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1、301 The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy301 The One With the Princess Leia FantasyScene Central Perk, the whole gang is enteringJoey: Im tellin ya that girl totally winked at me.All: Did not, she did not wink at you. (sees that their sacred couch is occupied by strangers) .Chandler: Huh. (They all

2、 leave, dejected) Opening CreditsScene: Rachel and Monicas, Phoebe, Ross, and Rachel are eating breakfast.Ross: I have to say Tupolo Honey by Van Morrison.Rachel: Nooo Way! The most romantic song ever is The Way We Were.Phoebe: See, I-I think that one that Elton John wrote for, um, that guy on Whos

3、The Boss.Rachel: What song was that, Pheebs?Phoebe: (singing) Hold me close, young Tony Dan-za.(Monica enters from her bedroom) Phoebe: Hi Monica!Ross: Hey Mon!Rachel: Hey Mon!(she just walks straight into the bathroom) Phoebe: Oh my God, has she slept at all?Ross: Nope.Rachel: No, its been three ni

4、ghts in a row.Ross: Yeah, she finally stopped crying yesterday, but then she found one of Richards cigar butts out on the terrace, so.Phoebe: Oh, okay that explains it. I got a call at two in the morning, but all I could hear was, like, this high squeaky sound, so I thought okay its like a mouse or

5、a opossum. But then I realized where would a mouse or a opossum get the money to make the phone call.Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Joey is coming in from the bedroomChandler: Morning.Joey: Morning, hey, you made pancakes?Chandler: Yeah, like theres any way I could ever do that.Janice: (entering and sin

6、ging) Monica and Rachel had syrup, now I can get my man to cheer up. (laughs hysterically) Good morning Joey.Joey: (sarcastically) Good morning.Chandler: Hey, you know what, heres a thought. Why dont you stay home from work today and just hang out with me.Janice: Oh, I wish. Look, honey, you have th

7、at report to finish, and I gotta go see my lawyer. Chandler: I can not believe that I am going out with someone that is getting divorced. Im such a grown up.Janice: (laughs) I-I-I gotta go, I gotta go. Okay, not without a kiss.301 (星际大战中的)莉亚公主那个女孩一定在跟我使眼色她才没有你总是以为别人在跟你使眼色我会认为是范莫里生的“陶此洛密糖”不会吧我会认为最浪漫的


9、就会留下来亲她!Chandler: Well, maybe I wont kiss you, and then youll have to stay.Joey: (under his breath) Kiss her! Kiss her!Janice: Ill see you later, sweetie. Bye Joey.Joey: B-bye Janice. So when ya dumpin her.Chandler: Nope, not this time.Joey: Come on, quite yankin me.Chandler: Im not yanking you.Joey

10、: This is Janice.Chandler: Yeah, I know. She makes me happy.Joey: Okay. All right. You look me in the eye and tell me, without blinking, that youre not breaking up with her. No blinking.Chandler: (looks him in the eye) Im not breaking up with her! (they stare at each other for a while, then Joey blo

11、ws in his face) Scene: Rachel and Monicas, Monica is entering from the bathroom.Monica: God, look what I found in the drain.Rachel: What?!Monica: Its some of Richards hair! (holds it close to Ross) What do I do with this?Ross: Getting it away from me would be job one.Monica: Its weird, but you know

12、what I dont wanna throw this away. I mean this is like all I have left of him, gross, drain hair. Ooh! (drops it in Rosss cereal) Phoebe: Ooh. Oh. It looks like, like a tiny little person drowning in your cereal. (Ross gives her this look, like Yeah, doesnt it, and gets up to dump it down the drain.

