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1、Unit14 Section One Tactics for ListeningPart1 Spot Dictation Make Your Child a Winner Peak performances - moments when children (1) achieve the best thats in them - are the stuff of every parents (2) dream. And yet most of us have seen a report card or heard a trumpet solo that (3) falls short of wh

2、at our kids can (4) accomplish. Why can some boys and girls repeatedly pull themselves to the (5) heights, while others of equal or (6) superior ability cannot? Many parents assume skill is pretty much determined by (7) natural ability; the student with the highest I.Q. will get the best grades, or

3、the athlete with the most prowess will (8) surpass his teammates. Genes count in determining performance, but theyre not everything. The (9) edge comes from mental attitude, character and (10) strategy. There are some simple ways for parents to help their youngsters develop those (11) traits: Find s

4、omething to praise. A child who feels good about himself (12) succeeds. Assess your childs (13) strengths. Encourage self-applause. Knowing how to relax is key to (14) peak performance. A good report card (15) posted near your daughters mirror reminds her that she can do well and (16) reinforces the

5、 urge to repeat her success. There are no (17) shortcuts to bringing your child to do his best. Its a (18) gradual process of support, encouragement and hard work. And those efforts (19) payoff not only in peak performance but also in (20) closer. winner relations between parent and child. Part2 Lis

6、tening for GistElderly people deserve our care and respect. Too many of them are left in homes for the elderly, alone and often forgotten by their families. Or they live with their families, who then have no time to themselves. The family placement scheme is currently providing many carers with a sa

7、tisfying and important occupation. And more and more grandparents are being “adopted“ by caring families. How does the scheme operate? Families are interviewed and carefully matched to the elderly person or persons, taking into account such things as suitability of accommodation - special needs, chi

8、ldren and pets, smoking, lifestyle, personality and interests. Matching is, of course, largely a matter of ensuring that the elderly person and the carer will enjoy each others company. After this the elderly person and the family are prepared for the placement: An introductory visit is arranged, us

9、ually in the carers home. This means that when the placement begins the elderly person and family have met each other. Carers are paid on a weekly basis to cover expenses. Exercise Directions: Listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide. 1.This passage is abo

10、ut the family placement scheme and how it operates. 2. The key words are elderly people. care. respect: scheme. adopted. caring families: interviewed. matched. suitability: matching. ensuring. enjoy company: introductory visit. caring home: paid.cover expenses. Section Two Listening ComprehensionPar

11、t 1 DialogueTree Climbers of Pompeii*Sara: Urn . Its another one of my adventures as a tourist, urn . finding out things you really didnt expect to find out when you went to the place! I went to Pompeii and of course what you go to Pompeii for is er . the archaeology. Liz: To see the ruins. Sara: To

12、 see the ruins. And I was actually seeing the ruins but urn . suddenly my attention was caught by something else. I was just walking round the comer of a ruin, into a group of trees, pine trees, and I was just looking at them, admiring them and suddenly I saw a man halfway up this tree, and I was lo

13、oking at him so all I could see was his hands and his feet and he was about 20 or 30 feet up. I thought, “Goodness, whats going on here? Has he got a ladder or hasnt he?“ So I walked round to see if he had a ladder. No, he had just gone straight up the tree. Liz: Hed shinned up* the tree. Sara: Hed

14、shinned up the tree. Like a monkey, more or less, except he was a rather middle-aged monkey . He was er . he was all of 50 and (Dh God), whats going on here? Anyway, I walked a bit further and saw other people either up trees or preparing to go up trees, and then I noticed a man standing there direc

15、ting them. A sort of foreman, and began to wonder what on earth was going on, and then on the ground I saw there were all these polythene* buckets and they were full of pine cones* and of course what they were doing was collecting pine cones, and I thought, “Well, how tidy of them to collect pine co

16、nes to stop the ruins being urn . made urn . made untidy with all these things.“ Then I saw there was a lorry . full of pine cones . This was getting ridiculous . They were really collecting them in a big way. So I urn . asked the er . foreman what was going on and he said, “Well you know urn . pine

17、 nuts are extremely sought after and valuable in the food industry in Italy.“ Liz: For food (Yeah). Not fuel! I thought you were going to say they were going to put (bum) them on a fire. Yes. Sara: Well, they might bum the er . cones when theyve finished with them but inside these cones are little w

18、hite things like nuts and er . I realized that theyre used in Italian cooking quite a lot in er . theres a particular sauce that goes with spaghetti em . from Geneva, I think, called “pesto*“ in which these nuts are ground up and of course they they . come in cakes and sweets and things like that. L

19、iz: So jts quite a delicacy. Sara: Its quite a delicacy. And of course Id never thought of how they actually got them cos you cant imagine having a pine nut farm. So what he said happens is that private fIrms like his buy a licence off the Italian State for the right to go round places like Pompeii

20、- archaeological sites and things - and systematically collect all the pine cones that come off the trees and similarly in the . in the forests. Liz: And of course they have to go up the tree because by the time its fallen food isnt any good . Sara: Thats right. Theyre Qulling them down and he said

21、they were very good at urn . recognizing which ones were ready and which ones were a bit hard and etc, and each of them had a sort of stick with a hook at the end which they were using to pull the pines off . off the trees but clearly it wasnt enough to sit around and wait till they fell down. You .

