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1、航海英语 光盘版 翻译0001. _D_ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts7 下列哪项出版物用来改正英版海图AAdmiralty Sailing Directions 英版航路指南BAdmiralty List of Signals 英版信号表CMariners Handbook 航海员手册DAdmiralty Notices to Mariners 英版航海通告0002. _C_ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system

2、 including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks 下列哪项出版物用文字及图式详细地介绍了方位标及侧面标系统(包括 5 种标志:侧面标、方位标、孤立危险物标、安全水域标及特殊标) 。AOcean Passages for the World(NP136)世界大洋航路BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Cha

3、rt 5011 英版海图图式及简写CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735 )IALA 航海浮标系统DThe Mariners Handbook (NP100)航海员手册0003. _A_ gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters for over 230 standard and 6,000 secondary ports in the world 下列哪项出版物对全世界超过 230 个基准(主潮)港及6000 个附潮港每日的潮高及潮时给出预报。AAdmiral

4、ty Tide Tables 英版潮汐表BAdmiralty Tidal Stream Atlases 英版潮流表CAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)英版潮汐说明书DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)英版潮汐手册0004. _D_ gives listings of all lighthouses,lightships,lit floating marks(over 8m in height) ,fog signals and lights of navigational significance 下列哪项出版物列出了所有对航

5、海有影响的灯塔、灯船、灯浮标(高度超过 8 米) 、雾号和雾灯。AOcean Passages for the World(NP136)世界大洋航路BAdmiralty List of Radio Signals 英版无线电信号表CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735 )IALA 航海浮标系统DAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 英版灯标雾号表0005. _D_ is a comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form of all Admiralty Ch

6、arts and Publications worldwide(link to Admiralty Charts)listed by region下列哪项出版物根据不同的区域,对全世界所有的英版海图及出版物用文字及图表分别给出全面的索引及参考(联系到英版海图)AOcean Passages for the World(NP136)世界大洋航路BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 英版海图图式及简写CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735 )IALA 航海浮标系统DCatalog

7、ue of Admiralty Charts and Publications(NP131)英版海图及出版物总索引0006. _C_ offers a detailed description of tidal theory and its application to the analysis and prediction of tides and tidal streams下列哪项出版物对潮汐与潮流的分析及预报的原理给予详细的描述。AOcean Passages for the World(NP136)世界大洋航路BAdmiralty Tidal Stream Atlases 英版潮流表C

8、Admiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)英版潮汐说明书DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)英版潮汐手册0007. _D_ outlines the Admiralty method of Harmonic tidal analysis for long and short observation periods plus a volume on datums for hydrographic surveys 下列哪项英版出版物列出了对长、短期观测资料加上水道测量资料进行潮汐协调分析的方法AOcean Passages for the

9、 World(NP136) 世界大洋航路BAdmiralty Tidal Stream Atlases 英版潮流表CAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)英版潮汐说明书DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)英版潮汐手册0009. A crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side Which action should you take _B_有一船员刚刚从你船左舷落水,你应采取()Aimmediately put the rudder over hard right

10、 立即向右打满舵Bimmediately put the rudder over hard left 立即向左打满舵Cimmediately put the engines astern 立即倒车Dwait until the stern is well clear of the man and then put the rudder over hard right 等该船员与船尾清爽后再打右满舵0010. A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessels stability by _D_102船上救

11、生艇进水对船舶稳性造成的负面影响是()Aincreasing the righting moment 增大扶正力矩Bdecreasing the vessels displacement 减少船舶排水量Cincreasing the reserve buoyancy 增加剩余浮力Dshifting the CG(center of gravity)off center 使重心偏离中心线0011. A life line must be connected to the liferaft _D_ 救生扶手绳应装在救生筏的()Aat the bow 船艏 Bat the stern 船艉 Cin

12、the middle 船舯 Dall around 四周0014. A light signal consisting of three flashes means _D_128由三闪组成的灯光信号表示()AI am in doubt as to your actions 我对你的行动有怀疑BMy engines are full speed astern 我正全速倒车CI desire to overtake you 我想追越你船DI am operating astern propulsion 我正在向后倒车0016. The Lists of Meteorological Observa

13、tion Stations can be found in _A_ 气象观测台的台站名录可在()查到AALRS 英版无线电信号表 BALL 英版灯标表CAMC 英版航海通信 DATT 英版潮汐表 0017. A man aboard a vessel,signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side,is indicating _D_ 某船上有一个人,双臂张开,上下摆动,表示()Adanger,stay away 危险,离这远点 Ball is clear,it is safe to pass 清爽,可安全

