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1、汉译英修改病句:名词误用:1. 我买了两条裤子。(误)I bought two trousers.(正)I bought two pairs of trousers. 2. 他是我最好的朋友之一。(误)He is one of my best friend.(正)He is one of my best friends. 3. 动物是人类的朋友。(误)Animals are mens friends.(正)Animals are mans friends. 4. 这是一则好消息。(误)This is a good news.(正)This is a piece of good news. 5.

2、 你愿意跟我交朋友吗?(误)Will you make a friend with me?(正)Will you make friends with me? 6. 我有太多功课要做。(误)I have too many homework to do.(正)I have too much homework to do. 7. 英语电视怎么说?(误)Whats English for 电视?(正)Whats the English for 电视? 8. 班一家人要搬往伦敦。(误)The Bens move to London.(正)The Bens move to London. 主谓一致误用:1

3、.中文:桌上有几本小说。(误)There is some novels on the table.(正)There are some novels on the table. 2.中文:他的裤子是新的。(误)His trousers is new.(正)His trousers are new. 3.中文:学外语花去我们很多时间。(误)Learning foreign languages take us a lot of time.(正)Learning foreign languages takes us lots of time. 4.中文:在两座建筑物之间有一面墙。(误)Between

4、the two buildings stand a wall.(正)Between the two buildings stands a wall. 5.中文:桌上有一盒鸡蛋。(误)A box of eggs are on the table.(正)A box of eggs is on the table. 6.中文:我的朋友们来了。(误)Here comes my friends.(正)Here come my friends. 7.中文:咖啡加牛奶是她最喜欢的饮料。(误)Coffee and milk are her favorite drink.(正)Coffee and milk i

5、s her favorite drink. 8.中文:他的一家人都喜爱音乐。(误)His family is fond of music.(正)His family are fond of music .9.中文:他们每个人有一本字典。(误)They each has a dictionary.(正)They each have a dictionary. 10.中文:许多学生对英语感兴趣。(误)Many a student are interested in English.(正)Many a student is interested in English. 虚拟语气误用:1.中文:我要是

6、你,我不会那么做。(误)I shouldnt do that if I was you.(正)I shouldnt do that if I were you. 2.中文:要是我父亲现在在这里,他会告诉我该做什么。(误)If my father were here now, he will tell me what to do.(正)If my father were here now, he would tell me what to do .3.中文:要是我知道她的电话号码,我就会给她打电话了。(误)If I knew her telephone number, I would have

7、called her.(正)If I had known her telephone number, I would have called her. 4.中文:要是昨天没下雨她也许会来。(误)If it had not rained yesterday, he might come.(正)If it had not rained yesterday, he might have come. 5.中文:我不认为我会失败,但要是我失败了,我会再努力。(误)I dont think that I shall fail. But if I failed, I would try again.(正)I

8、 dont think that I shall fail. But if I should fail, I would try again.6.中文:他要是带了钱就会买它。(误)Did he bring some money with him, he would have bought it.(正)Had he brought some money with him, he would have bought it. 7.中文:她要是个男人可能会当选总统。(误)Be she a man, she might be elected president.(正)Were she a man, sh

9、e might be elected president. 8.中文:我提议提高教师的薪资。(误)I suggested that the teachers wages could be increased.(正)I suggested that the teachers wages should be increased. 9.中文:他这么做是重要的。(误)It is important that he will do it.(正)It is important that he do it. 助动词误用:1.中文:我习惯于早起。(误)I am used to get up early.(正)

10、I am used to getting up early. 2.中文:他过去常常在星期天来约我。(误)He used to calling on me on Sundays.(正)He used to call on me on Sundays. 3.中文:A:我必须去吗?B:不,你不必了。(误)A: Must I go? B: No, you mustnt.(正)A: Must I go? B: No, you neednt. 4.中文:我今天下午想和你一起去游泳。(误)I will like to go swimming with you this afternoon.(正)I woul

11、d like to go swimming with you this afternoon. 5.中文:他前天可能说这些吗?(误)Must he have said so the day before yesterday?(正)Can he have said so the day before yesterday? 冠词误用:1.中文:她在弹钢琴。(误)She was playing piano.(正)She was playing the piano. 2.中文:孩子们每天早上去上学。(误)The children go to the school every morning.(正)The

12、 children go to school every morning. 3.中文:她有一头秀发。(误)She has a beautiful hair.(正)She has beautiful hair. 4.中文:她喜欢看电视。(误)She likes to watch the TV.(正)She likes to watch TV. 5.中文:她在房间里听广播。(误)She was listening to radio in the room.(正)She was listening to the radio in the room. 6.中文:尼罗河是埃及最长的河。(误)Nile R

