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1、elaborate a.精心计划的 ,详尽的; 复杂的 vt.详述,详细制订 vi.详述 I just want the facts in brief;you dont need to elaborate. ;我只想简单了解事实, 你不必作详细说明. I dont want elaborate lace pattern on my dress,just make it simple. ;我不想裙子上有复杂精美 的花边图案,简简单单 就行. fatal a.致命的,灾难性的, 毁灭性的;重大的, 决定性的 The city of Tangshan has such a new look that

2、 it hardly reminds ; people of the fatal earthquake that eccured over 30 years ago. ; 唐山市如今面貌一新, 几乎让人想不起 30 多年前的毁灭性的 地震. guard vt.守卫,捍卫 vi.(against)防止, 防范 guard n.警戒,警备;警卫员, 看守,卫兵 Be on your guard against pickpockets. ;谨防扒手. Tooth paste with fluorine can effectively guard against tooth decay. ;含氟牙膏能

3、有效防止 蛀牙. hostile a.敌对的 ,敌意的,不友 善的; 敌方的 It was very strange how hostile she was to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband. ; ;很奇怪, 她对所有接近丈夫的漂亮 女孩都心存敌意. identical a.相同的,同等的; 同一的 My opinion are not always identical with my parentss. ;我的意见并不总是和父母 的意见相同. All eggs look similar, but no two eggs ar

4、e identical, Leonardo da Vincis teacher once said to him.;所有鸡蛋看上去相似, 但没有两只鸡蛋是完全 相同的 ;达芬奇的老师曾经告诉 他说.inferior n.下级,下属 a.劣等的 ,次的; 下级的 No inferior products should be allowed to pass. ;决不能让任何次品漏网 . In the past,women were regarded as inferior to men. ;过去,人们认为女人不如 男人. obligation n.义务 ,责任 To pay taxes is an

5、 obligation of every citizen. ;纳税是每一个公民的 义务. panic n.惊慌,恐慌,慌乱 v.(使)恐慌, ( 使)惊慌失措 The Asian Financial crisis caused panic selling of securities. ;亚洲金融危机引起了债券 的恐慌抛售. Lesson 2 bump vt. 碰,撞;颠簸着前进 n. 碰撞; 隆起物In the dim light I couldnt see clearly and bumped into a tree. ;昏暗中我看不清,一头撞 在一棵树上.circuit n.电路,线路;

6、环行,环行道I run two circuits of the track every morning in order to pass the 800-meter running test. 我每天早晨沿跑道跑两圈以通过 800 米考试。In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, you will see CCTV is the abbreviation of “Closed Circuit Television“. 你要是查阅朗文当代英 语词典;就会发现 CCTV 是“闭路 电视”的缩写.conventional a.普通的,习惯的, 常规

7、的; 符合习俗的, 因循守旧的The Russian Defense Minister maintained that his country should reduce expenditure on conventional weapons ; and spend more on strategic weapons. 俄罗斯的国防部长坚持认为俄应削减花在常规武器上的开支,而更多地在战略武器上投入.Mother is so conventional in her views. ;妈妈的观点太保守.emergency n.紧急情况Wahid threatened to proclaim a st

8、ate of emergency if Congress decided to impeach him ;瓦希德威胁说如果国会弹劾他,他就宣布紧急状态.The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency and the nurses on duty would come straight away. 病人在有紧急情况时可以 按铃,然后当班的护士就会立 即前来.heave vt.举起,拉起 ;扔; ( 沉重地)发出( 叹息、 呻吟等)heave ;vi.(用力)举起,提起 (有节奏的)起伏;呕吐 n.举起,升降The naughty ch

9、ildren have just heaved a stone through my window. 淘气的孩子们刚刚把一块 石头扔进我的窗户.identify vt.认出 ,鉴定; (with)把.等同于 vi.(with)认同Do you identify beauty with wisdom? ;你认为美貌与智慧能相等 同吗?The characters on the rubbings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify. ;拓片上的文字模糊不清, 难以识别.superficial a.肤浅的,浅薄的; 表面的Superfici

10、al scratches can be easily removed. ;表层的划痕很容易除掉.I have only a superficial knowledge of this subject. ;我对这个问题仅略知 皮毛.sympathize vi.(with)同情,怜悯 (with) 体谅,赞同I sympathize with you; Ive had a similar unhappy experience myself. ;我很同情你,我自己也有 过类似的不幸遭遇.We sympathize with the goals of the committee. ;我们赞同委员会的目

