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1、Are You A Magician?by Wispers of Spirit ContentsMagicK of LogicBlack MagicksWhite MagicksSome Concrete MagicksA classical Magick ArrayLIFE SUCKTHUNDERSHACKLEMachine or Magician?How to become a magicianReserve another possibilityYour own MagickGeneral supply and demand theoryPrefaceA magician is a pe

2、rson who knows nature perfectly and never lose human nature, are you a magician?Truth revealed by general supply and demand theory is concealed in every parts of this world. As we know, first impressions are strongest. In order not to make prejudice of the theory, it has been specially put in the en

3、d of this book. Readers who are confused at MagicK part may refer to Theory part. As soon as the mind takes positive effects, the book will bring motivation to your life. Truth is simple. Neither dense fog nor clear structure changes its footprints. A real magician knows the real mystery of our suff

4、icient nature, every part of nature balance takes effect. That is, magick power of every magician influences nature balance. Make a clear distinction of TRUE and FALSE in this book with your wisdom. A magician with human nature to become!Magick of logicThe world Magick creates and destroysWhy called

5、 magickOriginally, Magic is believed as methods to use supernatural power or some mysterious power for affecting or controlling nature forces. Stories are going around that in old Europe, people used magic power motivating free elements to control them for special effects. For the purpose of disting

6、uishing it from the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand, magicians named it Magick. In this book, magick power is the motivation between supply and demand. This kind of motivation is not mysterious like that heard, never a supernatural power, but indeed, it takes effects and do control peo

7、ple and things. This motivation is not just a method, its the source of every method, real magick power. The passages that follow will show some forms of expression as magick. The motivation between supply and demand makes supply fill demand, and then a new living thing begins its life. Magick keeps

8、 accompany with it every now and then. Even if it knows the strong power at last, magick leads it to the end. What supply demands and what demand supplies join together owning to the powerful motivation. Thanks to the powerful motivation, kinds of living things are created. Replacements between livi

9、ng things are the processes that supply and demand supersedes. Growing of living things is the process that demand updates. Evolution among living things is the process that motivations restrict one another. Fall of living things is the process that demands being fulfilled. The Magick doesnt infer g

10、host or god. There is neither a stable incantation nor an exactly written history, but it does exist in the world, though a corner. It is the reaction that between supply and demand named as Magick, which is demanded. Black MagicksSoul fetching MagickThe live control the liveA person grows, less and

11、 less free. We taste our life gone, remembering sweet times of our childhood, dreaming of becoming younger and younger. Why are we not free but trapped?1. Will it supply us?A Not really. This would probably be realized in heaven, Magick is able to supply us what we dont demand. B Yeah. This may be c

12、ompletely realized, waiting it or not. Whether comes, we run after it day and night. 2. Does it supply over?C Hit the point. Happiness and satisfaction Magick brings to release our steps of challenges as stories of genuis. D Exactly excessive. The more it supplies over, the more our future is wanted

13、. We pay our life, being sucking dry, unless we waste the remaining as American people did around A.D.1930. It seems that we can only easily control our fate in the situation of B or C. B is of time, C is of unknowns. A is of possibilities while D is of a difficult choice. Still remember the experie

14、nces of being fooled by a piece of candy?The demand of“Gaining sweet”is so large that you were tempted by such piece. If you have forgotten it or no temptation is there, the story of The Shepherds Boy in Aesops Fables may call your memories:There was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at

15、 the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement. He rushed down towards the village calling out “Wolf, Wolf, “ and the villagers came out to meet him, and some of them stopped with

16、him for a considerable time. This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterwards he tried the same trick, and again the villagers came to his help. But shortly after this a Wolf actually did come out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out “Wolf, Wolf, “ st

17、ill louder than before. But this time the villagers, who had been fooled twice before, thought the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his help. So the Wolf made a good meal off the boys flock. Stories in fables comes from life, together with hows and whys. See the demand of

18、Shepherd Boy:wolf had better not appear. But once it appears, crying“wolf”will help. Wolfs appearance should get Boys demand over, checking his demand. Boys demand is updated to deal with the matter of wolf, crying“wolf”to survive. However, boys demand of company and excitement makes out the method

