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1、词汇掌故:有点同情心吧Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. Im Rich Kleinfeldt with some expressions using the word heart.现在是美国之音慢速英语词汇掌故节目。我是Rich Kleinfeldt,今天给大家带来一些关于 “心”的词汇。People believed for a long time that the heart was the center of a persons emotions. That is why the word hea

2、rt is used in so many expressions about emotional situations.很长一段时间,人们认为心是一个人的情绪中心。这就是为什么心这个单词用在这么多关于情绪状态的词汇中。One such expression is to “lose your heart“ to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who “won your heart“ does not love you, then you are sure to have a “bro

3、ken heart.“ In your pain and sadness, you may decide that the person you loved is “hard-hearted,“ and in fact, has a “heart of stone.“例如“lose your heart“ to someone,是指你爱上某人。但如果这个“ 赢得你芳心”的人并不爱你,你就一定会“ 心碎”。在悲痛中,你可能认为你爱的那个人是“硬心肠”,也就是说他有一颗“ 铁石心肠” 。You may decide to “pour out your heart“ to a friend. Tel

4、ling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.你可能决定对一个朋友“pour out your heart(倾诉衷肠)” 。向别人诉说一下自己的心事往往会让你感觉好受些。If your friend does not seem to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to “have a heart.“ You are asking your friend to show some sympathy for

5、your situation. Your friend “has her heart in the right place“ if she says she is sorry, and shows great concern for how you feel.如果你的朋友看上去并不理解你有多么心痛,你可能会让她“have a heart(有点同情心)” 。也就是让她对你的处境表现出一点同情心。如果她表示抱歉,同时对你的感受表示出极大的关心,你的朋友“has her heart in the right place“(心地善良,关心某人处境之类的)“Your friend may, howeve

6、r, warn you “not to wear your heart on your sleeve.“ In other words, do not let everyone see howlovesick you are. When your heart is on your sleeve you are showing your deepest emotions.然而你的朋友可能提醒你,“不要太情绪化。”换句话说,不要让大家看到你如此相思。当你情绪化时你展示了你的内心情感。If your friend says, “my heart bleeds for you,“ she means

7、the opposite. She is a cold-hearted person who does not really care about your situation.如果你的朋友说,“我对你深表同情,”她的意思正好相反。她是一个冷酷的人,并不真正关心你的情况。In the ever-popular motion picture, The Wizard of Oz, the Tin Man seeks a heart. He wanted to feel the emotion of love, and was seeking help from the powerful Wizar

8、d of Oz to find a heart.在绿野仙踪这部广受欢迎的影片中,铁皮人想找一颗心,他想感受到爱,因此向奥兹魔法师寻求帮助。The cowardly lion, in the same movie, did have a heart. But he lacked courage and wanted to ask the Wizard of Oz to give him some. You could say that the cowardly lion was “chicken-hearted.“ That is another way of describing someon

9、e who is not very brave. A chicken is not noted for its bravery. Thus, someone who is chicken-hearted does not have much courage.在同一部影片中,胆小的狮子有一颗心,但他缺乏勇气,想求奥兹魔法师给他一些勇气。你可以说这头狮子“ 胆小如鼠。”这是另一种描述某人不够勇敢的方式。鸡并不以勇气著称。因此,chicken-hearted的人没有多大勇气。When you are frightened or concerned, your “heart is in your mo

10、uth.“ You might say, for example, that your heart was in your mouth when you asked a bank to lend you some money to pay for a new house.当你害怕或担心,你“心悬到嗓子眼。”例如,当你向银行贷款买新房的时候,你可能会说,你的心悬到嗓子眼了。If that bank says no to you, do not “lose heart.“ Be “strong-hearted.“ Sit down with the banker and have a “heart

11、 to heart“ talk. Be open and honest about your situation. The bank may have a “change of heart.“ It may agree to lend you the money.Then you could stop worrying and “put your heart at rest.“如果银行拒绝了你,不要“失望” ,“ 勇敢点”。坐下来与银行家“诚心”交谈。对你的情况要开诚布公。银行可能会“改变看法” 同意借给你钱。这样你就可以“ 放心”了。lose ones heart to someone: 爱

12、上某人win ones heart: 获得某人欢心,赢得某人的爱情broken heart:心碎,伤心hard-hearted:无情的,心肠硬heart of stone:铁石心肠pour out ones heart:倾诉衷肠have a heart: ,发慈悲have ones heart in the right place: 真心实意,富于同情心wear ones heart on ones sleeve: 十分坦率,感情容易激动my heart bleeds for you: 我对你深表同情chicken-hearted:胆怯,胆小鬼heart is in ones mouth: 十分紧张,焦急万分lose heart: 失去信心,失望strong-hearted:勇敢的heart to heart:诚恳的,诚心的change of heart:改变看法put your heart at rest 放心,安心

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