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1、 http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案商务英语试卷试题考试时间:90 分钟 考试方式:闭卷 .Fill in the following blanks with appropriate prepositions(每空 1 分,共 16 分) 1. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools _ request. 2. _receipt _ your cable of March 5,

2、 we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit _ your favor . 3. In reply,we wish to inform you that we well connected _ major dealers _ the line of textiles. 4. We shall be very grateful _ you, if you will advise us as to the specification of those which can be shi

3、pped _ stock. 5. We will pass _ your decision to the buyers _ their consideration. 6. Your price is _ high side. 7. We refer you _ our bank for our financial standing. 8. Should this trial order prove satisfactory _ our customer,we can assure you _ repeat orders in increased quantities. 9. we lodge

4、a claim _ you for breakage, since the goods are not packed _ strong wooden cases. .Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.(每小题 1 分,共 25 分) 1. While _ an enquiry, you ought to enquire into quality, specification and prices, etc. A. making B. offering C. sending D. giving 2.We _ you for the special

5、 offer you send us. A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. be indebted 3.We are looking forward to _ your L/C for Order No 123. A. receive B. receiving C. be received D. be receiving 4.We are _ a copy of our catalogue for your reference. http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习

6、题、精选题及答案A. send B. covering C. closed D. enclosing 5. We have the pleasure in _ your letter of Nov. 11, in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our mens shirts, shipped per S. S.“East Wind”. A. admitting B. acknowledging C. accepting D. adjusting 6. We wish to call your attention to the _

7、 in the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C extension A. variety B. validity C. possibility D. probability 7. We can _ mens shirts in stock. A. suppose B. supply C. suggest D. support 8.Our payment terms are _, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value. A. confirmed B. combined C

8、. committed D. completed 9.Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit _ you A. gets B. comes C. arrives D. reaches 10. We have pleasure in offering you the goods _ in our cable of todays date. A. inquired for B. inquired of C. inquiring for D. inq

9、uiring of 11. Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C _ in exact accordance with the terms of the Sales Contract. A. are B. is C. will be D. to be 12. _ the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract,please establish an irrevocable letter of credit in our favor. A. In fact B. As a matt

10、er of fact C. In contrast with D. In accordance with http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案13.This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply _ should reach us not later than the end of this month. A. it B. they C. what D. which 14. If you can make us a firm offer a

11、t a _ price, we will place an order with your corporation. A. competitive B. comparative C. subjective D. objective 15. We desire to establish _ beneficial business relations. A. mutual B. mutually C. equal D. equally 16.We enclosed our Purchase Confirmation No. 4848 _ duplicate. A. in B. for C. wit

12、h D. through 17. We are unable to _ with your request in your letter dated Jan. 25, 2004. A. conform B. compose C. confirm D. comply 18. We cannot _ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Brand Mens Shirts. A. of B. at C. to D. for 19._ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall b

13、e only too pleased to make you offers direct. A. In case B. In the case C. In this case D. In that case 20. We lodge a claim _ you _the short-weight.( ) A. withwith B. forfor C. withfor D. for with 21. We place this order _ the understanding that the discount is 10% A. based on B. with C. on D. thro

14、ugh 22. We are anxious to _ the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe. A. increase B. enlarge C. expand D. extend 23. Our products enjoy _ in world market. http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案A. most popular B. great popula

15、rity C. good seller D. selling fast 24.If any of the item _ you, please let us know. A. arises B. rises C. arouses D. raises 25. We trust that you will find our goods_. A. attracting B. to be attractive C. attract your attention D. attractive . Translate the following into Chinese:(每小题 3 分,共 15 分) 1

16、.Since the premium varies with the scope of insurance, extra premium is for buyers account, should additional risks be covered. 2. We would like to inform you that at present we can supply you with various kinds of mens leather shoes. 3.After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of t

17、he goods shipped ex S.S.“Red Star” under Contract No. CT7543 was found not in compliance with the contract stipulations. 4.Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of 60kgs,net and whether you can ship our order from stock 5. If you make us an offer at competitive prices we can

18、sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district. .Translate the following into English: (16 每小题 1.5 分,7 11 每小题 3分,共 24 分) 1. 价格波动 2. 中国国际贸易促进委员会 3. 成交 4. 抬价 5. 承兑交单 6. 鉴于这一事实,我们已将包装改为小木箱。 7. 因无直达班轮,请允许转船 8. 为付还这些额外费用,请开汇票向我方支取。 9. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案http:/ 免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案10. 我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出。保证一收到贵方信用证,我们将尽早安排第一艘可以定得舱位的船只装运。 11. 本公司致力于各国和各地区的贸易和金融界的商业往来。 . Write an amendment letter to L/C with the following particulars(共 20 分): 1. 长吨改为公吨 2. 目的港由伦敦改为汉堡 3. 将船期展至 8 月底并允许分批装运和转船

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