1、100:00:03,880 00:00:07,500长城始建于中国汉代The Great Wall of China was built by the Han Chinese200:00:07,990 00:00:12,000为了抵御来自北方的游牧民族而建to keep out the nomadic tribes from the north300:00:14,200 00:00:16,800当时把这些游牧民族称为戎狄They called these people barbarians400:00:16,999 00:00:19,100并且认为他们的土地贫瘠且and their lands
2、 were considered barren500:00:19,300 00:00:21,000不适宜人类生息and uninhabitable600:00:23,400 00:00:26,100中国的北方确实是一个笼罩在严酷寒冬之中的Northern China is indeed a harsh place700:00:26,300 00:00:28,000艰辛之地of terrible winters800:00:29,000 00:00:30,600无情的夏天ferocious summers900:00:31,880 00:00:33,000严酷的沙漠harsh deserts10
3、00:00:36,500 00:00:38,500但是这块多彩多姿的土地But it is far from lifeless1100:00:43,000 00:00:44,400却充满了勃勃生机With colorful places1200:00:46,000 00:00:47,600有着令人惊讶生物surprising creatures1300:00:55,000 00:00:56,200奇风异俗的人民amazing people1400:01:00,500 00:01:02,500以及独特的景致and strange landscapes1500:01:09,600 00:01:13
4、,600旅途越发深入 景致越发精彩The further we travel, the more extreme it becomes1600:01:18,400 00:01:21,100长城以北的人民与野生生命So how do people and wildlife cope1700:01:21,800 00:01:26,000是如何应对艰苦的自然环境和种种生存挑战with hardships and challenges of life beyond the Wall1800:01:26,600 00:01:35,601仅以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国For our trouble
5、d but drop-dead beautiful motherland1900:01:36,601 00:01:42,001本字幕仅供学习交流 禁止任何商业用途请在下载后 24 小时内删除2000:01:43,000 00:01:51,602VCTT 荣誉出品VCTT proundly presents2100:01:54,900 00:01:56,700长城是中国古代The northern limits of ancient China2200:01:56,760 00:01:58,500北部的边界were defined by the Great Wall2300:01:59,000
6、00:02:03,300自东蜿蜒向西约 5000 公里which meanders for nearly 5000km from east to west2400:02:08,700 00:02:11,000当时定居于中原地带的汉族人The settled Han people of the Chinese heartland2500:02:11,100 00:02:13,900常常被被来自于北方的were invaded many times by warlike tribes2600:02:14,000 00:02:15,000游牧部落所侵略from the north2700:02:17
7、,400 00:02:20,000长城的修建保护了汉族人免于The Great Wall was built to protect the Han Chinese2800:02:20,360 00:02:23,200遭受侵略from invasion2900:02:26,000 00:02:28,000为了展现勇猛豪迈的北方壮士To meet those fearsome northerners3000:02:28,100 00:02:30,700以及这块土地上的野生生命and the wild creatures who share their world3100:02:31,300 00:
8、02:33,500我们必须离开庇护所we must leave the shelter of the Wall3200:02:34,000 00:02:38,500深入探索未知的世界and travel into the unknown3300:02:40,000 00:02:45,300中国的东北部在历史上被称为满洲Northeast China was known historically as Manchuria3400:02:45,000 00:02:48,000她的上游河段与巴黎位于同一纬度Its upper reaches are on the same latitude as P
9、aris3500:02:49,000 00:02:52,000但是到了冬季 这儿却是but in winter, it is one of the coldest3600:02:52,000 00:02:54,300地球上最冷最不利于生存的地方most hostile places on the planet3700:02:59,400 00:03:01,400刺骨的寒风定期从西伯利亚袭来Bitter winds from Siberia3800:03:01,700 00:03:07,000并将气温降至零下四十度regularly bring temperatures of 40 below
10、03900:03:14,190 00:03:17,600四季常绿的茂密森林覆盖了这片土地Dense forests of evergreen trees cover these lands4000:03:18,800 00:03:22,100难以穿越的大峡谷增添本来就and a rugged terrain is made even more difficult4100:03:23,200 00:03:27,700崎岖不平的地形的复杂度by impenetrable ravines4200:03:38,000 00:03:40,300从一条冰封的河流开始了我们的旅途We start our j