11、标.violate vt.违反, 违背;亵渎; 侵犯,妨碍The soldier violated the church by using it as a stable. ;士兵们把教堂当马厩用而 亵渎了它.You have violated the traffic regulation. ;你违反了交通规则.This is double yellow line and no parking is allowed. ;这是双黄线,不可以停 车的.Lesson 3frontier ;n.边界,边境frontier ;(the )开发地区的边缘 边远地区;The frontiers of medi

12、cal knowledge are being pushed farther outwards ;医学知识的新领域正向 前推进 as time goes on. ;随着时间的推移.guarantee ;vt.保证,担保 n.保证,保证书Every new television comes with a guarantee. ;每台新电视机都有保 修单.Blue skies are not always a guarantee of continuing fine weather. ;蔚蓝的天空并不能永远 保证天气持续晴朗.Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfact

13、ion to customers. ;许多店主向顾客保证一定要让他们满意 .invisibleMany distant stars are invisible to the naked eye. ;很多遥远的星球是肉眼看 不到的.Goodwill is an invisible asset to a business. ;友好关系对于一桩生意来说是一种无形的资产.parade ;n.游行, 检阅 v.(使)列队行进, (使)游行The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations. ;奥运会以参赛各国运动员 的列队

14、行进开始.He is always parading his wealth/his knowledge. ;他总是夸耀自己的财富/ 知识.prevail ;vi.流行,盛行,获胜, 成功Truth is great and will prevail. ;真理是至高无上的,且必将获胜.At last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished. ;正义最终取得了胜利, 作恶的人受到了惩罚.reckon ;vt.认为,估计; 指望,盼望;测算,测量Do you still reckon him as your friend?

15、 ;你还认为他是你的 朋友吗?I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room. ;我估计房间里至少有 50 个人.A machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to 300 pounds on it. ;称体重的机器上有从 1 磅 到 300 磅的刻度.Lesson 4contributePopular songs and music may be labeled as vulgar, but they contribute to our enjoyment. 流行音乐

16、和流行歌曲也许 是庸俗的,但它们使得我们更享受 生活的乐趣.The prestigious professor has said in his will to contribute his collection of books to the local library. 那位名教授立下遗嘱,在他死后把他的藏书捐给当地的图书馆.一个读者必须具有批判 精神,才会读有所获.depositI left a 10,000-yuan deposit toward the purchase of a Sail.为了买一台赛欧车,我留 下 1 万元人民币的订金.Millions of years later

17、, a thick deposit of rich fertile soil has formed in the delta.数百万年之后,在三角洲地区沉淀了一 层厚厚的沃土.distressWhen the captain found the ship was rapidly sinking, he ordered his men to send out a distress signal. 船长发现船在迅速下沉时就命令船员发了遇险 信号.Two in distress makes sorrow less. ;同病相怜,同忧相救.incrediblePeople around the wor

18、ld cant hold their wonder at the incredible speed at which the Chinese reconstruct their own country.全世界人们无不惊叹中国人民重建其国家 的惊人速度.prospectWhat do you think of the prospect of cyber economy? ;你对网络经济的前景有何看法?An insurance salesman sometimes calls on quite a few prospects but fails to make a sale. 保险公司推销员有时访

19、问 好几个可能的顾客却一笔生意也做不成.restrainI cant restrain my anger when I hear of people being cruel to animals. ;当听到有人残酷地对待动 物的时候,我就抑制不住 愤怒.scarceAccording to a recent study,50 years from now oil will become scarce. ;据最近的研究,50 年后石油将短缺.shieldIn summer people like to wear sun glasses to shield their eyes from the

20、sun. ;夏天人们爱戴墨镜以使 眼睛免遭太阳光照射.Succeed inheritAs she had no son or daughter to succeed her, the old English lady decided to leave her property to her pet dog.由于没有子女来继承她的 财产,那个英国老太太决定由 她心爱的宠物狗来继 承财产.variationBritish English, American English, Australian English and South African English are the major var

