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1、1级考前最新命制试卷三Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Preparing for Emergency. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1. 灾难随时都有可能发生,带来巨大伤害2. 因此,知道如何应对灾难十分重要3. 为了让学生更好地应对灾难,学校应当Preparing for Emergency

2、_Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on 2Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-

3、10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Ways to Fight Rising Food PricesFood, clothing and shelter generally top the list of basic human needs. While shopping at a discount store instead of the mall generally takes care of the clothing issue, and living in a small apartm

4、ent instead of a McMansion can address your housing situation, rising world food prices can lead to some significant challenges in the food department. Everything from rising transportation costs to the development of biofuels pushes up the cost of food and put a pinch on consumers wallets.While the

5、 need to eat isnt something you can avoid, you can take steps to keep the costs in check.Eat at homeDining out is expensive. Just about any nutritious meal that you buy in a formal restaurant can be made at home for a fraction of the price. Even good coffee is cheaper to make if you do it yourself.

6、Fast food is excluded from the category, as high-calorie, low-quality food can be a bargain price, but the impact on your long-term health overrides the benefit of short-term savings.Shop with a planIf you stumble around the grocery store and fill your cart with everything that catches your eye, cha

7、nces are you will spend a lot more money than you need to. To minimize your cash outlay (支出), prepare a shopping list before you leave home. Plan your meals for the week ahead, and make careful note of what you need to buy in order to prepare those meals. Once the list is made, purchase only the ite

8、ms on the list, and avoid impulse buys.Eat before you shopWhen you are hungry and you walk into a building full of food, youre likely to fill your cart with unnecessary and expensive purchases that appeal to your taste buds. To keep your costs down, eat first and shop on a full stomach.Put on blinde

9、rsGrocery stores are designed to make you go through a maze to get to the most basic items in the hope that you will make a few impulse buys along the way. If you keep to your planned list, you wont be tempted when you get forced down the junk food aisle to get at the milk. Because most necessities

10、and basic cooking items are found along the outside edge of the store, start there and work your way around the perimeter and step into the maze only to grab any leftover items on your list.Avoid prepared foodsOur fast-paced society encourages convenience, and grocery stores have capitalized on this

11、 trend. Ready-made meals are easy to buy, but they come with a premium price tag. Instead of putting that rotisserie chicken and macaroni salad in your cart, buy the ingredients and prepare the meal yourself. The same concept applies to frozen entres, baked goods and any other foods that have been p

12、repared in some way for added convenience.Buy in bulkBulk buying can save you a significant amount of money. Pay attention to the prices and pick up the family-size package if the per-unit cost is lower and you have a place to store it. Shopping at big-box bulk retailers like Sams Club and Costco ca

13、n also save on your bill if you shop there frequently enough to cover the cost of membership, but 3pay careful attention to your spending habits. The big boxes are often no bargain compared with sale prices and coupon savings at other stores. In addition, they may encourage you to buy more than you

14、need, driving up your grocery bill.Use store reward cardsIf the store you visit most frequently has a reward card, be sure to sign up. In some cases, stores raise their prices when they offer reward cards, and without the card your bill will certainly be higher. If the reward card offers other benef

15、its, such as a ham for the holidays or a discount on gasoline, be sure to maximize your benefits by paying attention to the cutoff dates on such offers and cashing in your points before they expire.Use couponsCoupons provide an easy way to save money. Clip them and cash them in, paying particular at

16、tention to stores that double the value of manufacturers coupons. A number of websites also offer coupons exclusively, and they are a great place to search for discounts on the items you have on your list. If you frequent the websites of your favorite brands, they will often offer discounts to their

17、 faithful customers. A few minutes of surfing online can make a big difference at the register.Buy locallyLocally grown or produced food is often available at a lower price because you dont pay for long transportation costs. Farmers markets, fairs and the local aisle at your grocery store are all ga

18、me for deals on tasty and fresh food.Look downStores often place the most-expensive items at eye level. To find less-expensive items, look down. Also, by searching the area around brand-name foods, you can often find a cheaper generic (没有商标的) alternative. Generic label products are often nearly iden

19、tical to name-brand goods (in fact, theyre often produced in the same factory), so dont pay for packaging when what you really want is the food inside.Compare prices and storesSome consumers often have trouble calculating the per-unit cost in their heads, but its something that gets a lot easier wit

20、h practice. You can even carry a calculator. Looking at the brands and comparing prices is an easy way to shave a few cents off most purchases.The store that features the lowest average prices in your area is often the best place for routine shopping, but the higher-priced competitor may run sales o

21、n specific items that beat the cost at your most frequented venue. Watch for these sales and take advantage of them when possible.Watch best before and sell by datesAs the sell-by or best-before date approaches, you are virtually guaranteed a discount. For example, grocery stores lower prices as mea

22、t ages. Ask the butcher when the meats get marked down. Most stores have a fairly regular schedule that you can learn and follow. When you get a good deal, stock your freezer so you can avoid buying when the price is high. And if you plan on freezing the food, “best before” dates shouldnt worry you;

