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1、1九年级总复习基础训练七年级(下)Unit 5. 单选。( ) 1. All the students go to school _ Monday _ Friday. A. to; from B. from; to C. on; and D. in; and( ) 2. Your new car looks very nice. _.A. Thank you B. I think soC. No, its bad D. Good idea( ) 3. My grandmother often tells me _ my father.A. for B. about C. from D. at(

2、 ) 4. Im too nervous to give a talk before so many people. _Maria. You can do it. A. Thats true B. With pleasureC. Come on D. Youre right( ) 5. We all love Miss Yang. She always makes her history class very _.A. interest B. interests C. interesting D. interested( ) 6. Could I borrow your bike? _, bu

3、t please return it by Saturday.A. Im sorry B. Of courseC. You cant D. Im afraid not( ) 7. How about _ in the river with us? Sorry, I cant. My parents often tell me _ that.A. swim; dont do B. swim; to doC. swimming; not do D. swimming; not to do( ) 8. Where is Mike? He asked me to go out for a walk t

4、his evening. Maybe he _ TV in the living room now.A. watch B. will watchC. is watching D. watches( ) 9. _ will it take you from your school to the library? About half an hour. So Ill be there by 10 oclock.A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How many( )10. How do you go to _ school? I usually take

5、_ bus.A. the; a B. /; a C. a; a D. the; /( ) 11. What _ animals do you like?A. others B. another C. other D. an other( ) 12. As we know, some people are good at _ but bad at giving back.A. lending B. keeping C. borrowing D. using( ) 13. What are you _? Im _ my bike.A. doing; looking for B. looking f

6、or; findingC. doing; finding D. finding; looking for( ) 14. His TV is new. What about _?A. your B. you C. me D. yours( ) 15. _ does the film finish? At about 11 oclock.A. How B. How often C. What time D. Where( ) 16. _ can I keep this book? For two days.A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How ma

7、ny( ) 17. Whatre you doing? Im _ my cat.A. finding B. looking C. reading D. looking for( ) 18. Excuse me, do you have a watch? Sorry! I dont have one. Thank you _.A. someway B. anyway C. noway D. same( ) 19. The boy usually plays _ or _ after school.A. piano; basketball B. the piano; the basketballC

8、. piano; the basketball D. the piano; basketball( )20. _ do you do sports? Every day.A. How many B. How oldC. How often D. How long( ) 21. What time do you get _?A. home B. to home C. at home D. school( ) 22. How often do they play football? _A. At 9:00. B. On Monday. C. By bus. D. Often.( ) 23. Wha

9、t do you think _ China?A. at B. for C. about D. of( ) 24. There is a match _ Class 1 _ Class 2. Can you come to watch? Sounds great! I will go.A. from; to B. not; untilC. between; and D. but; and( ) 25. Peter is good _ swimming.A. in B. for C. at D. on( ) 26. There are many _ in the shop.A. shelf B.

10、 shelfs C. shelves D. shelfes( ) 27. How was your holiday? _2A. Very nice. B. Im glad.C. Im fine. D. Thank you.( ) 28. Im sorry, Miss Cheng, Im late. It doesnt matter. Youd better _ late for school next time.A. not B. be C. not be D. not to beII. 句型转换。1. His pen pal is from English. (对划线部分提问)_ _ his

11、 pen pal _?2. They arent good at English, I think. (合并为一句)I _ _ they _ good at English.3. I often come to school in my fathers car. (提问)_ _ you often come to school?4. I collect toys because they are beautiful. (同上)_ _ you collect toys?5. Jeff usually has supper at home. (同上)_ _ Jeff usually have su

12、pper?6. You can keep the book for five days. (同上)_ _ can I keep the book?7. Were having a P.E. class. (同上 )_ class _ you having?8. The twins play the guitar three times a week. (同上)_ _ do the twins play the guitar?9. He catches the last bus. (改为现在进行时)He _ _ the last bus.10. I sometimes go to school

13、by car. (改同义句)_ I _ _ _.11. She often walks to work. (同上)She often _ _ _ on foot.12. Its six fifty. (同上)Its _ _ _. 13. Swimming is my favorite sport. (同上)I _ _ _. Unit 6I. 单选。( ) 1. I work _ a bank. I work _ a clerk.A. as; for B. for; as C. for; for D. as; as( ) 2. Look! This jacket is beautiful. _?

