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1、Application Essay 写作 第三课 Harvard Short Essay SetHarvard, Favorite BooksThe novel Black Like Me was the most stimulating book I have recently read. I was taken aback by the cruelty the narrator experienced when he was black compared to the hospitality he found as a white man. Possessing the same occu

2、pation, clothing, wealth, speech, and identity did not matter when his skin was another color. Given that this was a non-fictional piece, my reaction was even stronger. The book made me favor equality of opportunity for all in every endeavor so others opinions of them are based on performance, not p

3、reconceptions.Harvard, Favorite TeacherI selected Mr. (name) because he taught me more than U.S. History; he taught me how to think independently. This wasnt done only to prepare me for the free-response section of the A.P. test, either. I know he did it to make his students responsible citizens and

4、 responsible adults. From the outset, he wanted to make sure that we knew how we stood in our political philosophy: strict constructionists or loose constructionists. He wanted to make sure that we didnt gravitate towards empty categories like liberal or conservative, but rather focused on issues se

5、parately whenever we needed to take a stand on them. Imagine my surprise when I, the son of two very conservative parents who constantly bombarded me with their rhetoric, discovered that I had strong liberal tendencies on some issues. Aside from political affiliations, Mr. (name) taught us how to ma

6、ke sense out of history by trying to understand the personal motives that went in to any chain of historical occurrences. In his class, I came to the realization that history isnt only a series of names and dates printed in a textbook, but a more complex subject that requires deep thought and analys

7、is for full comprehension. Because of Mr. (name), history is now my favorite subject. He has also been a motivating force outside of the classroom. He always had faith in my ability and constantly encouraged me to do my best. I believe he respected my abilities and wanted to see them developed furth

8、er. In fact, had it not been for his faith in me, I would have never applied to Harvard, the school I plan to attend in the fall.Harvard, Unnoticed AccomplishmentIts not that Im a weak guy, just that I had been somewhat self-conscious about my strength early on in my high school career. My gym class

9、 didnt help too much, either. Thanks to a demeaning test of strength appropriately dubbed the “Grip Test,” once each quarter I was provided the opportunity to squeeze a gadget, get a score, and have my teacher announce it out loud, no matter how high or (as in my case) how low it was. No matter how

10、hard I tried, the cruel and callous scale never registered above 40. Almost every other male in the class could boast of a high-40s or mid-50s score. I hated that test with a passion. Until recently. When this semester rolled around and I had the gripper placed in my palm, I was prepared for the sam

11、e old same old. I had been improving slightly from quarter to quarter, but nothing impressive ever happened. I drew in a deep breath, squeezed, looked at the scale, and almost fainted. Sixty-six! In a way only a teenager can appreciate, for an accomplishment only a teenager would find meaningful, I

12、thought I was in heaven. My success was even sweeter as I watched jocks pale in comparison when they took the test. Sure, to some people my academic accomplishments seem fairly impressive, and I would agree. Yet the grip test situation was much more personal and represented success in an area I norm

13、ally dont pay attention to. Plus I learned two things. One: I can pride myself on the smallest triviality. Two: Im glad we dont measure strength in our gym classes with the bench press.Harvard, Leadership through DedicationTo me, leadership does not necessarily mean accumulating as many titles as po

14、ssible in school activities; I feel one leads through his dedication, actions, and contributions. I have always tried to lead in almost everything I set out to do. I feel I have been successful at that. Superficially, I have earned such titles as president of the National Honor Society chapter at my

15、 school, Editor-in-Chief, columnist, Investigative Editor, and Editorial Editor of the school newspaper, senior varsity leader in debate, and a Class Representative for Student Council. However, those titles dont begin to tell the story of my abilities as a leader. They dont reveal how I volunteered

16、 to help out at a handicapped lock-in at an unfamiliar youth center when no one else wanted to, they dont reveal how I always sought to be on time for work and to avoid boondoggling, they dont reveal how I aided younger debaters with their argumentation so they can have the same success I was lucky

17、enough to enjoy, they dont reveal how I became a role model for the JETS squad by studying my material often, eventually becoming the most medaled member on the team, and they dont reveal all the effort I put into learning my lines and acquiring a good stage presence for Images, my first stage produ

18、ction ever, so I wouldnt single-handedly jeopardize the whole show with my lack of experience. All those actions stress the quality I feel is most important in a leader, dedication. With dedication comes hard work and the ability to seek out solutions when problems get in the way, whether they are w