23、 the product will stay fine until you thaw and cook it.Substitute recipe itemsIf you have a higher-priced item that recurs in your favorite recipes, it may be time to shake up your taste buds. Often a lower-priced alternative can be found. For instance, if you consistently bake with olive oil and yo

24、u see that the price has skyrocketed, a simple switch to applesauce can make for a cheap and low-fat substitute in many recipes.4Check your billElectronic scanners make checkout faster and more convenient, but scanners arent perfect. Get in the habit of taking a look at the receipt to make sure your

25、 coupons and discounts were taken into account.Pay in cashWhen you put groceries on your credit card and dont pay off the card in full each month, you pay interest on the balance. To avoid this extra cost, pay in cash when you shop and keep necessities off your credit cards.1. What is said about the

26、 cost of food in the passage?A) Its solvable with the discount stores.B) Its related to many social factors.C) Its something people can easily avoid.D) Its not as serious as the housing cost.2. Compared with home-made food, fast food _.A) costs you a lot more moneyB) improves your long-term healthC)

27、 tends to be more nutritiousD) is bad for your health in the long run3. What does the author suggest consumers do to avoid impulse buys in the shop?A) Make a shopping list and keep to it.B) Quicken their pace when shopping.C) Try not to look at those items on sale.D) Limit the time they spend in the

28、 shop.4. What do we learn about ready-made meals offered by grocery stores?A) They save people both time and money.B) They appeal to consumers taste buds.C) Their prices are higher than usual ones.D) Many people come to rely on them.5. According to the passage, shopping at Sams Club and Costco _.A)

29、cant save shoppers money at allB) could lead to unnecessary buysC) has changed peoples spending habitsD) is suitable for those without membership6. To maximize the benefits of store reward cards, people should _.A) buy a bit more than they need in the holidaysB) visit the stores as frequently as pos

30、sibleC) exchange their points when they are still valid5D) try to pay in cash instead of by credit cards7. According to the passage, generic products _.A) tend to be of poor qualityB) are sold without wrappersC) are looked down upon by peopleD) are cheaper than brand products8. People are advised to

31、 pay attention to and _ sales on specific items run by some high-priced stores.9. If consumers buy the food near its best-before date, usually they can get _.10. When preparing food, instead of olive oil, people can use applesauce which is both low-priced and _.Part III Listening Comprehension (35 m

32、inutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a p

33、ause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11. A) The team lost because the players were absent-minded.B) He was impressed by the effo

34、rts of the team.C) The woman is wrong about who won the game.D) The players could have won if theyd tried harder.12. A) Ask Joan to recommend a good restaurant.B) Have dinner at Joans house.C) Ask their friends about the restaurant.D) Go to the restaurant.13. A) The twos mother.B) The twos daughter.

35、C) The twos friend.6D) The twos pet dog.14. A) She feels very hard to fall asleep.B) She needs to listen to music to relax.C) She can not finish her work on time.D) She can not focus her attention.15. A) He always spoils parties.B) He does not like to attend the party.C) People enjoy his company.D)

36、He does not work on Friday.16. A) Find a new repair shop.B) Take a bus to work.C) Hire a car.D) Buy a different car.17. A) He is still a job seeker.B) He is going to retire.C) He has found a promising job.D) He has just quit his job.18. A) Sell their car.B) Buy some furniture.C) Find another house.D

37、) Have a meal.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) Common causes of anger.B) Judging peoples behavior.C) Changing peoples attitudes.D) The effects of negative behavior.20. A) When theyre unable to control the persons behavior.B) When the causes of the behavior

38、 are obvious.C) When the consequences of the behavior are unpleasant.D) When the behavior is expected.21. A) Its not always clear why people behave in certain ways.B) People usually blame others for their mistakes.7C) Certain conditions cause drivers to behave strangely.D) The reason for some behavi

39、or is obvious.22. A) They usually accept responsibility.B) They blame factors beyond their control.C) They complain about their personal problems.D) They compare their behavior to others.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. A) She cant find a job.B) She doesnt kno

40、w how to manage a book store.C) She wants to quit her current job in the IBM office.D) She has no idea which of the two job offers is better.24. A) She will earn less.B) It takes too much time to go there.C) It has nothing to do with her study.D) She has no interest in that field.25. A) Accept the j

41、ob offer from the book store.B) Accept the job offer from IBM.C) In the holiday work in IBM and in the next school year work in the book store.D) Give up both offers and find another one in the next school year.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each

42、passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passag

43、e OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. A) By taking other peoples advice.B) Through the combination of different ideas.C) Through his observation of the country life.D) By using the nickname of the reconstructed Chicago.27. A) As far as possible from existing citie

44、s.B) In the countryside where the land was cheap.8C) In the countryside where agriculture was developed.D) Near cities where employment opportunities already existed.28. A) Their number would continue to rise.B) Each one would continue to become larger.C) People would live and work in the same place.D) Each one would contain a certain type of business. Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. A) To rebuild hotels a

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