13、) Monica: God, what is wrong with me.Ross: You need to get some sleep.Monica: I need to get some Richard.Rachel: Monica, you broke up with him for a reason.Monica: I know, I know. Im just so tired of-of missing him. Im tired of wondering why hasnt he called. Why hasnt he called!Phoebe: Maybe, becaus

14、e you told him not to.Monica: What are you the memory woman?Joey: (entering) Their not breaking up. Chandler and Janice. Their not breaking up. He didnt blink or anything.Rachel: Well, you know Im not surprised. I mean have you seen them together, theyre really cute.Joey: Cute! This is Janice! You r

15、emember Janice?Rachel: Yes, Joey, I remember, shes annoying, but you know what shes-shes his girlfriend now. I mean what can we do?Joey: There you go! Thats the spirit Im looking for! What can we do? Huh? All right whos first? Huh? Ross?Ross: Well Im thinking that Chandlers our friend and Janice mak

16、es him happy, so I say we just all be adult about it and accept her.Joey: Yeah, well call that Plan B. All right?Scene: Rosss bedroom, Ross is working and Rachel is reading a 再见甜心,再见乔伊再见,珍妮丝你什么时候要甩掉她?不会这次不会了拜托,别整我了我又没有整你她可是珍妮丝对,我知道她让我很愉快好,你看着我的眼睛告诉我,不可以眨眼睛说你不会跟她分手但别眨眼睛我不会跟她分手天啊,你看我在排水管里发现什么?什么?这些是理查


18、能怎么办?”好,谁先来?罗斯?book in bedRachel: (she leans over and kisses him on the cheek) Honey, I was wondering.Ross: Hmm?Rachel: Do you still have that, um, Navy uniform?Ross: Nooo, I had to return it to the costume place.Rachel: Hmm.Ross: I think I have an old band uniform from high school.Rachel: You remem

19、ber not having sex in high school, right?Ross: Yeah.Rachel: Well honey, what about you?Ross: What?Rachel: I mean do you have any fun, you know, fantasy type things?Ross: No.Rachel: Come on you gotta have one!Ross: Nope.Rachel: Ross, you know what.Ross: What?Rachel: .if you tell me, I might do it.Ros

20、s: Okay, umm. Did you ever see, um, Return Of The Jedi?Rachel: Yeah.Ross: Do you remember the scene with, um, Jabba the Hut? Well Jabba had as, as his prisoner, um, Princess Leia. Rachel: Oooh!Ross: Princess Leia, was wearing this, um, gold bikini thing. It was pretty cool.Scene: Central Perk, Phoeb

21、e and Rachel are therePhoebe: Yeah, oh, Princess Leia and the gold bikini, every guy our age loved that.Rachel: Really!Phoebe: Um, um. Its huge. Yeah, thats the moment, when-when, you know she stopped being a princess, and became, like, a woman, you know.Rachel: Did you ever do the-the Leia thing?Ph

22、oebe: Oh, yeah, um-mm. Oh!Rachel: Really! That-that great huh?Phoebe: No its just that I got this new pager and I have it on vibrate. See ya!Ross: (entering with Monica in tow) Hey!Rachel: Hi you guys!Ross: Look who I found standing outside of the Szechwan Dragon staring at a parking meter.Rachel: M

23、on. Hi! Monica: Hi.Rachel: Why arent you at work?Monica: Oh, they-they sent me home.Rachel: Why?Monica: Because I dont work at the Szechwan Dragon.Ross: Okay.Rachel: You really, really need to get some sleep, honey.钱德是我们的朋友而珍妮丝能让他快乐所以我们就成熟点,接受她这个先归类在B计划甜心我在想啊你那套海军制服还在吗?不,我拿去戏服店还了我还有一套高中乐团的旧制服你记得高中时不


25、怎么着?有人要发行我的论文真的吗?让我看看瑞秋,你看我那强壮的罗斯天行者何时会来拯救我?Monica: I know I do.Ross: Hi.Rachel: Hi.Ross: Guess what?Rachel: What?Ross: They published my paper.Rachel: Oh, really, let me see, let me see.Phoebe: Rach, look! (she holds two buns up to her ears to make her hair look like the Princess Leia do.) Oh, hi!