14、通过Call is clear,it is safe to approach 一切清爽,放心靠近Da distress signal 一种遇险信号0023. Admiralty EasyTide _A_ 英版 EasyTideAhas little use for ocean-going mariners 对远洋航行没什么作用Bpermits the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven days 可供航海者选择并同时计算各种港口长达 7 天

15、的潮高Cincludes periods of daylight and nautical twilight,moon phases and a springs and neaps indicator 包括白天、航海晨昏蒙影、月相、高、大潮和小潮的周期显示Dis supplied in the form of a single CD which contains the calculation program and the seven geographic Area Data Sets(ADS)providing global coverage 通过 CD 的方式提供,包含计算程序及覆盖全球

16、的七个区域的资料0022. According to the regulations,the capacity of a liferaft is required to be marked _B_ 按规定,救生筏的载客量必需品必须标志在()AOn the Muster List 应急部署表中 BAt the liferaft stowage location 救生筏存放位置COn the Certificate of Inspection 在检查证书中DIn the Operations Manual 在操作说明书中0029. After the boat is at the top of t

17、he davit heads,the davit arms begin moving up the tracks and are stopped by the _B_ 救生艇升到吊艇架头后,吊臂开始沿轨迹向上移动,并被()停住。Ahoist man 吊艇人员 Blimit switch 限位开关 Cbrake handle 刹车控制手柄Dpreventer bar 防护条0032. An inflatable liferaft is hand-launched by _D_ 通过()手动释放救生筏Apulling a cord 拉动一根细绳 Bcutting the wire restrain

18、ing bands 解开固定钢丝Cremoving the rubber packing strip 解开橡胶包装带Dthrowing the entire container overboard 把整个包装箱抛入海中0033. An inflatable liferaft should be manually released from its cradle by _D_356气胀式救生筏可以通过()从它的支架上手动释放Acutting the straps that enclose the container 砍断包住包装箱的带子Bremoving the rubber sealing s

19、trip from the container 从包装箱上解开橡皮绑扎带Cloosening the turnbuckle on the securing strap 松开绑扎带上的花篮螺丝(松紧螺旋扣)Dpushing the button on the hydrostatic release 按下静水力释放器上的按钮0034. An on-load release system on a survival craft means the cable can be released _D_363救助筏上可在载荷状态下解脱的释放系统表示钢丝绳可在()下解脱Aonly when the load

20、 is taken off the cable 仅当钢丝绳不受力时Bonly when there is a load on the cable 仅当钢丝绳受力时Conly when activated by the controls at the lowering station仅当在下降位置由控制手柄启动 Dat any time 任何时候0035. An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a _B_364一面橙色旗帜上显示一个黑色的圆形和方块,表示()ASignal indicating a course change 表示

21、航向改变的信号BDistress signal 遇险信号CSignal of asking to communicate with another vessel 想与他船联系的信号DSignal indicating danger 0036. Attention is _D_ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariners Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1400AFixed to 固定到 BNeeded for 需要 CPushed to 推到 DDrawn to 吸引到请注意(注意力必须被)英版航海员手册第三章第一节关于

22、海图使用的一些建议。0038. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be _B_544对于这些及其他灯标的详细资料,请()更大比例尺海图及英版灯标表Aconsidered 考虑 Bconsulted 参考 Cconcluded 得出结论 Dcommanded 命令0039. Important changes to charts and lights(including temporary ones) ,radio signals and sailing

23、 directions are listed in _A_ 对海图、灯标及航路指南的重要改正(包括临时改正)列在()AWeekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners 第周版的英版航海通告BThe Mariners Handbook(NP100) 航海员手册COcean Passages for the World( NP136) 世界大洋航路DSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 英版海图图式及简写0040. Information on the operating times an

24、d characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication _A_ 有关外国的无线电信标的工作时间及特性的资料可在()查到。AList of Lights 灯标表 BCoast Pilot 沿岸航路指南CSailing Directions 航路指南 DList of Radiobeacons 0041. Light Lists for coastal waters are _D_794沿岸的灯标信号()Apublished every year and require no corrections 每

25、年发布一次且无须改正Bpublished every second year and must be corrected 每两年发布一次并需改正Cpublished every five years and require no correction 每五年发布一次且无须改正Daccurate thru NM number on title page and must be corrected 可通过目录页上的通告编号改正且必须改正0042. Lines drawn through points on the Earth having the same atmospheric pressure

