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1、第七单元课后练习答案P1054. Dealing with unfamiliar words industrialize endure graceful hatred cease conquer deliberate 5. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms grace hated; endurance Industrialized deliberately conquering ceaseless6. Replace the underlined words immense birthright incredible

2、 streak headquarters Ultimately intact 7. Answer the questions b a b b a b aP1081. Look at the sentences From around the house came the sound of children playing. On top of the hill stood more houses. In front of the house passed horseless carriages. Here lived two middle-aged women. At the front of

3、 the house stops a lorry. Round the bend comes a large crane.2. Rewrite the sentences using Granted, Granted, we recognizedof it. Granted, it was still unusual. Granted, we could of control. Granted, we have individual natures. Granted, womens roleshave not. 3. Complete the sentences with suitable b

4、inomials from the box. pick and choose prim and proper back and front peace and quiet sooner or later Take it or leave it 4. Collocations abandon; belief international community achieving; success/popularity immense pressure look into take in 5. Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.我们在许多方面和许多人共享我们各

5、自的家园 以及我们大家的家园,从澳大利亚到赞比亚,人们都戴棒球帽,看好莱坞电影。在摩洛哥的市场上可以买到新加坡生产的收音机。我们都看电视,并且都喜欢看同一类节目。人们是必须这样做,还是就喜欢这样做呢?虽然我们已经学会了(或被教会了)喜欢或追求同样的东西,但在内心深处,我们都意识到我们身上有一种个人主义的特质,意识到自己与众不同,意识到自己的独特。当世上的生活变得令人无法承受的时候,人们就隐退到自己的内心世界里,隐退到各自的家中。“家”这个词充满了强烈的感情色彩。保护美国人不受恐怖攻击的那个部门名叫 the Department of Homeland Security(国土安全部), 这种称谓

6、是经过仔细推敲的。 “家”在很多语言中都被译成“房子” 或“ 住宅 ”,但它不仅仅意味着砖头和灰浆。家是我们可以放松休息的地方,在家里我们可以脱下鞋子,不再受外面世界的烦扰。家是一个让我们倾听心声的地方,是一个让我们感觉安全的地方。通过挂在墙上的照片、我们最喜欢的椅子、外出旅游时带回来的纪念品,家显示出我们个性的方面,我们的取舍。这些东西每天一成不变地放在那儿,象征着这个变幻不定的世界中的片刻停顿。6. Translate the paragraphs into English.In the graduation ceremony, Thomas Clark, a veteran CTO of

7、 a renowned IT company, offers some important advice to 140 computer science majors who aspire to pursue a successful career in IT. In his opinion, information technology is not just about assembling machines and devices; it is a domain where innovation plays the key role. So naturally IT workers ha

8、ve to endure great pressure in their work as they need to come up with new ideas on a daily basis.But Clark also points out that the ultimate goal of IT business is profit. If you want to succeed in this business, you need to keep in mind that innovation is not synonymous with individualism. It is n

9、oticeable that because of arrogance and poor communication skill many gifted young men didnt realize their potential, thus failed to achieve success. Clark emphasizes that you must learn to cooperate with people from different departments, and only thus can your talent blossom by creating products that will be accepted by the market.

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