26、Where is my strong Ross Skywalker to come rescue me. (Ross stands up horrified) There he is.Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Joey is watching Wheel of Fortune, the puzzle is showing _oun_ Rush_ore.Chandler entersChandler: Hey!Joey: Wheel!Chandler: Of!Joey: Fortune! This guy is so stupid. (yelling) Its Cou

27、nt Rushmore!Chandler: You know, you should really go on this show. All right, listen, I got three tickets to the Rangers tonight. Whatd ya say?Joey: I say, I am there! Cool! Aw, is Ross going to?Chandler: No, Janice.Joey: Jan-ice. Cause I, just, I feel bad for Ross, you know, we-we always go togethe

28、r, were like the three hocke-teers.Chandler: You know, I may be way out on a limb here, but do you, do you, have a problem with Janice?Joey: No, Yeeees. God, how do I say this. (walks into the kitchen, Chandler follows closely, he turns around and gets startled) . Oh, hi, you know that girl from the

29、 Greek restaurant with the hair (holds his hands up to signify she has big hair) ?Chandler: Ooh, that girl that I hate, eww, drives me crazy, eww, eww, oh!Joey: Look, I dont hate Janice, shes-shes just a lot to take, you know.Chandler: Well, there you go.Joey: Oh, hey. Come on man, dont look at me l

30、ike that, she used to drive you nuts before too, remember?Chandler: Well, Im crazy about her now. I think this could be the real thing. Capital R! Capital T! (Joey stares at him) Dont worry, those are the right letters.Joey: Look, what do you want me to say?Chandler: I want you to say that you like

31、her!Joey: I cant. Its like this chemical thing, you know. Every time she starts laughing, I just wanna (grimaces and tenses up) pull my arm off just so that I can have something to throw at her. Chandler: Thanks for trying. (grabs the ticket and starts to leave) Oh, and by the way there is no Count

32、Rushmore!Joey: Yeah, then-then whos the guy that painted the faces on the 他来了幸运的!轮盘!这个家伙好笨是“罗斯莫尔”公爵啦你真的该去参加这个节目我有三张今晚游骑兵队的票你觉得如何?我一定去太棒了罗斯也会去吗?不,是珍妮丝珍妮丝?因为我会替罗斯难过你知道吗?我们总是一起去的我们是曲棍球三兄弟啊我可能误会你了但你是否反感珍妮丝?没有对啦天啊,我该怎么说?你知道希腊餐厅里那个头发很蓬的女孩子?那个我很讨厌的女孩子?她快把我这疯了听着,我不讨厌珍妮丝只是她令人难以忍受你说出来了吧别那样看着我以前她也快把你这疯了记得吗?但是我

33、现在为她疯狂这次可能是来真的我是说“真的”别担心,我说的字母是对的你到底要我说什么?我要你说你喜欢她我说不出来这种像是一种化学作用每次她一开始笑,我就想想把我的手臂拔下来我就能往她身上砸谢谢你的努力对了,根本就没有罗斯莫尔公爵!那是谁在罗斯莫尔山上塑了那些总统肖像?你怎么可以告诉她?我想又没什么大不了的她认为没什么大不了的?你这样子是在跟谁讲话?这些应该是我们之间很私密的对话菲比是我的女性好友,好吗?mountain? (Chandler gives him a look like You stupid idiot!) Commercial BreakScene: Monica and Rac

34、hels, Rachel and Ross are enteringRoss: How could you have told her? Rachel: Ross, I didnt think it would that big of a deal.Ross: Oh, she didnt think it would be that big of deal.Rachel: Okay, who are you talking to when you do that?Ross: Look, that was supposed to be like a private, personal thing

35、 between us.Rachel: Okay, Ross, Phoebe is my girlfriend, okay, we tell each other everything. You know, I mean, come on, guys do the same thing, I mean, what about all that locker room stuff.Ross: Thats different, okay. Thats like, uh Who dated a stripper? or Who did it on the back of the Staton Isl

36、and Ferry?.Rachel: Were both of those Joey?Ross: Yeah. Look, you dont, you dont talk about like, you know, your girlfriend and the intimate stuff you, you do with her.Rachel: Not even with your best friend.Ross: Noo!Rachel: That is so sad. Your missing out on so much, Ross. I mean, the bonding and t

37、he sharing, you know. And-and knowing that someone else is going through the same thing you are.Ross: Hmph. So what you, you tell each other everything?Rachel: Pretty much.Ross: Did you talk about the night of five times? Do you tell people about the night of five times? Rachel: Uh, honey, yeah that