21、iations of the English language.英国英语、美国英语、 澳洲英语和南非英语是英语的主要变体.Lesson 5contradiction ;n.矛盾,不一致; 否认,反驳Is it a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs? ;又爱护动物又穿皮毛服装 是矛盾的吗?delicate ;a.易破碎的,脆弱的; 微妙的; 娇弱的,纤细 的;精美的,精致的The international situation is very delicate at present. ;当前的国际形势十分微妙.Delicate pla

22、nts must be protected from old wind and frost. ;娇弱的植物必须妥为保护以避免风霜的侵袭.distinction ;n.差别,不同;区分, 辨别 优秀,杰出; 荣誉,优待There is no distinction between the twins. ;在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别 .A distinction should be made between the primary and the secondary contradictions.要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾.gear ;n.齿轮,传动装置,(汽车 的)排挡;工具,用具 v

23、t.使适合使适应Education should be geared to studentss needs. ;教育应适合学生们的 需要.Learn to shift gear at the right moment while driving. ;开车要学会在适当的时候 换挡.feasible ;a.可行的,可能的, 可用的It is feasible to apply the computer to language teaching. ;interior ;n.内部;内地,腹地 a.内(部) 的,内地的, 国内的Nowdays interior design is a very prom

24、ising industry. ;室内设计是当今颇具前途的行业.manufactureAll those underground plants that manufacture piratic CDs must be closed down. ;所有制造盗版光盘的地下 工厂都必须查封.To develop manufactures to the utmost, China must have new markets for her products.若要极大地发展制造业中国就必须拥有销售其 产品的新市场.permanent ;a.永久性的,固定的True love should be perm

25、anent. ;真爱应该是永恒的.recreation ;n.消遣,娱乐Karaoke is many young peoples favorite recreation. ;唱卡拉 OK 是许多年轻人 喜欢的娱乐活动.resume ;v.继续,(中断后) 重新开始,恢复 n.摘要,概略,简历We resumed our work after a rest. ;休息之后我们重新开始 工作.segment ;n.部分 ;片段;节;弧形Do you still remember the most wonderful segment of Gone with the Wind? ;你还记得飘中最精彩

26、 的片段吗?subtract ;v.减去,减If you subtract 3 from 5,you get 2. (3 subtracted from 5 is 2.) ;5 减 3 等于 2.That subtractts nothing from his merit. ;那丝毫没有减损他的 功绩.Lesson 6concede vt.承认.为真(或正确) ( 在结果确定前)承认失败 允许,让与concede vi.让步,认输 vt.(不情愿的 )承认The Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results w

27、ere known. 大选结果一揭晓,民主党就承认失败.After the First World War Germany conceded its neighbors much valuable land.第一次世界大战后,德国让与其邻国许多宝贵的领土.donation n.捐赠品 ,捐款; 捐赠,赠送Bill Gates made a donation of 100 million U.S.dollars to the Global AIDS and Health Fund.比尔.盖茨捐赠了 1 亿美元给全球艾滋病健康基金会embarrass vt.使窘,使尴尬, 使不好意思The dec

28、line of sales embarrassed the company. 销路下降使公司陷于财政困难.It embarrassed him (He was embarrassed) when he found he hadnt enough money to invite his girl friend to dinner. 当他发现自己不够钱请女 友吃晚饭时,他觉得很尴尬。exlusive a.奢华的,高级的; 独有的,独享的; 排斥的,排他的;exlusive a.(of)不包括.的 n.独家新闻Hair is exclusive in mammals. 毛发是辅乳动物独有的.Some

29、 journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost. 有的记者愿意不惜一切的获取独家新闻.humble vt.使谦虚,使.卑下humble a.卑贱的,地位(或身份 ) 低下的; 谦虚的, 谦逊的;简陋的,低劣的Defeat and failure may make people humble. 挫折和失败会使人变得谦卑 .infinite a.无穷的,无限的, 无边无际的Infinite space surrounds the Earth. 地球周围围绕着无限的空间 .opposite prep/ad.在对面 a.对面的;相反的

30、,对立的 n.对立面,对立物It is said that opposites attract. 都说异性相吸.My view is just the opposite.Do you accept opinions opposite to yours? 我的观点正相反,你接受与你的意见相对立的意见吗?profit n.利润,收益,益处 vt.有益于,有利于 vi(by,from)得益We can profit by making mistakes. 我们可以从错误中得到 教益.We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you. 我们希