22、 you had to do something about it. There they were. So that was er . the end of my looking at the ruins for about half an hour. I was too fascinated by this er . , strange form of er . agriculture. Liz: Well, what you dont intend to see is always the most interesting. Sara: Much more interesting. Ex

23、ercise Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.DPart 2 PassageWindmills1.Now, windmills are poised to break into a new frontier: the modern city center, often fused into building designs and barely noticeable fro

24、m a distance. 2.Lighter, quieter, and often more effIcient than their rural counterparts, they take advantage of the extreme turbulence and rapid shifts in direction that characterize urban wind patterns. 3.But so far, the current models are being designed more for public or commercial buildings tha

25、n for private homes, and the smallest weigh roughly 200 kilograms. 4. The recent liberalization of European energy markets also has allowed customers to choose what kind of sustainable energy they want to purchase, with wind energy among the most popular. 5.In the classrooms down below, theres no pa

26、lpable sign that a steel windmill up above is continually feeding kilowatts to the local power grid. The graceful wooden windmills that have broken up the flat Dutch landscape for centuries a national symbol like wooden shoes and tulips - yielded long ago to ungainly metal-pole wind turbines.* Now,

27、windmills are poised to break into a new frontier: the modem city center, often fused* into building designs and barely noticeable from a distance. Though still in its teething stages, the “urban turbine“ is a high-tech windmill designed to generate energy from the rooftops of bustling cities. Light

28、er, quieter, and often more efficient than their rural counterparts, they take advantage of the extreme turbulence* and rapid shifts in direction that characterize urban wind patterns. Prototypes* have been successfully tested in several Dutch cities, and the city government in the Hague has recentl

29、y agreed to begin a large-scale deployment in 2003. These very visible projects also improve the public profile of wind power, making energy companies look environmentally correct. Current models cost US$8,000 to US$12,000, and can generate between 3,000 and 7,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per y

30、ear. A typical Dutch household uses 3,500 kilowatt hours per year, while in the United States, this figure jumps to around 10,000 kilowatt hours. But so far, they are being designed more for public or commercial buildings than for private homes. The smallest of the current models weigh roughly 200 k

31、ilograms and can be installed on a roof in a few hours without using a crane. Germany, Finland and Denmark have also been experimenting with the technology, but the ever-practical Dutch are natural pioneers in urban wind power, mainly because of the lack of space there. The Netherlands, with 16 mill

32、ion people crowded into a country twice the size of Slovenia, is the most densely populated in Europe. The scarcity of land also is felt in the countryside, forcing traditional wind farms to seek new locations. Offshore wind farms are more common, but remain pricey and difficult to service. Various

33、European initiatives to increase the viability* of sustainable energy also have given the urban turbine a boost, leading to heightened interest in “zero-energy“ buildings that generate their own power. The recent liberalization of European energy markets also has allowed customers to choose what kin

34、d of sustainable energy they want to purchase, with wind energy among the most popular. Windmills are usually noisy, though the latest models are considered quiet enough to blend into the background noise that already exists in the urban environment. In the Dutch town of Ede, whose old wooden mill n

35、ow generates more tourism than energy, the new windmill on the roof of the ROVC Technical School hardly makes a whisper as its blades spin in a brisk winter breeze. If the wind is blowing really hard, you can usually hear it a little bit on the roof. But in the classrooms down below, theres no palpa

36、ble sign that a steel windmill up above is continually feeding kilowatts to the local power grid. Nor is the kind of visual blight often associated with modern windmills.Meanwhile, projects are under way to use the windmills to generate power for lifeboats, streetlights, and portable generators.Exer

37、cise A Pre-listening Question Have you ever seen the windmill?And which country is noted for its windmills?Holland, I think, is the country noted for windmills. We seldom have the chances But in the classrooms down below, theres no palpable* sign that a steel windmill up above is continually feeding

38、 kilowatts to the local power grid. Nor is there the kind of visual blight* often ssociated with modern windmills. to see the real ones, but sometimes we can find them in some amusement parks. Exercise B Sentence Dictation Directions: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each

39、sentence three times. Exercise C Detailed Listening Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.BSection Three NEWSNews Item 1Indonesia-IMF* Indonesia has made the long-awaited announcement that it is going to

40、 leave the International Monetary Fund* loan program at the end of the year. Tim Johnston reports from Jakarta. That presents a number of challenges for the government of President Megawati Sukamoputri *. Indonesia has been reliant on funding from the IMF since its economy almost collapsed during the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s.

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