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1、2011 National English Contest for College students(Level D-Preliminary)Part 1 Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once.After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, readi

2、ng the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best choice. Then mark the corresponding letter on the sheet with a single line through the centre.1. How will the price be determined?A. By calling the company. B. By asking the salesman. C. By looking at the price lis

3、t.2. Where most probably are the two speakers?A. A t a bus stop. B. On a train. C. In a car.3. What are the two speakers talking about?A. What to have for lunch. B. Whether or not to eat out. C. How to get to the conference.4. Who is the man talking to?A. A bakers deliver service. B. An office suppl

4、y store salesperson.C. A book designer.5. What is Bart concerned about?A. Finishing the report on time.B. Meeting the chairman of the boardC. Convincing Judith to help himSection B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. After each conver

5、sation, there will be a once-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with the there choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best choice. Then mark the cirr1esponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Conversation 16. Why dose Ruth call

6、 Jackie. A. To invite him to a party. B. To ask him to buy some food.C. To ask him to send some invitations.7. What do you know about Bens new job?A. It is in London.B. His is going to work for a magazine C. His is going to become a teacher8. Where are they going to have the party?A. In a flatB. In

7、a restaurantC. In a public hall9. What is being prepared for the party?A. A dance B. A film show C. Some French food 10. When will Jackie meet Ruth?A. At nine oclockB. At a quarter to nineC. At ten oclockConversation 211. What are they talking about?A. Tonys daily schedule B. Tony;s school lifeC. to

8、ny;s job.12. Where dose the man work now?A. At a bank.B. In a hospital.C. At a school.13. When did the man get up when he is a student?A. At 5:30.B. At8:30.C. At lunchtime.14. What dose the man have to wear to work?A. Jeans B. A suit C. A T-Shirt.15. What is one advantages of the mans job?A. He can

9、use the internet. B. He has long holidays. C. He is paid a good salary.Section C (5 Marks)In this section you will hear a monologue. The monologue will be read twice. After the monologue, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and

10、 decide which is the best choice. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.16. Where did the thief steal the cars from?A. Gardens B. Showrooms. C. Garages17. What was the thiefs job?A. A salesman. B. A doctor. C. A cleaner18. What did the thief do

11、with the cars that he stole?A. He cleaned them, and then left them at the side of the road.B. He painted them and then kept them.C. He sold them to other people.19. Whats the punishment for the thiefs behavior?A. A long jail sentence. B. Cleaning all the cars that he stole.C. A fine of f4000.20. How

12、 long was the thiefs marriage to Mary?A. 36 years. B. 13 years. C. 48 years.Section D (10 marks)In this section, there is a short passage which will be read twice. Listen to the passage carefully, and then fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear on the tape. Remember to write down the

13、answers on the answer sheet.In Britain, there are two occasions each year when people usually receive presents: on Christmas day and on their birthdays. In the past, the 21st birthday was (21) _because it symbolized becoming an adult. People (22) _received a silver key on that day to symbolize openi

14、ng the door to the adult world. Today, people in Britain legally become adults at the age of (23) _so they often have the biggest celebration on that birthday.The customer of giving gifts on 25 December only (24) _ Victorian times. Before that it was more common for people in Britain to (25)_present

15、s on New Years eve or Twelfth Night. These days ,on Christmas Eve parents put presents for young children in stocking and hang them on the end of their presents. Gifts for older children believe that Santa Claus came during the night and (26) _ them their presents. Gifts for older children and grown

16、-up are (27) _the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Then, on Christmas morning, everyone sits around the tree and opens their presents.Easter and Mothers Day are also important days. Young children usually receive (28) _at Easter and most people often give presents to their mothers on Mothers Day. Pe

17、ople also receive gifts on important occasions in their lives. For example, all the guests (29) _usually bring a gift for the bride and groom. And these days, students sometimes get presents from their parents if they (30) _their exams!Part 5 Vocabulary and Structure (15)There are 15 incomplete sent

18、ences. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.31. It goes without _that youll be paid for all this extra time youre spending on the proj