31、望我们的批评和建 议将对你有所裨益.recognition n.认出,识别; 承认,确认,认可; 赏识,表彰,报偿Henry Tanner received widespread recognition for his naturalistic painting of plantation life. 亨利坦纳受到了广泛的承认,是由于他对种植园生活的 自然主义描画.The arms race leads to the recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be resumed. ;军备竞赛使超级大国认识 到必须重开军备谈判.re

32、flect v.反射,映现;反映,显示; 深思,反省,考虑Baseball reflects Americas history, just as Roslyn Mazer put it. 罗斯林.马泽尔说过,棒 球反映出美国的历史.A childs bad behavior reflects on his home training. 孩子的坏行为可归咎于家 教不严.sacrifice n.牺牲,舍身;葬品; 献祭,供奉A mother would sacrifice her life for her children. 母亲为自己的孩子操劳 一生.shock n.震动,冲击;震惊,惊鄂; 休

33、克;电震,电击 v.(使) 震惊It was a great shock for him when his wife died. 妻子的死对他是一种沉重 的打击.I was shocked when I heard about your accident. 当我听到你出事后我很 震惊.talk vi.讲话 ,谈论,交谈 vt.讲,说 ,谈论talk n.谈话 ,会讲 ;讲演,讲话; 会谈 ;闲话,流言蜚语I hate talk and no action. 我讨厌光有一大堆空话而无实际行动 .Peace talks between the two sides will be held agai

34、n in Seoul soon. 双方不久将在汉城重开 和谈.true a.真实的,确实的; 真正的; 真的;忠实的, 忠诚的; 正确的 ,精确的It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment,which is the very reason why people cant bear to part with city life. 确实,城市能提供许多方 便和娱乐,这正是人们为什么不愿 放弃城市生活的主要原因.Lesson 7accommodation n.The high cost of acco

35、mmodation makes life difficult for many Chinese students in London. 在伦敦住宿昂贵使很多中国留 学生感到生活困难.alliance n.结盟 ,联盟China is a nonaligned country and will never enter into other countries alliances. 中国是不结盟国家,不会 加入其他国家的联盟.In the Second World War,the United States, Britian, France and some other countries mad

36、e an alliance against German Fascists. 在第二次世界大战中 , 美、英、法等国家结成联盟反对 德国法西斯.coarse a.粗的,粗糙的; 粗劣的 ;粗俗的On the stage, a stand-up comedian is performing a coarse imitation of President Bush. 在台上,一位滑稽说笑的戏剧演员 正粗劣地模仿布什总统.Ultraviolet rays,dust, air-conditioning can make your skin coarse.紫外线、灰尘、空调等都 会使皮肤粗糙.conce

37、rn n.关切的事有关的事; 关心; 担心;关系; 公司,企业concern vt.涉及 ,有关于;使担 心,使关心Weak financial posture of “Netease“ is starting to concern its stockholders. “网易”的财政危机 已开始困扰股东.A girls concern is different from a boys. 女孩子关心的事和男孩子 所关心的不一样.crucial a.至关重要的,决定性的Generally in science, the 19th century is reckoned as the crucial

38、 period for the change in the structure of science. 在科学领域中,19 世纪通 常被看成是科学结构发生变化的关 键时期.Selecting a location is crucial to the opening of a store. 地点的正确选择对开店是 至关重要的.defend vt.保卫, 为.辩护, 为 (论文等)答辩Fan Zhiyi is better at attacking than defending. 范志毅的进攻优于防守 .The soldiers swore to defend the Nansha Isles a

39、gainst invasion 战士们誓言保卫南沙群岛 不受侵犯.dominant a.占优势的,支配的, 统治的; 居高临下的, 高耸的Russia is the dominant nation in Eastern Europe. 俄罗斯是东欧的主要 国家.The Big Bang,first put forward in the 1920s, acts as the dominant explanation of the cosmos. 宇宙大爆炸理论最初于 20 世纪 20 年代提出,这是宇宙形成的最具权威 性的解释.emphasize vt.强调 ,着重,加强的 语气Our gove

40、rnment must use mass media to emphasize the important of a clean environment and the harm of polluted environment. 我们的政府要通过大众媒 体强调营造清洁环境的重要性 以及一个受污染的环 境的危害性.Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize. 计算机分析的市场报告可 以用来帮助决策现在着重 发展何种产品.execute vt.处死,处决;实施, 执行,完成Mc