26、 are known as _C_798在地球表面,连接所有具有相同的大气压的点所形成的线,叫()AIsothermal 等温线 BMillibars 毫巴 CIsobars 等压线 DSeismics 地震0043. Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by _D_ 这里海岸附近的灯标往往布置得很高,经常被()遮蔽APower 电力 BTower 塔 C Cover 盖 DShower 阵雨0044. Mariners not entering the port ar

27、e _A_ to keep at least one mile off()进港的航海者最少保持在一海里以外。AAdvised 建议 BReported 报告 CComplied 遵守DSupplied 提供0045. Mean high water is the average height of _D_821平均高潮面是指()的平均潮高AThe higher high waters 高高潮 BThe lower high waters 低高潮CThe lower of the two daily tides 两次日潮中较低的一次DAll high waters 所有高潮0046. Of th

28、e following,_A_ is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100) 以下()不太可能在航海员手册中查到Anavigational hazards and buoyage,meteorological data,details of pilotage,regulations,port facilities and guides to major port entry 航海危险物、灯标、气象、引航的详细情况、规定、港口设施及主要港口的进港指南Binformation on charts 关于海图的资料Cinformation on

29、 operational information and regulation 有关操作资料及规则的资料Dinformation on tides,currents and characteristics of the sea 有关潮汐、潮流及海浪特性的资料0047. On a voyage from Capetown to London,the favorable ocean current off the coast of Africa is the _B_ 从开普敦开往伦敦,在非洲沿岸对航行有利的洋流是()ACanary Current 加那利海流 BBenguela Current 本

30、格拉海流CAgulhas Current 厄加勒斯海流 DSouth Atlantic Current 南大西洋海流0048. On an Atlantic Ocean voyage from New York to Durban, South Africa,you should expect the Agulhas Current to present a strong _C_ 在大西洋中,从纽约开往南非的德班,你预计会遇到()Aoffshore set 离岸的 Bonshore set 向岸的 Chead current 顶流Dfair or following current 顺流004

31、9. The Coast Radio Stations are found in _C_ 沿岸无线电台站可在()中查到AAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 英版灯标雾号表BAdmiralty Maritime Communications 英版航海通信CAdmiralty List of Radio Signals 英版无线电信号表DAdmiralty Digital List of Lights 0050. The daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water f

32、or a selection of Standard Ports are given in _B_ 对主潮港每日高、低潮潮高及潮时的预报资料在()列出AAdmiralty Maritime Communications 英版航海通信BAdmiralty Tide Tables 英版潮汐表Ca comprehensive guide for the yachtsman DALRS 英版无线电信号表0051. The information on _B_ is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100) ()不太可能在航海员手册中查到AIALA

33、 Buoyage system IALA 浮标系统Bhydrography , topography,navigational aids and their services 水道测量、地形学、助航标志及其服务Cbasic meteorology and navigation in ice and hazards and restrictions to navigation 气象基本知识、冰区航行航行危险物及碍航物Dinformation on tides,currents and characteristics of the sea 有关潮汐、潮流及海浪特性的资料0052. The info

34、rmation on ocean voyage planning with routeing details for powered and sailing vessels is likely found in _A_ 有关机动船及帆船的航线计划的资料可在()查到AOcean Passages for the World(NP136)世界大洋航路BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 英版海图图式及简写CWeekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners 每周版的航海通告DThe Mar

35、iners Handbook (NP100) 航海员手册0053. The international number,location and/or name,geographical co-ordinates,characteristics and intensity,elevation in metres,range in sea miles and description of structure of a light can be found in _D_ 有关灯标的国际编号、位置、名称、地理坐标、特征、识别、高程、能见距及灯标的描述可在()找到。AOcean Passages for

36、 the World(NP136) 世界大洋航路BAdmiralty List of Radio Signals 无线电信号表CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735 )IALA 航海灯标系统DAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 无线电灯标雾号表0054. The latest known details of lights are given in _C_ 关于灯标的最近资料在()Agives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low wat

37、er for a selection of Standard Ports 给出主潮港的每日高、低潮的潮时及潮高的预报Blists the principal harmonic constants for all those ports where they are known,for use for prediction by the Simplified Harmonic Method of Tidal Prediction 给出所有已知的港口的主要协调分析常数(以供用简化的潮汐协调分析法预测潮汐时使用)Cis a comprehensive guide for the yachtsman

38、是对艇员的全面的指导Dpermits the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven days 可供航海者选择并同时计算各种港口长达 7 天的潮高0055. The light vessel is reported _B_ 据报告那条灯船()Ato be destroyed 被毁坏 Bto be demolished 被拆除Cto be ruined 被毁灭 ;毁坏 D to be spoiled 被损坏;糟蹋;搞糟0057. The majo

