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1、171.Why does the man go to see the professor?A. To hand in a late assignment B. To find out about jobs in the department C. To discuss Dean Adams current research D. To volunteer to help organize an event2.How did the man learn about Dean Adams retirement? A. He read about it in an e-mail message. B

2、. it was posted on a bulletin board. C. He heard other students discussing it. D. Dean Adams announced it in her class.3.Why does the professor refuse the mans offer to help with a party?Click on 2 answers.A. Two people are already working on it.B. She prefers that he spend his time on another proje

3、ct.C. The party does not require much preparation.D. Dean Adams is not permanently leaving the department4.Why does the professor talk about speciation?A. To describe the main focus of the work she needs help with B. To tell the man about a new research area in ethnology C. To explain what Dean Adam

4、s chose to work on in Indonesia D. To demonstrate how varied Dean Adams research has been5. Why does the professor say this: A. To express doubt about the mans qualifications for the project B. To ask the man if he would be willing to work on the project C. To ask the man to recommend someone for th

5、e project D. To apologize for not being able to offer the project to the man7021.What is the lecture mainly about?A. The importance of creating believable characters in plays B. The influence of the literature of “realism“ on French theater C. A successful standard formula for writing plays D. A fam

6、ous example of a well-made play2.According to the professor, why did some playwrights write the end of a play before the beginning? A. To produce multiple scripts as quickly as possible B. To prevent the audience from using logic to guess the ending C. To avoid writing endings similar to those of ot

7、her plays D. To ensure that the plot would develop in a logical manner23.Why does the professor mention a conversation between two servants? A. To give examples of typical characters in a well-made play B. To show how background information might be revealed in a well-made playC. To explain why Rome

8、o and Juliet can be considered a well-made play D. To explain how playwrights develop the obligatory scene of a well-made play4.According to the professor, what dramatic elements are typically included in a well-made play to help move the plot forward?Click on 2 answers.A. A series of major changes

9、in the heros apparent chances of successB. The introduction of new characters midway through the playC. Information known to the audience but not to the main characters D. The movement of major characters from one setting to another5.What does the professor imply about the obligatory scene and the d

10、enouement? A. The difference between them might be unclear to some people. B. Both are useful techniques for developing realistic characters. C. The denouement usually occurs within the obligatory scene. D. The obligatory scene is usually less exciting than the denouement.6.Why does the professor sa

11、y this: A. To help students understand the meaning of a new term B. To indicate that his point is not related to the main topic of the lecture C. To emphasize one element of a play over all othersD. To begin to summarize the main points of the lecture7031.What is the lecture mainly about? A. How ani

12、mals emit ultrasonic pulses B. How bats use acoustical signals C. A comparison of echolocation and radar D. Variations among bats in the use of ultrasound2.Why does the professor decide NOT to add more information to the diagram on the board? A. She wants students to complete the diagram themselves

13、as an assignment. B. She needs to look up some information in order to complete the diagram accurately. C. The additional information is not relevant to the topic that she wants to discuss next D. Students already have the additional information in their textbook.3.According to the professor, what a

14、re two ways in which a moth might react when it detects the presence of a bat?Click on 2 answers.A. The moth might stop beating its wings.3B. The moth might emit high-frequency sounds.C. The moth might leave the area.D. The moth might change its color to match its surroundings.4.What surprising info

15、rmation did a recent experiment reveal about lesser spear-nosed bats? A. They filter out echoes from some types of trees. B. They can analyze echoes from stationary objects with complex surfaces. C. They cannot analyze “jagged“ echoes. D. They cannot analyze echoes from certain types of small moving

16、 objects.5.According to the professor, why does a pine tree produce a “smooth“ echo? A. Because it has a smooth trunkB. Because it has large branches spaced at regular intervals C. Because it has many small, densely packed needles D. Because it remains stationary in all types of weather6.Why does th

17、e professor say this: A. To answer a question that Carol asked B. To correct a statement that Carol made C. To praise Carol for an example that she gave D. To give an example of a principle that Carol stated7041.Why does the student come to the library? A. To learn about the librarys resources B. To

18、 ask about interlibrary loans C. To attend the new student orientation D. To start work on a research project2.Why does the librarian point out the history section to the student? A. She wants to point out the closest area containing copy machines. B. She assumes that he will need to do research the

19、re. C. The student is looking for a book he used at his last school. D. Students sometimes mistakenly assume that the section contains literature books.3.What does the student imply about the interlibrary loan service at his last school? A. He never used it. B. He came to appreciate it. C. It was in

20、convenient. D. It was expensive.4.What does the student need to do before he can use any rare books?Click on 2 answers.A. Purchase a card4B. Obtain permissionC. Put on glovesD. Try interlibrary loan first5 Which sentence best expresses what the librarian means when she says this:A. I wish this were

21、true. B. This is not a very good idea. C. Thanks for your suggestion. D. That is what we intended.7051.What is the lecture mainly about? A. Different kinds of trees used for building canoes B. Various methods of Native American transportation C. The value of birch trees to some Native American group

22、s D. The trading of birch wood products by Europeans in North America2.According to the professor, what characteristics of birch bark made it useful to Native Americans?Click on 2 answers.A. It repels water.B. It can be eaten.C. It is easy to fold.D. It has a rough texture.3.According to the profess

23、or, why was the canoe important to some Native American groups?Click on 2 answers.A. There was a network of waterways where they lived.B. Snowy winters made land travel too difficult.C. Some Native American groups sold their canoes to other groups.D.Canoe travel helped form relationships between gro

24、ups of Native Americans.4.Why does the professor mention French traders who arrived in the Iroquois region? A. To illustrate how far news of the Iroquois canoe design had traveled B. To explain the kinds of objects the Iroquois received in exchange for their canoes C. To support her point about how

25、efficient the Iroquois canoe design was D. To emphasize that the Iroquois were the first settlers in that region5.Why does the student say this: A. To share what he knows about birch wood B. To point out a misprint in the textbook C. To bring up a point from a previous lecture D. To request more exp

26、lanation from the professor56.Why does the professor say this: A. To show how slow canoe travel was B. To illustrate the size of a geographic area C. To compare different means of travel D. To describe how waterways change over time7061.What is the lecture mainly about? A. Explanations of how glacie

27、rs move B. Landscape changes caused by glacial movement C. Climate changes that influence glacial movement D. Causes of glacial formation2.The professor discusses the process of basal slip. Put the steps in the correct order.Click on a sentence. Then drag it to the space where it belongs.Answer Choi

28、cesFriction between the glacier and bedrock is reduced. A liquid layer forms at the base of the glacier. The glacier begins to slide. Pressure Is increased on the ice3.What factors are involved in the amount of deformation a glacier undergoes?Click on 2 answers.A. The thickness of glacial iceB. The

29、hardness of glacial iceC. The amount of water beneath the glacial ice D. The temperature of the glacial ice4.What does the professor say about the speed of glaciers? A. It affects the amount of glacial ice that forms. B. It can be fast enough for movement to be noticeable. C. It is reduced by cracks

30、 in the ice. D. t is unusually high in colder regions.5.What does the professor explain when he says this: A. A characteristic of ice that is related to glacial movement B. How scientists first discovered that glaciers could move C. That factors like temperature can affect the strength of ice D. Why

31、 deformation is the most common type of glacial movement6.What does the professor imply about compression and extension?A. He believes it accounts for a great deal of glacial movement. B. He thinks it is a slower type of glacial movement than basal slip. C. He is not convinced that it is a type of glacial movement D. He does not agree that it causes fissures in glaciers.

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