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1、Hotel industry researchTable of Contents英语论文网站 http:/ 1.0 Executive Summary 12.0 Introduction 13.0 Report on Accommodation Types and Critical Features 13.1 The Motels 23.2 The Luxury Resorts 23.3 The Health Retreats 33.4 The Cruise Liners 43.5 Backpacker Hostels 44.0 Analysis of InterContinental Hot

2、els Group PLC United Kingdom 54.1 Analysis of the Reasons to Success of IHG 54.2 The Personality of IHG 74.2.1 Talented Staffs 74.2.2 New Business Model - franchising Model 84.3 Predict the Future of IHG 95.0 Conclusion 10References 111.0 Executive SummaryWith the economic and social development pro

3、gress, the role hotel industry plays becomes more and more evident in the fast-paced rhythm of life. It can not only provide people with a great convenience, but also become an important part of communication.This main content of the report can be divided into two parts, first is to analyze the pres

4、ent operating classification of the hotel industry, the advantage and critical features of each accommodation type. The second part is to analyze the super 8 hotel case, talk about the “super 8” operating management and the reasons for its success. At last it will predict the future of this individu

5、al character hotel group.2.0 Introduction With the quantity of life improved, the hotel operators make their efforts to improve and expand the scope of services; improve the hardware equipment, that push the level of the hotel industry to a new height. The unique business model makes more and more d

6、etailed classification of hotels (Butler, 2008). The customers which they are facing also have a clear distinction. The motels face the persons who travel by car; the luxury resorts face the wealthy who want to enjoy their holiday; and the health retreats face the men who need be taken care of.3.0 R

7、eport on Accommodation Types and Critical FeaturesAt present there are many accommodation types in the diverse social, this report will introduce the motels, luxury resorts, health retreats, cruise liners and backpacker hostels.3.1 The MotelsMotels, the original text from the English Motel, it is an

8、 acronym for motor hotel. The biggest and obvious difference between motels and hotels is that the parking place is connected with the bedroom. The first floor is used for parking and the second floor is used for resting which is the typical design for motels.Most motels are in the vicinity of the h

9、ighway exit or the road far away from the towns and cities in order to facilitate the visitors who travel with motor vehicles or motorcycles (IBISWorld, 2009). The construction mode of the cheap motel is standard, In order to reduce costs, some facilities which are not needed and luxury decoration a

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