11、ourney on a frozen river4300:03:40,800 00:03:43,400蛇行于中国的最东北角与snaking between Chinas northeastern most corner4400:03:43,800 00:03:45,200西伯利亚之间and Siberia4500:03:46,300 00:03:47,500中国人叫她The Chinese call it4600:03:48,250 00:03:50,400黑龙江the “Black Dragon River“4700:03:52,600 00:03:54,000居住在这儿的人The peop
12、le who live here4800:03:54,400 00:03:56,700并非勇猛豪迈的北方壮士arent exactly fearsome warriors4900:03:57,000 00:04:00,200他们在严冬中奔忙求存They are too busy coping with the harsh winter conditions5000:04:00,400 00:04:02,000并以创造性的方式and they respond to the challenge5100:04:02,100 00:04:03,400去应对所面临的挑战in some creative
13、ways5200:04:09,000 00:04:10,400黑龙江是The Black Dragon river is home to5300:04:10,450 00:04:12,800中国最小的族群one of the smallest ethnic groups in China5400:04:13,600 00:04:17,000赫哲人的家园the Hezhe people5500:04:27,560 00:04:29,030不只是自行车Its not just bicycles5600:04:29,100 00:04:32,000与这个冰雪覆盖的世界不相称that seem out
14、 of place in this icy world5700:04:32,700 00:04:35,000遗弃在一边的渔船和渔网Fishing boats and nets lie abandoned5800:04:35,400 00:04:38,300离敞开的水面还有很长一段距离 a long way from open water5900:04:43,900 00:04:46,000在一米深的冰盖下面Underneather a meter of solid ice6000:04:46,400 00:04:48,300游弋着不计其数的鱼儿swim a huge variety of fi
15、sh6100:04:48,800 00:04:51,300其中包括足以养活including 500-pound sturgeon 6200:04:51,700 00:04:55,100一个赫哲家庭一星期的 500 磅重的鲟鱼enough to feed a family of Hezhe for weeks6300:04:58,900 00:05:01,000但是他们怎样捕捉到猎物呢But how can they catch their quarries 6400:05:01,600 00:05:05,800首先他们必须在冰面上凿穿一个First they must chisel a ho
16、le through the ice6500:05:05,840 00:05:09,000够得着下面水面的洞to reach the water below6600:05:11,200 00:05:13,100然后他们需要在冰面下Then they need to set their fishing net6700:05:13,500 00:05:14,500布置渔网under the ice6800:05:15,500 00:05:16,700这是一个真正的挑战a real challenge6900:05:19,300 00:05:20,600第二个洞已经凿好了A second hole
17、is made7000:05:21,200 00:05:23,000距离第一个洞 20 米远20 meters away from the first7100:05:23,500 00:05:25,600同时将一个重物系在线上丢进去 and a weighted string is dropped in7200:05:30,000 00:05:35,300然后用一个长竹竿钩住线Then a long bamboo pole is used to hook the string7300:05:36,900 00:05:39,000把网送到冰下安置的地点and pull the net into
18、position beneath the ice7400:06:05,000 00:06:06,200过些日子After a few days7500:06:07,000 00:06:08,200来检查渔网the nets are checked7600:06:19,400 00:06:20,100这些日子以来These days,7700:06:20,200 00:06:23,000几乎没有人能捕到一条稀有的大鲟鱼almost nobody catches a rare giant sturgeon7800:06:24,000 00:06:26,400黑龙江就像是很多其他的河流一样The B
19、lack Dragon river has been overfished 7900:06:26,700 00:06:28,100已经被捕捞过度like so many others8000:06:32,800 00:06:34,500但即使是捕到这样小的鱼But even these smaller fish8100:06:34,600 00:06:38,700也是一件可喜可贺的事情are a welcome catch8200:06:48,900 00:06:52,300几秒钟内鱼就被冻僵了Frozen with in seconds8300:06:52,600 00:06:57,900这
20、些鱼在保证新鲜的情况下the fish are guaranteed to stay fresh8400:06:53,000 00:06:58,700被摇摆的自行车带回家for the wobbly cycle right home8500:07:21,200 00:07:24,300位于黑龙江南面的森林The forests that lie south of the Black Dragon river8600:07:24,600 00:07:28,400被冰雪覆盖超过半年了are bound up in snow for more than half the year8700:07:29
21、,500 00:07:31,100死一般的寂静Its deathly silent8800:07:34,200 00:07:37,000这里大多数动物都已经冬眠Most of the animals here are either hibernating8900:07:37,400 00:07:39,400或因寒冬得到来迁徙到南边去了or have migrated south for the winter9000:07:42,100 00:07:46,100但是这里有一个例外But there is an exception9100:07:51,300 00:07:54,400野猪漫步在东北
