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1、人教版英语八年级下册全册重点知识归纳讲解课件,人教版,考点突破,人教版,词汇点睛,1 argue vi.辩论,争论,搭配 argue with sb 与某人争执argue about sth 因某事而争执Tom often argues with his brother. They dont agree with each other.汤姆经常和他弟弟有争执,他们之间互不认同。What are they arguing about?他们在争论什么?,人教版,活学活用()They were arguing _each other _the war.Aabout; withBwith; about

2、Cwith; to Dto; about,B,人教版,2 fall v落下;跌落;变为 n落下;跌落,点拨 fall的过去式为fell。,搭配 fall offfall down from从掉下来fall behind落后于He fell off his bike and broke his leg.他从自行车上跌下来,摔断了腿。,活学活用(1)Has he _ill again?他又病了吗?(2)I had so many _that I was blue and black all over.我跌了那么多跟头,以至于浑身青一块紫一块。,fallen,falls,人教版,3 complain

3、 v抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚,搭配 complain about/of sth 对某事不满,抱怨complain to sb about/of sth 向某人投诉某事complain that抱怨She complained to me about the food.她向我抱怨伙食不好。,人教版,活学活用(1)She_her husbands carelessness.她抱怨说她丈夫粗枝大叶。(2)They are _the government of the poor quality of their houses.他们正向政府投诉他们的住房质量太差。(3)He_that he couldnt f

4、ind a job anywhere.他抱怨到处找不到工作。,complained about,complaining to,complained,人教版,4 either adv.同样地(不),点拨 (1)either作代词,意为“(两者之中)任一,任何一个”。在句中可作主语(此时句中谓语动词用单数)、宾语、表语和定语(作定语时,只能修饰单数名词)。Either of the books is popular with the students.(主语)(两本书)随便哪本书都受学生欢迎。There are many trees on either side of the street.(定语

5、)街道两边有许多树。(2)either作副词,用于否定句,意为“也”,通常置于句末。I dont like blue and I dont like green, either.我不喜欢蓝色,也不喜欢绿色。,人教版,搭配 either可以构成短语:eitheror,意为“或者或者”“要么要么”,在句中连接两个并列成分,在连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词必须在人称和数上与靠近的主语保持一致,采取“就近原则”。Either you or Jim has a chance to visit the museum.(连接并列主语)要么你要么吉姆有机会去参观博物馆。You can either stay a

6、t home or go to play tennis.(连接并列谓语)你可以待在家里也可以去打网球。,人教版,拓展 either的反义词为neither “(两者)都不”,eitheror的反义词组为neithernor “既不也不”。Neither we nor he has made the mistake.犯错误的既不是他也不是我们。,人教版,活学活用1单项填空()(1)Heres coffee and tea. You may have_.Thanks.Aeither Beach Cone Dit()(2)I invited Lucy and Lily to dinner, but

7、_ of them came.Aboth BneitherCeither Dnone,A,B,人教版,2根据汉语意思完成句子(1)_you_she is right.要么是你对,要么是她对。(2)_of the twins is going to have the test.双胞胎中的任何一个都将参加测试。(3)He doesnt like apples,and I dont like them,_.他不喜欢苹果,我也不喜欢。,Either,or,Either,either,人教版,5 wrong adj.错误的;有毛病的;不适合的,点拨 wrong为形容词,它的反义词是right。,拓展 W

8、hats wrong with ? 怎么啦?/出了什么毛病?/出了什么问题?/有什么不舒服?/有什么麻烦?Whats wrong with your watch?It doesnt work.“你的手表怎么了?”“它坏了。”,人教版,6 ticket n票;入场券,点拨 the ticket to/for意为“的票”,其结构为“名词to/for名词”, to/for不能换成of。the answer to the question 问题的答案the key to the door 开门的钥匙,人教版,7 paper nU纸; C试卷;书面作业;论文,点拨 paper可作不可数名词也可作可数名词

9、。Would you please give me a piece of paper?你能给我一张纸吗?The teachers are looking over exam papers.老师们正在批阅试卷。,活学活用()Id like to buy_. I want to draw some pictures. Asome piece of paper Ba paperCsome pieces of paper Dsome pieces of papers,C,人教版,8 alone与lonely,辨析 (1)alone可用作副词,意为“单独地,独自地”,相当于by oneself;也可用作

10、形容词,意为“单独的,独自的”,表示客观情况。She lives alone in the village.她独自一人生活在那个村庄里。(2)lonely只能作形容词,表示人主观上感到“孤独的”,感情色彩浓厚;也可修饰地点,意为“荒凉的,偏僻的”。Thats a lonely island. 那是一个荒凉的岛屿。She felt very lonely without a friend.没有朋友,她感到很寂寞。,人教版,活学活用()The old man lives in the house_,but he doesnt feel_.Alonely; lonelyBalone; aloneCl

