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1、用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 1中考英语易错题精编1. Come and see us _ next month.A. sometimes B. some timesC. sometime D. some time2. Guangzhou is larger than _ city in Guangxi.A. any B. any other C. anyone D. one3. I like this kind of mooncake, I will buy_.A. one B. that C. it D. ones4. This is the second _ picture of t

2、he three.A. well B. a better C. best D. the best5. Cathy is better than me _ writing.A. on B. of C. in D. at6. She is the _ of the twins.A. oldest B. older C. elder D. eldest7. Who sits in front of you in class?No one_.A. is B. has C. does D. sits8. Id like a piece of paper _.A. to write B. writingC

3、. to write on D. writing on9. _ does he like music?A. What B. How C. Who D. Which10. We have a big room _.A. to live B. to live inC. to live on D. live11. Everything is ready now, _?A. isnt it B. is itC. are they D. isnt there12. When my sister phoned me, I cant hear what she is _. Its a bad line.A.

4、 speaking B. talkingC. saying D. telling13. The apples on this tree are _ than _ on that tree.A. big; ones B. big; themC. bigger, those D. bigger; apples14. When shall we play with snow, Mr. Hu?Lets _ it tomorrow, OK?A. take B. have C. get D. make15. How happy we are _ each other.A. to see B. seeing

5、C. see D. saw16. His book may be in the bay.Ah, _.用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 1A. so it is B. so it doesC. so does it D. so is it17. He with his wife _ lunch at home every day.A. have B. has C. had D. is having18. They often went to the party at _ home on Sundays.A. Lucys and Lilys B. Lucys and LilyC. Lucy and

6、 Lilys D. Lucy and Lily19. _ I cross the street when the lights are red?No, you mustnt.A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need20. My sister is too young to _.A. dress clothes B. dress himselfC. get dress D. dress herself21. My classmate did quite well in the _ race.A. Boys 400-metreB. Boys 400-metresC. Boys 4

7、00-metre D. Boys 400 metres22 .He came into the classroom _ smile _ his face _ usual.A. with; in; like B. by; on; asC. with; on; as D. with; on; like23. I dont like the boots. Could you show me _?A. that one B. that onesC. those ones D. those one24. What would you like, tea or coffee?_. Id like some

8、 water, please.A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. Only25. Old people must be looked after well and _ politely.A. speak to B. spokenC. speak D. spoken to26. China is _ than the Unite States.A. larger one six B. one six largerC. one sixth larger D. larger one six27. Youd better _ my name _from the list.A

9、. to write; out B. cross; outC. put; on D. to look; down28. _?Color or black and white?Color.A. What color are the filmsB. Which will you take awayC. Can you show me some films, pleaseD. Are the films color or black and white用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 129. Everyone has to pay taxes, _?A. doesnt one B. dont yo

10、uC. dont we D. dont they30. The teacher said he couldnt answer that question at once, he needed to _ it _.A. look; about B. think; overC. think; about D. go; over31. Sheep _ for producing wool and mutton.A. is made B. are usedC. are kept D. is grown32. Isnt he a clever boy?_. I like him very much.A.

11、 Yes, he is B. No, he isntC. Yes, he isnt D. No, he is33. If a fire breaks out, please call 119 _ mobile phone.A. in B. on C. by D. with34. The pen that I bought yesterday _ well. I really dont like it.A. isnt written B. isnt writingC. doesnt write D. didnt write35. Betty _ in all kinds of T-shirts

12、in summer.But I like to _ shirts.A. wears; wear B. is dressed; wearC. wears; put on D. puts on; wear36. Is he at home now?He _ be at home, but Im not sure.A. must B. may notC. cant D. mustnt37. He first stayed in Beijing for some time. It was not long _ he returned home.A. when B. after C. until D.

13、before38. You are reading an English book, I _ you _ interested in English.A. dont know; are B. didnt know; wereC. didnt know; are D. dont know; were39. You play football _, if not better than, Mary.A. as well B. as well asC. so well D. so well as40. Lian Zhan with his visitors _ from Taiwan _ payin

14、g his first visit to the mainland of China.A. who come; is B. who is; isC. which come; is D. that are; are用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 1参考答案http:/www.DearEDU.com1. C sometime 指(将来)某个时候,和 next month 连用。2. A 广州不属于广西省,从句中得出广州比广西的任何一个城市大,选 A。3. C this kind与之对应的用“it”。4. C 序数词 second +最高级+范围(of the three.)5. D 考查词组 b

15、e good at.6. B 两者中的最高级用句型“the +比较级+范围”。7. C do, does, did 通常代替上句所做的事。8. C 不定式作定语,不及物动词需加上相应的介词,指“在纸上写字用 on”。9. B 考查 Howlike?句型(怎么样?)。10. B 不定式作定语,不及物动词需加上相应的介词,指“住在房子里用 live in”。11. A everything 反意疑问句用 it代替。12. C say为及物动词后直接跟宾语 what, talk和 speak 后必须加相应的介词,tell后跟双宾语。13. C 在英语中指代常用“that”和“those”。that

16、用来指单数和不可数名词;those指代复数名词。14. D make 此处指约定(时间)15. A 考查 be happy to see 的用法。16. A so+陈述句语序。表示“确实如此”。17. B 考查主谓一致的用法,谓语动词的用法看 with前面的词用单、复数。18. C home用单数,暗示 Lucy和 Lily是一家人,应填 C;若 home为复数,则指两个人的家,用 Lucys and Lilys homes.19. B 一般疑问句用“may”提问,否定回答用“mustnt ”。20. D dress 后跟反身代词和人作宾语。21. A 复合形容词 400-metre race

17、. metre后不能加“s”22. C face前有物主代词 his,只能用介词“on”。23. C 代替 the boots用复数 those ones.24. A 从下句中得之“要一些水”,选 A表示“两者都不”。25. D 考查被动语态,跟某人讲话用 speak to sb.26. C 大几倍/几分之几,常放在比较级前。27. B crossout表示勾掉、划掉。因此填 C。28. C 通过上下文情景得知“他想看彩色电影”。第一句应问“你能给我拿些电影看看吗”,应填“C”。29. D everyone 反意疑问句用 they代替。30. B think it over 表示仔细考虑,th

18、ink it about 为错误形式。31. C keep sheep/dogs指养羊/狗。32. A 否定疑问句回答时 yes和 no互换,通过 I like him very much得知回答用“不,他是”。33. B 在手机/收音机/电视上用 on 表示。34. C write well 指书写流畅,不可用于进行时和被动语态。35. B 第一空表示穿的状态与 in连用,应填 be dressed in,第二空表示穿的状态用wear。用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 136. B “but Im not sure”暗示该空表示“可能不”,应填 may not。37. D It was not long before 不久。符合语境逻辑。38. B 题意是指看英语书之前,我不知道你对英语感兴趣,因此用过去时。39. B 由语境得知,该空表示“和一样好”,选 B。40. A 先行词是 visitors,第一空用 who come; 第二空根据主谓一致原则用单数,填is。

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