19、ect.A. saying B. telling C. talking D. speaking32. We _the money to your money market account within three working days.A. have been transferred B. will transfer C. transferring D. will be transferred33. The colorful illustrations included in the new edition if the book make it _attractive.A. much m

20、ore B. most of all C. the more D. that most34. The crew worked so hard that they finished eh entire project three days _ of schedule.A. forward B. ahead C. soon D. advanced35. Her Olympic experience gave her a bid _ over the other contestants.A. with which B. to that C. with D. to which36. It is use

21、ful to be able to predict the extent _ a price change will affect supply and demands.A. learn about B. worthwhile C. valuable D. valuing 37. The old lady became worried when she didnt _- her son for a whole month.A. learn about B. hear of C. hear from D. learn from 38. He decided it wasnt _ reading

22、the report as hed been informed of all the changes already.A. worthy B. worthwhile C. valuable D. valuing39. They have taken measures to solve the citys pollution problem, but it may be some time_ the situation improves.A. give in B. blooming C. bloom D. bloomed40. Large companies sometimes try to _

23、smaller companies by buying a majority of the shares.A. give in B. suggested C. persuaded D. implied41. Using recent developments in science and technology, man can make various flowers _before their time.A. give in B. get up C. look after D. take over41. Using recent developments in science and tec

24、hnology, man can make various flowers _before their time.A. insisted B. suggested C. persuaded D. implied42. Our neighbours have _us to buy the same kind of carpeting that they have.A. insisted B. suggested C. persuaded D. implied43. excuse me,_?Yes. Thats one glass of white wine, one mineral water

25、and one sandwich. Ten pounds, please.Thanks, is service includes?No.Ok , here you are.A. can we have the bill, please B. what would you like to have.C. do you have any hamburgers D. could you please get me some water44. Reception , how may I help you?There isnt soap in the bathroom!_, sir.Thanks you

26、. Can I have some shower gel, and some shaving cream, too, please?Sorry. We dont provide shaving cream, but theres some shower gel in the bathroom cabinet.A. You can buy some in the shop. B. Ill send some to your room right awayC. Im really sorry to hear that D. Thats impossible. There must be some.

27、45. Hello. Id like to speak to Julie, please.Im afraid she isnt here right now. _?Yes. This is her friend M ark. Im calling to ask her if shed like to see a movie tomorrow night.Okay. Ill give her the message.Thanks.A. would you like to hold on?B. Do you know when she will be backC. Would you like t

28、o see a movie tonightD. Can I take a message.Part 3 close(15 marks)Read the passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose he word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form if the given word, or by using the given letter of the word. Remember to wr

29、ite the answers on the answer sheet.This is Matt Drudge, millionaire founder and owner of the Drudge Report, the first and most successful online newspaper. People have called Drudge the ultimate blogger but he doesnt accept this (46)_(describe). He considers the Drudge Report to be a proper newspap

30、er, very different (47 _the thousands of weblogs which have sprung up on the internet.Drudges fascination for news and gossip stems form a childhood job (48) d_ papers for The Washington Star, which gave him plenty of time and o_ to catch up with the latest news.Drudge was (50)_(interest) in school

31、work or sport. However, he developed an obsession (51) _ rumors and political gossip. At school his only good marks for (52) c_ affairs. Following a series of dead-end jobs Drudge ended up in los angels in the 1990s, just in (53) _ for the beginning of what was to become the internet.The World Wide

32、Web was a fertile hunting (54) g_ for Drudge. He spend hours sifting through the newsgroups and websites that then existed, searching (55) _ rumors and inside stories from the political and entertainment worlds. He launched the Drudge Report website in 1995, (56) _ has become a daily rumor bulletin

33、expressing his version of the latest and juiciest gossip from Hollywood and Washington. Always managing to be the first with (57) _ (break) news, Drudges success was assured when he became the first person to publicise the Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998.Now with an income of over a million dollars

