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1、3大学即兴演讲题目http:/ 世纪报As the end of this semester draws near, many students are staying up late to finish their thesis paper before the deadline. But those who have slacked off might resort to ghostwriters。It has become common for some college students to buy theses or scientific papers from online sho

2、ps, such as Taobao. If you search for “ghostwriting academic papers”, a list of shops providing this service comes up.Q1. Why students buy theses or scientific papers from online shops?Q2. One student majoring in mathematics says that students in scientific, mathematical and technological fields oft

3、en lack solid writing skills. So sometimes we need assistance in converting our ideas into academic texts.” However, education experts point out that this practice is unethical. Which side are you in?http:/ 21 世纪报Everyone hates to wait in lines. We get that gnawing feeling that our precious life is

4、slipping away while were doing something so meaningless. But its not always the length of the wait we find so unbearable. Some people camp outside Apple stores for an entire night just to get their hands on the latest product. But waiting 10 minutes in a grocery store just to buy a drink? Forget it.

5、Q3. Do you have any pleasant experience in waiting lines?Q4. Do you have any good ways to kill time in queue?http:/ 21 世纪报Demand for dog meat is driving an illegal trade in stolen dogs, especially in rural areas, experts said, and causing a human health hazard.Q5. Have you ever ate dog meat? Should

6、people eat it?Q6. How to deal with this illegal trade? What we common people should do?http:/ 21 世纪报The Central Economic Work Conference, held on Dec 15 and 16, set the tone for economic policies in 2013. According to a conference statement, urbanization is high on the governments agenda.Q7. What do

7、es urbanization mean to our society?Q8. During the process of urbanization, which aspects should we pay much attention to?初中Our party has new leaders. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing in November. Xi Jinping, 59, was elected the top Party leader and head

8、 of the military.Q1. DO you like this new leader?Q2. Whats your expectation on the new government?The year 2012 is over but it left us with many unforgettable names and moments. Maybe Gangnam Style is one of the hottest songs in 2012. It got everyone in the world up and dancing.Q3. Do you like this

9、song? Why?Q4. If you like this song, in which situation you would like to sing it?Q5. The winter holidays is coming. How do you spend your vocation?Q6. As the new-year is coming, whats your new year wishes?Q7. In order to make your dream come true, what should you do?Q8. Have you ever been moved by

10、other peoples dream? If you have, whats it?Q9. Everyday before leaving home, many people check to make sure that they have got their wallet and cell phone with them. What are the most important things to have at all times for you?Q10. With the invention of phone, text messaging became more and more

11、popular and now it has been the 20th year. Text messaging has made communication more convenient and it has also brought many problems. Whats the role of text messaging in your life?Q11. Today, text messaging faces many challenges. People now have many new ways to connect with friends, like Weibo an

12、d Weixin. Will text messaging one day become a thing of the past?A Middle-school student has invented a magic cup which could charge the cell-phone when pour some hot water in it.Q12. What can you do if your cell-phone runs out of power and youre away from home?Q13. In your opinion, how to make a go

13、od invention?Q14. If you were asked to make an invention, what do you want to invent?Q15. Are you satisfied with your own creativity or imagination? Do you intentionally nurture such ability?Q16. Do your teachers or school pay much attention to nurture childrens creativity? If they do, give an examp

14、le.Whats British teenagers favorite way to get news? The answer is rather surprising. A survey turns out that 61% teenagers said radio was the best way to keep up with the news.Q17. Do you like watch news?Q18. Whats your favorite way to get news?Q19. Have you ever listened to the radio? If you have,

15、 what do you listen to, music or news?With PSYs Gangnam Style still sweeping the world, some people have had enough. Taiwanese singer Jay Chou is one such person. He called on Chinese musicians to unite and focus on Mandarin songs.Q20. Chou said that Gangnam Style might be funny, but Mandarin music

16、is much cooler. Do you agree with him?Q21. Some school girls are crazy fans of Korean stars and are immerse with the love atmosphere of its soap operas. Some parents think that the Korean fad is bad for childrens growth. Do you agree?Recently, a Middle school in Wuhan makes a new rule which regulate

17、s that students are not allowed to spend too much and limit it less than 20yuan per day.Q22. How do you spend your money?Q23. Is it necessary for the school to make rules on the spending of pocket money?Q24. What do you think about America and American people?Q25. Do you have any foreign friends? Do

18、es your view of American people come from them?For most students in China, running is part of the mornings exercise every day. It might also be a headache for some of you because its included in the senior high school entrance exam.Q26. Do you run everyday? Do you like running? Q27. In your opinion,

19、 is it right to include running in the exam?Nowadays online language is very popular among the whole society. For example, beiju, which actually refers to “cups” is now used widely as its homonym which means tragedy.Q28. Do you like use this kind of online language? Why?Q29. Some experts say that on

20、line language should not be used in schoolwork and tests. Does online language bring harm to school students?Q30. As some children grow up, they cannot talk with their parents well. Do you have the same problem? Whats your main problem?Q31. In your opinion, how to solve this communication barrier?No

21、wadays, QQ account crimes increase. Some people cracked QQ and pretended to be the owner of the QQ accounts to ask for money from the owners friends and relatives.Q32. How can you keep your QQ account safe?Q33. What can we do to avoid being cheated?China has set Dec2 aside as National Traffic Safety

22、 Day. The day aims to raise public awareness about road safety.Q34. Whats the significance of this day?Q35. What should you students do to maintain road safety?Q36. Have you ever been misunderstood by your teachers? Share it with us.Q37. When you face misunderstandings from your teacher, what should

23、 you do?We have to face all kinds of difficulties in daily life. The most important thing is our attitude.Q38. When you face difficulties, whats your attitude? Crying or smile?Q39. Life is a mirror. If you smile, it will smile to you. Share with us your understanding of this sentence.Q40. The United Nations Environment Programme released the Emission Gap Report 2012 on Nov.21. It says that if we dont take action now, the world temperature will have risen by 3 to 5 degrees by the end of this century.If the temperature rose by 5 degrees tomorrow, what things will happen?

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