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1、Below is sth I ever collected which may be helpful to you1. 我认为(1 ) the way I see it,(2 ) as I see it,(3 ) as far as Im concerned,(4 ) in my eyes/in the eyes of me,(5 ) in my opinion/in the opinion of me(6 ) from where I stand,(7 ) from my point of view(8 ) from my standpoint/viewpoint/perspective,(

2、9 ) for my part,2. 想起(1 ) it (suddenly)occur to me that(2 ) it strikes me that(3 ) sth come into my mind that3. 因为(1 ) because of(2 ) owing to (3 ) thanks to(4 ) due to(5 ) as a result of (6 ) as a consequence of (7 ) on account of 4. 感谢的千言万语(1 ) sb thank sb for doing sth(2 ) be grateful/thankful/ob

3、liged to sb for (doing)sth(3 ) express ones (heartfelt) gratitude/thank to sb for (doing) sth(4 ) it will be greatly appreciated that(5 ) I owe to sb(6 ) I am indebted to sb for (doing) sth 5. 与此同时(1 ) meanwhile(2 ) at the same time6. 因此(1 ) therefore(2 ) so/then(3 ) accordingly(4 ) consequently;as

4、a consequence(5 ) as a result7. 最后的道别(1 ) in the end,(2 ) at last,(3 ) last but not least,(4 ) in closing,(5 ) eventually,8. 总结一下(1 ) to sum up,(2 ) to conclude,(3 ) to draw a conclusion,(4 ) to summarize(what I have said),9. 简要的说(1 ) briefly speaking,(2 ) simply put,(3 ) to cut a long story short,1

5、0. 毫无疑问(1 ) decidedly(2 ) undoubtedly(3 ) definitely(4 ) no wonder /doubt that11. 我会尽最大努力做.(1 ) I will try my best/utmost to do sth (2 ) I will do everything in my power to do sth (3 ) I will do to the best of my ability(4 ) I will work with all my heart to do sth(5 ) I will make every effort/endeav

6、or to do sth(6 ) I will dowith(all my) heart and soul12.继续做(1 ) go on doing sth(2 ) keep doing sth(3 ) carry on doing sth(4 ) continue to do/doing sth(5 ) move on (vi)(6 ) press on/ahead (vi,有较强的不顾困难之意)eg,You do remember,no matter what comes around,I will stick to what I pursue and move on /press on

7、.13.战胜种种(1 ) triumph over sth(2 ) win over sth(3 ) prevail over sth(4 ) conquer/defeat sth(5 ) the conquest of sth14.处理(1 ) work at/on sth(2 ) cope with sth (3 ) tackle/handle sth15.总之,总的来说(1 ) in a word,(2 ) anyhow,(3 ) in any case,(4 ) in sum,(5 ) in short,(6 ) the long and (the)short of it,(7 ) i

8、n summary,16.不过, 然而,但是(1 ) but/yet(2 ) however,(3 ) nevertheless,(4 ) even so,(5 ) at the same time,(6 ) none the less,17.一方面另一方面(1 ) on(the) one hand,on the other(hand),.(2 ) for one thing,for another,18.下决心做(1 ) I have decided (not) to do(2 ) I have made/set up my mind to do(3 ) I have made a deci

9、sion to do(4 ) Im determined to do(5 ) I have set my mind on doing19.分条陈述(1 )首先:to begin with/firstly/first of all(2 )其次:secondly/besides/in addition(3 )最后:in the end/last but not least/at last20.事实上(1 ) in fact,(2 ) in truth,(3 ) in reality,(4 ) in effect,(5 ) virtually,(6 ) as a matter of fact,21.