19、of “fooling the villagers”for the pure supply of“company and excitement”. Big as this demand is, Magick makes it again. No one knows if the demand is filled. Demanding company and excitement doesnt mean an actual wolf. When real wolf comes, Shepherd Boy calls out“wolf”appears to be the same as last

20、time, but it doesnt work. Why?Villagers have been trained. They magically think“wolf”the boy calls out is real wolf, then the last time they magically think it must be fake“wolf”. Has the meaning of judgments lost its life?Surely, confusion is common occurrence, but TRUE is TRUE, FALSE is FALSE. Its

21、 funny that villagers judgment isnt influenced by Shepherd Boys pronunciation or voice or mood. Perhaps another way of protection will do. Nothing may ignore Magick. Lets see villagers demand of “wolf”(then they save the boy). Pure supply is“wolf”. Villagers are fooled by this kind of“candy”. Then t

22、he demand of“being cheated”, as Aesop says, is measured by time. Kindhearted villagers dont demand“being cheated”, but actually cheated by fake“wolf”twice. The supply of“being cheated”forces villagers to create the demand of“being cheated”for containing that supply. Even if they dont demand“being ch

23、eated”, they do be cheated. Both demands are created for the excessive supply, so both are full and balance. But the most important thing is that villagers demand of“being cheated”is trained as“being cheated bywolf”rather than“being cheated byfake wolf”. When the actual“wolf”comes at the third time,

24、 this kind of supply is for villages demand of actual“wolf”(then they save the boy), but they are controlled by Magick, and do firmly make choice in“D”series. Whats more, the third“wolf”is not judged exactly, so this supply forces villagers to create the demand of“being cheated”, then the demand is

25、filled, Magick power becomes Zero. Balance as it is, villagers think that they are no longer being cheated, but in fact they are cheated three times. Magick makes villagers suffer not success yet bigger loss. Luckily, villagers will never be cheated. Soul calling MagickThe dead control the liveNot o

26、nly are we controlled by the live, whats horrible, we are still controlled by the dead. How do the dead control us?Most of our genes are passed from the dead through chain of demand and supply. We are born with magnificent demand as strongest growing. Process of growing up molds our soul. Most tools

27、 of molding are created by the dead and modified by the live, few are opened by the live nowadays. We take prejudice, because judgments to“yes or no”, to“TRUE or FALSE”remain the brands. No matter how we rebel, we have to come to terms with them, because our demands are full of brands, few vacantnes

28、s. We have tried our best to criticize the minds nowadays, but the strange circulation made by Magick shackles us. Now that we cannot get rid of it, just acknowledge it. Acknowledge what we cannot keep off and can open. So that though we are called, still ourselves yet a puppet. Lets have a discussi

29、on:what is said to be useless, which we acknowledge, but when done, useful. Answers seem not really similar, because those successful cases seem not exactly similar?Speakers error or ours?Watch how forefathers broke with blind faiths. B is walking forwarding a graveyard(the demand of“watching gravey

30、ard”), A who is beside B says: “Caution!There are ghosts, you will be ate!”B stops(the supply doesnt meet the demand, but creates a demand). Then ( Magick takes effects)B asks A:“Why give your faith to ghosts?”A tells B the tradition of ghosts, additionally A says that one day ghosts were in flames

31、looking at him, for not being ate, he exhausted his strength, worrying till now. A warns B to be reasonable(minimize the demand of“watching graveyard”), since A have worried about it, B should keep the tradition, keep off unreasonable manner(entering ghosts world ). As time goes by, A fades to O whi

32、le B grows to A, sometimes new A gazes ghosts being in flames into the distance , but obeying the warning(Magick takes effects, motivation is about zero), humans and ghosts are divided. Sometimes later, new A is arguing with someone who says:“Damn it!”pushing A to the graveyard. In As mind arguing i

33、s over there, but ghosts never ever eat him, (demand comes back)what if here is a better position?Ghosts in flames are closer and closer. A waiting for death, nothing happens yet. A is safe till daybreak. When he goes home, everyone except him feels fear. After studying the flames appear in the grav

34、eyard, truth is clear. Flames are made from Phosphorus, a substance with high instability. Finally, blind faiths has been broken with(Magick never stops ). Well, whats the full name of A, B, O?Yes!Adult, Baby, Old people. Tradition plays a role of soul calling method. Why soul calling?Getting rid of