13、iver is the longest river in Egypt.(正)The Nile River is the longest river in Egypt. 7.中文:天气不错。(误)Its a nice weather.(正)It is nice weather. 8.中文:下星期再见。(误)See you again the next week.(正)See you again next week. 9.中文:历史是很有趣的学科。(误)The history is a very interesting subject.(正)History is a very interestin

14、g subject. 10.中文:他乘火车来这里。(误)He came here by a train.(正)He came here by train. 11.中文:今晚你可以看到满月。(误)You may see the full moon tonight.(正)You may see a full moon tonight. 12.中文:她刚才去了保罗街。(误)She went to the Paul Street just now.(正)She went to Paul Street just now. 13.中文:连孩子都会做它。(误)Even child can do it.(正)

15、Even a child can do it. 介词误用:1.中文:琼斯先生住在皇后街十号。(误)Mr. Jones lives on 10 Queen Street.(正)Mr. Jones lives at 10 Queen Street. 2.中文:他喜欢在太阳下坐着。(误)He likes to sit under the sun.(正)He likes to sit in the sun. 3.中文:面包是由麦子制成的。(误)Bread is made of wheat.(正)Bread is made from wheat. 4.中文:每个人都知道他。(误)He is known

16、by everyone.(正)He is known to everyone. 5.中文:我们有麻烦。(误)We are with trouble.(正)We are in trouble. 6.中文:他将于8月五日去美国。(误)He will go to America in August 5.(正)He will go to America on August 5. 7.中文:他将于11号上午离开家。(误)He left home in the morning of 11th.(正)He left home on the morning of 11th. 8.中文:他对于我说的话很生气。(

17、误)He was angry with what I said.(正)He was angry at what I said. 9.中文:他藏在一棵树后。(误)He hid himself after a tree.(正)He hid himself behind a tree. 10.中文:在老师的帮助下你会通过考试。(误)You may pass the exam under the help of the teacher.(正)You may pass the exam with the help of the teacher. 11.中文:我父亲对我说玩火危险。(误)My father

18、 said to me that it was dangerous to play fire.(正)My father said to me that it was dangerous to play with fire. 12.中文:你真的看见那个年轻人打我弟弟的脸了吗?(误)Did you really see the young man hit my brother on the face?(正)Did you really see the young man hit my brother in the face? 13.中文:就她的年龄而言,她看上去很年轻。(误)She looks q

19、uite young in her age.(正)She looks quite young for her age. 14.中文:在夜晚很安静。(误)It is quiet at the night.(正)It is quiet at night. 连词误用:1.中文:他既不说英语也不说法语。(误)He neither speaks English nor French.(正)He speaks neither English nor French. 2.中文:由于今天感觉不适,我决定待在家里。(误)For I did not feel well today, decided to stay

20、 at home.(正)I decided to stay at home for I did not feel well today. 3.中文:不是你错了就是我错了。(误)Either you or I are wrong.(正)Either you or I am wrong. 4.中文:虽然他很富有,但他并不快乐。(误)Although he is very rich, but he is not happy.(正)Although he is very rich, he is not happy. 5.中文:我从来没有去过伦敦和巴黎。(误)I have never been to L

21、ondon and Paris.(正)I have never been to London or Paris. 6.中文:他向我道歉我才跟他说话。(误)I shall speak to him until he apologizes.(正)I shant speak to him until he apologizes. 7.中文:因为我想学英语,所以我买了一本字典。(误)Because I wanted to learn English, so I bought a dictionary.(正)Because I wanted to learn English, I bought a di

22、ctionary. 时态误用:1.中文:他在许多年前去过欧洲。(误)He had been to Europe many years ago.(正)He went to Europe many years ago. 2.中文:她穿着蓝色上衣,看上去很可爱。(误)She was wearing a blue dress and was looking very pretty.(正)She was wearing a blue dress and looked very pretty. 3.中文:我去看他们的时候他们在吃晚餐。(误)They had supper when I went to se

23、e them.(正)They were having supper when I went to see them. 4.中文:她两个月前去澳洲了,她许多年前到过那里。(误)She went to Australia two months ago. She has been there many years before.(正)She went to Australia two months ago. She had been there many years before. 5.中文:他们问发生什么事了。(误)They asked what happened.(正)They asked wh

24、at had happened. 6.中文:从战争开始时他就一直在那里工作。(误)He has worked there since the war has begun.(正)He has worked there since the war began. 7.中文:昨晚我写了一封信,今晨寄出了。(误)I was writing a letter yesterday evening and posted it this morning.(正)I wrote a letter yesterday evening and posted it this morning. 8.中文:他去年离开家我就一直没有见过他。(误)He left home last year and I did not see him since.(正) He left home last year and I havent seen him since.

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