11、onely; alone Dalone; lonely,D,人教版,9 except与besides,辨析 (1)except表示“除之外”(即“不包括在内”)。(2)besides意思是“除之外;还(也)有”(表示“包括在内”)。All of us passed the exam except John.除了约翰未通过外,我们全都通过了考试。I have a few friends besides you.除你之外,我还有几个朋友。,人教版,活学活用()All of us went to the park _Tom. He had to look after his sister at ho

12、me.AonlyBexceptCbesides Dbeside,B,人教版,句型透视,They think that robots will be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years.他们认为机器人在25至50年以后将能够和人们对话。,点拨 “be able to 动词原形”表示“能够,得以”。该结构有人称、时态和数的变化。除了用于一般现在时和一般过去时外,还可以用于其他任何时态。He was able to drive a car three years ago.三年前他就能驾车。,人教版,拓展 can也可以表示“能够”,但只能用于一般现在时和一

13、般过去时,此时,可以和be able to互换。另外,表示“请求”以及“可能”之意时,用can而不用be able to。I am able to swim.I can swim.我会游泳。Can I come in?我可以进来吗?(此时不能用be able to代替),人教版,辨析 in与after此句中in 25 to 50 years意为“在25至50年以后”,介词in和after都可与一段时间连用,表示“在之后”,after表示以过去时间为起点的一段时间以后,通常与过去时态连 用;而in表示以现在为起点的一段时间之后,通常与将来时态连用,对此提问要用how soon。另外,与时间点连用

14、时,表示“在之后”,只能用after(不用in),可用于过去时态或将来时态。Ill come back in half an hour.半个小时后我会回来。My father went to work after 7 oclock this morning.今天早上我父亲是7点钟之后去上班的。,人教版,活学活用()(1)Im sure he will_ do the job well.AcanBcouldCbe able to Dable to()(2)_will they leave for London?In about two weeks.AHow far BHow longCHow o

15、ften DHow soon,C,D,基础过关,词汇专练,. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. I think well be a_ to fly to the Mars one day.2. Does the old man live with anybody? No,he lives a_.3. Its exciting for people to fly rockets to the s_ station.4. It is i_ for us to finish the work in such a short time.5. There are a lot of tall buildi

16、ngs on e_ side of the road.,人教版,ble,lone,pace,mpossible,ither,. 根据汉语提示完成句子There are more and more tall_(楼房) in our city.There will be less_(污染) in the city in ten years.In order to make your dreams_(实现), you should work hard.I_(爱上)the city of Beijing after I visited it last year.,人教版,buildings,pollu

17、tion,come true,fell in love with,5. I_(争吵) with my best friend yesterday. What should I do? 6. I planned to see a movie after super,but I couldnt find my_(票)7. Teenagers always like_(新颖的)clothes.8. There are_(各种各样的)fruits in the shop and I dont know what I should buy.,人教版,argued,ticket,original,all

18、kinds of,. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Do you think_ (predict) the future is difficult or easy? 2. There are _(hundred) of people planting trees on Tree Planting Day every year.,人教版,predicting,hundreds,3. It is _(pleasant) to be alone at home at Christmas.4. I hear a great _(science) will give us a talk tomorrow.

19、5. The teenagers have to work hard because of the _(press) from their parents.6. There will be more _(company) in our city in the future.,人教版,unpleasant,scientist,pressure,companies,. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1. 他的梦想是乘着火箭飞到月球上去。 His dream is to_ rockets_ _ _.2. 你想和我一起去滑冰吗? Would you like_ _ _with me? 3. 从图书

20、馆借书必须按时归还。 When you _ books _ the library,you must _ them on time.,人教版,句型专练,fly,the,to,moon,to,go,skating,borrow,from,return,4. 一方面,孩子需要有组织的活动。 _ _ _ _,children need organized activities.5. 医生说许多孩子承受着过大的压力。 Doctors say many children are_ _ _pressure.6. 他总是听同一首歌,但从不厌烦。 He always listens to the same s

21、ong,but he never _ _.,人教版,On,the,one,hand,under,too,much,gets,bored,7. 我到处找我的钥匙,但没找到它。 I looked for my key _,but I didnt find it.8. 全班都在努力用功准备考试。 The whole class is working hard _ _ the exams.,人教版,everywhere,preparing,for,. 句型转换 I think he will be an astronaut in ten years. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you think h