35、 fear?Why soul called?Getting rid of fear?A fictitious fear?Everyone has his unique chain of demand and supply, a logic entirely different from any others. Although there are many in common, if we embrace them without any proof, we will not know the original but we bring them forever. As if we eat r

36、ubbish but couldnt spit out. Soul puzzling MagickWhy he is a genius in quiet surroundings, but an idiot in noises. As we know, ears never close themselves. They never skip what they hear within their abilities. Ears play as an endless demand, totally a stupid. But brain who deals with information ha

37、s exact and limited demands, pleased to accept corresponding supplies and deny the others. In silence, brains demands are over the supplies, thanks to ears, she gets twice the result with half the effort. In noises, the supplies are over brains demands, thanks to ears, she gets half the result with

38、twice the effort. Mingming Liu. the Logic of Economic Thoughts. Beijing:Tsinghua University Press, 2006, 222As we know, how a tool is is decided by how it may hit the point. As we know, how a tool(supply)is is decided by how it hits the point(demand). What is genius?Who may be a genius?This relies o

39、n what genius demands. When invents are demanded to enlighten the world, then Magick makes inventors genius. When slaughters are demanded to explore the world, then Magick makes criminals genius. Certainly, results are beyond our predictions. What is idiot?Who may be an idiot?This depends on what id

40、iot demands. When people demand“no talking”, then Magick makes talkers idiot. When people demand“no disobeying”, then Magick makes people who disobeys rules idiot. Surely, results are beyond our imaginations. NegotiationsMingming Liu. the Logic of Economic Thoughts. Beijing:Tsinghua University Press

41、, 2006, 261A famous negotiation professor negotiates with an insurance company about the matter of compensation for his neighbor. The compensator goes ahead:“Mr. , I know you are a negotiation professor aiming at the negotiations about a huge sum of money. Im afraid that Im not able to sustain your

42、price. How about 100 dollars?”Professor is in silence with a solemn look. According to the experience, no matter how they supply, he should show no satisfaction, because the first requirement contains hints of the next. As expected, the compensator cannot hold:“Im sorry for my last recommendation, l

43、et me add some, what about 200 dollars? ”“Some addition?Sorry, cannot be accepted. ”The compensator goes on:“Ok, then 300 dollars ?”Holding on a minute, the professor answers:“300 dollars? Hmm, I dont know. ”“500 dollars!”“500 dollars?Hmm, I dont know. ”“So, 600 dollars. ”No doubt that the professor

44、 continues“Hmm, I dont know”. The case agrees on at 950 dollars in the end, but the neighbors original request is 300 dollars!Why keeping silence is a kind of sufficient experience?Magick always takes effects. Because the demand of professors silence is unknown. The compensator sets himself as the r

45、ole of supply, to this supply the demand is limitless. The limitless demand makes the compensator come into an illusion that the change of motivation cannot be felt. Therefore, lost in probing and probe in lost, Magick raises the price. Even though the details of the final deal are unknown here, but

46、 it must be that some demand is filled ending the motivation, and they agree on. Mingming Liu. the Logic of Economic Thoughts. Beijing:Tsinghua University Press, 2006, 182Sometimes in economic negotiations, disobeying identical law of logic, transferring topics by proposition transfer may lead the s

47、ignificance to something unimportant, so a small giving in of ourselves exchanges a large giving up of the opponent. Why transferring may lead the matter to our advantages?Because our initial entering becomes the supply to their demand, and their following behaviors are close to us. How is the proba

48、bility of completing service?See an exampleB demands a bag of riceA infers many kinds of supplies to B1. A bag of yellow beans2. Two bags of rice3. A rose4. A slap5. Half bag of rice6. A car7. A bag of rice8. A mind9. Some moneyIn this situation, only the 7th is appropriate to supply Bs demand. Lets

49、 check the others:The 1st, to consider every condition of yellow beans and the demand of a bag of rice, whether to exchange beans to rice or throw the beansThe 2nd, to consider the excessive supply of one bag of rice, how to deal with it, who to give it to, where to throw, whether it will rotThe 3rd, what is the representative of rose, how to use itThe 4th, why to give me a slap, how to reactThe 5th, half bag is not enough, what to do nextThe 6th, how to drive the car, what to do with

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