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1、Application Essay 写作 第一课 Law School Essay Question Help (2) 第二类 topics:Theme 2: Why I Am QualifiedWriting about your experiences in the law field supports both the Why I Want to Be a Lawyer theme and the Why I Am Qualified theme, so it is always a good idea to spend time on the experiences that qual

2、ify you as a potential law student.Direct work experience is always the best, of course, for a number of reasons. For one, it proves your motivation to the committee. For another, it shows that you have the potential for being successful in the field. Perhaps most importantly, it shows the committee

3、 that you understand the profession and know what you will be getting into upon graduating. One type of applicant that the committee keeps a wary eye out for is the kind who wants to go to law school but doesnt have any realistic idea of what lawyers do beyond the glamorized images seen in televisio

4、n and movies.But you do not need to have had an internship at a law firm to show that you are qualified. Your experience might be political, such as the convention you volunteered to help organize or the campaign you helped raise funds for. Or it can be academic or issues-based, such as the thesis y

5、ou wrote on law and the Internet. The rule here is, if you have it, use it.If you have a lot of experience, the bulk of your essay may be spent on this theme rather than on the Why I Want to Go to Law School theme. You should try to relate your qualifications back to your motivation at some point, t

6、hough, even if it is only a reference. Often, people will do this in a single, concluding sentence. This can be a powerful approach as long as your passion is clearly demonstrated through your description of your experiences. Look at the essay below for an example of this. The writer spends all but

7、the last paragraph of his essay describing his dedication to activism, first by lobbying to have the Confederate flag removed from the Boy Scouts, and later by actions taken as student body president. He doesnt make a verbal tie-in to his motivation until the last few sentences of his essay:温馨提示:专业的

8、事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10 年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系 QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。I sought practical improvements through independent thinking, perseverance, and tenacity in the face of fierce criticism. A legal education would give me tools to better

9、 use these abilities. I am not headed to law school on a mission, but I see law as an opportunity to contribute as we build our future.Admissions Officers Pet Peeve: Making ListsFor some candidates the problem will not be that they dont have enough direct experience to write about; they have too muc

10、h. The danger inherent in wanting to include all your experience is that space is limited and you can either end up with an essay that is too long, or one that consists of little more than a listing of your activities and accomplishments. Says one officer:“The essay should never be merely a prose fo

11、rm of a C.V. Thats dry to read, and again, doesnt offer any additional information about the candidate.”It is all right to include all the experience you have had somewhere in your essay but keep it short and do it in the context of a story or a personal account using colorful details. After all, yo

12、u can attach a resume that will list all your jobs and promotions. The essay has the much more important job of bringing these experiences to life.Also, resist the hard-sell approach. The admissions officers at top schools read so many essays written by extremely qualified applicants that writing a

13、self-serving “I did this, I did that” essay isnt going to wow them; it will simply make them yawn. You are much better off with a humble attitude. Let your experiences speak for themselves and focus on making your essay personal and interesting instead. Having someone objective read your essay before you send it in will help you discern the kind of impression you are making.

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