22、的森林里Wild boars roam the forests of the northeast9200:07:55,300 00:07:58,700正如赫哲人一样Like the Hezhe people9300:07:59,300 00:08:02,000野猪们发现在在冬天觅食是件非常困难的事情the boars find it difficult to gather food in winter9400:08:42,500 00:08:44,600在严寒的环境里Staying close together may help them to keep warm 9500:08:44,650
23、 00:08:46,200靠近点儿能让他们暖和点儿in the extreme cold9600:08:49,000 00:08:51,000还有一个群居的理由But there is another reason for group living9700:08:51,500 00:08:54,000就是更能留意着周围的危险more ears to listen out for danger9800:09:03,000 00:09:06,100东北虎也住在这些森林里Siberian tigers also live in these forests9900:09:11,500 00:09:12
24、,500但是现在But these days10000:09:13,500 00:09:14,700只算关在笼子里的only in captivity10100:09:19,400 00:09:20,900整个中国的东北虎There may be less than a dozen 10200:09:20,950 00:09:23,100可能也不足十二只了wild Siberian tigers left in China10300:09:24,400 00:09:27,000尽管繁育中心有许多东北虎though there are many more in breeding centers1
25、0400:09:39,400 00:09:41,600这个横道河子围场This enclosure of Hengdaohezi10500:09:42,200 00:09:44,600从 1986 年开始繁育虎started breeding tigers in 198610600:09:45,300 00:09:46,990为中国药材市场to supply bones and body parts 10700:09:47,030 00:09:49,000提供虎骨和虎其他部分for the Chinese medicine market10800:09:52,600 00:09:56,200中
26、国在 20 世纪 90 年代禁止老虎身体部位的交易Trade in tiger parts was banned in China in the 1990s10900:09:56,900 00:09:58,000所以现在的繁育中心and the breeding center 11000:09:58,300 00:10:00,100成了旅游景点is now just a tourist attraction11100:10:14,400 00:10:20,200东北的森林一直延伸到中国 俄国 以及内蒙古交界The forests of northeast stretch to where th
27、e chinese, Russian and Mongolian borders meet11200:10:31,500 00:10:34,800这是大批的动物在迁徙Here, a surprising herd of animals is on the move11300:10:38,500 00:10:41,400几百年前The reindeer were introduced to china hundreds of years ago11400:10:41,500 00:10:43,600驯鹿被来自西伯利亚的鄂温克人by the nomadic Ewenki people11500:1
28、0:43,900 00:10:45,600传入了中国who came here from Siberia11600:10:53,800 00:10:54,800四月的下旬Its late April11700:10:55,500 00:10:57,700这位妇女正在召唤驯鹿and the women are calling int heir reindeer11800:10:57,900 00:10:59,100这些驯鹿是半野驯鹿which are semi-wild11900:10:59,750 00:11:02,000它们在森林里度过了整个冬天and have spent all wint
29、er away in the forest.12000:11:12,600 00:11:14,600人鹿的关系很特别This a very special relationship12100:11:15,800 00:11:17,600每头驯鹿都有自己的名字Each reindeer has its own name12200:11:18,400 00:11:20,400许多驯鹿是由这位妇女一手养大的and many were hand-reared by these women12300:11:29,500 00:11:32,000分开几个月后他们又聚在一起了finally reunited
30、 after months apart12400:11:32,600 00:11:35,400他们将一起生活到秋天They will now remain together until autumn12500:11:47,600 00:11:51,000这位鄂温克妇女急切地查看动物们的情况The Owenke women are anxious to check the condition of their animals12600:11:51,700 00:11:54,300看看哪头驯鹿怀孕了and to see which of the reindeer might be pregnant
31、12700:12:30,600 00:12:32,70081 岁的 Malia Suel81-year old, Malia Suel12800:12:33,300 00:12:37,400在寒冷的北方始终过着游牧生活is one of only 30 Owenke people still living their nomadic life12900:12:37,700 00:12:40,000过这种生活的鄂温克人只有 30 个了in these cold northern lands.13000:12:42,600 00:12:44,400几乎她所有的族人Almost all her fe
