybcem, 8-ounce, one-pound, two-pound quantities of breakfast foods, cake, mixes, etc. Q:The word“undue“ means “ _ “。 (A)improper (B)unexpected (C)adequate (D)excessive (分析:选 D 项,这属词汇题型,但需要分析句子结构和上下文逻辑。该句看似复杂,但结构容易分析,主语“the manufacturer“,谓语“can pu

18、t“,宾语 his product, who 引导定语从句,that 此引导定语从句,without undue hardship 介词组作插入部分。句子结构分析好,全句意思就易弄懂,制造商改变包装大小或样式不需要过多的艰辛努力,故选 D。) 例 3 All this will lead to a population in the twenty first century that is smaller than was feared a few years ago. For those anxious to see world population brang by under ventr

19、al the news is encouraging. Q:The population in the 21st century,arousing to the writer,_. (A) will be smaller than a few gears ago. (B) will not be as small as people expect. (C) will prove to be a threat to the world. (D) will not constitute as serious a problem as expected. (分析:选 D 项。属逻辑推理型题。考生关键要理解 that 引导的定语从句意思,然后联系下句,便知 D 项是正确选项。 )

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