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1、1练习一(1-4 课)一、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、sit down 1、见见你的老师2、come here 2、坐下3、thank you 3、给你4、here you are 4、到这儿来5、meet your teacher 5、谢谢你二、汉译英1、绿色的 2、红色的 3、书包 4、铅笔5、橡皮 6、是的,是 7、先生 8、帽子三、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)A:_ this your book?B: Yes, it is .A: Here you _.B:_ you.A: Not at all.A:_ is Sues pen?B: Th

2、e blue one. .A:_ is this ruler?B: It is our teachers.练习二(5-8 课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确(一空一个字母) 。 1、d_ sk 2. wom_n 3. p_ncil 4. c_me 5.s_rry 6. l_ _ k 7.b_ _ k 8. g_ _l 9. t _ _ cher 10. broth_ _二、英汉互译1、chair 2、car 3、bicycle 4、table5、yellow 6、umbrella 7、football 8、pencil-box9、篮子 10、咖啡色的 11、

3、踢球 12、没关系13、小心 14、在汽车里 15、骑自行车的男孩三、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)1、 A:_Is this your rubber?B: _, it isnt .A: Whose _ it?B:_ , I dont know.(我不知道。)A:_ is your pen?B: The black one. .A: _ you are.B:Thank you.2A: Thats all _.A:_ is that boy?B: Which boy, Sandy?A:The boy on the green bicycle.B:_ LiPing. Hes _ my class

4、.练习三(9-12 课)一、语音 从 ABCD 中选出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1、n i ce A. this B,sister C.right D.miss2、n o A. hot C.who D.cold 3、d e sk A. teacher B,ready C.tea D.please4、class A. basket B,man C.cap D.table5、white A. very B,busy C.hungry D.my二、单项选择1、_ that? Its a car.A. Whos B. Whose C. Which D. Whats

5、2、_ is your umbrella? The yellow one.A. What B. Which C. Whose D. Who3、_ that woman with a basket? Its Miss Crisp.A. Whos B. Whose C. Whats D. Is4、Hello! Come here and _ Sues picture.A. look B. look out C. look at D. meet5、 Are you hot, Sandy? Yes, _.A. he is B. I am C. it isnt D. you arent三、完成下列各组对

6、话(每空只填一词)A:_ ,Sue! Come here!B: Hello, Mum! Whats it?A: Tea _ ready. _ you hungry?.B: Yes, Im. Whats _ tea?A: Look!A: Whos that girl?B: _ girl?A: The one _ the football.B: Thats Fang Fang.A: _ out! The ball is coming towards us(朝我们飞来).A:_ is this ruler?B: It is our teachers.练习四(13-16 课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中

7、填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确(一空一个字母) 。31. h_t 2._gg 3._pple 4._mpty 5.sch_ _ l6. p_t 7. d_d 8.c_ p 9. or_ nge 10. actr_ss二、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1. eat your icecream quickly 1.敲门2. Good evening 2.快吃你的冰淇淋3. come with me 3.穿上你的鞋子4. put on your shoes 4.跟我来5. knock at the door 5.晚上好三、汉译英1、男警察 2、邮递员

8、3、男演员 4、孩子们5、姐妹 6、学校 7、女学生 8、课桌四、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)1. Tom: _! Someone(某人) is knocking at the door.Sue: Whos it?Lili: Its _.Sue: Come _,please.Lili: Good evening, Sue and Good evening,Tom.Sue and Tom: _ evening,Lili.2. A:Whats _ the box,Mum?B: Its _ cap.A: Whose _ it?B: Its _ you, Put it _, Huhu.A:That

9、s very nice. You look _ an actor.五、口译2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16练习五 (17-20 课)一、按要求给下列单词归类teacher pen blue pencil green brown rubber ruler yellow pencil-box grey actor schoolboy policewoman postman人物:文具:颜色:二、给出下列单词相应的反义词 2. tall 3. fat 4 . young 5. 7.big 8.thick 9.full 10.light11. long 12

10、.this 14.boy 15.brother三、单项选择1. Whats your sister? Shes _ actress.A. a B. the C. an D.nice2. Open my box and give _ the blue ruler.A. I B. my C. me D.mine3.This new book is _ your brother.4A. to B. for C. with D.in4. Whos that man? Hes_.A. out new teacher B. a milkman C. clever D. a dog5. The

11、milkman is very _. He looks like an actor.A. handsome B.beautiful C. new D.empty四、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)A: Oh! Here I am!B: Whats the matter,Billy?A: I _ tired out.B: Give _ your bag. Its so heavy. Whats _ it?A: Open _ and see.B: Exercise-books!五、口译1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 18 19 20练习六(21-24 课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入