39、r tidal streams for selected waters of North West Europe are shown in diagrammatic(图表的)form in _A_ 欧洲西北部某些水域的主要的潮流在()中用图表显示AAdmiralty Tidal Stream Atlases 英版潮流表BAdmiralty Tidal Stream Atlases 英版潮流表CAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120) 英版潮汐说明书DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks( NP122 1-3) 英版潮汐手册0058. The program

40、 of graphical(图解的)predictions of height against time for a period of up to seven consecutive days is contained in _A_ 对某些地方长达 7 天潮高进行预测的图解程序包含在()ASHM 简化的潮汐协调分析法(for window)BAdmiralty TotalTide 个人电脑用的潮汐预报程序CAdmiralty EasyTide 网上潮汐预报DOcean Passages for the World 世界大洋航路0059. To predict the actual depth

41、 of water using the Tide Tables, the number obtained from the Tide Tables is _B_ 当使用潮汐表预算实际水深时,从潮汐表中得到的数字()Athe actual depth (是)实际水深Badded to or subtracted from the charted depth 加上海图水深或从中减去Cmultiplied by the charted depth 与海图水深相乘Ddivided by the charted depth 除以海图水深0060. What is the use of the books

42、 of Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals? Their use is to _D_1405英版灯标雾号表有什么用?它们用来()AMention signal stations and ice,storm,traffic and port signals 提到信号台站、冰情、交通情况及港口信号BGive the international numbers of lights 给出灯标的国际编号CGive the correction of the lights and fog signals 给出灯标雾号的改正资料DGive the informa

43、tion on the lights and fog signals 给出有关灯标雾号的信息资料第四节 海图及海图作业 0062. _D_ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward11为与 3994 号海图() ,从本图上读取的船位需向北移 0.03海里。ATo consider 考虑 BTo check 检查 CTo examine 检查、测试 DTo agree with 相符0063. _D_ is not a position-fixing system ()不是

44、一种定位系统AHifix 哈飞克斯定位系统 BHyperfix 哈皮飞克斯定位系统CTrisponder 三应定位系统DWGS84 ( WGS84:World Geodetic System 1984, 是 为 GPS 全 球 定 位 系 统 使 用 而 建 立 的 坐 标 系 统 。)0064. _B_ the incomplete nature of the survey,heavy draught vessels are warned not to navigate within the 10 fathom line27(由于)测量资料不全面,深吃水船舶被警告不要在 10 拓等深线内航行

45、。ABecause BOwing to CHaving been DBeing 0065. A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n)_B_ 在海图上用一个方框围起来的船位是()Afix 定位 Bestimated position 预计船位 Cdead reckoning position 推算船位Drunning fix 移线定位船位0066. A chart projection depicting the poles and a small area on either side of a connecting meridian,that

46、 is sometimes used for star charts,is the _C_56用来描绘地球两极部分区域和相邻子午线两边的小部分区域,有时用来制做索星图,这种海图投影法是()AAzimuthal gnomonic projection 方位球心投影法BLambert conformal projection 兰勃特正形投影,该投影用一个设想的圆锥切于或割于地球面两 纬线上,应用等角条件将地球面上经纬线 网投影到圆锥面上,沿一母线展开成平面。 纬线投影为同心圆弧,经线投影为同心圆 半径,两经线间夹角与相应经差成正比。该 投影角度不变形,切纬线或割纬线(称标准 纬线) 不变形,远离标

47、准纬线变形逐渐增 大。适合于制作沿纬线延伸地区地图的数 学基础,广泛用于制作中、小比例尺区域地 图。CTransverse Mercator projection 横轴墨卡托投影(即UTM 投影) ,假想一个圆锥其轴与地球椭球旋转轴重合地套在椭球上,按等角的条件把地球椭球上经纬线投影到圆锥面上,然后沿一条母线(经线)将圆锥面切开展成平面,这就是正轴等角圆锥投影。这种投影最适合于中纬度地区,为世界上许多国家制作地图所使用。DPolyconic projection 多圆锥形投影法,假想用一系列同轴圆锥切于地球各纬线上,将地球上的经纬线投影到各圆锥面上,然后沿某一母线展开而成。0067. A ch

48、art with a scale of 1:80,000 would fall into the category of a _C_ 海图比例尺为 1:80,000 的海图将归入下列哪一类()Asailing chart 航行图 Bgeneral chart 普通海图Ccoastal chart 沿岸海图Dharbor chart 港图0068. A polyconic projection is based on a _D_156多多圆锥形投影法的原理是基于()APlane tangent at one point 在一点上的平面切线BCylinder tangent at one parallel

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