10、在 之前(时间)(1 ) before(2 ) prior toeg, Prior to/before the interview the employer has probably seen your resume and talk with you on the phone.22.顺便说一下(1 ) by the way,(2 ) incidentally,23.我向你保证(1 ) I promise/assure you that(2 ) I pledge to you that(3 ) I bet you what,24.照顾(1 ) look after(2 ) care about

11、/for(3 ) attend to25.对 着迷, 喜欢(1 ) be crazy/mad about(2 ) be obsessed/fascinated with(3 ) be into (4 ) go for(5 ) fall in love with(6 ) be keen on(7 ) be fond of(8 ) I think a lot of26.我不喜欢(1 ) I hate doing.(2 ) I dont care for(3 ) I cant stand/bear/put up with(4 ) I think little of (5 ) thats the la

12、st thing I need.(6 ) Im tired of (doing)(7 ) Im fed up with(doing)(8 ) Im bored to death with(doing)27.关于程度(1 ) to a great extent,在很大程度上(2 ) to some extent,在某种程度上(3 ) to a certain extent,在某种程度上28.出现(1 ) show up(2 ) turn up29.沉迷于(1 ) be absorbed in(2 ) be hooked on(3 ) be addicted to(4 ) addict onese

13、lf to(5 ) abandon oneself to(6 ) be rolling in(7 ) wallow in30.有点(1 ) a bit /little/trifle+ adj.(2 ) kind/sort of + adj./v/adv31.被 欺骗(1 ) be taken in by(2 ) be tricked by(3 ) be cheated by(4 ) be deceived by32.举个例子(1 ) for example,(2 ) for instance,33. 相反地(1 ) on the contrary,(2 ) conversely,(3 ) op

14、positely,(4 ) contrarily,34. 一(小)部分(1 ) a (small)fraction of+可数/ 不可数名词(2 ) a (small/little )part of+可数/不可数名词(3 ) a portion of+可数/不可数名词 =partially35. 不考虑,不管,不顾,不论,不重视(1 ) irrespective of (2 ) regardless of(3 ) with no regard to(4 ) take no account of(5 ) without consideration36. 评价,评估,估计(1 ) assess v

15、t.(2 ) evaluate vt.(3 ) estimate vt.(4 ) appraise vt.37. 与有关(1 ) be relevant to(2 ) be related to(3 ) be bound up to(4 ) in connection with (5 ) correlate to/withe.g: A high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease.38. 按照(1 ) according to(2 ) in terms of(3 ) In accordance with princi

16、ple of39. 一般来说,广义地说,泛泛地说,概括地说(1 ) generally speaking,(2 ) broadly speaking,(3 ) in general terms,40. 依靠,依赖,指望(1 ) rely on(2 ) depend on(3 ) count on41. 小瞧,低估,轻示(1 ) underestimate(2 ) bet against(3 ) disappreciate42. 至今,迄今为止(1 ) to date(2 ) so far(3 ) up to now(4 ) to this day43. 对负有责任(1 ) be respons

17、ible for(2 ) be obligated to(3 ) bear responsibility for(4 ) account for44. 实话实说(1 ) to tell(you )the truth, (2 ) tell it like it is,(3 ) truth be told,(4 ) not to mince matters,(5 ) lets not mince matters,We are in trouble Not to mince matters, we are ruined!我们的处境很困难,直截了当地说,我们完蛋了!45. 鉴于,考虑到(1 ) in

18、view of(2 ) in consideration of(3 ) with a view to(4 ) takeinto consideration(5 ) with an eye to46. 有利于,有益的,有助于的(1 ) be good for(2 ) be conducive to(3 ) be beneficial to(4 ) in favor of 47. 同样地,也(1 ) likewise (2 ) equally(3 ) as well as(4 ) too,also,still(5 ) similarly48. 确定.,搞清楚(1 ) confirm(2 ) ide

19、ntity(3 ) ensure(4 ) ascertain(5 ) pin down sth,pin sth down,另外 pin down 也可作不及物,hard to pin downEg:You must pin down every quotation to its author.你一定要确定每一条引文的作者是谁。pin sb down 使 sb 做出承诺,使 sb 受到约束,束缚49. 擅长做(1 ) be good at(2 ) be adept at50. 坚持(做)(1 ) stick to (2 ) adhere to to 是介词(3 ) insist onEg:we adhere/stick to the principle that everyone should be treated equally.

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