41、Veigh was executed for his crime. 迈克维被处决,他是罪有 应得.The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager. 经理助理到这里来是代替 经理办几件小事的.file vt.把文件归档 ,把登记 备案 ,提出.申请书等file n.挡案 ,卷宗,文件; 文件夹 ,公文柜; 纵列Heres our file on the results of the business in the past five years. 这是我们过去五年来经营 成绩的案

42、卷.file vi.(for)提出,排成纵 队行进Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files. 计算机技术使将大量资料 贮存在可机读的文档成为可能.glance vt.看一眼;扫视 n.一瞥,扫视It was said that Hua Tuo,the well-known Chinese doctor in ancient times, could tell whether a person was ill with one glance at hi

43、s face. 据说,中国古时候的名 医华佗只要朝人脸上看一眼, 就知道他是否有病.humor n.幽默,诙谐; 情绪,心情The humor in Hawthorns writing is not be absorbed in a hurry. 霍桑作品中的幽默不是一 下子能领会的.People appreciate working with Mark Twain because he has a good sense of humor. 人们喜欢和马克.吐温一 起工作,因为他很有幽 默感.influence n.影响(力);产生影响的 人(或事物);势力,权势 vt.影响Family in

44、fluence dominates the shaping of ones characteristics. 家庭的影响对于塑造一个 人的性格起主要作用.lease n.租借,租约 vt.出租;租有,租得The firm leases an office with views over the river. 公司租有一个带临河风景 的办事处.When does the lease expire? ;租约什么时候期满?The lease has four years left. ;租约还有 4 年到期.offense ;n.犯规,违法行为; 得罪 ,冒犯Guangdong province ha

45、s promised a reward of up to 300,000 yuan ($36.000) to drug offense informers if they provide important information on drug trafficking. 广东省承诺,可以给多达 30 万元(36,000 美元) 的赏金给毒品犯罪举报人 ,如果他们能提供毒品走私 的重要情报.Its an offense to drive a car at night without lights. ;夜晚行车不开灯是违 章的.Genocide is an offense to all civi

46、lized human beings. ;种族灭绝是违反文明人的 道德规范的罪行.penalty ;n.处罚,惩罚,罚金A football player may be given a yellow card or a red card penalty ; for his unnecessary roughness during the match. 足球队员在比赛中会受到 黄牌或红牌处罚因其不必要的粗暴行为.position ;n.位置 ,方位;地位,职务; 姿势; 见解,立场 vt.安放,放置,安置I am not in a position to lend you money becau

47、se I am broke myself. ;我没能力借钱给你,因为 我自己也花光了.Many fans position themselves in the Beijing airport to greet Ricky Martin. ;许多歌迷站在北京机场的 出口处迎接瑞奇.马丁.promise ;vt.允诺;有指望,有前途promise ;n.承诺 ,诺言;希望,出息 vt.允诺,答应; 有.可能,有希望Remember to carry out your promise.(Remember to carry out what you have promised.) ;记住要履行诺言.C

48、louds give promise of rain.(Clouds promise rain.) ;阴云预示着雨的来临 .reference ;n.提到,谈及;参考,查阅; 参考书目;证明书(或人) 推荐信( 或人)We are now forwarding you a catalog for your reference. ;现寄去我方产品目录以供 参考.I asked for a reference letter from IBM Company when I resigned. ;我辞职的时候向 IBM 公司 索取了自荐信 .resource ;n.The Department of

49、Human Resources is an important department in many big companies. ;人力资源部是许多大公司 的一个重要部门 .Zhuge Liang was a man of great resource. ;诸葛亮是个足智多谋 的人.scan ;vt.细看,审视; 浏览;扫描 n.扫描Many people like to scan the newspaper while having breakfast ;许多人喜欢在吃早饭的时 候浏览一下报纸.Migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible danger before they land. ;迁徙野鹅在着陆之前总要 细看有无危险.sheer ;a.完全的 ,十足的; 陡峭的,垂直的; 极薄的,透明的Sucess is not achieved by sheer luck. ;成功不是完全靠运气取 得的.sheer ;ad.垂直的 ,陡峭的 v.(off)急转向,偏离“Mentholatum“ sheer color balm is a new product loved by youn

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