19、ith a news page layout or in a students diction. Because of this dedication, taking charge is second nature for me. People are always willing to follow one with a clear sense of direction.温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10 年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系 QQ:

20、970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。Harvard, Close-knit familyI dont view my important characteristics as different from those my family has imparted on me throughout the years. The pride, care, dedication, effort, and hard-working attitude that I view as critical to any success I may achieve have all descen

21、ded upon me courtesy of my close-knit, Italian family.Born the child of two immigrants who came here with nothing, only one possessing a college degree, the importance of a good work ethic was stressed by my parents from day one. Through their actions in their jobs and through the verbal lessons on

22、life I began to get from the moment I could communicate, they set an example for me to follow, one of being proud of what I do, no matter what it was, and above all, to care about everything I do as if everything had a big impact. This meant that everything had to be done right and be done well. Und

23、oubtedly, following their own advice carried my parents from their status as blue-collar immigrants who labored as a factory workers to white-collar citizens, one of whom owns his own business while the other works as a bank officer. Those ascensions from nothing only served as other examples for me

24、 to follow, examples that delineated the ability for a person to improve through effort.Another quotation from my father propelled me from the time I started school to today: “No matter what you do, you have to be the best.” This set up the inner drive that motivates all my actions. It was what forc

25、ed me to try hard in school although I didnt know English well enough to always understand the teacher. Its the reason why I have developed my skills. It accounts for my dedication to all activities, and to the hard work I put into all of them as I strive to lead both in class and out. Essentially,

26、my parentage was the first quality that distinguished me as a leader.Despite all the talk of being a leader, I have never lost sight of the importance of my family. I know I owe my family everything, and as a result, Ill always be close with it.Harvard, FunI pursue a variety of activities for fun an

27、d relaxation. I enjoy reading books and magazines (my tastes range from Time to Gentlemens Quarterly) on a regular basis, imitating Beavis and Butt-head, and most of all, spending time with my friends. Although I am fan of playing pick-up games of basketball, football, and roller hockey, the phrase

28、“doing nothing with my time” doesnt bother me since I can have a good time just hanging around. I think people, not places, make for a good time.Harvard, Social ConcernsMy major social concerns all revolve around the future. In other words, Im concerned about what prevents people from rising above t

29、heir disadvantages. Specifically, I am most concerned with the handicapped, education, and crime.I feel societys response to handicaps is what really hampers the potential of the disabled. It is important for the disabled to get a better sense of worth and to be able to adapt to, and survive in, tod

30、ays world. Through National Honor Society (NHS), I have done just that. I have helped out at a lock-in that was designed to foster interaction among the children of the organization, as well as at Special Olympics, where the children participate in sports on a competitive basis so their talents and

31、abilities can be recognized. Whenever the disabled can be successful at an activity, the barrier between them and the rest of society is drastically reduced.Education is key to other problems such as gangs, drugs, and crime because it can prevent and eliminate them. I try to get students in our scho

32、ol to maximize their opportunities by using the educational resources available. By setting up a tutoring program through NHS, I have matched up needy students with other students who can assist them with their problems in classes. More directly, I help students out with English and show them how to

33、 use the Writing Center Lab, an indispensable resource for English students at any level. The more educated a person is, I believe, the more able he is to be successful in the future.I have dealt with criminal problems in my school by discussing solutions to gangs and other crime in the Student Advi

34、sory Committee. We have drafted several proposals to help reduce those problems in our school.Educating people about such social concerns is also very crucial because they wont fix what they dont think is broken. That is one objective of our newspaper, in which we have written various editorials and

35、 news stories to educate the student body on social topics. Through debate, I myself have become knowledgeable on such topics as the homeless, poverty, health care, and the environment. That way I can practice what I preach.COMMENTS:Harvard is notorious for its long list of essay questions, as you c

36、an see from the seven essays this applicant had to write. The first essay is a standard favorite book essay. His second, about his favorite teacher, goes into more depth and reveals more about the candidate, that he enjoys learning, admires independent thought, and plans to study history.The third e

37、ssay in this set stands out from the rest. Had the panel who were grading the compositions understood the context of this essay in light of the six others in the set, they probably would have given it more credit. Its strength lies in its funny, lighthearted approach-it shows a completely different

38、aspect of the candidates personality. Without it, he would have appeared deadpan serious and probably a bit dull. However, showing the wittier side of himself strengthens the set considerably. It is a good example of allowing yourself to take a risk in one essay, as long as more serious approaches in the others balance it.

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