14、A. Why not try it on B. Why dont you trying it onC. How about try it on D. Why not you try it on( ) 3. May I swim in the lake, Dad? No, you _. Look! Here is a notice “No swimming!”A. may not B. mightnt C. mustnt D. neednt( ) 4. Your watch is quite nice. Where did you buy _? I want to buy _, too.A. o

15、ne; one B. it; it C. it; one D. one; it( ) 5. Excuse me, sir. _ is it to the nearest hotel? About 15 minutes walk along this road.A. How much B. How soonC. How far D. How long( ) 6. Mary is busy _ a letter to her sister.A. write B. writes C. writing D. wrote( ) 7. Would you like _ bananas? Thanks, I

16、m full.A. a B. a little C. any D. some( ) 8. Hurry up. The bus is coming.Oh, no. We mustnt cross the street _ the traffic lights are green.A. until B. after C. while D. since( ) 9. Who are you talking _?A. at B. to C. for D. on( ) 10. Are they _ a bus?A. wait B. waiting C. wait for D. waiting for( )

17、 11. _ the socks, Jim. You shouldnt throw them everywhere. OK, Mom.A. Take out B. Take off C. Try on D. Put away( ) 12. Hello! _ Lisa. Is that Linda speaking? Sorry, she is not at home.A. Im B. This is C. That is D. She is( ) 13. Theres some paper everywhere. Please _.A. put away it B. put away them

18、C. put it away D. put them away( ) 14. There _ a study and two bedrooms in the house.A. is B. are C. were D. will( ) 15. _ playing with the ball?A. Why not B. Why dont C. What about D. Lets( )16. Wheres the kitchen? Its _ the first floor.A. on B. at C. in D. under( ) 17. Let him _ violin.A. play the

19、 B. play C. plays the D. to play the ( )18. The air in Beijing is getting _ cleaner now than a few years ago.3A. many B. much C. more D. very( ) 19. Could you tell me which season do you like _?A. well B. better C. best D. more( ) 20. I cant _ who is Kangkangs father.A. look for B. find C. discover

20、D. find out( ) 21. The girl has _ stamps.A. thousand of B. thousandsC. two thousand D. thousand( ) 22. I heard him _ me several times.A. was calling B. callC. calling D. to call( ) 23. My sister enjoys _ the radio very much.A. listening B. listening to C. listens to D. to listen to( ) 24. _ from the

21、 park, youll find an old market.A. Next B. Near C. To D. Across( ) 25. If we _ free tomorrow, well go hiking together. A. are B. will be C. were D. are going( ) 26. Whats in the box? _ some books.A. Theyre B. Its C. Theres D. Therere( ) 27. Jim, _ at the door, please.A. knock B. knocks C. knocking D

22、. to knockII. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There are many birds _ (sing) in the tree. 2. Why not _ (take) off the coat? Its hot here.3. Its too _ (danger) to swim in the sea.4. I have two _ (study). One is big, the other is small.5. Hello, this is Michael _ (speak).6. She writes _ (careful) of the two girls.7. Yo

23、u should turn left at the _ (three) turn.8. The room was _ (noise) last night.9. Did you enjoy _ (you), boys?10. We must try our best _ (study) hard.III. 句子翻译。1. 在我们的楼房前面有一些商店。There are some shops _ _ _ our building.2. 格林先生住在二楼。Mr. Green lives _ _ _ floor.3. 我要找人来帮我打扫房间。Ill get someone _ help me _ t

24、he room.4. 他想租一个带有大院子的房子。He wants _ rent a house _ a big yard.5. 我们坐下来休息一下吧。Lets sit down and _ _ _.6. 一直往前走,直到你看到一棵大树为止。Go ahead _ you _ a big tree.7. 我的电脑出毛病了。There is _ _ _ my computer.8. 林雪三天后将会抵达北京。Lin Xue will _ _ Beijing in three days.Unit 7I. 单选。( ) 1. The news _ very interesting! Tell me mo

25、re!A. is B. are C. were D. was( ) 2. Where do you sit, Kate? I sit _ Amy. She is just on my right.A. next to B. in front of C. behind D. between ( ) 3. Lets do it _. There is only five minutes left.A. hardly B. slowly C. quickly D. politely( ) 4. Happy Fathers Day, dad! _, my son.A. Im very happy B.

