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1、2005 年 6 月 18 日大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After

2、 each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Example:You will hear: You will read:A) 2 hours.B) 3 hour

3、s.C) 4 hours.D) 5 hours.From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 oclock in the morning and have to finish by 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) “5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose D on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line th

4、rough the centre.Sample Answer A B C D1. A) It will reduce government revenues.B) It will stimulate business activities.C) It will mainly benefit the wealthy.D) It will cut the stockholders dividends.2. A) She will do her best if the job is worth doing.B) She prefers a life of continued exploration.

5、C) She will stick to the job if the pay is good.D) She doesnt think much of job-hopping.3. A) Stop thinking about the matter.B) Talk the drug user out of the habit.C) Be more friendly to his schoolmate.D) Keep his distance from drug addicts.4. A) The son.B) The father.C) The mother.D) Aunt Louise.5.

6、 A) Stay away for a couple of weeks.B) Check the locks every two weeks.C) Look after the Johnsons house.D) Move to another place.6. A) He would like to warm up for the game.B) He didnt want to be held up in traffic.C) He didnt want to miss the game.D) He wanted to catch as many game birds as possibl

7、e.7. A) It was burned down.B) It was robbed.C) It was blown up.D) It was closed down.8. A) She isnt going to change her major.B) She plans to major in tax law.C) She studies in the same school as her brother.D) She isnt going to work in her brothers firm.9. A) The man should phone the hotel for dire

8、ctions.B) The man can ask the department store for help.C) She doesnt have the hotels phone number.D) The hotel is just around the corner.10. A) She doesnt expect to finish all her work in thirty minutes.B) She has to do a lot of things within a short time.C) She has been overworking for a long time

9、.D) She doesnt know why there are so many things to do.Section B Compound Dictation注意: 听力理解的 B 节(Section B)为复合式听写(Compound Dictation),题目在试卷二上,现在请取出试卷二。Certain phrases one commonly hears among Americans capture their devotion to individualism: “Do you own thing.” “I did it my way.” “Youll have to dec

10、ided that for yourself.” “You made your bed, now (S1) _ in it.” “if you dont look out for yourself, no one else will.” “Look out for number one.”Closely (S2) _ with the value they place on individualism is the importance Americans (S3) _ to privacy. Americans assume that people need some time to the

11、mselves or some time alone to think about things or recover their (S4) _ psychological energy. Americans have great (S5) _ understanding foreigners who always want to be with another person who dislike being alone.If the parents can (S6) _ it, each child will have his or her own bedroom, even as an

12、(S7) _, fixes in a person the notion that (S8) _. Having ones own bedroom, her books, her books and so on. These things will be hers and no one elses.Americans assumer that (S9) _. Doctors, lawyers, psychologists, and others have rules governing confidentiality that are intended to prevent informati

13、on about their clients personal situations form becoming known to others.Americans attitude about privacy can be hard for foreigners to understand. (10) _. When those boundaries are crossed, an Americans body will visibly stiffen and his manner will become cool and aloof.Part II Reading Comprehensio

14、n (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single

15、 line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Low-level slash-and-burn farming doesnt harm rainforest. On the contrary, it helps farmers and improves forest soils. This is the unorthodox view of a German soil scientist who has shown that burnt clearings in

16、 the Amazon, dating back more than 1,000 years, helped create patches of rich, fertile soil that farmers still benefit from today.Most rainforest soils are thin and poor because they lack minerals and because the heat and heavy rainfall destroy most organic matter in the soils within four years of i

17、t reaching the forest floor. This means topsoil contains few of the ingredients needed for long-term successful farming.But Bruno Glaser, a soil scientist of the University of Bayreuth, has studied unexpected patches of fertile soils in the central Amazon. These soils contain lots of organic matter.

18、Glaser has shown that most of this fertile organic matter comes from “black carbon”the organic particles from camp fires and charred (烧成炭的) wood left over from thousands of years of slash-and-burn farming. “The soils, known as Terra Preta, contained up to 70times more black carbon than the surroundi

19、ng soil, “says Glaser.Unburnt vegetation rots quickly, but black carbon persists in the soil for many centuries. Radiocarbon dating shows that the charred wood in Terra Preta soils is typically more than 1,000 years old.“Slash-and-burn farming can be good for soils provided it doesnt completely burn

20、 all the vegetation, and leaves behind charred wood,” says Glaser. “It can be better than manure (粪肥).” Burning the forest just once can leave behind enough black carbon to keep the soil fertile for thousands of years. And rainforests easily regrow after small-scale clearing. Contrary to the convent

21、ional view that human activities damage the environment, Glaser says: “Black carbon combined with human wastes is responsible for the richness of Terra Preta soils.”Terra Preta soils turn up in large patches all over the Amazon, where they are highly prized by farmers. All the patches fall within 50

22、0 square kilometers in the central Amazon. Glaser says the widespread presence of pottery (陶器) confirms the soils human origins.The findings add weight to the theory that large areas of the Amazon have recovered so well from past periods of agricultural use that the regrowth has been mistaken by gen

23、erations of biologists for “virgin” forest.During the past decade, researchers have discovered hundreds of large earth works deep in the jungle. They are up to 20 meters high and cover up to a square kilometer. Glaser claims that these earth works, built between AD 400 and 1400, were at the heart of

