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1、Application Essay 写作 第一课 Medical School Essay Question Help (1)第一类 topics:Theme 1: Why I Want to Be a DoctorMany people look back in time to find the moment of their initial inspiration. Some people have wanted to be a doctor so long they do not even know what originally inspired them. To incorporat

2、e this theme, look back to the material you gathered in the last chapter, specifically in response to “The Chronological Method,” “Note Major Influences,” and “Identify Your Goals.” Ask yourself these questions: How old was I when I first wanted to become a doctor? Was there a defining moment? Was t

3、here ever any ambivalence? Was I inspired by a specific person? What kind of doctor do I want to be and how does that tie into my motivation?Here are a few of the common ways that students incorporate this theme:“Ive Always Wanted to Be a Doctor”AKA: “Ive Wanted to Be a Doctor Since I Was” and “Ever

4、yone Has Always Said Id Be a Doctor”This is perhaps the most common approach of all. The secret to doing it well is to show, not just tell, why you want to be a doctor. You cannot just say it and expect it to stand on its own. Take the advice of one admissions officer:“The “Ive always wanted to be a

5、 doctor” essay has been done to death. I think candidates need to be careful to show that their decision was not only a pre-adolescent one and has been tested over the years and approached in a mature manner.”Supply believable details from your life to make your desire real to the reader. One secret

6、 to avoiding the “here we go again” reaction is to be particularly careful with your first line. Starting with “Ive wanted to be a doctor since” makes the reader cringe. Its an easy line to fall back on, but admissions officers have read this sentence more times than they care to count; dont add to

7、the statistic.“My Parents are Doctors”This approach to the “why I want to be a doctor” theme is dangerous for a different reason. Says one officer:“Its a prejudice of mine, but the legacy essay, the one that reads, “My dad and my grandpa and my great-grandpa were all doctors so I should be too,” mak

8、es me suspect immaturity. I envision young people who cant think for themselves or make up their own minds.”This is not the opinion of every officer, though. The point is not to avoid admitting that your parent is an M.D., it is to avoid depending on that as the sole reason for you wanting to go to

9、medical school. If a parent truly was your inspiration, then describe exactly why you were inspired.“My Doctor Changed My Life!”AKA: “Being a Patient Made Me Want to Become a Doctor”Some people claim to be motivated to become doctors because they have had personal experience of illness or disability

10、. Notes an admissions officer:“I had a student who grew up with a chronic illness. She spent much time with physicians and other health care providers throughout her young life. In her essay she wrote about this continuing experience and how the medical professionals treated her. She wrote of her ad

11、miration of them as well as her understanding that they couldnt yet cure her. Her essay literally jumped off the page as being unique to her and a compelling understanding of and testament to her desire to join the people who had been so important to her life.”温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10 年来,监审留学一直致力于留学

12、文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系 QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。If your personal experience with the medical profession sincerely is your motivation for attending medical school, then do write about it. The problem is that many students fall back on this topic eve

13、n when it does not particularly hold true for them. We cannot stress enough that you do not have to have a life-defining ability or a dramatic experience to have an exciting statement. Admissions committees receive piles of accident- and illness-related essays and the ones that seem insincere stick

14、out like sore thumbs (pun intended!) and do not reflect well on you as a candidate. Says another officer:“My orthodontist changed my life!” “My dentist gave me my smile back!” These types of themes are certainly valid, but go beyond that to what particular aspect of the profession intrigues you. Do

15、you understand how many years of study your orthodontist had to have in order to reach his level of practice? Have you observed your dentist for any significant amount of time? Do you know that the profession now is much different than it was when he or she was starting out? Have you given any thoug

16、ht to the danger of infectious diseases to all health-care professionals? Present a well-organized, complete essay dealing with these points.”You may just want to mention your own experience only briefly toward the end of the essay. Use it as a confirmation of your decision to be a doctor (instead o

17、f as his primary motivation) and demonstrate that because of the experience you will become a better doctor. Try not to dwell on the experience and provide plenty of further evidence of your sincere motivation.“My Mom Had Cancer”This theme is really just a variation of “I was a patient myself” and t

18、he same advice applies: If a loved ones battle with illness, trauma, or disability is truly what inspired your wish to become a doctor, then by all means mention it. But dont dwell on it, dont overdramatize, and dont let it stand as your sole motivation-show that youve done your research and you und

19、erstand the life of a doctor and you chose it for a variety of reasons.The Hard-Luck TaleSome truly outstanding essays are about strong emotional experiences such as a childhood struggle with disease or the death of a loved one. Some of these are done so effectively that they are held up as role mod

20、els for all essays. Says one officer:“I had a student who was considered a weak candidate because of poor grades and low test scores. She was African-American and although she had pursued all the right avenues (classes, MCAT, volunteer experiences) to prepare herself for medical school, she remained

21、 undistinguished as a candidate- until, that is, she wrote her essay. The essay revealed her tremendous and sincere drive. She was from a crime-riddled area of New York City and several of her siblings had been violently killed. She wrote about her experience and her desire to practice medicine in t

22、he city and improve the neighborhood where she was raised. It was compelling, believable, and truly inspiring.”While it is true that these poignant tales can provide very strong evidence of motivation for medical school, they are difficult to do well and need to be handled with extreme care and sens

23、itivity. And, as we have said before, do not rely on the tale itself to carry you through; you always need to clearly show your motivation. Notes another admissions officer:“This is going to sound harsh, but I dont like the tales of woe such as the ones that begin with the mothers death from cancer.

24、 Frankly, I feel manipulated and I dont think that the personal statement is the proper mode of expression for that kind of emotion.”The Medical DichotomyOne of the major draws of the medical field is its dualistic nature combining hard-core science with the softer side of helping people. This is de

25、scribed by people in many ways; some describe it as a dichotomy of science to art; to others it is intellectualism to humanism, theory to application, research to creativity, or qualitative to social skills. No matter how you choose to phrase it, if you mention the dichotomy, then be sure to touch on your qualifications and experience in both areas.

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