26、 Best wishesC. The same to you D. Thank you( ) 5. The old woman behind the girls _ a writer.A. are B. has C. is D. have( ) 6. There are _ months in a year. August is the _ month.A. twelve; eight B. twelfth; eighthC. twelve; eighth D. twelfth; eight( ) 7. _? I fell down and hurt my left leg.A. How do

27、 you do B. What do you doC. Whats the matter D. How do you like it( ) 8. Is it polite to speak and laugh loudly _? No, I dont think so.A. in public B. at least C. on time D. in the way( ) 9. Life in the countryside is quite _ that in modern cities.A. the same B. different from C. full of D. far from

28、( ) 10. The baby cat hurt _ when it fell from the tree.A. it B. themselves C. he D. itself( ) 11. We were in Hong Kong last week and _ a good time there.A. have B. have had C. had D. having4( ) 12. The Changjiang River is about 6300 kilometers _.A. long B. tall C. wide D. high( ) 13. Can you dance t

29、o disco or perform ballet? _.A. Yes, I can B. I can dance to discoC. Yes, I can perform ballet D. No, I cant( )14. Do you want to play _ basketball or play _ table tennis?A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; /( ) 15. Its Tree Planting Day tomorrow. Dont forget _ old clothes.A. to put on B. putting

30、onC. put on D. will put on( ) 16. Hi, Jim. _ you see the bird in the tree? Yes, I can.A. Can B. May C. Will D. Must( ) 17. What day _ it yesterday? Its Monday.A. is B. was C. will be D. has( ) 18. February is _ month of the year, but Tuesday is _ day of the week.A. the second; the second B. the seco

31、nd; the thirdC. the third; the second D. two; three( ) 19. Whats the date tomorrow? _A. Its June 1st. B. It will be June 1st.C. Its Friday. D. It will be Friday.( ) 20. _ a cold winter morning, he went skating.A. On B. In C. At D. Of( ) 21. Last night he _ asleep at midnight. A. feel B. felt C. fall

32、 D. fell( ) 22. Can you _ something about your school?A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk( ) 23. Tom didnt go home _ it stopped raining.A. after B. when C. until D. if( ) 24. How _ is the box? Its 8 centimeters long and 5 centimeters wide.A. long B. big C. color D. shape( ) 25. Can you _? Yes, I _ just

33、now.A. dance; danced B. danced; dancedC. danced; dance D. dance; dance( ) 26. Im planning _ myself this vacation.A. relax B. to relax C. relaxing D. relaxing( ) 27. Who performed ballet? The boy _.A. did B. does C. was D. is( ) 28. Where _ Yao Ming born, do you know? Hes born in Shanghai.A. is B. ha

34、s C. was D. beII. 句型转换。1. He went to the mountain on his vacation. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ on his vacation?2. I didnt have any money for a coat. (改同义句)I _ _ money for a coat.3. She is tall. She has long curly hair. (合并成一句)She is a _ girl _ long curly hair.4. Everybody knows that. (改否定句)_ _ that.5. She had

35、 to work last weekend. (改一般疑问句)_ she _ _ work last weekend.6. Id like tomatoes. (用 oranges 改为选择疑问句)_ _ like tomatoes _ oranges?7. Could you show me the beautiful present? (改同义句)Could you show the beautiful present _ _? 8. Ill buy a doll for myself. (同上)Ill buy _ a _.9. She can make model planes. (提问

36、)_ _ she _?10. I was born in Fujian. (同上)_ _ you born?11. He blew out the candles. (改一般疑问句)_ he _ out the candles?Unit 8I. 单选。( ) 1. _ was your summer vacation? Oh, I just stayed at home. Its really _.A. How; boring B. How; beautifulC. What; dull D. What; interesting( ) 2. Mr. Green always _ weekend

37、s playing with his children.A. spends B. takes C. costs D. pays( ) 3. Helping others can make us _ very happy. A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel( ) 4. He walks only _ hands but he can speak _ English and French.5A. with; by B. by; in C. with; in D. by; by( ) 5. We often have great fun _ English.

38、A. to learn B. learn C. learned D. learning( ) 6. I know the Great Wall is an interesting place. _ did you go?A. Where other B. Where elseC. What other D. What else( ) 7. _ do you _ Chinese food? Its very delicious.A. What; think B. How; thinkC. What; like D. What; think of( ) 8. My mother isnt here and she is busy _ dinner for us.A. cook B. to cook C. cooks D. cooking( ) 9. _ the weather in Chongqing? Its rainy.A. How B. Hows C. Whats D. What are( ) 10. Can you see a _ man with glass

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