34、a year and many thousands of (58) _ (subscribe), the Drudge Report has become a must see resource for those hungry for the latest news and gossip. Will the ever-increasing availability of news on the internet mean the (59) e_ for its older rival, the conventional newspaper? Drudge doesnt think so. H

35、e thinks the two working (60) t_.Part 5 reading comprehension (40 marks)Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. Respond to the questions according to the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Section A (10 marks)On the evening of his 18th birt

36、hday, a teenager from a tiny village in northern Germany clicked send on his computers in hospitals and blanks in Hong Kong, china had crashed, and trains in Australia and the USA and stopped.In court a few months later, the teenager, Sven Jaschan, was charged with criminal damage. He was found guil

37、ty of putting the terrible Sasser computer virus on the internet and received a 21-month suspended sentence. He avoided prison because he was only eighteen when he committed the crime. The virus infected millions of computer systems across the world, and caused millions of dollars damage.Sven admitt

38、ed his guilt to the detectives who came to his home. He had spent an enormous amount of time creating the Sasser virus on the computer in his bedroom. He often spent ten hours a day in front of his computer but his parents hadnt known what he was doing at the time.When he released the virus on the i

39、nternet, he didnt realize it would cause so much damage.He was just delighted that in had worked. I felt as if I had written a first-class essay, said Sven. I told my classmates- they thought it was terrific. But his feelings changed very quickly. He was terrified when se saw a TV news report about

40、the virus and damage it had caused.Detectives arrested Sven after one of his classmates contacted Microsoft and told them about him. Microsoft had offered a $250,000 reward for information about the virus. However, Svens teachers at school were astonished that Sven had created the virus. They said t

41、hat he wasnt a brilliant computer student. there are others in the class who are better than him, one teacher said!While he was waiting for his waiting for his trial to start, Sven left school and started work. He now works for a computer company, making firewalls vital pieces of software that prote

42、ct computers from viruses!Questions 61-62: read the questions and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best choice according to the passage.61. What was Sven Jaschans crime?A. He stole a lot of computers.B. He created a computer virus.C. He created a computer virus.D. He ro

43、bbed a big bank.62. Why wasnt Sven sent to prison?A. Because he was too young.B. Because he wasnt found guilty.C. Because he admitted his guilty to detectives.D. Because he worked for a big company.Question 63-65: read the passage, and then complete the following statements in no more than four word

44、s for each blanks.63. When Sven released the virus on the internet, he was at first _, then frightened.64. The police caught Sven using information given to Microsoft by_.65. In the last paragraph, the word meaning very important is _.Section B (10 MARKS)Esquire 1 year, 12 issuesPrice: $ 7.97Esquire

45、 is lifestyle magazine aimed at professional men. The goal of the editors is to provide a broad scope of information of interest to this magazine, including business, health, fitness, fashion, sports, entertainment, family life and arts.Boys life 1 years, 10 issuesPrice: $ 23.00Boys life is to enter

46、tain and educate all boys and to open their eyes to joyous world of reading. It includes a mix of new, nature, sports, history, fiction, science, entertainment, and comics. For boys aged 7 to 14.Nick 1 year, 12 issuesPrice: $ 24.00Nick is filled with wonderful entertainment for children, aged 6 to 1

47、4. it is wholesome, imaginative and truly from a childs point of view. Nick sees the world from your childs perspective. Share the award-winning entertainment and humor magazine from NIck with your kids.Seventeen1 year, 12 issuesPrice: $ 12.00Seventeen is the worlds most popular magazine for todays

48、teenage girls! In every issue youll get the latest scoop on style, friends, guys, college, careers, the stars and love, as well as hot tips on beauty, fashion, fitness, entertainments and relationships. Each issue of seventeen has exciting features, including fiction, quizzes, music, videos, trends

49、and so much more. And dont forget the really cool articles, such as the ever-favorite Trauma-Rama. If its important to todays young women, its in Seventeen.Questions 66-69: Answer the following questions according to the passage.66. Which magazine is the cheapest according to the advertisements?67. How old are the boys that Boys Life aims at?68. I

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