24、 urban civilizations. Now it seems the richness of the Terra Preta soils may explain how such civilizations managed to feed themselves.11. We learn from the passage that the traditional view of slash-and-burn farming is that _.A) it does no harm to the topsoil of the rainforestB) it destroys rainfor

25、est soilsC) it helps improve rainforest soilsD) it diminishes the organic matter in rainforest soils12. Most rainforest soils are thin and poor because _.A) the composition of the topsoil is rather unstableB) black carbon is washed away by heavy rainsC) organic matter is quickly lost due to heat and

26、 rainD) long-term farming has exhausted the ingredients essential to plant growth13. Glaser made his discovery by _.A) studying patches of fertile soils in the central AmazonB) examining pottery left over by ancient civilizationsC) test-burning patches of trees in the central AmazonD) radiocarbon-da

27、ting ingredients contained in forest soils14. What does Glaser say about the regrowth of rainforests?A) They take centuries to regrow after being burnt.B) They cannot recover unless the vegetation is burnt completely.C) Their regrowth will be hampered by human habitation.D) They can recover easily a

28、fter slash-and-burn farming.15. From the passage it can be inferred that _.A) human activities will do grave damage to rainforestsB) Amazon rainforest soils used to be the richest in the worldC) farming is responsible for the destruction of the Amazon rainforestsD) there once existed an urban civili

29、zation in the Amazon rainforestsPassage TwoQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isnt the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a

30、 fact of Europes new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, real-estate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the “irresistible momentum of individualism” over the last century. The communications revol

31、ution, the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on (扰乱) Europeans private lives.Europes new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence. The current generation of home-aloners c

32、ame of age during Europes shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American style capitalism. Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, todays tech-savvy (精通技术的) workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics. Modern Europea

33、ns are rich enough to afford to live alone, and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so.Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage-twenty something professionals or widowed senior citizens. While pensioners, particularly elderly women, make up

34、a large proportion of those living alone, the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle choice. Living alone was conceived to be negative-dark and cold, while being together suggested warmth and light. But then came along the idea

35、of singles. They were young, beautiful, strong! Now, young people want to live alone.The booming economy means people are working harder than ever. And that doesnt leave much room for relationships. Pimpi Arroyo, a 35-year-old composer who lives alone in a house in Paris, says he hasnt got time to g

36、et lonely because he has too much work. “I have deadlines which would make life with someone else fairly difficult.” Only an Ideal Woman would make him change his lifestyle, he says. Kaufmann, author of a recent book called “The Single Woman and Prince Charming,” thinks this fierce new individualism

37、 means that people expect more and more of mates, so relationships dont last long-if they start at all. Eppendorf, a blond Berliner with a deep tan, teaches grade school in the mornings. In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps, resting up for going dancing. Just shy of 50, she says shed never have

38、wanted to do what her mother did-give up a career to raise a family. Instead, “Ive always done what I wanted to do: live a self-determined life.”16. More and more young Europeans remain single because _.A) they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualismB) they have entered the workforce at

39、 a much earlier ageC) they have embraced a business culture of stabilityD) they are pessimistic about their economic future17. What is said about European society in the passage?A) It has fostered the trend towards small families.B) It is getting closer to American-style capitalism.C) It has limited

40、 consumer choice despite a free market.D) It is being threatened by irresistible privatization.18. According to Paragraph 3, the newest group of singles are _.A) warm and lightheartedB) on either side of marriageC) negative and gloomyD) healthy and wealthy19. The author quotes Eppendorf to show that

41、 _.A) some modern women prefer a life of individual freedomB) the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day EuropeC) some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonelyD) most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable20. What is the authors purpose in wr

42、iting the passage?A) To review the impact of women becoming high earners.B) To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualism.C) To examine the trend of young people living alone.D) To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships.Passage ThreeQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following pas

43、sage.Supporters of the biotech industry have accused an American scientist of misconduct after she testified to the New Zealand government that a genetically modified (GM) bacterium could cause serious damage if released.The New Zealand Life Sciences Network, an association of pro-GM scientists and

44、organisations, says the view expressed by Elaine Ingham, a soil biologist at Oregon State University in Corvallis, was exaggerated and irresponsible. It has asked her university to discipline her.But Ingham stands by her comments and says the complaints are an attempt to silence her. “Theyre trying

45、to cause trouble with my university and get me fired,” Ingham told New Scientist.The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealands Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms. Ingham claimed that a GM version of a common so

46、il bacterium could spread and destroy plants if released into the wild. Other researchers had previously modified the bacterium to produce alcohol from organic waste. But Ingham says that when she put it in soil with wheat plants, all of the plants died within a week.“We would lose terrestrial (陆生的)

47、 plants. this is an organism that is potentially deadly to the continued survival of human beings,” she told the commission. She added that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) canceled its approval for field tests using the organism once she had told them about her research in 1999.But la

48、st week the New Zealand Life Sciences Network accused Ingham of “presenting inaccurate, careless and exaggerated information” and “generating speculative doomsday scenarios (世界末日的局面 ) that are not scientifically supportable”. They say that her study doesnt even show that the bacteria would survive i

49、n the wild, much less kill massive numbers of plants. Whats more, the network says that contrary to Inghams claims, the EPA was never asked to consider the organism for field trials.The EPA has not commented on the dispute. But an e-mail to the network from Janet Anderson, director of the EPAs bio-pesticides (生物杀虫剂) division, says “there is no record of a review and/or clearance to field test” the organism.Ingham says EPA

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