22、e_ _in ten years? We can take the car to go somewhere in ten days.(改为同义句) We_ _ _ _go somewhere taking the car in ten days.,人教版,What,do,will,be,able,to,will,be,每日一辨,in与put on(1)in是介词,表示“穿着、戴着”之意,后接表示衣服或颜 色的词,着重于服装的款式或颜色。它所构成的短语只 能作表语或定语。(2)put on意为“穿上、戴上”,强调动作,即由没穿到穿这 一过程的完成,其宾语是衣服、鞋帽等。,人教版,人教版,考点突破

23、,人教版,词汇点睛,1 follow v追随;跟随;跟得上;听得懂,点拨 follow 为动词,其形容词形式为following,意为“接着的;下述的”。I followed it to see where it was going.我跟着它看看它要去哪里。,活学活用(1)You are walking so fast; I cant _ you.你走得真快,我跟不上。(2)Our teacher speaks very fast; I cant _ him. 我们老师讲得太快,我听不懂。,follow,follow,人教版,2 bright adj.明亮的;(人)聪明的;鲜亮的;醒目的,点拨

24、 bright为形容词,其副词形式为:brightly adv.明亮地The big classroom is very bright.大教室很明亮。A bright student learns quickly.聪明的学生学得快。The colors are not bright enough.色彩不够鲜亮。,活学活用The lights on the Christmas tree are shining_(bright) like stars.,brightly,人教版,3 volunteer n志愿者 v自愿,搭配 volunteer to do sth 自愿去做某事Many volun

25、teers went to the west.很多志愿者去了西部。,活学活用The doctor_ settle down in the poor village.这个医生自愿到那个贫穷的村庄落户。,volunteered to,人教版,4 silence n寂静;沉默,点拨 silence为名词,其形容词形式为silent。,搭配 keep silentbe in silence 沉默All the students were in silence when the teacher came in.当老师进来的时候,所有的学生都默不作声。The silence was broken by a

26、 loud cry.宁静被一声喊叫打破了。,人教版,5 experience nU经验;C经历,点拨 experience为名词,其形容词形式为:experienced有经验的。Mr Huang has much experience of teaching.黄老师教学经验非常丰富。Being a volunteer is an unusual experience to me.当志愿者对于我来说是一种不同寻常的经历。,人教版,6 hear v听见,点拨 hear为动词,表示“听到”的结果。,搭配 hear of/about听说hear from sb 收到某人的来信Do you often

27、hear from your daughter?你经常收到女儿的来信吗?,活学活用(1)I have _him, but I havent seen him till now.我只收到过他的来信,却从没和他见过面。(2)Ive never _the place.我从来没听说过这个地方。,heard from,heard of,人教版,7 decision n决心;抉择;决定,点拨 decision为名词,其动词形式为:decide。,搭配 decide to do sth决定做某事make a decision of doing sth 决定做某事make a decision to do s

28、th 决定要做某事Have they made a decision yet?他们是否已经作出了决定?We made a decision to go to Beijing next week.We made a decision of going to Beijing next week.我们打算下周去北京。,人教版,活学活用我决定独自处理这些问题。I made a_ _ _with these problems.,decision,to,deal,人教版,8 happen v. 发生;碰巧,点拨 happen为不及物动词,表示碰巧,后指偶然发生;happen还可以接动词不定式作宾语,sb

29、happen to do sth 表示“某人碰巧做某事”。Something serious happened at that time. 就在那时发生了非常严重的事情。We happened to meet in the street. 我们碰巧在大街上相遇。,人教版,搭配 sth happen to sb 表示“某人发生了什么事”。What happened to you on April Fools Day?愚人节那天你发生了什么事?,辨析 happen与take place(1)happen意为“(碰巧)发生”,指事情的发生带有一定的偶然性。He happens to be a for

30、eigner. 他恰巧是一个外国人。(2)take place意为“发生”,指事先计划好,事情按照预定的方向发生。,人教版,注意 happen和take place都没有被动语态。The concert will take place tomorrow.音乐会明天举行。,活学活用()(1)When will the sports meeting_?AhappenBhappen toCtake place Dtake()(2)Great changes _in my hometown in recent years.Atook placeBwere taken placeChave taken

31、placeDhave been taken place,C,C,人教版,9 asas 像(一样),点拨 表示同级间的比较,其基本结构为:asadj./,拓展 否定形式为:not so/as adj./adv.as意为“不像一样,不如”。,活学活用(1)Can you run _quickly _Liu Xiang?你能和刘翔跑得一样快吗?(2)This story is _ _ interesting _that one.这个故事没有那个故事有趣。,as,as,not,so/as,as,人教版,句型透视,This was one of the most important even