38、 was with Carol.Ross: I know, but its still worth mentioning, I think.Scene: Monicas bedroom, Phoebe is trying to relax her.Phoebe: ( in a soothing voice) Relax every muscle in your body. Listen to the plinky-plunky music. Okay, now close you eyes, and think of a happy place. Okay, tell me your happ

39、y place.Monica: Richards living room, drinking wine.Phoebe: All right. No, no, no, not a Richard thing, just put down the glass. And get out!Monica: Im sorry, but thats my happy place.Phoebe: Well, okay, fine, use my happy place. Okay, Im just gonna, I have to ask that you dont move anything.Monica:

40、 All right, Ill try not to.Phoebe: Okay, all right, so, your in a meadow, millions of stars in the sky.Monica: Do you think breaking up with him was a huge mistake?Phoebe: All right, there are no questions in the happy place. Okay, just, the warm breeze, and the moonlight flowing through the trees.M

41、onica: Ill bet hes totally over me, Ill bet hes fine.Phoebe: All right, betting and wagering of any kind, are, Im sure, not permitted in the happy place. Okay. Just-just, you know, the-the lovely waterfalls, and the, the trickling fountains. And the-the calming sounds of the babbling brook.我们无话不谈的男人


43、我会试着不乱动好,你现在在草地上天上有一片繁星你觉得分手是错误的吗?快乐的地方不准问问题只有和煦的微风和从树上撒下的月光我赌他一定忘了我我打赌他好得很快乐的地方不允许赌博和下注那里只有美丽的瀑布和缓慢流动着的喷泉还有低声轻语的小溪产生平静的音律好,一点用也没有我还是醒着的而且我得去上厕所我听说你讨厌我Monica: Okay, this isnt working. Im still awake and now I have to pee.Scene: Chandler and JoeysJanice: So, I hear, you hate me!Joey: I, ah, I never s

44、aid hate, I was very careful about that.Janice: A little birdie told me something about you wanting to rip your arm off and throw it at me.Joey: And you got a hate from that?! Your taking a big leap there.Janice: All right, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, weve got to do something about our little situ

45、ation here Joey. So, this is my idea: you and me spending some quality time together.Joey: But what does that gonna do.Janice: For Chandler!Joey: Okay. Im in.Janice: Okay. All right. This is what were gonna call it: Joey and Janices DAY OF FUN!Joey: Does it have to be a whole day?Janice: Yes, becaus

46、e thats how long it takes to love me.Joey: Yeah, I know, I sleep in the next room.Scene: Central Perk, Rachel and Monica are enteringMonica: (crying) So, I went down to the post office, and it turns out it was those videos that I ordered for Richard about the Civil War. He loved the Civ)l War.Phoebe

47、: Monica, do you want us to take you home?Monica: Uh, huh. (to Ross) Or maybe to a galaxy far, far away. (Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe leave) Ross: Women tell each other everything. Did you know that?Chandler: Umm, yeah.Ross: No Chandler, everything! Like stuff you like, stuff she likes, technique, st

48、amina, girth.Chandler: Girth? Why, why, why, wh-why, why, why, why would they do this? Ross: Rachel says sharings great and supposedly, you know, we outta be doing it. Do you wanna?Chandler: Were not gonna talk about girth are we?Ross: Nooo!Chandler: Yeah, okay.Ross: Yeah?Chandler: Yeah! All right!

49、You go first.Ross: Okay, okay, Ill go first.Chandler: Okay.Ross: So, uh, the other night Rachel and I are in bed talking about fantasies, and I happened to describe a particular Star Wars thing.Chandler: Princess Leia in the gold bikini.Ross: Yes! Chandler: I know!Ross: Yes! Wow, well, that-that was easy. Okay, you-you go.Chandler: Okay.Ross: Okay.我没说我讨厌你我可是很小心的有人私下告诉我你想扯下手臂,丢到我身上这样你就觉得我讨厌你?你也太断章取义了吧好吧这种情形,我

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