12、所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1. p_ll 2. sm_ ll 3. Fr_ nch 4. b_x 5. _ne6. th_n 7.n_ me 8.b_nana 9.l_zy 10.h_ _vy二、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、American 1、到我这边来2、English 2、美国人,美国的3、German 3、玩偶盒4、Jack-in-the-box 4、德国人,德国的5、come on my side 5、英语,英国人,英国的三、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)1、A: Look!Whos _ man with red hair?B:

13、 Hes our new English teacher.A: _ nationality is he?B: _ French.2A: Give me the box _ the table.B: Which _?A: The brown one.B: Whats in _?A: _ a jack-in-the-box.B: _made is it?A: Its American.四、口译10 12 14 16 18 20 21 22 23 24练习七 (25-28 课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1. str_ _ t 2.m_ther 3.sh_p 4

14、.th_se 5.d_g6. c_lour 7.f_ther 8.l_tter 9.p_cture 10. y_ _ng5二、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、Good mornig 1、把那张桌子打开2、at the door 2、早上好3、in the street 3、在商店旁边4、neat the shop 4、在门口5、open the desk 5、在街上三、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)Billy: Theres a man _ the door, Dad.Father: Whos it? Billy, _ the door.Billy:

15、Its the postman, Dad.Postman: Good morning, Billy.Billy: Good morning, Sir.Postman: Theres a box _ you.Billy: Thank you. Bye-bye!Billy: Dad, Whats in it?Father: Open it and _.Billy: Ah! Shoes! How nice!Father: What _ are they?Billy: Red!Father: Ah, My favourite(特别喜欢的 ) colour, Are they for _ ?Billy:

16、 Oh,no. They are for me. From Mummy!四、口译1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 1921 23 25 26 27 28 练习八(29-32 课)一、语音 从 ABCD 中选出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1、hand A.wash B,father D.Italian2、letter A. these B.street C.clean D.head 3、shop A. colour B,come Csorry D.whose4、big A. light B,right D.English5、blue A. l

17、ook B,school D.football二、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、towel 1、给我看看他的照片2、at once 2、洗手3、go on their side 3、毛巾4、wash your hands 4、到他们那边去5、show me his picture 5、立刻,马上三、词形转换 按要求写出相应的单词61. hand(复数)_ 2. go(反义词)_3. dirty(反义词)_4. I (形容词性物主代词)_5. they (宾格)_四,短文填空 把下列单词填入下面短文的空线上,使其意思完整与正确(每空只填一个

18、词)am is are they he an his inThis _ my picture. There are four people _it . The man is my father._ is a policeman. The woman is my mother. She is _ actress. The boy is my brother. He is a postman. They _ all very busy. Whos the girl? Its me. I _ a pupul.五、口译2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 27 28

19、 29 30 31 32 练习九 (33-36 课)一、按要求给下列单词归类dog banana car stamp tea bag orange egg cat basket towel bicycle umbrella cup ice-cream交通工具:水果副食:动物:日常用品:二、英译汉Whats it in English?Those arent chairs. Sit down here, please.Try on this cap.Is the apple nice or nastry?Give me that cup.三、完成下面对话(每空只填一个词)A: What can

20、I do for you?B: Show _ those brown shoes.A: _ you are.B: I think _are too small.A: I dont think they are small. Please sit down here and try them _.B: Thank you.A: _ are they.B: Sorry, they _ very tight.四、口译10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36练习十(37-40 课)一

21、、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1.t_ke 2. h_rry 3. h_rd 4. p_pil 5. st_mp6.s_t 7.b_sy 8.l_ke 9.kn_ck 10.m_ther二、给出下列词语相应的反义词e 3.this 4.give 5.take out6.heavy 7.cold 8.full 9.fat 10.white三、用所给词的适当形式填空。Whose car is this? Its _.(Miss Williams)Give _ their pens.(she)These boys are new pupils. _ n

22、ames are Tom and Billy.(they)Show _ your picure.(I)Are you German? _ Im English.(not)四、单项选择1._ my book alone. Your hands are too dirty.A. See B. Look C. Take D.Leave2._ is it? Its yellow.A. What B. What colour C. Who D. Whose3.Are these women Italian or French?_A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent C.

23、 French D. twins.4.A:Good morning. B:_A. Sorry. B. Thanks. C. Good morning D. All-right5.My father and mother _both teachers.A. be B. is C. am D. are6. Whats that _English? Its an egg.A. in B. with C. for D. on7.There are twenty _ in our classroom.A. desk B. desks C.desks D. desks8. _ are your shoes

24、? Theyre just right.A. What B. Which C. How D. Whose9. Whose towel is _? Its Honghongs.A. they B. these C. those D. this10. _ me the cup, please. Im thirsty.A. Give B. Show C. Wash D. Kick五、口译 1-40 的基数词练习十一(41-44 课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1. w_ 2.ban_na 3. l_te 4. cl_ver 5. ei_ght6. qu_ _t

25、7. asl_ _p 8. t_me 9. c_ld 10. w_ke二、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、breakfast 1、 (男)校长2、headmaster 2、安静3、be quiet 3、早餐4、in the playground 4、快到你的教室去5、go to your classroom quickly 5、在操场上三、句型转换在改变后的句子的横线上填入一个相应的词,使其原句扩展成复数。8I am a pupil. We _ pupils.He is a policeman. They are _.This is an orange.