32、ts in modern American history.这在美国现代历史上是最重要的事件之一。,点拨 在英语中,表示“之一”时,常用“one of the形容词的最高级名词的复数形式”表示。Computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world.电脑是世界上最有用的发明之一。He is one of the most popular teachers in our school.他是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。,人教版,活学活用()Tim is one of _boys in our class.AoutgoingBmore o

33、utgoingCmost outgoingDthe most outgoing,D,人教版,2 Although some people may not remember who murdered him,they remember what they were doing when they heard about the event.虽然有些人可能不记得谁杀害了他,但是他们记得当他们听说这件事的时候他们正在做什么。,点拨 本句结构比较复杂,是一个主从句。主句为they remember,其中what they were doing when they heard about the eve

34、nt为谓语动词remember的宾语。在这个宾语从句中,when they heard about the event为时间状语从句;而Although some people may not remember who murdered him为让步状语从句,在这个让步状语从句中,who murdered him又为宾语从句,作may not remember的宾语。,人教版,拓展 (1)although表示“尽管;虽然”,作连词,引导让步状语从句。Although he is very poor,he is very happy.虽然他很穷,但他很快乐。(2)although不能和but连用

35、,但可与副词yet,nevertheless等连用。(3)although引导的句子可用but改写。本句可改写为: Some people may not remember who murdered him,but they remember what they were doing when they heard about the event.,人教版,3 The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.当飞碟着陆时,那个男孩正在街上走。While the boy was walking down the street,the

36、 UFO landed.,辨析 when 与while两者都可引导时间状语从句,都有“当的时候”之意,但其用法不同,使用时要特别注意区别。(1)when可指时间点,也可指时间段,when引导的从句中谓语动词可以是短暂性动词,也可以是延续性动词。when也可以表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前或之后。,人教版,We were playing games when the teacher came here.当老师来这里时,我们正在玩游戏。I found a wallet when I was walking in the park.当我在公园散步时,我发现了一个钱夹。(2)while 只指时间段

37、,不指时间点,从句的谓语动词是延续性动词,多用于进行时态。My father was singing while I was playing the piano.当我在弹钢琴时,我父亲在唱歌。,人教版,活学活用()(1)My brother came back home while I _ homework.Aam doingBwere doingCwas doing()(2)My parents _TV when I got home.Awatched Bwill watchCare watching Dwere watching,C,D,基础过关,词汇专练,. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词

38、 When the earthquake happened,I was doing dishes in the k_.2. I like sleeping with my b_ light on.3. At about ten oclock the plane l_,then we got off the plane quickly.4. The best way to learn is by e_.,人教版,itchen,edroom,anded,xperience,5. As a student, you mustnt c_ others homework.6. I have sent m

39、y mother a m_ to tell her that I shall go home late.7. I feel n_ when I speak in front of the class.8. At that time I was having a shower in the b_.,人教版,opy,essage,ervous,athroom,. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. He was_ (恐惧的) when he saw the snake.2. The girl was walking along the street when the_(事故) happened.3. I_(

40、关闭) my shop very early yesterday.4. I was in front of a tall building when the UFO_(起飞),人教版,scared,accident,closed,took off,5. The thief was_(逃跑) when he was caught by the police.6. Well let you know before we make a(n)_ (决定)7. Dont let children play with the dog . I think its_(危险的)8. The air is_(稀薄

41、的) on the top of the mountain than at the foot of the mountain.,人教版,running away,decision,dangerous,thinner,. 用所给词的适当形式填空I was _(luck) to meet a great star in the street yesterday.What were you doing at this time yesterday evening?I_ (watch) a football game with Mike.While she _(cook) at home,it rai

42、ned heavily outside.Lucy made her _(decide) to live with her mother.,人教版,lucky,was watching,was cooking,decision,5. Whats the _(mean) of the world “terrorist”?6. I was mad at_(lose) my key to the door.7. Dont watch such childish (幼稚的) TV programmes. I dont agree with you, Mom. Batman and Spiderman a

43、re my _(hero)8. You were supposed_ (meet) at the school gate.,人教版,meaning,losing,heroes,to meet,. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1. 我不想去任何地方,我只想待在家里。 I dont want to_ _. I just want to stay at home.2. 她看上去很沮丧。她发生了什么事? She looks very upset . What_ _her?,人教版,句型专练,anywhere,go,to,happened,3. 那个小男孩看到一个小偷从超市离开了。 The little boy saw a thief_ _ from the supermarket.4. 对于他们来说,要成为一名志愿者并不容易。 _ _easy for them_ _a volunteer.,

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