32、llow Owenke13100:12:44,990 00:12:47,000放弃了森林生活have given up the forest life.13200:12:47,500 00:12:51,100搬进了现代城市的钢筋水泥房子里to settle in concrete houses in modern cities .13300:12:53,300 00:12:58,200现在放牧驯鹿的人像东北虎那样少了The reindeer herders are now almost as rare as wild Siberian tigers13400:13:08,890 00:13:1
33、1,800这一家将喜添新丁了There is about to be a new addition to the family.13500:13:36,900 00:13:40,000这位妇女像接生婆一样The women act as midwives to the new born calves13600:13:40,800 00:13:44,000照料刚出生的鹿仔度过新生helping to nurture them through their first precious minutes of life.13700:13:47,900 00:13:50,300但是它们周围的世界日新月异
34、But the world around them is changing fast.13800:13:51,200 00:13:55,500他们可能是能承受这种生活的最后一代了This could be the last generation this ancient partnership will endure.13900:13:57,700 00:14:00,500这或许就是长城北边的部落民族This is hardly the image of the dangerous tribal people14000:14:00,900 00:14:03,700生活的缩影that the G
35、reat Wall was built to keep at bay.14100:14:28,500 00:14:30,500顺着中国和北朝鲜的边境Along Chinas border with North Korea14200:14:31,400 00:14:33,600有这一地区最著名的山is this regions most famous moutain14300:14:35,700 00:14:36,800长白山Changbaishan14400:14:37,700 00:14:39,700长白山意思是“长白”Its name means ever white14500:14:40
36、,400 00:14:43,200它环抱着世界上最高的火山湖and it harvest the worlds higheat volcanic lake14600:14:44,100 00:14:46,850尽管在五月中旬这里仍然白雪皑皑Even in mid May there is still ice everywhere14700:14:48,400 00:14:51,700这里也有季节变化的征兆but there are signs that the seasons are changing14800:15:01,500 00:15:03,500从南边吹来的暖风Warmer wind
37、s arrive from the south 14900:15:03,900 00:15:05,600在几个星期的时间里and within a few short weeks15000:15:05,900 00:15:010,400就使长白山发生了变化Changbai Mountain is transformed.15100:15:15,900 00:15:19,500水再度自山坡流下Water begins to flow down the mountainside once more15200:15:20,190 00:15:22,200润泽了大地replenishing the l
38、andscape.15300:15:24,390 00:15:25,990六月来了Its June15400:15:26,680 00:15:31,500昆虫们准备享用取之不尽的花and insects emerge to take advantage of the abundance of flowers.15500:15:53,000 00:15:56,100候鸟迁徙到了温暖的环境里The warm weather sees the arrival of migrant birds15600:15:57,400 00:16:02,300在南方过冬的野翁鸟Stonechats that ha
39、ve spent the winter in the south of China15700:16:02,500 00:16:05,800回到这里哺育幼鸟return here to raise their chicks15800:16:20,500 00:16:22,400周围有丰富的昆虫作为食物With so many insects around15900:16:22,800 00:16:26,400野翁鸟可能要生好几窝小鸟呢the stonechats may have several broods16000:16:51,500 00:16:53,700从长白山向西Heading we
40、st from Changbai Mountain16100:16:54,200 00:16:59,300森林逐渐变成了起伏的草原the forests give way to rolling grasslands16200:17:05,000 00:17:08,000长城一直延伸到远方The Great Wall stretches off into the distance16300:17:08,500 00:17:11,800被看做是内蒙古大草原的南界defining the southern limits of the vast Mongolian steppe16400:17:17,000 00:17:20,300长城北面是广阔的草原North of the Wall are huge areas of grassland16500:17:21,000 00:17:25,700我们路途中有一个地方很重要but one place on our journey is particularly significant16600:17:33,200 00:17:34,300高草丛中In the tall grass16700:17:35,000 00:17:37,800赤狐正在哺育幼狐a family of red foxes is raising its cubs
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