26、 _ are _.That child is fat. Those _ are fat.She is an actress. _are _.四、完成下列对话(每空只填一个词)A: Wake _,Lillie.B: Leave me alone. I _ very tired.A: Its eight oclock. You lazybones!B: Eh? _ the time?A: _ eight oclock.B: Ah! I am late _ school.A: No. Youre late for breakfast. Today is _ holiday.练习十二(45-48 课)

27、一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1.pr_ze 2. c_ _nt 3. f_ve 4._ _ocolate 5. _ _are 6.sw_ _t7. d_ster 8. b_scuit 9. pl_ _ground 10.br_ _n二、给出下列名词的复数形式1.packet_2.head _ 3. cup_ _ 5.shoe_6.orange_7.banana_8.man_9.woman_10.child_三、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、a box of chocolate 1、 棒头糖2、count

28、 the eggs 2、一盒巧克力3、share the apple 3、数鸡蛋4、pocket-money 4、分苹果(吃)5、lollipop 5、零用钱四、连词成句1. policemen, two, at, are, door, there, the2. this , how, car, much , is 3. four , me , stamps, give五、完成下列对话(每空只填一个词)A: What can I do for you, Mum?9B: Give me a pocket _ sweets.A: Here you are.B: How _ is it?A: 50

29、yuan.B: 50 yuan! How _ sweets are there in it?A: Open _ and count them yourself!练习十三(49-52 课)一单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1、 h_ _ se 2. gl_ _sses 3.w_ll 4.p_st 5.f_ne6. sh_lf 7.n_ne 8. l_dy 9. _pen 10. c_t二、给出下列代词相对应的复数形式1.this_2.that_3.I_4.me_5.you_6.he,she,it_7.him,her,it_8.my_ 9.his,her,its_10

30、.your_三、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、post this letter for me 1、请稍等2、just a minute, please 2、代我把这封信寄了3、how silly of you 3、你真笨(傻)4、refrigerator 4、报纸5、newspaper 5、冰箱四、完成下列对话(每空一词)A: Are _ any bananas in our refrigerator, Mum?B: No, there _ _. There are some apples in it.A: Are there _ sweets in

31、our house, Daddy?B: Yes, _ are _.A: _ are they?B: Theyre in the jar?A: _jar is it?B: The green one.A: Whats in te basket, Mummy?B: _ are oranges.A: Its so heavy. _ _ oranges are there in it?B: There are thirty oranges in it, Billy.A: Im very thirsty. Please _me one, would you?B: Take one and post th

32、is letter _ me.练习十四(53-56 课)一单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1. h_me 2. st_nd 3. h_de 4. f_nce 5. h_ld 6.bu_lding7. g_te 8. tr_ck 9. min_te 10. _pstairs二、英汉搭配 把 A 栏和 B 栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1、play hide-and-seek 1、替我拿住这把伞102、hold this umbrella for me 2、玩捉迷藏3、pull the kite 3、在学校,上学4、at school 4、拉住风筝5、cou

33、nt up to ten 5、一直数到十三、多项选择1.Sit _ Sandy and Sue. You three share this desk.A. behind B. in front of C. between D. with2.The cat is _the tree.A. in B. under C. over D. beside 3._ me that letter.A. Give B. Show C. Post D. Take 4._this kite for me please.A. Pull B. Hold C. Play D. Wash5._are the glasse

34、s?A. Whose B. What make C. Where D. How四、完成下列对话(每空一词)Sue: _Liz and Lillie at home?Mr. Crisp: No, they _.Sue: _are they?Mr. Crisp: _ are _ the playground.Sue: _arent any children there.Mr. Crisp: Liz and Lillie, Where are you?Sue: Look ! There they are, up in the tree.练习十五(57-60 课)一、语音 从 ABCD 中选出其划线部

35、分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1、tea A. breakfast B, ready C. head D. each2、try A. pretty B. my C. lady D. hungry 3、home A. both B, socks C. stop D. pocket4、spoon A. book B, look C. school D. football5、jump A. blouse B, trousers C. touch D. mouth6、show A. yellow B, how C. down D. brown7、near A. there B. where C. here D. share8、shelf A. laugh B, tight C. right D. high9、bring A. duster B, shut C. mum D. busy10、st and A. Italian B, pass C. father D. banana二、汉译英1.排好队 2,做操 3,把球传给我4.听钟声 5.咱们踢足球吧。三、按要求写出相应的单词1.quick(副词)_ 2, knife (复数)_3. German(复数 )_ 4.bring(反义词 )_

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